• Published 24th Sep 2012
  • 1,906 Views, 56 Comments

Battle for Equestria: Balls of Fire! - overlord-flinx

Discord Vs Celestia: Age old battle, comes to an end... The world ends with a laugh, not a snicker.

  • ...

Chapter One: Teeth and ambitions are bared!

Alicorn, pegicorn, unisus, winged-unicorn, horned-pegasus; All rather accepted labels that are associated with the royal race. However, there is a darker name for them. a name that makes those with wings and a horn in one cringe when they hear it.


"Sister..." eyes shift uneasy, but the eldest of the two remained stout.and unwavering.

"It's for the best, Luna."

"I nay see the reason why. If I must do this, would it not be better if I were on your side?"

"Yes... Under normal circumstances, that would be the case. But like I said before..." With a loud thud, a bulky book landed between the Celestia and Luna and was quickly flipped open to a page covered in names. "I can only have one of our kind on my team. I could take you, but if I take Cadance it assures me Shining Armor as well. If I take you, I miss out on two very useful players."

"...I still fail to see why I must be on Discord's team though!"

"I have gathered you all here today for an important occasion. I have personally selected each of you because--"

"Where are the cheese-nuts!"

"...Because each of you are--"

"You said there'd be snacks!"

"...Because each of you--"

"I'm not listening until I get my snacks!"

"There will be punch and snacks after the epic speech!" Discord flashed a bit of lightning behind him as he leaned in against the interrupting mare.

"Geez... No need to get testy..."

"Where was I...? Ah! Because each of you are all able to be swayed over to my side. If it's by bribes..."

"Money is the core of all language!"


"The Great and Powerful Trixie demands retribution!"


"D-I-S-C-O-R-D! Discord, Discord... GO GO!"

"Or alignment..."

"Bucking alignment chart..."

"Either way, you are all here... And each of you will be given a piece of the pie when I take that pie out of the oven known as Celestia! NOW WHO WANTS CELESTIA PIE!"

The audience fell deathly silent, only a few coughs letting Discord know they were there. "Uh... I mean... It's a metaphoric pie; the pie being Canterlot and by extension Equestria-- Who's up for those snacks now?"


Hours passed, though the sun had barely moved from where Celestia had left it. Regardless, two omnipotent beings, titans of their trade, met once more at the place of their dealing. Discord had opted to sitting on his old pedestal while Celestia stood before him, still burning with determination. "I trust your team is--"

"Save your words Discord. I was prepared hours before I challenged you..." Celestia assured her adversary.

"Woah, alright then. Let's bring out our teams then..." Discord sneered devilishly while Celestia bowed in agreement.

Out from behind a bush beside Celestia filed her collected army, ready to take down Discord. "Discord... Meet The Order of Harmony."

"Twilight Sparkle, my most loyal student."

"Rainbow Dash, loyalty in its embodiment."

"Shining Armor, trusted brother of Twilight Sparkle and husband of Cadance."

"Princess Cadance, matrimony binds the two together."

"Mayor Mare, loyalty to the crown stretches even to an outer government."

"Rarity, riche to be and carved with the desire to bring honor."

"Fancypants, loyalist to the Canterlot Royalty."

"Spitfire, proud leader of the Wonderbolts; which I provide funding for."

"Octavia, head musicianist of the Canterlot Royal Symphony."

The mass of ponies collected behind Celestia, putting on their best war faces... As hard as that was for some. "I will also withhold my right to calling in additional numbers if needed." Celestia made that point known well to Discord.

Discord nodded his head, agreeing to the offer for whatever his own reasons were. "A cute little gathering of ponies you have control over. I on the other hoof gathered my team through completely legitimate means... Meet Team Alpha-Omega-Sting-Mamajama-Moon-Stone-Elite Squadron Unit..." With a snap of his taloned fingers, he summoned in his ranks one by one.

"Trixie, a vow of revenge was all it took."

"Applejack, same deal, smaller scale."

"Princess Luna... She showed up for my meeting for some reason. But I take what I can get."

"Queen Chrysalis; because the alignment chart is law."

