• Member Since 12th Apr, 2022
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Hug your nearest alicorn.


This story is a sequel to Stoking the Flames

Following her defeat, Opaline Arcana was consumed by her Together Tree. She knows not how long she was in there, but finally, everything has gone cold. For a fire alicorn, this can mean only one thing:

She has died.

And someone is waiting for her on the other side.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

Oh goddess above. She literally in hell? If Hells real that's more what I would expect.


I do hope she manages to see her servant or such again! Maybe the others will find out about Anon if they find his gravestone and question it.

Wasn't expecting this to be such an emotional rollercoaster... :raritydespair: Well done! :eeyup:

If Opaline wasn’t such an incompetent idiot I may have felt sorry for her…

Checking…. Nope still an incompetent idiot.

Well as alicorns aren’t immortal she would have wound up in hell anyway. The reason I don’t believe Opaline is immortal is because she’s a villain and a pathological liar plus nowhere was it said alicorns weee immortal in G4

I don’t like to believe the whole living forever aspect of alicorns. I think it’s just an extended lifetime for them.

Unable to live. Unable to die. Opaline is trapped. If she were capable of moving, she would do whatever was necessary to not be here any longer. If she were capable of crying, tears would run down her cheeks. If she were capable of speaking, she would finish her final declaration to her long-dead servant.

you deserve it opaline for being a traitor...
Yet...i still feel sad
Eternal punishment is not something i like
...but it is well worth it

From a practical standpoint, looking back at G4 why would Celestia need a successor if she were immortal as she can just rule forever as an heir would be redundant which is why I go by what the Journal of the Two Sisters says which is Alicorns only age slowly and since it was made by a former show writer doesnt it technically debunk the alicorn immortality headcanon?

Oh poor Opaline 😭😭😭


Well, maybe Opaline is the only immortal alicorn in the world. Maybe Celestia and Luna chose not to be immortal. But Opaline... she has the power of fire and maybe this power will make her immortal.

A nice little sequel to one of my favourite short stories, great work, i'd love to somehow see more stories in this particular world at some point.

Wait, Anon brought Opaline back to life? but why?

Yeah, that makes sense.

Opaline was dreaming, she never actually died. From her perspective, that's an even worse fate.

"Anon" had nothing to do with it. In this story, he was just a figment of her imagination.

Oh ok. Thanks 😊

Considering Opaline is a villain and liar I have no reason to believe her when she says she is immortal

I expected a wholesome ending in the afterlife but nope just a depressing dream.

Fates worse than death kinda suck ass if you really think about it.

Comment posted by Airwalker deleted Dec 9th, 2023
Comment posted by Airwalker deleted Dec 9th, 2023




I'd say that Celestia and Luna was biologically immortal. by this I mean that they would live forever unless killed or they willingly gave up their immortality.

as Celestia said something along the lines of "We weren't meant to rule forever"

like how Cozy was reverted from an alicorn, I'd say it's possible for another alicorn to be revoked if they chose to. also living forever kinda sucks as you couldn't make relationships last because of aging.

MLP, like other cartoons and whatnot, seems really prone to these fates-worse-than-death in the process of trying to avoid touching on the supposedly ugly topic of just killing the bad guy.

Given that this a Runic fic, I like to think this is just one step on the road to reformation in some shape or form.

Fuck that tree! She needs to know peace!🥺

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