• Published 5th Aug 2023
  • 2,913 Views, 17 Comments

If You're Going to Do a Job - Brony-wan-kenobi

Gilda is at the beach, trying to both earn some extra coins while enjoying herself. Market Fresh has no idea what he's in for.

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Comments ( 17 )
Jinxed #1 · Aug 5th, 2023 · · 7 ·

That title should be 'If You're Going To Do A Job'.
Either go full capitalisation, or not at all, same for the chapter title and everything else.
'Cons: Market Fresh, her date, has a hard time even looking at' needs 'her' on the end.
Skimming it, it reads like you're trying too hard. Explaining things that don't need to be explained or overdoing it in the writing style that makes it read like the average Yankee TV sitcom with a full laugh track. Maybe that one's just taste but it doesn't read well.

Eldorado #2 · Aug 5th, 2023 · · 2 ·

You wouldn't capitalize words like "to," "a," or "if" unless they're the first word in the title. Correct title case would be "If You're Going to Do a Job" for this story.

Grifs a beach an the Frats are fried.?:trixieshiftright:

Woo, love some good Gilda content!

cons: Market Fresh, her date, has a hard time even looking at HER. Does he not like griffons or is there something more to it?
Missing this word here

One moment he’s thrusting his cock back and forth as if it were

I think you mean tongue here

Inspires real confidence in the quality of the writing when the author can't get the title right.

(Shouldn’t if be “If you’re Going to Do a Job?)



Ok, I don't understand why you are all so hung up about the title. I don't understand why it is bothering all of you. But...it's getting to me. I'm honestly getting depressed right now to the point where I want to contact the person I wrote this for and ask if it's OK if I delete this.

I don't understand why it's making me feel this way. But it is.

Because it's the basic difference between your and you're.
I'm going to hazard a guess that the reason the story is put together in a readable manner is whoever edited it, but if you really don't understand then here's the simple bit.
Your, is for something possessive. This is your story. If I held something in my hand and you referred to it, you would probably say "That is your object."
You're is a contraction of 'you are'. As in "You're going to move over to this location."
Your title if it was a statement and held no contraction, would be 'If you are going to do a job.' If you contract it, it becomes 'If you're going to do a job.'
You're and your are different, while they sound the same they hold different uses.

11660153 I mean, you could correct it. I read the fic, it's solid enough. But the title has a typo in it.
Previous commenters are just callously pointing out that it's not good for a stories title to have a typo as it reflects poorly on the story as a whole


All stories have typos and other mistakes in them. They're mostly not really worth getting upset about, I agree. Mistakes happen, and across thousands of words, it's inevitable something will get missed.

But a glaringly incorrect word usage in the title is something of a red flag for a lot of people. It begs the question of what other mistakes await within, if that kind of obvious error wasn't caught (or, worse, if the author doesn't actually know how to use your and you're).

You shouldn't get depressed and want to delete the story, though. Obviously people are still enjoying it. You should fix the error, and learn from this mistake in the future. None of the people commenting on the title are attacking you personally as a human being.

Dude, I love your story.
Market Fresh is definitely a character I like in the dorky way. Always love me a fellow griffon simp. <3

You did an outstanding job. Plus your story is resonating. Look at that score. I think the criticism isn't meant to put you down, I don't think it was meant in bad faith.

But even if they were haters, hey, long as you got their engagement, you got your numbers up, bro. Your story is featured. People are loving your story. You did Gilda really well. Give yourself a pat on the back, brother!

Kinda hope these two come back later. Rare is the anthro Gilda fic these days that is good and NOT some incarnation of rape/futa.




First of all, I want to apologize. I have been working triple shifts the last couple of days with a broken AC in my apartment that my landlord has been dragging his ass on fixing. So a massive lack of sleep while feeling miserable has made my emotional state rocky. After my post, I tried sleeping again before saying screw it and got a room at a motel. I'm down $85 but feel a bit more clear minded.

So, sorry for my outburst.

I think what was getting to me wasn't the use of your instead of you're. As minor as it was. But when you add in stuff like 'why isn't every word capitalized' or stating that grammar errors in the title cause you to doubt my abilities as a writer...well they build up and hurt. I can take people picking apart the plot or saying something felt too rushed.

So to put it another way: it's like saying that you doubt the value of a present just because the wrapping paper wasn't put on well.

Well, I’m happy you’re doing slightly better, but I’m sorry your landlord is such an ass.

I was actually about to apologize, and say that I only said anything because I couldn’t detect a word play to explain the incorrect usage of “your,” and I tend to feel obliged to point out glaring grammatical errors as politely as I can.

For what it’s worth, I’m sorry I added to your negative feelings/mood, however unintentional it might have been. I hope these most immediate problems get resolved quickly.

There was no way you could have known so its cool

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