Brony. Gay Brony. Gay Brony sailing the Gallbar ship (and others) until death do us part. Come follow my random gay self on Twitter:
Stories based on big ponies! Brand new account for the sole purpose of writing about 'em, even. Ta-dah.
Master of all things oatey and the alternate account of a guy who likes to write clop a bit differently than most.
I have no heart and my avatar makes everything sound sexual. Also, It's pronounced "sam-ee".
Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pony procreation...
I have Rainbow Dash's head. Give me monies or you'll never see it again. Except in the photos I send you of me molesting it with my futa parts.
Just a pony being fabulous. Writer of vignettes, clop, experiments, a great deal of trash and the occasional gem
A guy that really loves futa. The dickgirl really ties the whole room together.
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