• Published 22nd Nov 2012
  • 1,185 Views, 117 Comments

Blue - I had no idea

Equestria is gripped by a new threat: discrimination. Can Rainbow Dash prove blue ponies are not inherently evil?

Comments ( 2 )

Dat cliffhanger...


Well, I saw plenty other Trixie interpretations, which put her as a 'I suffered and am better than you' type of person, so I aimed for a different thing. Namely: yeah, she did have hard times, but she didn't exactly behave saintly at times. Out of her own volition, to boot. Also, if somepony points out that she's way smarter than she was in the show, then think about it a little. Smart people do dumb things. Especially those with no social or practical skills, or those blinded by hubris. Trixie is a little of each here.

TL;DR: I like to make her unique.

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