Stoking the Flames

by RunicTreetops

First published

Following the defeat of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Opaline was forced into hiding for many years. To survive, she would need help. Eventually, a young mare named Misty showed up. But hundreds of years before her, a human arrived at her doorstep.

It was nearly one thousand years ago that Opaline Arcana defeated Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Her plan had succeeded, and the three ponykinds were split, their bonds broken. However, the ordeal left Opaline drained of her magic. If she revealed herself too soon, everything would have been for naught. She had a castle, but she couldn't leave.

While she still had her followers, there was one major issue: She is immortal, and they were not. Thus, she was eventually the only one left, and she required an assistant. Unfortunately, enchantments will only get a pony so far, and wild creatures aren't exactly reliable. While a young unicorn mare named Misty Brightdawn would come to her a few years before she would finally get her chance to return to the public eye, there were hundreds of years where very little happened.

However, about sixty of those years are an exception. Those were the years that she found herself with something she never expected.

A companion. A human companion.

Suggested by Wanderer312.

Year 0

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You plant yourself on an overturned log, letting out a sigh of exhaustion as you do so. It's a good opportunity to get off your feet for a little while, as pretty soon you'll need to find somewhere to sleep. It's the hardest part of your new day-to-day routine.

A couple of months ago, you found yourself waking up in a strange place. You don't recall how you got there, but it was obvious that this place isn't your home. In fact, everything you saw, from the landscape to the local wildlife, made it clear that you were on a completely different world than the one you were used to. You would have been disturbed by this, if not for the fact that your old life kind of sucked.

That still left you with the issue of needing to find things like food and shelter. You've always been pretty resourceful and outdoorsy, so the hard part wasn't necessarily finding those things, it was learning whether or not they were safe. As far as you know, you're the only human in this world, and without any sort of guide, it's difficult to know which of these alien flora and fauna are safe to eat.

After a few weeks, you found a startling sight. A coastal town, which you would later learn is known as Maretime Bay. You were ecstatic when you saw it, but your excitement quickly faded when you discovered what the locals are.

Ponies. Talking, intelligent, candy-colored ponies as far as the eye can see.

To you, it was the most ridiculous sight you'd ever seen. To them, you were the scariest thing they'd ever seen. There was panic in the streets, when all you wanted to know was where you were and how you got there.

A sheriff eventually found you. He acted like he wanted to apprehend you, but his fear was holding him back. Plus, you're pretty sure these ponies know next to nothing about real self-defense. As such, after you informed him that you meant no harm and that you were merely lost, he finally started letting you in on some things.

You're in a land known as Equestria. Equestria is populated by ponies, not humans, and three ponykinds (earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi) all live separately because... reasons. After getting the lowdown, you explained that you were starving. Some scared ponies nearby thought you were going to eat them, and panic resumed once more.

After a lot of annoyances, you and the sheriff settled on an agreement. You would be allowed in Maretime Bay for whatever supplies you need, but you had three conditions. First, you would still need to pay for whatever you needed. You thought that seemed fair enough. Second, you could not live in the bay, as the general populous simply thinks you're too scary. It hurt to know that this world has a civilization and that you aren't welcome there, but you didn't really have a way to argue with him. Finally, you could only visit at night when there were less ponies around. That would make it a lot harder for you to do business in the bay, but not impossible.

With a huff, you left the bay, much more informed about your situation but not really having gotten any help. You didn't even bother checking out the unicorn or pegasus societies. They'd probably just kick you out, too.

Thus, here you are. You forage and hunt for food, and you typically sleep among the trees or in caves you find. You feel your stomach growl and instinctively rub at it. Today's hunt didn't go well. Neither did yesterday's, actually.

Oh, well. This is life now, you suppose.

You're about to stand up when you notice an odd sight in the distance. A very small plume of smoke rises into the sky on the other side of a nearby mountain. You're pretty sure you're nowhere near the three pony settlements, so... what gives? With a shrug, you stand up off of the log and begin making your way towards the sign of life in the distance.

It doesn't take you that long to reach it, either, but what you see shocks you: a massive castle, seemingly built around where an old, colossal tree once stood. A dilapidated stone bridge leads to the entrance. Looking at the dark castle, you notice the plume of smoke coming from a window on the side facing the view of the valley below the mountain that you've found yourself on. Someone lives here, that's for sure.

After a bit of deliberating, you decide to satiate your own curiosity. You slowly make your way across the bridge, wincing as some of the stones crumble beneath your weight. Eventually, you reach the gigantic entrance. After taking a deep breath, you reach for one of the giant handles and give that door a few loud, heavy knocks.

You notice that the plume of smoke disappears almost immediately after you knock. There is no sound coming from within the castle, but your instincts tell you that there is movement on the other side of the door. After a good couple of minutes with no response, you finally consider turning around and leaving, but before you do, you see the door slowly creak open just a bit.

Through the crack in the door, you realize that there is very little light coming from within the castle. However, the pony greeting you is not at all what you expected. She has a purple coat and a white, immaculately cared-for mane. Most notably, however, is her size. She towers over the ponies you saw living in Maretime Bay. On top of that, you notice that she has a long unicorn horn and a pair of pegasus wings. That... wasn't mentioned by the sheriff.

After a few seconds she speaks up, her voice haughty and filled with disdain.

"And what are you supposed to be?"

"Wow, so you're just straight up evil."

"I prefer to say that I will go and take just what I need."

"You want to conquer Equestria."

"I've already conquered Equestria, human. Those foolish ponies simply don't know it yet."

"...Right." You look around at the strange, dark throne room. This pony, who you have learned is apparently a "fire alicorn" named Opaline Arcana, is extremely boisterous. After she answered the door, you asked what this castle was. She became really dodgy until you told her you were desperate for a job (hey, that would make getting food a heck of a lot easier). After that, she practically yanked you into this room and started monologuing about how she defeated some princess named Twilight Sparkle a few hundred years ago because she's immortal or whatever, and in retaliation Twilight "deprived her of what was hers" by taking away Equestria's magic. It sounded far-fetched to you, but then again, so does everything in this world. "And you're in hiding because without your magic, you can't exert your will over 'those foolish ponies.'"

"You catch on quick, human."

You give her a nonplussed look. An evil, immortal queen, huh?

"Well, I've seen fantasy movies before. Now that you've told me all of that, you're either going to kill me or try to recruit me."

"Hmhm. You really do catch on quick. I'm starting to like you already." She stands from her throne and sashays towards you, flaring out her wings as she does and giving you a menacing grin. "So, what'll it be?"

"Eh, I have no qualms with being an evil minion."

She looks at you with surprise.

