• Member Since 20th Aug, 2014
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Aspiring writer, Steve Magnet disciple


After gaining thousands of IQ points from Reddit, Rainbow Dash finds her lovely day interrupted by a menacing insect. The beast aims to cuddle all in her path...including the cerulean speedster herself and her normie marefriend Rarity!

Will Rainbow triumph?

I don't know! Read the story, you lazy bum!

CW: Contains jokes about Redditors, female respecters, 2000s-era atheists, bugs, aggressive cuddling, Christopher Walken, and people who graduated from online universities. Not recommended for the faint of heart or those expecting a good story.

Written for Rockstar Raccoon's Crackfic Storm 2024.

An April Fool's joke that spiraled out of control.

Chapters (1)

On Hearth's Warming Day, Tartarus is not a fun place to be. Holiday joy does not permeate Equestria's most notorious prison. The same drudgery and boredom that plagues its inmates every other day of the year doesn't let up for Hearth's Warming.

Cozy Glow, one of Tartarus's occupants, expected the day to be spent plotting her escape and ascension to Equestria's throne with her 'friend' Lord Tirek. It's how every other day since her arrival has played out, so why not today?

Instead, a mysterious unicorn with a broken horn appears from nowhere. She's here to take Cozy Glow on holiday parole, for a 'proper' Hearth's Warming celebration.

But neither Cozy nor her custodian are what they seem.

Written for Deco for Jinglemas 2023.

Takes place between Seasons 8 and 9.

Featured on 12/29/2023.

Chapters (4)

One week before Hearth's Warming, Celestia appears in Pinkie's home. She wants her help to retrieve a gift for her sister Luna, and she knows Pinkie is just the mare to get it.

The only problem is that the gift happens to be a cursed cookie recipe locked away by an evil sorceress deep under a mountain.

Written for Hey It's That Pony for Jinglemas 2022.

Takes place three years after the Season 9 finale (Twilight becoming the sole ruler).

Rated T for a little frightening imagery and talk of death.

Chapters (5)

Scootaloo arrives home one day, breathless and asking Auntie Lofty to do a presentation for Family Appreciation Day. Unfortunately, Scootaloo only wants the one part of Lofty's life she's not that eager to share.

An interpretation of Lofty's past featuring a popular sport.

Takes place just before and during "Family Appreciation Day".

Written for Bicyclette's Lofty and Holiday Contest.

Chapters (3)

Times are changing for the ponies. Three years after their magic was restored and harmony established between the three races, they meet in Maretime Bay to finalize their reunification as the Equestrian Kingdom under Princess Sunny Starscout. Ponies gather in the seaside city with aims of celebrating a new era of peace among the ponies.

Yet there remains a lone voice unenthused with the transition.

Queen Haven rides into Maretime Bay with a chip on her shoulder and a crown on her head, the latter of which she will not leave the city wearing. Her subjects called for the agreement to be signed and for her to step down as Queen. She knows she wasn't a perfect ruler, but why does she have to give up everything? Why does everypony else get the happy ending while she gets swept into the ashcan of history? To make matters worse, she's stuck with an overeager unicorn who wants to be her friend.

But upon her arrival, these questions fall to the wayside as an attack is commenced. Crazed creatures attack every pony they see, rounding them up for their mysterious master.

What they didn't expect is that Queen Haven isn't just a queen on her last legs. She's a mare with skills honed through a turbulent time of history. And both the invaders and the unicorn are about to learn that just because Haven may be more prone to parties and paparazzi doesn't mean she's harmless...

Written for the Generation 5 Bingo Contest.
Based on this prompt (not really a spoiler, as the prompt is rather vague).

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle knew going to Sunset Shimmer's house for Hearth's Warming would be more fun than the typical holiday festivities at her parents' house. She knew she and Sunset could party through the snowstorm blowing through town and not even be mildly inconvenienced. She knew that with everything that had happened since they'd met at the Friendship Games, she and Sunset's friendship would never falter.

She didn't know Sunset Shimmer cooked her popcorn on high.

Written for Tumbleweed for Jinglemas 2021.

Something silly for once.

Chapters (1)

Octavia didn't want to be in Hilltop for Hearth's Warming Eve. The remote mountain town was just a stopover, a distraction from her true home back in Ponyville. She just needs to wait for the blizzard to die down and the next sled out of town to arrive.

Unfortunately for her, the townsfolk are looking for a good Hearth's Warming show. Even worse, there's another pony from out of town more than eager to satisfy their craving.

And she just so happens to need an assistant...

Takes place during Season 6, after "No Second Prances" and before "To Where and Back Again".

This was written for Short-Tale as a part of Jinglemas 2020! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

Featured on Seattle's Angels #184! Be sure to check their group out if you want to find other lesser known stories!

Chapters (4)

Anon is happy with Twilight. Really. She loves the ornate castle, the lovely meals she eats, and, most of all, loves Twilight herself. It's so wonderful and beautiful in Equestria that Anon almost forgets she used to be human.


My fourth-place entry to the Filly Anon Contest. A different approach to the idea, leaning in a more serious direction than many authors take the concept.

Edited expertly by SirReal.

Chapters (4)

Liuetenant Marewell, newly transferred to the Ponyville Police Department, battles ever-encroaching boredom and alcoholism with each day in her new home. Despite the town's reputation, little in the way of crime happens within the hamlet. Marewell can't complain, though she still does.

However, a new case soon arrives in the form of a break-in to Miss Hoofson's Antique Shop. The clerk lies on the floor in a trance, and a display case sits empty. Throw in a nosy princess and promises of death, and Marewell soon finds herself in the thrall of a case much bigger than she is.

Takes place a few years after Season 9.

Written for the Season 10 Bingo Contest.

Edited by EverfreePony.

Chapters (7)

Below Canterlot, down where the forgotten ponies stare up at the mountainside laden with Hearth's Warming lights, a lone Changeling walks into a bar. He just wants a drink to lessen the pain building in his chest and warm the chill in his body.

The bartender has other ideas.

This was written for TCC56 as a part of Jinglemas 2019. For more information about Jinglemas, check out the group!

Chapters (1)