• Member Since 1st Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen January 29th


A musician with over 20 years of experience who loves to write stories with deep emphasis on positive values and the dangers of taking the wrong path.


They say that if you put your heart to something...anything is possible. What if I told you that your deepest wishes and desires is just one trip away? Scootaloo can't fly...but all of that change with one thing...11.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 5 )

"According to the instructions. Anyway, now's the time to make your final decision. If you're gonna play, drive forward. If you have second thoughts, this is your last chance to bail out." I stated.

When I first read this I thought it said pull out and I immediately said
despite not being a marine nor anything here having to with marines.

It's nearly the same principle. You do have a choice to not play up to a certain point.

You know how the universe is a hologram and reality an illusion? Good cause you got reviewed!

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Hi hi, have a reading!

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