"W-wait, really?"

"Can you provide food and a roof over my head?"

"Trivial matters for one such as I."

"Then yeah, sure. I'll die for you, why not?"

Her surprise goes to complete bewilderment.

"Just like that?"

"I've got nothing better to do in this world. Plus, I'm starving, and frankly you seem more okay with me than those ponies in Maretime Bay."

After blinking a couple of times, Opaline gives you an evil grin. Her horn lights up slightly with magical fire before it quickly peters out, but not before the magical torches in the room around you temporarily grow brighter.

"Then bow before your new master, human. Swear fealty to your lady, Opaline Arcana!" With a shrug and an unimpressed look, you take a knee and look down at the floor. You don't know how this whole "swearing fealty" thing is supposed to work, but this is probably close enough, right? After a few moments, Opaline laughs an evil laugh. "You may rise."

You do so, giving the now very cocky mare a once-over.

"So, now what?"

"I am going to put you to use immediately. Consider it a test, if you will. On the far side of this mountain, where the valley below first starts to tilt upwards, you will find a dead tree surrounded by three large bushes. There is a hollowed out space inside of that tree, and you are to retrieve what you find inside."

"Er... okay. May I ask what it is that I will be retrieving, so that I'll at least know when I've found the right tree?"

"My Ponyzon packages for the week. Food, entertainment, that sort of thing."


"That is correct. I have to acquire goods somehow, after all, and those foolish ponies cannot see me like this. Thus, they are instructed to leave my packages in that tree. I usually put myself at risk to collect them in the night, but now, not only do I no longer need to leave, I can also acquire them in the middle of the day, hahahaha!"

She lets out an evil cackle while you look at her with disbelief.

"How do you pay for them?"

"Credit card. Duh."

"And how do you get your money, or keep your identity safe?"

"Identity theft is shockingly easy, my new minion. As is counterfeiting." You raise an eyebrow. "Do not look at your lady like that! As the ruler of Equestria, I should be getting whatever I want handed to me on a silver platter! For now, this will simply have to do."

You can't help but chuckle at how absurd this all is.

"Alright, sure. I'll be back soon with your packages." You remember your role here and take a bow. "My lady."

"That's more like it. Return with those packages or don't return at all."

Without another word, you're sent out the door with a newfound purpose and an errand to run.

Your life is weird, isn't it?

Year 1

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You click your tongue as you realize that the wagon you're pulling just got stuck in the mud. You turn around and start jostling the wheels in an attempt to free the darn thing, only for your foot to sink into a deep, dirty puddle. You only have one free hand at the moment, so this is definitely annoying. With a groan, you lift yourself out of it and being pushing the wagon, eventually breaking it free of the mud's grasp.

With that done, you take the last few steps remaining until you see the familiar sight of the stone bridge leading to Opaline's castle. You've made it home. With practiced ease, you pull the wagon across said bridge, avoiding all of the sections that are old and in dire need of repairs.

Now that you think about it, those repairs are probably your job, huh?

With a sigh, you reach the castle's entrance. You let yourself in without bothering to knock. Just as you had expected, Opaline is sitting on her throne with a bored expression on her face, her mane in the process of being curled.

"I'm back, Lady Opaline."

"What took you so long? And do you have what I requested?"

You leave the wagon by the door and make your way to the throne, presenting the colorful cup that you carried all the way from Maretime Bay to your queen.

"Kiwi papaya smoothie with a purple heart. I'm sorry if the cup is a bit wet, it rained on my way back."

"Hmph." She takes a contented sip of the smoothie. "I suppose you did well enough. Now take care of those groceries, they're going to go bad."

"Yes, Lady Opaline."

You make your way back to the wagon and wheel it out of the throne room. This is a typical occurrence. You've been living with Opaline for about a year now. Every couple of weeks, she sends you on a trip to Maretime Bay to pick up groceries for the two of you. Due to the agreement you reached with the sheriff there, you have to go in the middle of the night. Luckily for you, there's a supermarket there with everything you need. Less luckily for you, Opaline always wants something specific on top of the groceries. This time, it was a kiwi papaya smoothie with a purple heart. You have no idea why she wanted that specifically, but far be it for you to disobey a direct command from your queen. Said smoothie isn't available at the supermarket, meaning you had to track down a smoothie stand, wait until the pony running it arrived first thing in the morning, wait for her to stop freaking out about the weird alien at her smoothie stand, pay for the smoothie, get out of the bay before the sheriff yelled at you, and then carry said smoothie all the way back to Opaline's castle. In the rain.

You know, when you agreed to become an evil minion, you were sort of expecting a bit more than... whatever this is.

Oh well, at least you have food in your belly and a roof over your head.

As you stock the kitchen with the many groceries resting in your wagon, you briefly stop to straighten out your clothes. Seeing as you aren't a pony, you have to make your own clothes. You've actually gotten sort of good at it, but your choices when it comes to materials are limited. No, not because of availability, but because Opaline demands that you at least try to make your clothes look like a proper uniform. Which... mostly just means purple and mildly formal looking.

After you wrap up stocking the kitchen, you begin to use some of the ingredients you bought to prepare dinner. This is also one of your daily tasks, but at least you enjoy cooking.

Even if Opaline is a pony and, therefore, a vegetarian.

As you expertly dice some veggies, your thoughts continue to drift towards Opaline. Even though you've been serving her for a year now, you know very little about her. You know that she apparently defeated some princess a long time ago and that princess made it to where ponies no longer have magic, but... that's not a lot to go off of. Plus, knowing Opaline, she definitely embellished a few details about that story. You seriously doubt that Opaline was the "good guy" in that scenario, but as her evil minion, you're simply choosing to ignore that fact. And now that there's no magic, Opaline doesn't have any means of exerting her will over Equestria. So...

Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Opaline entering the kitchen behind you just as you begin preparing some broth. She sniffs at the air before giving you an unamused look.

"I must say, your repertoire of recipes is extremely limited."

"If you have any requests, I'll gladly cook them instead."

Opaline hesitates for a moment, and you struggle to read the expression on her face.

"N-no, continue on. No need to waste food."

She starts to turn around to leave, but you interrupt her before she can.

"Lady Opaline?"


"Is that all you came in here for?"

"...I am simply making sure you're still performing competently as my newest subject. Because don't forget, the second you disappoint me, you are never entering this castle again."

"I understand completely."

"Good. Now, then."

She takes another sip of her smoothie as she nonchalantly walks out of the kitchen. You smile to yourself before turning back to the stove. As prideful as she is, you have an idea of why she actually checks in on you like this.

She enjoys having someone to talk to.

