• Member Since 5th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

KR Chrome


When Anon-A-Miss struck, Sunset found herself alone. Even her friends have abandoned her. Twilight Sparkle asks her to come to Equestria to avoid Anon-A-Miss and goes to confront her friends. Together, they determine if Sunset is guilty or innocent.

Chapters (1)

Sunset is desperate so she asks Twilight for help. She receives a box that will get the truth out, by force if necessary. Slight crossover with "Star VS. The Forces of Evil".

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Numbers Don't Lie

While the girls are enjoying a slumber party, an ancient Equestrian artifact activates. Now everyone in town has a lie meter above their heads. Meanwhile, Anon-A-Miss is set on exposing secrets and ruining friendships, but this new magical phenomenon might cause the nefarious profile to lose power.

Chapters (4)

One night when Sunset Shimmer is out holiday shopping, she ends up involved in a terrible accident. The next morning, Anon-a-Miss posts another embarrassing secret. The Rainbooms prepare to confront Sunset Shimmer about it when Principal Celestia calls an emergency assembly. Once they hear what happened to Sunset, all suspicion about her vanishes and they resolve to find the real culprit behind Anon-a-Miss to give Sunset Shimmer a Merry Christmas.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Fluffle Puff in the Crystal Empire

Continuing from "Fluffle Puff in the Crystal Empire", Shining Armor sits down during an awkward tea party with Chrysalis. He has no idea what to do.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie receives a mysterious package and discovers a DVD. She calls her friends over to watch it. They then have very poor responses to it.

Basically, what happens if the Rainbooms watch Anon-A-Miss as a movie.

(I'm just doing the post-watching movie)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to After Anon-A-Miss: Rainbow Crashed

Sunset was not Anon-A-Miss. Applejack had lied to herself, convincing herself she was. When the truth came out and the real culprits were revealed, she could only feel guilt for not believing Sunset. Instead, she believed in the lies she told herself.

Based on Dainn's 'Anon-A-Miss'

Chapters (1)

When the caribou invaded, it seems all hope was lost. Even Luna and Celestia were no match for the cruel King Dainn of the caribou. However, in their darkest hour, Luna called upon one last hope to save them all.

She summons a champion.

She summons a Kamen Rider.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Anon-a-Miss

This is an aftermath fic based on Dainn's "Anon-A-Miss" story. Please, check it out. It has a lot of drama in it.

Rainbow Dash is all alone. She hasn't spoken to her friends in weeks and has quit all her sports team. After having a fit in the bathroom, she wakes up in the Nurse Redheart's office. She is told Sunset helped her.

So, after finding Sunset, they have a little talk about guilt and self-loathing

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Figuring Out Fluffle Puff

Twilight has come to visit Cadence, Shining and Flurry when they spot Fluffle Puff. This can only mean one thing: Chrysalis is here! Now Twilight has to make sure another incident doesn't occur, but Cadence quickly takes a liking to Fluffle Puff and wants to take her home.

This cannot be good.

Chapters (1)