• Member Since 15th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago



I can follow again! · 3:07pm Apr 3rd, 2016

hey people, Cogworks here,
believe it or not, when I came online, find a certain story and clicked 'follow', the Fimfiction error pop-up didn't appear. Instead, the 'Follow' button turned green, which means one thing only; I can follow users again. :pinkiehappy:
I never thought it would go away, I've been getting a feeling that it won't be non-permanent.
but now that this glitch is gone, I'm free from it's clutches.

Sincerely, Jumaine_Cogworks.

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I need Aiding · 12:18pm Apr 1st, 2016

Hello folks, Cogworks here, something strange has transpired on my account.
It all started some days ago within the 5th week of March 2016, I was going through stories, when I tried to click the follow button, the fimfiction pop-up say there was an error. Which is odd to me 'cause I've been following users who posted specific stories in Fimfiction for months, and that never happened to me before.
I tried restarting, logging off and logging back in, and it continues.

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