A few weeks later, you find yourself once again pulling the wagon along the old stone bridge and into the castle. Opaline raises an eyebrow as you approach her and gingerly hand her a paper bag.

"And what is this?" She opens the bag and glances inside, a look of surprise forming on her face as she removes a couple of macaroons from it. "I don't remember asking for these."

"Nope, but I figured you'd want them anyway. Er, my lady."

"Hmm." She takes a bite out of one, clearly loving it but making an effort not to show it. "I suppose this is acceptable. However, I do not approve of you spending our money without my permission, counterfeit or otherwise."

"Don't worry, Lady Opaline. I didn't spend a dime on them."

"You didn't?"

"Nope. Just swiped 'em off of the counter."

"...Did anypony see you?"

"They were too busy hiding from me. I seriously doubt that they noticed the missing bag among dozens just like it amidst the panic."

"Hm." Opaline looks you up and down before smiling. Maybe you're just getting too into the whole "evil minion" thing, but you can't help but feel excited when she does that. "I didn't think you had something like that in you. Well done, my little human."

You bow.

"Of course, my lady."

"Now run along. I have some important matters I must attend to."

Wordlessly, you exit the room with a smile, knowing darn well that those "important matters" are her favorite soap operas.

You quickly head towards the kitchen and finish putting all of the groceries away. Those macaroons and Opaline's shows mean that you won't have to make dinner tonight, just as you planned. After storing the last couple of cans in a nearby pantry, you reach for the final bag in the wagon. Said bag contains no groceries, and you had it cleverly hidden amongst dozens of bags identical to it.

You remove what you had hidden inside of the bag: a single, leather-bound book. You quickly put the wagon away and dart into your room, closing the door behind you.

You sit on your bed as you open the book. The first page contains its title: "Equestrian Enchantments and Magics." As far as you know, it's taboo to talk about things like magic in Maretime Bay, so tracking this baby down was a challenge. You eventually learned that the family living in the lighthouse on the edge of the bay are known for being "weirdos" with a fascination for Equestrian history. With that knowledge, breaking into their home while they slept and looking through their books was a trivial task. They never even knew you were there. Heck, you could probably go back if you wanted, but other history books just don't interest you. All they might have is knowledge about what actually happened between your queen and Princess Twilight Sparkle, and why would you care about that?

Filled with excitement and wonder, you begin to flip through the pages. Perhaps, with this knowledge, you could help Opaline finally become the ruler she's meant to be. For now, though, you should just continue with your duties. After all, you don't want to look like a fool for thinking that you could do something the thousands-of-years-old alicorn queen couldn't.

With your wagon trailing behind you once again, you clutch the side of your chest with your one free hand. Your left eye is swollen shut, and the immense pain coming out of that entire side of your body is almost indescribable. Your left leg continues to falter as you limp along on your right. You breathe through gasped breaths as you open the door to the castle.

Once inside, Opaline immediately lets out a gasp of shock and disgust.

"Ugh! What in the world happened to you?!"

"B-bear attacked me."

"A... bear?"

"A bear."

That's right, you were mauled by a bear. And it wasn't even a fantastical Equestrian bear either. Not a unibear, not a pegabear, not a bugbear, not a narbear, just... a straight up bear.

Your leg finally gives out as you fall to the floor. Your vision grows blurry, but you think you see the fuzzy shape of Opaline rushing towards you.


You awaken to a jolt of pain coursing through your body. Glancing around at your surroundings, it appears that you're in your room. You raise your head, realizing that you somehow made it into bed. Looking at yourself, you notice that your left eye is still swollen shut. However, your chest and leg have both been crudely cleaned and bandaged. You rub at your temple, feeling a terrible headache course through you as you do. You're about to plop back down onto the bed before you notice a note sitting on your nightstand. You reach for it, carefully reading the neat hoofwriting written on it.

Your wounds have already been disinfected. Nothing is broken as far as I can tell, but you shouldn't get out of bed until you're healed. I will handle dinner until that happens. You're in charge of changing your own bandages, though. Do not expect me to baby you.

You should consider yourself lucky that I am doing anything at all. As of right now, you're a liability to me, and absolutely nothing more. Do you understand me? I said nothing more!


You chuckle to yourself. She's so adamant about not letting you know she cares for you that she felt the need to argue with herself in that letter. It's... cute.

Well, as long as you're here, you may as well continue trying to study that book. Your lack of knowledge about magic makes it extremely difficult to understand, but it's all you've got. Even if you're injured, you want to try to help Opaline in whatever way you can, even if she doesn't know it yet.

And you should probably be prepared for when she brings you your dinner. Forget about getting her magic back, she could probably decimate her enemies just by making them eat her cooking.

So... good luck with that.

Year 5

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You leap into a large shrub and stick as close to the ground as possible. Your breathing is heavy following the sprinting you were just doing, but you hold a hand over your mouth to keep as quiet as possible. A few seconds later, the sound of dozens of hooves running by fills your ears.

"Where is it?!"

"It had to have gone this way!"

"Don't lose it! That thing stole some of our mirror crystals!"

The voices grow quieter as the shouting stallions run past you, disappearing further into the forest. You stay as still as possible until you are certain that you're alone once more, at which point you remove your hand from your mouth and finish wheezing. That... didn't go as planned.

Bringing yourself to your feet, you choose to make your way out of the forest away from the beaten path. Today, you infiltrated Bridlewood. It isn't the first time you've been here, but it is the first time you've been spotted. Unlike in Maretime Bay, you are not welcome here in any capacity. The unicorns think you're a monster or something, and frankly, you have no problem with that.

Today, you were stealing a few "mirror crystals" from one of Bridlewood's crystal gardens. You've been studying that book you stole from Maretime Bay's lighthouse for a few years now, and you think you finally have a way to help Opaline reaffirm her grip on Equestria. To do so, you're going to need a lot of those crystals. Thankfully, even after getting caught, you managed to get the last few crystals you need to finish your project. You peer into your bag to double check that the crystals are still there. Some of them did get crushed in the chase, but that's not really a problem as far as your goal is concerned. With a satisfied nod, you hastily make your way out of the forest, being sure to remain in hiding this time around.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA! OH, OHOHO, AHAHAHAHA!" Opaline nearly rolls off of her throne as she cackles at your disheveled, scratched-up appearance. "HAHA! Ha... ha... okay, I'm done now." You open your mouth to speak, but are interrupted. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHA! OH, it's just too fun-haha! Too funny!" You give her a bored, half-lidded expression. "I mean really, a bunch of UNICORNS gave you that much trouble?! Unicorns that don't even have any magic?! HAHA!"

