• Member Since 10th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2023

Pluto Daze

Pluto is a planet: change my mind


Rethinking stories: A Space Epic · 8:33pm Oct 23rd, 2016

Hey guys. After failing to come up with a good idea on a Fallout Equestria story, I decided to rethink on what I should write about. So, I came up with this: A Space Epic. A Sci-Fi space exploration story about ponies, humans, and all sorts of alien creatures. Inspired by a bunch of Space novels including: A Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy. I'll get to writing it as soon as I can, but don't expect it just yet, as I'm writing green on 4Chan. Wish me luck!

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May you continue to enjoy reading Zebrican Warlord!

Thanks for the fav and comment man. Appreciate it

Thanks for faving Unlike Any Other!

Thanks for the fave, I appreciate it!:twilightsmile:

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