Love has no desire but to fulfill itself. To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving
Something isn't beautiful because it lasts.
I used to question the MLP FiM show, but one episode and I got hooked on it. See my Fanfiction account ChaosMagemon for more than just MLP fics. Joined the Herd Nov 5, 2011
My favorite characters on the show are Applejack, Rarity. And my favorite episodes are Sweet and Elite, and Rarity takes Manehatten. And I want my stories to be famous like Cupcakes and Bubbles.
When someone needs help, let me know, I, Zedfire, leader of the X Army, swear upon my life, I will help you, provided you're on the side of good.
Read my fics. Comment on them, tell me if you like them or if I can improve something. If someone could make pages for them on tvtropes that would be great. Enjoy.
A Pegasister who enjoys creativity, imagination, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Barely active anymore. Feel free to read my plethora of stories though. I’ll reply to any PMs I receive
Why the name? FMA is awesome. Why the avatar? I like One Piece even more. Welcome to my page and enjoy the stories!
Trixie and Twilight are best ponies! (Diamond Tiara is best filly :D )
A young man with autism, who is a fan of many things. But especially 'My Little Pony G4'.
I'm an ok writer trying to convey my headcanons to others in the community.
A fan-fiction author and game programmer that lives in Glendale, CA.
There is nothing as liberating, or terrifying, as a blank page.
Just your average Janegirl/Girly male who loves writing about Girly things and randomness
Starring Director’s Cut (DC for short): Just your average high functioning autistic pegasister! Hope you enjoy my stories!
I'm a human being who writes stories about ponies.
A post-active FIMFiction veteran who's been there, done that, and got the tee-shirt, kid.
MLP is a fandom I just love. Fanfictions of MLP? DOUBLE LOVE!!! :)
TwiShy, AppleDash and Rarixie lover and writer. Also a gamer. Something else you need to know is that I'm strongly against Alicorn Twilight.
Since the show over, I'm gone, no more stories from me
"The future is bulletproof! The aftermath is secondary!" ~My Chemical Romance; Na Na Na
G4 might be done, but I'm back and here to stay. Keep giving us good stories everypony!
I can write decently? I think. But mostly I just lurk around and read about horses, which is, well, what you're doing right now. Also Bon Bon is best pony.