Through gritted teeth, you respond, doing your best to hide your embarrassment.

"Regardless, I got away without them learning my identity."

"Haaaaa, haha... okay, I'm actually done now. Ahem." Opaline takes a moment to clear her throat, the smirk still obvious on her face. "What were you doing in Bridlewood, anyway? You've earned enough of my trust to go out on your own, but what's over there that could possibly warrant the trip?"

You know better than to lie to your queen.

"Would saying that it's a secret be a sufficient answer?"


"Even if it involves a surprise for you?"

"I do not like surprises, Anon. You know this."

You wince. It took quite some time, but Opaline eventually did learn your name. However, she typically only uses it when she's upset with you, instead choosing to refer to you as "her little human" when she's feeling more... affectionate.

"...I was gathering materials for something I wish to make for you. B-but I hesitate to give you the details until it's done, as I can't guarantee that it'll turn out the way I want it to."

Opaline gives you a good long look with a raised eyebrow before she lets out the tiniest of sighs.

"And you can give me your word that this 'surprise' is something I will enjoy?"

"Assuming it works, yes. Absolutely."

"...Very well then. I will not press further."

You let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, my lady."

"Though I do have a condition."

"O-of course! Anything for you, Lady Opaline."

Opaline rises from her throne and begins heading towards her personal lounge, stopping and turning to look at you halfway there.

"You will sit with me while watching The Altos this evening. The wedding is tonight and I need a shoulder to cry o-I MEAN someone to vent my frustrations to!"

You chuckle to yourself.

"Would you like me to make popcorn, my lady?"

"Good idea, my little human." She takes a few more steps forward before stopping again. "You know what? Make TWO bags."

You walk down the dark castle hallway at Opaline's side. You stand about a head and a half taller than her, but that doesn't make her presence any less imposing. Her usual cold, calculating eyes are a bit wider than usual. There's a slight sparkle to them, clearly indicating her excitement and curiosity.

"Really, human, what could you have possibly been making that would have prevented me from entering my own throne room for an entire day?"

"With all due respect, Lady Opaline, you shall see when we get there."

"...You had better hope that this is the greatest surprise I've ever received."

You open the door for your queen as she enters the throne room. After taking a couple of steps she stops, curiously examining the scene before her. You let go of the door and walk up to her side.


"...Is this what I think it is?"

In the center of the throne room, where once there was a mere floor decoration that complimented the dark walls well, there is now a perfectly circular pool of liquid. The liquid looks similar to water and is perfectly still, but it's so reflective you cannot see through it whatsoever.

"It's a scrying pool, my lady. Made with liquefied mirror crystals taken right from Bridlewood."

"...Incredible." Opaline's jaw is agape as she approaches the pool, gazing into her own reflection within. You stay back, giving your queen a chance to admire her new toy. "How did you even know this existed?"

"I stole a book about enchantments from Maretime Bay a few years ago. I've, er, been planning this for a really long time."

"But it won't work. Magic no longer exists in Equestria, thanks to that accursed Twilight Sparkle."

"I wouldn't be so sure, my lady."


"If my hunch is correct, certain enchantments may be potent enough to work regardless of the missing magic. This is just a hunch on my part, but if that wasn't the case, then how do the sun and the moon continue to move without Celestia or Luna there to move them?"

"Hm. I just assumed that happened naturally now due to me defeating them all of those years ago."

"That's possible, too. Again, it's just a theory. But according to that book, a scrying pool is technically an enchanted object, and on top of that, it's one of the most potent enchantments out there. If there's one place you'll find magic still working in Equestria, it's in that pool."

"Well, we shall see about that." Without hesitation, Opaline enters the space between her throne and the pool. Meanwhile, you approach the pool as well, but you keep a safe distance as you do so. Opaline, apparently having seen one of these before, closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Show me... Maretime Bay."

There is a tense moment where the two of you wait to see if anything happens. After a few seconds of silence and stillness...


Opaline lets out a sigh.

"Well that's just terrific, Anon. Now there's a pool of liquid crystal in my throne room that serves absolutely no purpose."

You quickly run up to the pool and look into it in disbelief. Sure enough, all you can see is your own reflection.

"B-but... but I...!"

"I expect this to be cleaned up by dinner."

Opaline walks out of the room, leaving you in your bewildered, somewhat panicked state. Why didn't it work?! Why did you bother studying that book and gathering materials for years if THIS was to be the end result?!

Unable to contain your frustration, you kick at the liquid crystal. The pool vibrates at your touch, the liquid inside so thick it's more akin to mercury than water. With an angry groan, you turn around to go find a bucket or something. However, as you do, you feel something cool and slimy wrap around your leg.


You try to turn your head, only to find yourself yanked to the ground in the process. From the pool, a tentacle-like appendage has grown and wrapped itself around your left ankle. You feel yourself getting pulled towards the pool as your eyes go wide and adrenaline begins to kick in.

Violently, you start kicking the tentacle with your free leg. At the very least, your leg makes contact with it instead of passing through it, but it doesn't seem to do anything. You try kicking your tied-up leg, successfully loosening the liquid's grip on you but not shaking it off completely. With what little wiggle-room you have, you squirm a bit farther away from the pool.

You claw for nearest object you can find. Just as your fingers find something to wrap around, you feel a second appendage wrap itself around your other leg. Once again, you are yanked violently back towards the pool. You feel your feet grow cold as you are dragged along your stomach into the pool of liquid crystal.

However, before you can be pulled completely into the pool, you catch the liquid off guard. Just before you were yanked backwards, you had managed to grab one of Opaline's torches from the wall. You slam the torch into the tendrils, which violently react and let go of you. Taking the opportunity to scramble away from the pool, you bring yourself to your feet and enter a defensive position, now staring wearily at your strange assailant.

There is a pathetic squeaking noise as the two tendrils seem to deflate back into the pool. You stare at the liquid with confusion and apprehension, but it appears to be nothing more than a calm liquid once more. After taking a moment to catch your breath, you sigh. Whatever that was, at least it's over.

You turn around once more to go find a bucket only to nearly walk directly into Opaline, who looks at you with amusement.

"L-Lady Opaline!"

"Color me impressed, my little human. You actually did it."

"I... what?"

"Scrying pools are technically the corpses of crystal elementals. Ordinarily, they're not only tiny, but they are also contained in their crystals. By liquefying them, we combine them into one larger being and give them the opportunity to strike back. Then, we kill them. Scrying pools really aren't enchantments at all, they're just dead bodies being used to serve our ends."

"B-but... my book..."

