• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 14,535 Views, 2,082 Comments

The God Squad - defender2222

Luna decides to go on an adventure and her family tags along for the ride!

  • ...


"I can't wait for ya ta meet my family!" Applebloom said happily, leading her new friend towards her house. She was practically cantering along the road, humming happily to herself. "I know they are going to love you!"

"Of course they will," Bland Bloodsucker said dully, his pasty white flank sparkling in the sunlight. His eyes, which were glazed over like he'd one too many hits to the head, stared forward. The only thing that had any sense of life was his poofy brown mane (which had way too much hair gel in it, the tosser). "I just hope they are serving the food I requested."

"Blood pudding, as requested!" Applebloom said happily. "So, you're from Trottingham, right?"

"Yes... Trottingham," Bland said, staring at Applebloom's neck intently (or, atleast, intently for him… rocks had harder stares than Bland… and better personalities).

"Well, here we are!" Applebloom proclaimed in glee, opening the door to the farmhouse. "Come on in."

Bland stepped over the threshold, his fangs itching for some delicious crimson blood. And he got it... courtesy of Applejack bucking him right in the mouth.

"Applebloom, lock the door!" AJ stated coolly, her lasso already tightening around Bland's legs, the pale pony twitching as he lay on the hardwood.

"Got it, sis!" Applebloom said, her mood going from happy to stone-cold in a flash. She hurried to the door, locking it up tight before trotting over the Bland and kicking him in the flank and leaving a dent in his cutie mark (it too was boring… it was a circle… nothing fancy, just a circle).

"So..." Bland coughed, eyes glowing red, "you figured out I am a vampire."

"First off, ya ain’t a vampire. Don’t know of a vamp that glitters in the sun like a fairy. I don’t know what ya are but even if ya were a bloodsucker I wouldn’t rightly care," Applejack said simply.

“You wouldn’t?” Bland said in surprise.

“Boy, this be Ponyville! One of my best friends is a witch with a dragon familiar! We gots a Time Lord married to our mailmare! I’m pretty sure Colgate is buildin’ one of them Frankenstein monsters in her basement.”

“Fraunc-en-steen!” Applebloom complained. “It’s pronounced Fraunc-en-steen!”

"Shoot, Granny Smith's been a werewolf for 30 years... supernatural don't bother us."

"Dang right!" Granny Smith said from her chair before promptly falling asleep.

"Then... then why are you attacking me?" Bland whined (and even his whine was boring!).

"Cuss you're a-hundred years old and Bloom is a minor. We don't take to kindly to perverts round in these parts. When they do show up, we like to play a little game called ‘Perv Ball’. It be like hoofball only we use your head as the ball." Applejack stepped aside, revealing a giant red stallion right behind her, the earth pony putting on a pair of spiked horseshoes. "Ain't that right, big brother?"

"Eeyup!" Mac said, rearing back.


The God Squad
Episode 8: Zoinks

"So, what do you think we should do?" Celestia asked, wandering around her old home. Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad looking (back then they hadn't been able to afford any maids so the dirt and cobwebs had been there even before they had abandoned it). A touch of paint and it would be rather nice. Oh, she wouldn’t trade the castle for anything… but perhaps it would be nice to have a little summer home for her to get away from the court and do her jazzercise.

"If it is a solution that we must woo..." Zecora paused, pulling out a rhyming dictionary from her mane and leafing through it, muttering to herself before she finally found the page she was looking for, "...then we must search out a clue!" She nodded happily and stuffed the book back into her mane (Pinkie Pie had taught her such a trick at the Ponyville Community Center).

Celestia walked over towards the throne. "Let's see..." Her horn glowed and she began to toss out an assortment of objects that had been hidden behind the throne: a bloody horseshoe (if the shoe don't fit, you must aquit), a jar full of ears, a book entitled 'If I Was Guilty, Here's How I Would Do It' and a map with spots marked on it that were labeled 'Best Places to Hide a Body'. "Well, we are searching for a ghost, and ghosts wouldn't need any of this since they are ectoplasm."

"All that evidence is truly a con," Zecora pulled out a bottle of rum she'd hidden in her mane, "so let's sit down and get our drink on."

"I like the way you think, little niece," Celestia said, popping the cork and taking a swig. “So, how is Aslan doing?”

“Mother still finds him first rate, last I heard they were on a 3rd date.”


"So... how is married life?" Tydal asked as he and Shining walked down Luna's old wing of the castle. The capricorn, having reached his quota of Shining insults for the hour, decided it was time for some small talk.

"Pretty good... we're still in the honeymoon phase,” Shining stated, glancing at a suit of armor.

"Meh, I always hated that term... makes it sound like your wife will turn into a shrew after a few months. Everyone knows that only happens to the monkeys of Howler Island." Tydal poked his head into a room but only found it full of anime magazines. "You know, you'd think after a 1,500 years the author of One Piece would be closer to finishing his story..." Tydal muttered, remembering when the first issue had come out.

"You know, I always forget you are married," Shining said, examining a portrait of Celestia ('why do they keep painting her with pink hair?'). "Any advice?"

Tydal smiled. "Merida and I make sure to keep things fresh and new."

