• Member Since 29th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Mystic Sunrise

Why am I still in this fandom?


This story is a sequel to Rise Of the Dragon Queen

Several months have passed since the Canterlot Wedding incident, and all of Equestria is still abuzz with what Twilight and the girls did as Tiamat. Even more so with how they helped rescue the Crystal Empire.

One day, though, Pearl meets a strange boy around Ponyville. One who seems really interested in her, and seems to know quite a bit about the Dragon Orbs. But who is he?

And why is he so interested in Pearl herself?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

" Oh sure, Tiamat had been the one to end Sombra’s miserable existence for good. "

Radiant Hope, "Oh ho hum. Time to resurrect my husband again."

Nope. So much nope.

At least Radiant Hope gave Sombra an actual personality, motive, goals, etc, rather than being a 1-D plot robot.

And Hasbro made that non-canon. Even if they hadn't, this is my universe. Therefore, if I say so, it doesn't happen. My multiverse. My rules.


And I'm usually the one who whines the loudest when someone just say "my head canon, my rules" with no further justification, when fanfiction is about using a common language.

But I had become disillusioned with the show by that point.

Hasbro also had Daring Do's arch enemy, who once clawed up a pony's cutie mark for fun, be an innocent victim, and Daring Do a witless meddler and thief.
They also thought it was a good idea to have Cozy Glow have no back story nor motivation, and have the ponies lock up a child in a prison meant to hold demons.
And they had Garble go from vowing to loot Equestria and then burn it to the ground, to being a victim of peer pressure.

MLP FIM's official canon was dead to me by season 9.

You're right, your story, your rules, and no on has a right o tell you otherwise.

But I just want to say I think Radiant Hope, the Umbrum, and Siege, gave Sombra an actual factual PERSONALITY besides being a cartoon villain.

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