The next morning, the Rainbooms were gathered in front of Sunset Shimmer’s locker. They all looked pretty upset.
Anon-a-Miss had struck again. This time she had posted photos from their last Slumber Party. Every embarrassing picture, every embarrassing secret, all up on MyStable for everyone to see and comment on.
The comments were pretty hurtful.
And they all knew who it was that had done this. It was Sunset Shimmer. All the pictures came from her phone.
So they waited for Sunset Shimmer to arrive to confront her and give her a piece of their mind.
“Thank you. Goodbye.”
Celestia put down the phone and dropped onto her chair in shock. She was shaking but she calmed down. She needed to do her job.
She turned on the P.A. system to make an announcement.
The students filled the gym for an emergency assembly. Celestia stood in front with Luna. The vice-principal looked as stern as ever. Her job was to maintain discipline.
The students filled the seats, wondering what this assembly was all about. The Rainbooms were seated together. They had waited for Sunset Shimmer but she had not turned up. She was not even answering her phone or returning their texts.
“Students, I know you are looking forward to your Christmas vacation. However, this morning, I received an urgent call. One of our own, Sunset Shimmer, was in an accident last night. She is currently in critical condition in Canterlot General Hospital.”
The students were left speechless, the Rainbooms themselves were even more shocked by the news.
In her own seat, Apple Bloom’s hands trembled around her phone.
“Hopefully, she will recover soon. But until then she will be in the hospital in intensive care. If you wish to visit her, please do, and wish her well.”
The Rainbooms gathered together at lunch, sitting at their usual table. After processing what they had heard at the assembly, worry and shame were shared by the group.
Shame for ever thinking Sunset Shimmer, their friend, was Anon-a-Miss. Now they were worried for their friend.
“We-we should go see her, after school,” Fluttershy suggested.
“Yeah, we owe her that much,” Applejack agreed.
Rainbow Dash just hung her head. Pinkie Pie’s hair was flat as she poked at her food.
“What I do not understand is how Anon-a-Miss got their hands on those pictures,” said Rarity, bringing everyone’s attention to the matter of the infamous MyStable account.
“The pictures came from Sunset’s phone, we all know that. But since she’s in the hospital...”
“She couldn’t have posted them,” Pinkie Pie finished. “The post about us was put up just this morning. Since Sunset Shimmer has been in the hospital since last night, there’s no way she could be Anon-a-Miss.”
“And her phone must’ve been broken in the accident,” continued Rarity. “That’s why she hasn’t returned our calls or replied to our text messages.”
“So, Sunset isn’t Anon-a-Miss,” said Applejack. “Who could it be?”
“Hey, AJ. Who else knew about the ‘Piggly Wiggly’ thing before Anon-a-Miss blasted it all over MyStable?” Rainbow Dash asked.
Applejack frown bitterly at being reminded of that nickname. The students had given her a hard time about it, oinking in her presence.
“Well, my family knew and then I told you girls,” Applejack said. She realized what Rainbow Dash was getting at. “Wait, do you think...”
“Well, if Sunset’s not Anon-a-Miss, then it could be one of us,” said Rainbow Dash, looking at her friends. “Or...”
Applejack really did not want to consider the possibility, but besides her friends, only her family knew that nickname before Anon-a-Miss put it up on MyStable.
“So, the photos came from Sunset’s phone, but she’s in the hospital so she couldn’t have posted them. Which means...”
“Someone took her phone and took the pictures,” Pinkie Pie finished.
“And in our last slumber party, who else was at your house, Rarity?” Rainbow Dash asked the fashionista.
“My family,” Rarity answered.
The Rainbooms shared looks of comprehension as they connected the dots. Applejack looked angry and Rarity also looked mad.
“Girls, I think I know who our mysterious Anon-a-Miss is,” Rarity said.
The Crusaders gathered in the bathroom. They checked to see that it was empty.
“How could this have happened?” Apple Bloom wondered out loud. The plan was to post the pictures. The evidence would point to Sunset Shimmer. Then their big sisters would leave her.
Sweetie Belle had made the posts before school started. They then waited to see what would happen once Sunset Shimmer showed up.
But she never did.
Then Celestia told them why. She was in an accident last night. With the posts put up earlier this morning, nobody, not even their sisters, would believe Sunset Shimmer was Anon-a-Miss, especially since the girl was in critical condition in the hospital.
They wanted Sunset Shimmer to go away, but not like this.
“I feel really bad now...” confessed Scootaloo.
“Let’s just delete the account,” said Apple Bloom. There was no point in continuing with Anon-a-Miss now.
They stepped out of the bathroom together, leaving the matter behind.
And then ran right into their big sisters and their friends.
“Apple Bloom,” Applejack said sternly, hands on her hips. “We need to talk with you and your friends.”
Apple Bloom began to sweat under the intensity of Applejack’s glare.
“Yeah, Applejack? What about?” Apple Bloom asked nervously.
Bus. Ted.
8305908 Big time.
A shame it took Sunset nearly getting killed to realize it, but at least her friends are now taking the time to think rationally.
Dude, I'm gonna just say that having no evidence to point to Sunset really makes her friends think more rationally about the situation, thankfully. Sucks that she had to be in a freaking accident for it to happen, but dude, Crusaders are so busted. OOH! I have been waiting FOREVER to use this video on an Anon-a-Miss fic and this one definitely deserves it!
B.U.S.T.E.D. Ooh.
I just hope a certain interdimensional, ageless horse never learns about this; or else may she have mercy on Berry Punch's soul.
Also may she have mercy on the CMC and the Human 5 for the emotional torture her precious ex-student had been forced to suffer through.
I feel like this is moving along really quickly. Like, these short chapters are kind of working. But at the same time, there's just not much there.
well in this universe
sunset never suffered mentally
because of AAA
so it's a small win right?
Wooh, this is gonna be bad.
It's a sad day when "coma from car accident" is the best case scenario.
Abso-FRAKKING-lutely, dammit!