• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 26th, 2023


Just trying to think on what to write *shrugs*


Merry Christmas | It's been awhile · 3:08am Dec 26th, 2023

I just wanted to post this to let everyone know, that I hope you all had a Merry Christmas. I apologize for dissapearing, it's just that... Man, I don't feel the same attachment I had to MLP as a whole as before. I guess I moved on since the series ended with Gen 4. (Gen 5 is going on, but I haven't been interested into the newer series. Sorry about that.)

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2023 | One More Year · 12:41am Jan 1st, 2023

Well, one more year, and one more year where I couldn't do a lot of stuff. I think my resolution for this year is going to be more active, at least posting stories in Archive of Our Own. Have I completely abandoned MLP stories? No, not really. There's quite a work that I'm planning to write. I don't know when, but it's gonna be heavy.

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December 24th | Merry Early Christmas · 11:58pm Dec 24th, 2022

And one more year is about to end. Man, time sure goes flying. Just wanted to let people know that I'm still here, and I haven't gone through an excruciating, sorrowful pain absence. I'm just... Way too disconnected from FimFiction, since my mind is focused more on original stories. That, and sort of staying at Discord 24/7.

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To Champagne Supernova · 4:03am Nov 9th, 2022

Hey, I dunno if you're ready talk with me, and I understand if you're not ready yet, but I need a shoulder to lean on, if that's okay.

Just my attempt at trying to make amends.

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When the time comes to fully heal? · 12:17am Oct 10th, 2022

No gonna lie, I'm still not moving on from one friendship ruined. I'm not really on the border of losing my head, or my mental health taking a nosedive, but this just now feels like something that needs to be filled in.

Other than that, hurrah for London climate in Mexico. Cloudy sky, light rains, chill air... Nothing harmful happening.

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Attempt at a Wuxia story | Doesn't have anything to do with MLP, though... · 9:46pm Oct 8th, 2022

The Golden Desert. It got it's name from various tales of travelers making their way through this scorching hot landscape, linking the unnatural way the sands were basked by the rays of the sun. That's where all the marvel fades away, as this land shows no mercy at any soul making their way, no matter their motivations. As one traveler put it, bloodlust lurks in the air...

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In hindsight... I'm glad I never bought Overwatch · 4:05pm Oct 7th, 2022

Not to mention, original copies of the first game are obsolete for... Reasons.

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Mushroom Kingdom... Here we go! · 9:00pm Oct 6th, 2022

That was short, but so darn worth it to see how Mario's and Luigi's adventure will look in the silver screen!

One day I'm gonna do a video game movie night, this along with Sonic and Detective Pikachu.

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Yikes... | Need to get my crud together · 8:59pm Oct 3rd, 2022

Well, the more I spend time off from FimFiction, the more I'm detached from My Little Pony as a whole. Guess that happens when you hang with friends on Discord, and spend more time talking about other shows, and original ideas.

It's October, which means two things. It's gonna be that spooky month, and my birthday lands on October 26th. And let's not forget either, the fact that most likely Christmas decorations are already on display in stores. Sheesh, times flies...

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Mother's Day in Mexico | And which gals in the gaming world are Moms? · 10:51pm May 10th, 2022

Well, gonna do a similar thing like I did when it was Father's Day one time. This time, showcase the video games gal that are actually Mommies. Because why not? Even we have to acknowledge them. :) So, let's get this on the road.

Rosalina - Super Mario Bros.

Samus Aran - Metroid

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