• Member Since 30th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen 49 minutes ago


No one special, really. Just an on and off writer that likes making friends.


Soooooo! · 1:05am April 27th


Sooo it's been a while since I did one of these, but just a couple of things:

I'm honestly proud of how far I've gotten Burdens as far as I have thus far, and being able to bring out 2 Chapters this month was honestly something I was incredibly happy to do. The fact that the story is going strong still gives me all the motivation to just keep on going with Ward's story!

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Report Skelter · 67 views · Story: Fallout Equestria: Burdens ·
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Thank you for the watch.

Sorry for the delay guys, just taking a bit of the load off to stimulate the mind. Kind of hard to do so when you are just trying to get through the semester. Don't worry though, the next chapter is rough-drafted, just needs to be edited and posted. If you like how the story is going give it a like, it'll help out and let me know how I'm doing. Thanks.

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