"That book was written by authors that don't know any better, I imagine. Scrying is an ancient, forgotten art. Mostly because the vast majority of ponies have neither the strength nor the stomach to summon a crystal elemental just to kill it. And yet, you did exactly that."

"All I did was whack it with a torch."

"For crystal elementals, the battle is mostly mental. Do you have the mental fortitude or drive to kill it? If so, even the slightest strike will be fatal. If not, you're doomed to live life in an empty space of countless reflections within the elemental's body for the rest of eternity. So, either you're more headstrong than I gave you credit for, or you had a real reason to want that thing dead."


"Which do you think it is?"

"I... well..." You sheepishly rub the back of your head as your face goes pink. "I imagined what might happen to you if I didn't do something about it, and that made me really mad. And scared."

Opaline looks at you silently for a moment before glancing away in an attempt to hide the blush making its way to her cheeks.

"O-of course that's the case! I am your queen, after all! It's only natural that you wish to protect me! N-not that I even need it! Not to mention that I totally knew the scrying pool wouldn't work the first time around, as I was merely testing you!"

After a moment of contemplation, you smile.

"Of course, Lady Opaline."

Opaline clears her throat.

"Well, shall we do this for real this time?" Once again she approaches the pool, and you can't help but tense up as she reaches the liquid's edge. "Show me Maretime Bay."

Once more, there is a tense moment of silence. However, this time, the liquid begins to swirl around without any sort of outside stimulation. You run up alongside Opaline to gaze into the pool. Sure enough, after a few moments, the liquid becomes less and less reflective. You almost don't notice the change due to how gradual it is, but there can be no mistake: Within the liquid, you can see Maretime Bay.

"This is incredible," you mumble.

"So. It does work." Opaline smiles and stomps her hoof, causing the pool to return to a normal reflective surface. After a contented sigh, she turns to look at you. She gives you a big, warm, uncharacteristic smile. Despite how strange it is to see that from her, you can't help but smile back. You don't know how else to describe what you're feeling apart from your heart feeling like it's full of butterflies. "Thank you, my little human."

"...Yeah. I-I mean, yes! Of course, Lady Opaline!"

"Hmhm!" Once again acting out of character, she giggles like a young mare. "This will be instrumental in my return to power. You've made me very happy today, my little human."

"I-I am pleased to help however I can, my lady." You give her a curt bow. "I am glad you're satisfied with it."

Opaline looks over you again, her expression... alien to you. You've gotten pretty good at reading her, but this is definitely new. Her smile looks strange, almost wicked.

Suddenly, without warning, she heads up the nearby ramp, never taking her eyes off of you.

"Come. The Altos is almost on."

"Y-yes, my lady! Would you like me to-"

"No need."

With a nod, you follow her up the ramp, but notice that she slows to a stop while looking away from you just before reaching the top.

"My human?"

"Yes, Lady Opaline?"

"After the show ends... you will be joining me for the evening."

With that, she ascends the ramp once more, and you can't help but notice her tail swishing back and forth as she does so.

Oh goodness gracious.

Year 15

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Rain falls on your face as you plant your feet on the stone below. You find yourself standing dead center on the stone bridge leading to Opaline's castle. The overcast sky and strong wind make for a dramatic scene, and you, the human standing on the bridge, handmade spear at his side, make the scenario seem like something out of a movie.

On the mountain, just shy of the bridge, a small army of about forty ponies from all three ponykinds stare you down, weapons of their own in their hooves. For a while, no words are spoken as you are all drenched in the rain, the wind blowing your hair and clothing dramatically behind you. Eventually, one of the ponies, an elderly earth pony stallion with a faded yellow coat and white mane, steps forward to speak. His voice is gruff, but unmistakably full of vitriol.

"Stand aside, beast. We have no quarrel with you."

"If you have business with my lady, then I'm afraid you do."

"Your lady? So you do serve that witch."

"Watch your tongue, sir. She is the ruler of this land, and you have no right to speak of her in that manner."

"Ruler?! You call that coward a ruler?!" The stallion steps onto the bridge and slams the dull end of his spear onto the stone. "She is nothing but a schemer and a murderer! Our grandparents fought alongside Princess Twilight Sparkle! Our families never forgot the bonds that the ponykinds shared! We grew up hearing tales of the magic that the monster you call a queen stole from Equestria!"

"You are mistaken, sir."


"It was Twilight Sparkle that took Equestria's magic, not Lady Opaline. Call her a schemer and a murderer all you want, the fact of the matter is that she simply did what was necessary to claim her rightful place as Equestria's ruler."

"Rightful place?! And that's why she's been in hiding ever since, I take it?!"

"Her motives do not concern you."

"Her everything concerns me, beast. This day is something everyone here has been preparing for their entire lives. We will ensure that all of the lives she took were not in vain! Tonight, we will have our revenge on Opaline Arcana!"

There is a supportive cheer from the crowd of ponies behind the stallion as they all step forward with him. Together, they all slowly begin to cross the bridge, approaching you as a result.

"...Very well, then. I had considered offering you mercy, but if it's going to be like that..." You stick out your arm, spear in hand. Between your hunting and all of the downtime you've had since moving in with Opaline, you've had thousands of hours to practice with your homemade weapon. "Then none of you are leaving here alive."

The air is filled with the war cries of the revenge-hungry makeshift army. Before them, you stand alone, silent and prepared for every eventuality.

The throne room is filled with a creaking sound as the door slowly opens. The enchanted torches flick on as you step inside, your rain-drenched clothes squishing all the while. Thankfully, the rain did an okay job of washing the remains of the battle off of you, but your clothes are still in desperate need of a wash.

You glance up at the throne, Opaline looking at you with genuine interest and concern.

"You're alive."

"I am."

She gives you a smile.

"Once again, you continue to impress me. Not that I couldn't have handled that situation myself, but it seemed like the perfect opportunity to see if you're worthy of being called my assistant."

"Well? Am I?"

"You didn't leave a single one alive. A harsh punishment, perhaps, but a fitting one. Those who would sympathize with Twilight Sparkle and cling to the past are a threat to everything I've built."

"...Of course, my lady."

Your eyes find their way to the floor, but your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Opaline approaching you and lifting your chin with a hoof, resulting in the two of you locking eyes once more.

"You did the right thing, my little human. I know you wished to offer them mercy, but... ponies like them cannot be reasoned with."




"...Are you having second thoughts about all of this?"


"You never imagined you would take the life of a pony, did you?"


Opaline sighs. To your surprise, you feel yourself suddenly growing much warmer. Opaline has leaned up against you and wrapped her large, beautiful wings around you. You know from experience by this point that, being a fire alicorn, Opaline runs pretty warm. She's always very, very comfortable to be in close contact with; something you've been doing more and more often as of late.

