• Published 24th May 2021
  • 4,309 Views, 1,091 Comments

Under the Purple Hood - LuckyMagic

Live is hard to Spike Drake, a young of 15 years, without magic in a world full of it. But seven girls have the power to calm down the beast inside him, if their status don´t get in the middle.

Comments ( 46 )

An intense beginning to the new season. Spike despite coming back with everyone shut himself away to contain his darkness, but that only proves to be worse. The Dazzlings couldn't get him out but the Crusaders did. And Spike ended the lives of more corrupt pricks that honestly are better off dead. And now the girls have a new way to get Spike to calm down so Shadow remains contained. It won't be easy knowing how stubborn Spike is, but they'll do it for him. And the opening at the cemetery, all those people praising a psycho they thought died a hero when in reality was sent over the edge by his own unjust rage. At least now Scootaloo has remembered a loving moment with Spike when they were younger, and I can't wait to see who's the next one to relive a fond memory with him through a kiss

Hmm, can I make a suggestion when they were able to get that Shadow Spike out of him can you make him like Belos form the owl house, you know the scene where he possesses haunter, if you know owl house that is but seeing a chapter where the girls snap him out of it and releases the thing and manifest as a monster, and to add have a bit of nightmare elements like all the negative memories of faces on its body like the who a said before.

"This is Sunny Starcout speaking to you from the local cemetery for News 234. "

*spits out drink* g5 characters are in this story.

"For five minutes..." said Spike to him in complete desperation "Could you be quiet... FOR FIVE MINUTES!?"

I understood that reference.

Oh hello shrek spike

That’s not a bad idea

Twilight, at that moment, stood up and addressed Fancy.

"Then we'll investigate whatever it takes to get that thing out of Spike!" the alicorn said determinedly.

Just want to point out you say this twice

FINALLY...... This is what I was waiting for...... For the Darkness to rise and to finally begin the slaughter. Oh what a happy day

Sooooooo... When is the next chapter?

" Dash please, no one deserves to die. And people were really fond of Thunder. " Applejack told her

Debatable AJ debatable

"Well... it's settled then," Applejack said with determination. "Every night, one of us will sleep with Spike."

Oh I heard is spike need some sexual healing

That was a good chapter.
Yeah, action came back very quickly. New deaths have come so quickly. I was wondering if Tiara's friends will have things to remember...but now they don't need to worry if they have lost memories or not😈.
I must admit, at first I was surprised that Spike, the one who was able to fight Thunderlane on an equal footing, got easily knocked out by a girl. But, come to think of it, Spike was spending weeks isolated, without eating ans sleeping much and with cutting himself a lot. So I guess Spike couldn't fight this time, because he was weakened by Shadow's influence. I guess this was all Shadow's plan. He made Spike so tired that he easily got knocked out and Shadow got a chance to take control. Good plan, and it worked! Shadow is a good planner, I must say!
So now girls know about the secret that Spike kept from them all this time. I'm curious to see how Spike is gonna feel about it.
Honestly, I thought that "Discovering the Apples" would be the chapter where we find out about who killed Applejack's parents and why. But I feel that it won't happen soon. This chapter will be about Spike spending time with Applejack, not about discovering what happened to her parents.
I'll be waiting for the next chapters!)
What I write next here, might be a spoiler, who knows. So don't read that part. You've been warned!
(Jajaja, debo decir "Gracias" a Fancy y Fleur. Contaron todas estas cosas interesantes sobre las fases de Shadow: fase de rehenes, fase de despliegue y cara de posesión.
No estoy seguro si la gente se dio cuenta... pero estoy bastante seguro...
Toda esta información sobre la fase de posesión... esto es todo... ¡es el spoiler más grande del capítulo 47 jejejeje!😈
Después de todo, LuckyMagic ama a Shadow como personaje, y estoy seguro de que no querría perder la oportunidad de mostrarnos esta fase de Posesión. Recuerdo que el autor le mencionó a alguien que el capítulo 47 es su favorito. Y conociendo los intereses del autor en el drama, la sangre y la destrucción, estoy bastante seguro de que el capítulo 47 será la victoria completa de Shadow.
Tomando control irreversible sobre el cuerpo de Spike y matando a todos.
¿Por qué creo que será el capítulo 47 y no el capítulo 46? Porque Shadow aquí no toma partido. No le importa si la persona que tiene delante es un amigo o un enemigo de Spike. Shadow simplemente mataría a esta persona por diversión, sin importar quién sea. Entonces Shadow es "neutral" en su propio sentido. Y si gana, todos están Doomed (¡como el nombre del capítulo jajajaja!).
Así que sí, gracias por el gran spoiler, Fancy y Fleur. Estaré esperando ese capítulo, Shadow. ¡Muestra todo tu poder cuando llegue el momento, Shadow! Seguro que no me defraudarás jajajaja!
Si lo que dije es cierto, gente, es su culpa que haya visto esta información. ¡¡Te lo advertí después de todo jejejejeje!!😈

Who said they would be able? Hahahahahaahaha

This is just childplay compare of what would happen in this season hahahaha, I hope you like Shadow, cause he comes to stay hahaha

