• Member Since 30th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Shimmer Shy

"I know. And counting on my own experiences, they'll forgive you." ~Sunset Shimmer :heart: SunLight FriendShipper. Sorry guys, I'm not going to be active here anymore!


Sunset's had enough. After enduring weeks full of nightmares, hallucinations, and sleepless nights, she just wants it all to stop. In desperate need for a solution, she does the first thing that would make sense...but was it the right thing to do?

An idea I had while writing my other story, Fall Apart. Hope you like it?

On hiatus because I may or may not continue. :derpytongue2:

Chapters (1)

With Pinkie staying over on the night before Christmas, Sunset has no idea how the night's going to go. Apparently, Pinkie has plans of playing outside in the snow...at midnight.

Sorry that it's so random. :rainbowlaugh: I've been feeling very random lately. :pinkiecrazy:

Cover art made by me with PowerPoint.

Chapters (1)

Featured: 11/19/16

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo don't admit to being Anon-a-miss, leaving the truth untold and all blame on Sunset. Feeling as though she's no longer wanted in the human world, Sunset goes back to Equestria. Little does she know, Canterlot High falls apart without her and its connection to Equestria.

Alternate ending to the 2014 Anon-a-miss comic, and takes place after Rainbow Rocks but before Friendship Games. I think...

Cover art by: ZuzuSky21

I'm really sorry guys, but this story has been cancelled. I tried really hard to finish it, but I just don't have the motivation to continue it. You can find out more in this blog post, if you want. Thank you so much for all the support, though! <3

Chapters (7)

There was another reason why Starlight had created her cutie markless town and hated Twilight so much. She had met her before, a long time ago.

Finally, a new story!:rainbowlaugh: Cover art by me! I was partially inspired by this amazing story!

Chapters (1)

Ponies can break the rules sometimes, and Mage and Sportsy definitely break them a lot. As a friendship forms between the two of them, they share their problems and secrets with one another.

Partner story with: MylittleObjection718

I write Sportsy's chapters, they write Mage's.

I'm really happy with how this is turning out, my first partner story that actually continued after one paragraph. :rainbowlaugh:

Chapters (9)

Pinkie Pie is hosting yet another sleepover. This time only Sunset and Fluttershy are available, and everything starts out well, but as soon as Fluttershy falls asleep, Pinkie plays a prank on her. Fluttershy isn't too happy when she wakes up.

This is based on a real life experience with me and my two friends at my birthday sleepover party.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie runs into Lyra on her walk. But the sidewalk was only made for one person at a time. Apparently Lyra thinks that should be her, but Pinkie has other thoughts.

Chapters (1)

Takes place about a month after the Battle of the Bands.

Now that the Dazzlings are reformed, they go to Canterlot High. But that doesn't mean anyone else has forgiven them, except for one Pink-Haired girl...

Chapters (3)

A story about how different ponies react to spiders.

I was bored, ok?

Chapters (9)

Sportsy Sketch is ready to rest after a long afternoon of swimming with friends. But her day isn't over yet. She finds that a few extremely important items of hers are missing-The Elements of Creativity-and must find them. Sportsy, Mage Plateau, Blue Note, and Empousa, three of her friends, team up and aim to find the elements and the thief.

Mage Plateau owned by MylittleObjection718
Blue Note owned by HaiLivvyBear
Empousa owned by I Like Pie

Cover art by:HaiLivvyBear

Chapters (1)