"This isn't going to be sexual, is it?" Shining asked. When Tydal raised an eyebrow the unicorn shrugged, blushing slightly. "Sorry... Cadence kinda rubs off on me..."

"Of course," Tydal said with a smirk. "No Shining, not sexual. We do little things... take vacations, visit new restaurants, try out new ways to murder our enemies, pick a new hobby… this year we are collecting interesting leaves."

"Right... I forgot Queen Merida is a capricorn too... of course she would like violence."

"She wasn't always, you know," Tydal stated.

“Wasn’t always what?”

“A capricorn.”

"Really?" Shining said in surprise. "I always assumed..."

Tydal shook his head, the two of them hanging a left and entering the royal kitchen. The space, where once the greatest of Equestrian chefs had crafted the finest meals, was in total disrepair. "It was all the talk back in the day; I was returning from a meeting with the Dragons of the Diamond Shores-“

“And by that you mean you were violently attacking them.”

“Pretty much. Anyway, I was about a 6 hours swim away from my Keep when I was caught in a vortex. When I awoke I was in a strange world and my body changed into a strange new form.”

"And what was that?" Shining said, opening a cupboard and finding nothing but dust (in cans, of course, labeled ‘Auntie Dirt’s Old Fashioned Dust: Now with grit!’).

"The natives of that world called themselves 'humans'. They had no weapons and had to make their own... not my bowl of ale but they do have their uses. One has to admire a species that can rise to be the only dominate force on their world." Tydal smirked. “And they were very creative when it came to killing.”

Finding nothing, the two of them made their way back out into the hall. "I traveled their lands for nearly a week before I ran into a fierce princess."

“Love at first sight?” Shining asked.

“She tried to shoot an arrow through my throat.”

“Charming,” Shining muttered, not all that surprised that, for a capricorn, love would come from near death (‘near’ being the key word; back before their stone sleep it had been known that never had one capricorn killed another… mainly because there were too many other things to brutally slaughter).

“Indeed. I deserved it, of course. I was trying to steal her coin bag. Plus I was naked and in the human world that is frowned upon.” Tydal began to laugh as he remembered his future wife, then a barely a woman of 20, screaming and cursing as a naked 6’2” man came running at her trying to steal her money. “Now that was a fight… if only you could have seen it, Shining…”

“No thanks,” Shining stated.

“Your loss.” The sea god smiled fondly as he remembered his courtship of the proud and tough woman. "We fought and screamed and loved and screamed some more. In the end, when my older sister and brother, The Lady of Zebrica and the Great Griffon, found a way to return me to this world my Merida came with me. I returned to my capricorn form and my Merida was also blessed to become one of my kind. I took my beloved to my Mother, who granted her the gift of immortality and made her the goddess of the sea floor, with all the powers and abilities that are granted to a capricorn deity." Tydal, even in that dark and spooky place, couldn’t help but smile as the memories flowed over him. “Coral and Misty were born a few years later… it would take another 200 years before Celestia and Luna were plopped on my doorstep and my 5 jewels were all under the protection of my keep…”

Shining blinked in surprise. "The Creator can do that? Make a mortal immortal?"

"Indeed. I was going to suggest such a thing to you, Shining, once we finished this quest for the changelings. It has been a while since Mother and I chatted and I would not mind in the slightest taking you to see her and getting you your wings."

The captain was surprised by that and his face clearly showed it. "I would have thought you'd want to see me die." Actually, Shining had thought that Tydal would smother him with a pillow (which is why he’d had all pillows chained to the mattresses).

"You might annoy me, Shining Armor, but you are now family. I have only truly attempted to kill one of my relations... and Discord brought that on himself." Tydal’s mood darkened as he thought of his eldest brother and the pain the draconequus had caused. Realizing that he was grinding his teeth together in frustration, the lord of the Mareatine shook himself free of his anger. "Besides, my Mother tended to make more sisters for me than brothers... when I find a bit of testosterone I refuse to let it slip away."

"Wow... thanks," Shining said softly.

"You're welcome and by the way the Headless Horse has been following us for 5 minutes."

"WHAT?!?!" Shining turned around and nearly leapt 5 feet in the air when he realized that the Headless Horse was indeed right behind them. The ghost appeared solid enough and Shining wouldn't have thought much of the pony if it weren't for his lack of a head and the green glow that seemed to surround his pale emerald hide.

"Hello Bob!" Tydal said cheerfully, tail wagging like a happy puppy as he took a step towards the moaning specter. "I'm going chop you up again. Terribly sorry if that is a bother."

Shining grabbed Tydal with his magic and began to drag the oceanic king away from phantom. "We need to go, now!"

"But I want to fight him!" Tydal complained.

"It's a ghost! You can't fight a ghost!"

"Says you! Let me at 'im! Let me at 'im!" Tydal struggled against Shining's grip. "Tadadadada! Tydal Power!"

"No! No Tydal Power!" Shining snapped, managing to drag the sea god back into the kitchen and lock the door before the Headless Horse could step in. The phantom let out a wailing scream and began to chase them.

"...I hope my mother makes you the god of erectile dysfunction!"