"Ordinarily I would chastise you for being soft. However... because it is you we're talking about, I am willing to let it slide just this once. Besides, try as I might with the scrying pool, I cannot find any other bastions of resistance. The only one I knew about is currently lying motionless beneath the bridge. So, you will likely never have to do this again, my little human."

"I... I would still do so if you ordered me to, my lady."

"I know you would, Anon."

There is a moment where the two of you simply stand there silently in your embrace until Opaline finally lets you go.

"Get those clothes washed. After that... get some sleep. You can even join me, if you like."

"Y-you're giving me an option?"

"You've earned some leeway tonight. Just... do whichever is best for your mental state." Opaline turns to head up the ramp towards her quarters, her expression full of conflicting emotions. Right before she disappears from sight, you hear her say one more thing. "Thank you, my human."

You blink as she finally makes it out of sight. With a completely emotionless expression, you head towards the laundry room, ready to get the terrible smell out of your clothes.

You lie awake in your bed. As much as you love spending the evening with your lady, there's just too much on your mind tonight.

You've been here for about fifteen years now. That's a very long time, but to you, it doesn't feel like it has been nearly that long. Getting to serve Opaline has been an absolute joy. Compared to your old life, she gives you everything you ever wanted. Food and shelter, obviously, but more than that, she gives you a purpose. Her smile is something you strive for. Is she evil? Yes, absolutely. You've been regularly robbing and taking advantage of ponies left and right while the two of you bide your time until Opaline's magic finally returns to her. And yet, you now realize that up until today, you've been taking your role for granted. You were treating it like a silly little game in this world of ponies.

Now, there is blood on your hands.

Is it worth it? Is any of this worth it? Those ponies... they were just angry. Scared. Confused. They missed their families, and they had to live knowing that the cause of all of their problems was just lounging about in a castle with her human servant. They were victims, unsure of how to deal with their sorrows.

And you cut them down without question.

What are you supposed to do now? Can you just go on like nothing happened? Keep serving Opaline with a smile on your face? Waltz into Maretime Bay, look other ponies dead in the eyes, and pay for groceries as if it was a day like any other?

You feel a terrible tightness in your stomach. The more you think about today's events, the more you want to throw up. You've always known that you aren't a good person, but this is something else entirely. Maybe those ponies were right when they called you a beast.


Okay yeah it's coming you'd better get to a toilet.

You rub your eyes as the morning sun filters through your window. You didn't get much sleep.

After preparing yourself for the day, you exit your bedroom, but you are surprised to find Opaline standing in the hall waiting for you.

"L-Lady Opaline. Good morning."

"...Walk with me, Anon."


Without another word, you close your door and follow your queen as she makes her way down the hall and towards the throne room. To your surprise, rather than head to her throne, she turns the other way and throws the entrance open, walking out of the castle as she does so. You follow, noting to yourself that you aren't used to seeing her in broad daylight.

She's quite beautiful in this lighting, actually.

The two of you wordlessly cross the bridge, eventually making it to the mountainside. From there, Opaline begins to ascend, not following a set path but seemingly knowing exactly where she's going.

After a long walk, the two of you find yourselves at the peak of the mountain that the castle is built on. You look out at the landscape surrounding you. In the distance you can see the coast, as well as the tiny outline of Maretime Bay. In another direction, you can see the forest that Bridlewood is located in, and in another, you can see the mountain range that houses Zephyr Heights. It is here that Opaline takes a seat on the ground, something that she would normally never do. She taps the ground next to her, motioning for you to take a seat next to her. You silently oblige.

There, you and your lady look out over the incredible landscape bathed in morning light. Eventually, Opaline breaks the long-lasting silence.

"As of today, you may consider yourself promoted."

"My lady?"

She closes her eyes.

"I do not have an official title to give you, so this is just between us. Effective now, you are free to operate independently if you so desire."


"If I give an order that you do not wish to carry out, you will receive no punishment for disobeying. If you have a mission of your own that you must prioritize over serving me, you are free to do as you please. And... if you wish to leave my service entirely..." She looks away from you, hesitating before finishing her sentiment. "I will happily welcome you back should you choose to return."

You sit in stunned silence for a good long moment. Opaline continues to look away from you, so you cannot read her facial expression. As the light hits her at just the right angle, you can't help but notice that her typically immaculate mane is frazzled and unkempt in a few places. On top of that, her posture is slumped, and she looks as if she didn't sleep very well.

Your heart skips a beat. She... really cares a lot about you, in her own strange way.

She's evil. You have to keep reminding yourself that. She's done some unforgivable things to countless ponies, and her goals are entirely selfish.

But then again, aren't both of those things now true about you, too?

Your mind suddenly becomes clear. You have to focus on what matters. When you first met Opaline, you joined her because it was a means of survival. Now, you continue to serve her because you want to see her succeed. Because you like the attention she gives you.

Because you love her.

You take a deep breath as you steel yourself. After a moment, you reach out and grab one of Opaline's hooves.


"Lady Opaline. I understand how difficult it must be for someone of your station to say something like that to a servant like me. I can't express how happy it makes me to know that you think so highly of me." You take another deep breath. "And that's why I can tell you with utmost certainty that I am not going anywhere. I want to serve you. You've given me a place to belong. Please... please don't take that away from me."

Opaline looks at you with wide, confused eyes for a moment. The sunlight hits those eyes in just the right way, causing them to look like they're sparkling. She never cries (at least, that's what she tells you), but she sure looks like she is on the verge of tears. With a smile, she wraps a wing around you once again.

"...Good. It wouldn't do for me to reclaim my place as Equestria's ruler without my right-hand man."

Feeling the sudden warmth in the air between the two of you, you decide to lean over and rest your head on her shoulder. It's a bit awkward considering you're taller than her, but you try to make it work regardless. As far as you know, in most scenarios, it should be her resting her head on you, but you don't see any world where she does that willingly. The fact that she makes no effort to resist as your weight is pressed against her is good enough. The feeling of her tightening her grip on you when you do so is more than you could have asked for, but there it is.

You're awful. You're evil. You've done some unforgivable things that you can never take back.

But at least you still have her.

Year 40

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You pull your coat over yourself as much as you can while you sit as close as possible to the makeshift fire you've created. You briefly glance at the environment around you. This building doesn't provide much in the way of shelter, but it's better than nothing.

