I am fabulous :D "Having someone saying you're okay as you are and being needed by that person... It was nice to have someone like that" ~ Taiga (Toradora!)
Hello there. I was born on a Saturday, I guess I was meant for weekly episode shows. Darkness is just an absense of light, so sometimes you just need someone to call you over to the sunny patch
Just your average british lad. I write things for a living. It’s the strangest living you’ll ever find, second only to my inability to take myself off of the grid.
If I said something that pissed you off I was probably stoned so pay it no heed.
Every rainstorm makes every day of sunlight that much more precious.
I'm a pegasister who just can't get enough pony magic in her life!
I am a philosopher and spiritualist, I like to help others when I can.
Who gives a shot anymore my stories suck and none of them are good, not to mention I have no reason to call myself an author or writer
Never stop doing your best just because someone doesn't give you credit.
Hi everyone my name is Princess Screwball! I am princess of chaos soon to be queen. My king will soon be chosen but for now I am the Princess. So mess with my loveys! It's hell for you
I'm usually quiet and friendly up until you either piss me off or mess with my friends
Writing about magic, romance and the bonds of friendship!
Storyteller. Artist. Philosopher. Professional nerd. Hardcore My Little Pony fan. Whichever you prefer.
All that I touch seems to break in my hands, then it just bursts into flames.
TD writes and reviews pony fanfiction, and has a serious RariJack addiction. Send help and/or ponies.
Hello everyone! I usually write stories that have something to do with blood and gore associated so that's mainly what you're going to get from me if you decide to read my stuff ^~^
"With the world so set on tearing itself apart, it doesn't seem like such a bad thing to me to wanna put a little bit of it back together"
Hey all, I'm billymorph, a semi-professional writer, self-published author and full-time pony fan. If you enjoy my work, please support me on Patreon!
I don't know what to put here, so I'll just say that I'm a brony that has issues, but then again, who doesn't?
Just some random pegasister who stalks you... Oh and loves you too