Yes, let's say Sunny is going to be the voice of the events that are comming , what the people think and know hahaha

Hahahahahaha totally, you know I love references to other movies or series so, this won't be the last one

Thanks, I will revised <3

I expect last of april, first of may, sorry for the delay, going through many things hahaha

I totally agreed with you hahahaha

More like sexual killing ahhahahahaa

That was a terrible joke 🤣 and I love you for it

Shadow is a very good planner, maybe is totally insane cause is a demon, but let's not forget, that have the intelligence of Spike, is like a two Spike living in one and also, that he won't rest in its trial to control the totallity of Spike, Brain, Hearth and Soul, so this season is going to be large, bloodthirsty and emotional, only the time will get seat the mystery of my world hahahahaa. (Es más que probable que Shadow muestre su potencial incluso antes del capitulo 47... solo digo eso jajajajaaja)

Who said I was joking?😏🤣

The quote Fluttershy, I cannot imagine a sweeter death

R.I.O. (Rest In Orgasm) haahahaha

By the god emperor that's hilarious 😂 now all you have to do is kill the rest of the T-wings and you'll be my favorite writer

Comment posted by Mr Lore miser deleted Mar 26th, 2023

And also cum in peace

Time to time hahahaha, also thanks hahaha

Hahahahhahaha totally

Oh yeah I got to say this your Spike may be a bit too op but honestly one of the best versions

Hahahahah thanks you, I'm glad you like it, and you didn't see nothing yet hahahahaa

well not all movies or TV shows.

haven't seen this story in a while, can't wait for a new chapter

My oc who’s an Otsutsuki (im referring to the anime Naruto and based my character off of the character kaguya:), would do everything in his power to help spike in his quest

Im sorry for the long comment btw

Hey, bro I like you’re story and hope to see more. And yes, I was indeed inspired by you when I wrote Yakuza Paradise.

Thank you for finally asking that question

I hope we can see more of this series and Mark comes out soon but don’t rush yourself. I hope to see the series some more it’s a lot of fun and really good and I’m looking forward to seeing when Spike and all of the girls that like him finally start dating all of them, and they will finally have their first time that I’ve been wanting ants by doesn’t jump out the window like with Apple Jack even though that was pretty funny

I had 1 idea for 1 Spike story, perl maybe you can use it better, since I don't know alternate universe

Imagine the same universe as your history, but the "non-mag" are treated even worse, and there are a few more but they are super repressed, even by the "great and venevous princesses"

since the "non-mag" can actually create more things based on science, real science

Now imagine Spike, yes the "purple hood" but, this one is 100% alone but alone alone.

no friends, no cmc, mane 6, dazzling etc etc no one, he is just the outcast, the punching bag, and sincerely, although in the past he may have had some positive feelings, towards the mane 6, cmc etc

He died a long time ago, died and was burned, along with 1 photo of them "happy"

(although secretly, girls worry about him, but you know "social status")

1 day Flash Sentry and his little group of ass lickers assault him and leave him half dead in an alley

But he was truly dead, as his fingers were cut off, his arms, legs broken in opposite directions, his joints broken, in such a way that not even healing magic would save him.

his lower jaw dislocated, broken and beyond repair, 1 of his eyes busted on the left (due to his powers, strength, magic, etc.)

and flash took videos and photos, to publish them on the internet later

The last thing he told her is "rot with the non-mag trash, and suffer knowing that this" - waving his phone - will make our girls, and the rest of the school, happy.

He left laughing with his friends

Spike can only breathe, as the slow embrace of death takes him.....until

1 limousine in front of him, from which 1 enormous man gets out, the one and only senator armstron 1 "earth pony (it is not 1 pony but using unicorn horn powder, in 1 small bottle in 1 necklace that he wears, even everyone thinks it has magic)

enormous, and with a lot of political power and company in everything, the world

Without saying anything, he looks at Spike and takes out one paragraph from his trench coat.

who when pointing at spike says "no mag"

to which his smile only widens from lip to lip, and calling he says "moonson, I have found the perfect candidate for the "ripper" project, send the doctors to my position, and take him to the alpha base...... "This boy, I can see Moonson, he will change everything."

What you say?

Hey man I am planning to write a fanfic, similar to yours in the future. is it okay that I say it was inspired by this story

No problem m8 hahaha

Oh, so author is alive, as I can see from recent comments. Heh, glad to know that he's not dead :)

Love the story, and looking forward to more chapters :twilightsmile:

You could have at least left us a message about how you're doing. Feels worrying how you just disappeared without saying a word.
A lot of fanfic and comic writers tend to do that, I see. It's like in fashion or something.
Yeah, feels quite worrying.

For the creator of this brilliant and the piece of art, I want to say I respect everything you make and I can't wait for the next chapter. If you ever make it. I know it's over a year, but please keep up the good work and if you not want to continue anymore, just say thank you. Thank you for all the good time. You prevent me or all these chapters. Again? You have my respect and if you have something like a Twitter account or anything I would like to give you a follow.

I don't know. Man, I'm afraid for the worst. Maybe we are luck and he will return. I need to found the final Of this masterpiece now.

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