You are currently doing your best to stay warm in the broken-down remains of a house located in what was once the Crystal Empire. Many years ago, when Opaline defeated Princess Twilight Sparkle, she had to fight many other opponents as well. One of those opponents was Princess Cadance of the Crystal Empire. Her defeat shattered the wills of her crystal pony subjects, which in turn caused the Crystal Heart (the only thing keeping the empire safe from the harsh climate of the Frozen North), to lose its magic. With nothing left to protect the empire and no princess to look to for answers, the Crystal Empire was completely wiped off of the map overnight.

Finding this building wasn't easy, either. The remains of the empire are covered in a thick blanket of snow, and what with the Frozen North being the Frozen North, blizzards are frequent. If it wasn't for the tall, lifeless remains of the old castle, you would have never found the empire among the tundra. Your survival hasn't been easy, either, but here you are.

You hold your gloved hands out to the fire, feeling your arms ache as you do so. Weather aside, adventures like this are getting more and more difficult for you. As much as you'd like to pretend otherwise, it's getting harder to ignore the fact that you're getting older. With Opaline being the immortal alicorn that she is, it's easy to forget that you're aging more and more every year. You aren't a young man anymore, that's for sure.

In fact, that's the reason you went on this trip in the first place. Choosing to utilize the freedom your queen granted you all those years ago, you struck out on your own for a "personal mission," one which led you to this ruined ghost of an empire. Specifically, it led you to the long-forgotten basement beneath the castle, which was apparently a laboratory of sorts for an ancient princess. You came in search for a specific enchanted item, one which was mentioned only in passing in some of the texts you've read. It was never given a name, so you've taken to calling it the Dark Eye Necklace.

Shivering, you reach into one of your pockets and retrieve the necklace. It mostly just looks like a golden sphere on a string, but if your research is to be believed, putting it on would unlock its true potential. However, you have no intention of wearing it.

Stuffing the necklace back into your pocket, you take a deep breath. Even through your scarf, your breath is visible in the frigid air. You're going to be cutting it very close tonight, but you simply don't have the energy to continue on right now. That basement was like a labyrinth, and it took you all day to navigate it. It didn't help that you couldn't even confirm that the necklace was there, so you thank the powers that be that you found it and made it out alive. Now all you have to do is get back home to Opaline.

You smile as your thoughts drift to your lady. Ever since that battle on the bridge took place over twenty years ago, your relationship with her has been different. You still refer to her with honorifics, and you willingly carry out any order she gives you. However, the two of you have become much more intimate than is typical for a master/servant type of relationship. To an outsider, you and Opaline would probably seem more like an old married couple than anything else. Heh, that's an entertaining thought.

Even though Opaline tries to hide her true feelings most of the time, it's clear that you both love each other. For that, you consider yourself the luckiest man alive.

You close your eyes and lean back against the wall behind you, making sure to not stray too far from the fire. You've been away from the castle for the better part of two months hunting down this necklace, and you're eager to make it home. But before that, there are two things that you know for sure. First, this is going to be the last adventure you go on. You're too old for this. And second...

If this blizzard doesn't pass by morning, you might be screwed.

Sleep begins to overtake you whether you like it or not. With a sigh, you feel your consciousness begin to drift away. Hopefully your luck hasn't run out just yet.

When you awaken, you notice three things. One, it's extremely cold. Two, the fire went out at some point in the night, and it's a miracle you woke up at all because of it. Three, you can't tell if the blizzard is still going strong, as a wall of snow has barricaded the entrance to this building.

You bring yourself to your feet, nearly stumbling over yourself as you do so. You try to wiggle your fingers and toes. They're all there, but they're getting pretty numb. Things aren't looking good.

You slam your arms against the snow-blocked doorway. Unfortunately, it's extremely compact, and it doesn't budge even a little. You shift to making a conscious effort to dig your way out, but the snow is thick and resilient. With a final sigh, you look around at the rest of the ruins.

Rubble blocks most of your other would-be exits, and what few gaps would otherwise remain are just as blocked in by the snow. You feel your heart sink into your chest.

You're trapped.

As panic begins to overtake you, you do your best to think of other solutions to this problem. Knock down a wall? No, you're not strong enough for that. Wait for the snow to melt? No, it'll take far too long, especially if the blizzard is still going on out there. Make another fire? No, there's no way to vent out the smoke.


After a while, what little energy you still had left is expended, leaving you unconscious in the frozen remains of the Crystal Empire.


Your eyes begin to slowly open as you realize that you're still alive. Something warm is wrapping itself around you like a nice, comfy blanket. You shuffle around a little bit, but find it difficult to move your limbs too much.

"Oh thank goodness, you're awake."


You turn your head around to look at the voice that came from right behind you. Sure enough, wrapping her large wings around you and holding you tight is none other than your lady, Opaline.

"Really now. I let you go out on your own and you nearly go and get yourself killed. Tsk tsk tsk. Where would you be without me?"

"Lady Opaline?" You look around, realizing that you're no longer in the Frozen North. Instead, you're in the rolling plains of central Equestria, far away from any modern settlements. Looking into the distance, you can see where the Frozen North ends. So, you aren't that far from the Frozen North, but you're still miles and miles away from the Crystal Empire. "Where are we? How did you find me?"

"We're just south of the Frozen North, my little human. Finding you was easy. You did make me a scrying pool, after all."

"Y-you were watching me?"

"Just keeping an eye on my favorite subject." She squeezes you a bit tighter. "I wasn't planning on intervening, but then you went and did something stupid like venture into the Frozen North. If I hadn't started booking it here as of a few days ago, you'd be a goner."

"W-wow, I... thank you, my lady."

"Yes, yes, I am incredible. But don't do that again."

"I wasn't planning on it. I'm getting too old for this, anyway."

"No need to sell yourself short. ...But I would avoid any frigid areas in the future."

The two of you share a chuckle as you try to bring yourself to your feet. You're a bit shaky and still numb in some parts, but as far as you can tell, all of you is still there, so that's a plus.

"How did you get me out?"

"I'm a fire alicorn, remember? The snow has no effect on me." As she speaks, she begins walking away from you. You follow right behind her. "Now, come. The trip back to the castle is a long one."

Without needing to say another word, the two of you walk side-by-side on your long trek back to your home.

You both enter the castle in a state of complete exhaustion. The two of you let out a long, drawn-out sigh before slowly slinking away from the throne room. You both ascend the ramp towards the bedroom that you now share.

"By the by, I've been meaning to ask you something."

"What is it, my lady?"

"I understand that you retrieved some sort of necklace, but... for what purpose? What was so important that you'd dedicate so much time and effort into acquiring it?"

"Technically, Lady Opaline, it doesn't have a name. I call it the Dark Eye Necklace, but you could call it whatever you want."

You retrieve the necklace from your bag and show it to her.

"And what is so special about that trinket?"

