• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I read-consume yes-yes! I maybe write yes-yes! I talk narrate! I-I draw paint! (You can find me as Zlagg1 on twitter if you're ever wondering what I'm up to)



Princess Celestia has become quite worried about her dear friend when she has started acting unlike herself. She has a hunch that the newest resident of Ponyville is to blame.

Featured on 1/5/2024 - 6/5/2024 and top of Popular. Thanks guys

There is a Russian translation about this story, Celestia's story and Luna's story on FicBook, PonyFiction and Tabun.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

If it
Gets you high
Makes you feel good
Makes you crash once it's over
And given to you by a strange man
Its obviously drugs scritches
Can't wait for the sequel where Twilight starts smoking headpats

Ladon #3 · May 1st, 2024 · · ·

"So." Anon rubbed his hands together. "Does your mom want scritches too?"

I can't tell if this is implying that Twilight sees Celestia as like a mom and is about to be mortified, or if Anon thinks Celestia is literally Twilight's mom because royalty, or something else.

Still funny


"What? Was it something I said?" An clueless smile spread on Anons lips.

"An" should be "a"

well i know what happens now

Where did you get that idea?" Calestias gaze landed on the purple


"So." Anon rubbed his hands together. "Does your mom want scritches too?"


I need this be a ongoing series where scritches just start going round “it’s best drug”

Yes Anon. Give Twilights Mom the scritches an pats.

"Your Mom."

...Cozy Glow was right.

I do like when some versions of Anon assume ponies come in different sizes because of age, not species or power.

You're gonna need some serious formatting work for this one, every sentence seems to be a new paragraph, which makes it read like a play instead of a story. It looks very strange when you lean back to look at the text itself rather than the words.

This was enjoyable, I saw there was a sequel as well, should be fun!

"Get away from her you-" Her voice slowly got smaller until it was completely cut off. She wasn't sure what the two of them were doing, but it didn't look like he was giving drugs to Twilight.

Was she about to quote Ripley?

Wait til she finds out about belly rubs...

Cute. This needs more chapters or a sequel.

Interesting that you came up with this while you were restocking shelves, Hell of an idea and 300 plus people think the same way. Bravo!

Wow, 330 likes and 3,3 k views you are doing great job with writing.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

"Get away from her you-" Her voice slowly got smaller until it was completely cut off. She wasn't sure what the two of them were doing, but it didn't look like he was giving drugs to Twilight.

Now I want to see Shining's reaction to this scenario.


3,3 k views

Holy cow. That's more views than the amount of active users on here. I'm guessing that's from people who are visitors that boosted it greatly. That's so awesome to even notice! :pinkiegasp:


Congrats on getting featured!

Does that make me the local drug dealer for all the dogs I say hi to?

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