• Member Since 26th Nov, 2020
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Starlight Fan

I am a big fan of Starlight Glimmer most of my stories center around her. I do crossovers as well.


After being banished into another dimension thanks to Cozy Glow, Starlight Glimmer is now swept in an unforgettable World Tour competing alongside fifteen humans from the first two seasons of Total Drama and two newbies.

Yeah, she might want to buckle up.

(Rewrite of Starlight’s Dimensional Drama)

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 46 )

great start can't wait to see what happens next

So this has started over?

A pretty nice start anyway.
The Mane 6's reactions were spot on and liked Spike's anger too.

Hmm... Think Discord might find her through a one-way viewing window he makes?

that might work. he did become pals with her after all.

Cool. And that way he'll be able to show the others her progress. But he won't bring her back right away due to fate and destiny.

another good point. ............... i think.

the fate and destiny bit. that makes little to no sense.

So? Best not to question that stuff. Or Pinkie and Discord for that matter.

NO Feral Gollum ZOMBIE ZEKE! That poor guy suffered over and over for a grade school mistake...flip the script have Ezekiel as the one who gets friends this time.

Yeah, I’m not spoiling what I have planned for Ezekiel just yet. But what else would you like to see in this story

Nice start. Can't wait to see how is goes

lets hope Discord or somepony can find poor Starlight.

Why not let Discord tell the group where Starlight's at and let them see her adventure(s)?

i agree with that. i mean sure they may not see eye to eye. (in more ways then one) but they do get along well enough to be friends or good pals.

Be nice to Zeke! No Dirty Chris tricks he needs a friend.

Let's hope Discord tells Twi and the others about what really happened to Starlight and shows them her adventure.

wonder if this is gonna drive the ratings down with poor Starlight in it?

I'm guessing Discord's watching the whole adventure while eating some popcorn.

un-popped popcorn. it is Discord we're talking about.

Ezekiel definitely misunderstood. So much hate over a grade school comment.

Starlight would be the one to help...friendship student and all...

I'd like to see him go further...prove he actually DOES know 8 languages...

Show WHAT potential Canon missed out on in favor of a stalker's romance and bathroom rant marriage...

Creepy is understatement.

...So I didn't think Zeke was thrown off this time...or was he when no one watching? Honestly I would have wanted to have Zeke meet them in one of the locations with security officers meant to arrest Chris...

Zeke back on Victory...hope the stick is figured out first as Chris did NOT explain the rules to Victory outside a glossover. ZEKE DESERVES TO STAY.

Zeke didn’t get thrown out this time. I had him follow Leshawna’s group so he could end up on Team Victory.

That's good. Zeke needs character development that isn't the Ripoff Zombie Gollum kind.

Nice to see a new chapter posted on Starlight Glimmer Day. Very nice

Thanks, how are the characters so far?

Great! I am a big TDI fan, and like others happy that Zeke fate has been spared, the guy really didn’t deserve what happened to him in World Tour (and like other there are some parts of the show that I would possibly change like certain unfortunate fates that have happened

Who’s your favorite character in this so far?

Also what other stuff in the show would you rewrite?


Starlight glimmer of course, she is one of my favorite mlp characters.

As for changes for world tour other than what happened to Zeke, Bridgette being stuck to a pole still as I felt like it was a bit of unfair for her to be stuck still

Alejandro definitely suspect for changeling himself.

Hey, so I understand if you're busy with other stuff right now, but any estimate on when the next chapter might come out? Just asking.

I’m not sure when the next chapter will be. I’m not quitting, I just need to make sure people actually like this premise. What do you think about it so far?

Oh, I love this so far. Definitely an interesting alternate take on the original materials, can't wait to see how the rest of the story unfolds. Also, just food for thought, but if Starlight does end up returning to Equestria, what if she ends up getting trans-dimensional mail to participate in the All-Stars season? I think that would make for an interesting and entertaining sequel story.

Thoughts on all the drama surrounding this chapter?

something big must be coming if Zek is still on.

Hey, uh, so when's the next chapter? It's been about 2 months now. I take it life got in the way again?

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