Chrysalis groaned and shook her head. "I swear Lawful Evil is still far enough away from Chaotic Evil to make me not be on this team..."

"Pinkie Pie... Because I can."

"Vinyl Scratch, she came up with the team name so I thought she should be on the team."

"Cerberus, because any good team needs a mascot."

"He's not a pony, Discord," Celestia pointed out quickly.

"You never said they all have to be ponies Celestia... Plus I already gave him a leash, so he's staying," Celestia went back a bit as Discord wagged a finger at her and gave the massive dog behind him a pat on one of his snouts. "But let's move on... Big Macintosh, for family blood is thicker then loyalty to the crown."

"Lyra... It's best I don't get into why she's on my team... Just accept that she is on my team."

"Finally, Screwball... I've got nothing, she's here. Good enough."

Celestia eyed down the group behind Discord, already feeling that some players on each team had already wanted to mix words with someone on the opposing team. However, those actions would have to wait for now. "Very well then. Since I challenged you, I'll let you pick the first game we play."

"AH! But I will raise you that offer and offer this in exchange!" Discord snaked over to Celestia and smirked devilishly. "I'll let you pick the first game if you let me pick the referee..."

A fair enough offer, Celestia thought. One that will both cripple and aid her for the first event. Though it may aid Discord in the end, it could also do a great deal of benefiting on her behalf. "Very well Discord. You may pick the--"

Before Celestia could full agree, another poof of magic flashed a young colt beside Discord. The colt was sporting a striped black and white shirt and had a whistled wrapped around his neck. "A'right, ya' plebs. Let's play some games!" Pipsqueak shouted as he blew into the whistle afterwards.

Princess Celestia gave a short groan before shaking it off and looking back at Discord. "Nevertheless... Our first game will be one that the youth of today invented... Kick Ball."

Comments ( 20 )

The Doctor (Doctor Whooves) should be on Celestia's team, probably because he's helped her before.

Yay! You used my Ceberus idea! :D

This looks like it could be almost as silly as Know Your Mare. *notices author*



Okay, after reading.

Applejack? On Discord's team? What ChaoticNote said ^ 1480030

Now Pinkie Pie makes sense, but Applejack? :applejackunsure: Something's rotten here. And it's not the apples...

Interesting.... They need to play football next.

Wait, how are they gonna throw the ball? Or catch it?

I fully agree with the teaming here. Especially the rivalry with :ajsmug: and :rainbowwild:, making them on different teams. Now, I know she isn't much fighter, but I couldn't help but notice Fluttershy's absence....

I'm in love with Fancypants being involved. IN. LOVE. :heart: And Cerberus.

Something in my pinkie sense:pinkiecrazy: tells me that this is going to be a laugh fest of Monty Python proportions!:pinkiesmile:

1480178 Who said she wasn't going to get to do anything?

Also, might I recommend using (with permission of course) other author's OCs. Like Nathan Traveler! That would spice things up quite a bit!:rainbowlaugh:

1323091 This is about as fitting as it gets for this.:pinkiehappy:

1333334 Total agreement here.

1349958 This is an incredibly well planned team list. Also: TIME TRAVEL MAKES FOR MANY LULZ!
Another suggestion: How about intentional crossovers? As in, the people came here on purpose as the games were heard about across all dimensions!:rainbowlaugh:

No one did...

1403026 Your comment made me realize what the playing field will look like based on this comment:1349958

Put Spike on Celestia's team.:moustache:

YES! You took my suggestion for the ref! Also, there is almost no way this could go well for Celestia.

Just so you both know, the Overlord REALLY doesn't like OCs. Last I checked, anyways.
Looks promising, Overlord.
Pray you disappoint me, or you will suffer my wrath and all the powers of Hell!

1484823 You're catching on. I don't care for OCs as a mass.

Sad that I guessed wrong on the teams even though I could of just read them before the guess out loud. But where would the fun in doing that? Oh I do hope you continue this story it makes me chuckle. I am glad to see Cerberus there good mascot. Pipsqueak referee made me laugh.

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