You look at your queen and smile.

"It brings out the negative feelings of the pony wearing it, essentially making them more susceptible to doing evil things. On top of that, once it has been bound to a pony, that pony can speak through it. In other words, it's a way for you to manipulate and subsequently keep in contact with whatever pony you wish, allowing you to... suggest that they do your bidding."

"Ohoho~! Now that does sound interesting. What do you plan to use it for?"

"I wanted to give it to you."

"HAH! You want to control me?"

"N-no! I mean give it to you as a gift! I haven't bound myself to it, yet. I..." You look down at the amulet, and then back up at Opaline. This isn't going to be easy to say. "...As time goes on, I'm becoming more and more aware of the fact that I won't be able to serve you forever. In fact, it seems more than likely that I won't get to see your rise to power when your magic returns to you."


You sigh.

"But I don't want you to be alone again. I don't know if you'll be able to find someone like me again in the future, so I thought that, by finding this necklace for you, I would be able to ensure that you can have another servant when I'm gone one way or another. I don't want to imagine you replacing me with someone else, but... that's just reality."

Opaline is silent for a long moment, looking at you with concern and apprehension. After some time, she gently takes the necklace from you and looks at it before sighing.

"I am the greatest, strongest, most beautiful pony to have ever lived. And yet... sometimes I still wonder if I deserve to have you in my employ." As the two of you enter the bedroom, she places the necklace into a drawer, quickly locking it away. "To think that you considered your own eventual death, and your first thought was about how to minimize the damage done to me."

"B-but of course, Lady Opaline. You're my reason for living."

She shakes her head.

"You should not underestimate the impact you've had on my life, either." Her voice is quiet and almost completely inaudible.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Nothing." Wearily, Opaline hops onto her massive, fluffy, purple bed and looks at you expectantly. "...Well? Your queen is in need of attention."

After a brief moment of silence, you chuckle.

"I'd be honored."

As you get older, you have no way of knowing how much more time you'll have with your dear lady. However, it's moments like these that make life worth living.

"...Are you coming?"

"Lady Opaline?"

Opaline looks at you with curiosity.

"What is it?"

"I... I love you."

"...H-hah!" Opaline's cheeks obviously go red, but she turns away from you. "Of course you do! Everypony does!"

You stand in silence for a moment, the smile never leaving your face. You expected that kind of response out of her. It's just another thing that makes her so charming.

A little while later, the two of you lie in bed together, Opaline held tightly in your embrace. You are both quite sweaty. Suddenly, the comfortable silence is broken by your queen, your lover.

"I love you too, my little human."

"L-Lady Opa-"

Before you can finish, she cuts you off by pressing her lips against your own. Your eyes go wide in surprise. Sure, you've done more than that with her before (you just did, in fact), but a display of affection like this is still extremely rare from her.

"I'm going to make the most of the time I still have with you. And I'm not taking no for an answer."

"...Hmhm." You hold Opaline tighter than you ever have before. "I'm going to stay right by your side for the rest of my days, Lady Opaline. I swear it."

"Good, because that's right where I want you."

Year ???

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Opaline stands alone atop the mountain her castle is built into. The normally spectacular view is muddied by the overcast sky. There is a sort of glowing quality to her horn and wings that hasn't been there for hundreds of years, obviously caused by the return of some of her magic. She should be overjoyed. In fact, for a time, she was. Today, however, the expression on her face is enough for anyone who might see her to know that she is not okay.

The sound of thunder in the sky interrupts the silence, but Opaline doesn't react. She hangs her head low, her body in a slumped position and her eyes shut tight. She looks to be experiencing great sorrow, but no tears fall from her eyes. Opaline Arcana does not cry.

In front of her, a semi-circular stone has been planted into the ground. A bit of moss has collected around the edges and back of the stone, indicating that it has been there for quite some time. However, the front of the stone remains immaculate. On said front, a few words have been neatly carved about half an inch deep into the stone.


Herald of Opaline Arcana's Reign

Loved Forevermore

"...I'm sorry, my little human." Opaline never opens her eyes. When she speaks, her words are quiet and shaky. "I lost Misty to those... cretins. Plus, she..." Opaline winces before finishing her thought. "She destroyed the Dark Eye Necklace that you worked so hard to get for me." Opaline places her forehead on top of the stone, her dark expression never changing as she lets out an empty chuckle. "Heh. I suppose it at least served its purpose, huh?"

Opaline feels a cold drop of water hit the back of her neck. She never lifts her head off of the stone as the windy evening air becomes filled with a light drizzle, then a heavy downpour. The result is a sight that has only ever been seen by one other creature: Her mane is down, the curls completely straight. When not done up as it typically is, her white-and-opal-colored mane nearly droops all the way to the floor, especially when weighed down by rainwater as it is now. Her makeup runs down her face, but she pays it no mind.

"I am alone once more. But, then again..." Opaline stops for a moment. "It's never been the same since you left. I can't help but wonder if taking in Misty was a mistake. There was no way she could ever live up to the standards you set."

A flash of lightning briefly illuminates the mountain, but Opaline doesn't even flinch.

"But apparently it wasn't enough for me to lose my only servant to that accursed Sunny. Now, all of Equestria knows who I am. It won't do them any good, of course, now that my magic is finally returning to me, but... things are no longer going according to plan."

Several minutes pass as Opaline sits next to the stone, the somber moment only interrupted by the occasional boom of thunder or flash of lightning. Eventually, she lifts her head off of the stone, choosing instead to crane her neck backwards and face the sky despite still not opening her eyes.

"I blame you for this, Anon. In my prime, I never would have had to bear the burden of these terrible feelings! Why must I face regret?! Why must I be doubting myself NOW?!"

Finally, she lowers her head and opens her eyes to look at the stone. She doesn't even notice that the storm above her has passed, but in spite of the rain no longer hitting her, hot liquid is still streaking down her cheeks. Her voice is filled with both immense fury and absolute sorrow.


Her voice echoes across the mountain and in the valley below. With the storm having moved on, the night is still and silent. Opaline, unsure of what to do, lowers her head and closes her eyes once more. There, on top of that mountain, in the same spot where Anon reaffirmed his loyalty to her many, many years ago, Opaline cries for the first time in her life.

Anon was many things. He was brave, he was foolish, he was strong, and most of all, he was loyal. He did all that he could to help his queen, Opaline Arcana, until the day he died. Although history would forget him, his will would forever live on in the heart of one mare. And, unbeknownst to him, his actions would directly lead to the return of peace and prosperity in Equestria.

Today, however, he is mourned by Opaline Arcana, the mare he loved with all of his heart.