It was nearly one thousand years ago that Opaline Arcana defeated Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Her plan had succeeded, and the three ponykinds were split, their bonds broken. However, the ordeal left Opaline drained of her magic. If she revealed herself too soon, everything would have been for naught. She had a castle, but she couldn't leave.
While she still had her followers, there was one major issue: She is immortal, and they were not. Thus, she was eventually the only one left, and she required an assistant. Unfortunately, enchantments will only get a pony so far, and wild creatures aren't exactly reliable. While a young unicorn mare named Misty Brightdawn would come to her a few years before she would finally get her chance to return to the public eye, there were hundreds of years where very little happened.
However, about sixty of those years are an exception. Those were the years that she found herself with something she never expected.
A companion. A human companion.
Suggested by Wanderer312.
So, we're Opaline's new (and only) minion, huh?
Fuck it, we ball, plus free food! Let's go Team Opaline!
(Also, I loved this chapter, can't wait to see how it will continue!)
Love the first chapter that has the perfect amount of Comedy hope there's more than one chapter
In a world of magic and fantasy, the bit about identity theft near is the most believable thing.
naught : nothing
Hell yeah (les gooo-)
I'm not sure what ponish phase for it. Does anyone?
Probably hooved
But in instances like that I just assume the ponies are using slang they received from like....minotaurs or dragons or the kittycat species from that movie
Minotaurs got hands, yes but Dragons and Abyssinians got claws.
The show itself uses phrases like that when changing the terminology would be confusing to the audience (see the song What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me, wherein Applejack asks "Could y'all give me a hand here and help me fix this mess?"), so I did the same.
"Oh yeah, it's all coming together."
Oh I can see this being delightfully goofy.
Opaline's Evil Incorporateeeed~!
I had to double-check the description because I couldn't believe it at first.

You really wrote this based on my suggestion?!
Awesome and thank you!
Looking forward to what's next!
Feels like this will end sadly
for me 
Aww, Opaline is getting attached to us, slowly but surely!
Though, not gonna lie I totally feel like something will go wrong as well, considering we'll only be with her for a selected amount of years... Here's hoping we receive at least some sort of a happy ending!
Anyways, can't wait for the next chapter for sure!
It writes 'roughly sixty years' in description, may I assume there will be 60 chapters?
I shall wait with bated breath.
As happy as I am to hear that you are excited, I don't want to give people the wrong idea or leave them with expectations that I can't live up to. So, spoiler alert, no, there will not be sixty chapters. There will be gaps in-between many of the years presented. Sorry to let you down, but I'd rather temper expectations now than when the story concludes.
So he got mauled by a bear and survived that's got to impress Opaline I wonder if she got a good look at its muscles can't wait for the third chapter
Yup, that will do it. *Spider-Man: No Way Home*
"Pull the lever, ape!"
Falls down an opened hatch and drops into the abyss...
"Wrong lever!" Her voice echoes.
I have to say, with this and some of your other fanfics I've read (The Hermit, yet to read the sequel, and the Pipp one), you're easily becoming one of my favorite authors on this site.
We are falling in looooove!
From what it seems like, Opaline is fond of us, and it's refreshing to see such a nice side to her, to be completely honest.
Also, yes, give Opaline all the cuddles in the world! Can't wait for the next chapter!
This.... THIS is my kind of fanfic!
Wait... Did Opaline actually know Anon would be attacked by scrying pool and she was just going to stand and watch, even though there was a good chance he could end up trapped for all eternity? If so, he might consider getting a little mad at her. After cuddling.
She is going to learn that I have hands for petting animals… she isn’t going to let me go
5 years already? Seems like time skipping will be a thing
Hopefully we don’t end up with little mutant children running around causing problems.
This story is pretty funny and awesome keep writing chapters about it.
She is evil, after all.
A happy Opaline 😚
True. Good thing she has other qualities that make up for that flaw. :D
Gud shit lad!
I wonder how old is he
So… can I make steak out of the ponies
I mean I don’t think the smell will be good
just by leaving them there
Oooh so ... so cute.
Opaline deserves love
Bad people need love too! ^^
Aww.... 😊
Yes of course.
I love it . I love it. Very good story
Dying of Old age
Now we know the feeling how Princess Cadence felt about shining armor when he was dying of old age
That's a sequel hook, if I've ever seen one. :)
Poor Opaline
Despite having foreseen the story won't have a happy end, with the lifespan included and all, I still feel a little sad at the end. However, it's a fun ride for me nonetheless. Great job, Ruinic.
(Alas, villain always loses at the end. Be it their goal or cared ones... Kinda sad, that)
I guess after all that, in the end Anon save Equestria. But most importantly for Opaline, the man that stolen her heart 💔.
Being from the villains' point of view, it reminded me of that game, Overlord, where you play an evil lord! ^^
I'm torn between two contradictory feelings! Part of me wants to say "cheh" to Opaline! And another, it's quite the opposite! Because in your story, she's more than just a stupidly arrogant villain! Because, she's not devoid of empathy!
I love it . So sad , so cute , so cool and very romance.
Yes She's very lonely
I always wonder what happened to Opaline in the past, before Misty came along. Well I guess you filled in the gaps in the story, evening if wasn't canon to the story.