• Published 11th Sep 2020
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Hazy Days and Magical Ways - Dogger807

The Crusaders have finished their first semester at Hogwarts with the second about to start. The Weasley twins may be taking bets on how many professors take up heavy drinking by the end of the year.

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Chapter 8: Not the Mmm.. err Adventure

The subterranean passageway would have been impossible without magic to augment its structure. Magically lit torches were arrayed at regular intervals at differing heights. Looking up, one could see the high, vaulted ceiling with protuberances that swallowed sound. Looking down, one could see two piles. The larger was massive, consisting of the skeletons and remains of vermin and forever lost pets. Judging from the size, it had begun when the passage had first been excavated, centuries ago. It reeked of death and decay, serving as a counterpoint to the scent of methane that suffused the chamber.

The second pile was far smaller, far newer, and far more active. Four girls lay in a jumbled heap and demonstrated that their vocabulary included words that would probably have dismayed their mothers. It would only be a slight exaggeration to say that they were flushed with excitement.

"What sort of wanker puts the entrance to a secret passage in the middle of the bloody floor?" Tracey Davis complained angrily.

“It is rather ingenious, if you stop to think about it,” Silver Spoon said. “I mean, no one expects the entire floor to open up."

“Get off me!” Pansy Parkinson demanded. “Something is seeping through my robes, and I really don’t want to know what it is.”

“Before I open my eyes, please tell me there isn’t any cake,” Daphne said.

“What is with you and cake lately?” Pansy growled. “Inside jokes are just that, as well as annoying.”

“The cake is not a lie,” Silver Spoon said. “And thankfully, there is none here.”

“I don’t think any cake would be caught dead down here,” Tracey said.

“Who cares what you think?” Pansy started to push the other girls off her. “Just keep your opinions in the background where they belong, you half breed.”

“I’m not a background character,” Tracey growled. “Don’t make me pound that nose of yours flat. Oh, wait, it’s already there.”

“Next question.” Daphne broke in. “Are there any ferocious plants?”

“Nope, no ferocious plants,” Pansy said. “Though the only thing that would survive down here would-be devil’s snare.”

“Or killer mushrooms.” Silver Spoon added.

“No cake or cranky plants.” Daphne finally opened her eyes. “All’s good.”

“Cranky plants?” Pansy asked. “Just what happened to you during the break? There isn’t any reason to be afraid of plants.”

“Remind me to introduce you to Albert,” Daphne said.

“Albert?” Silver Spoon asked.

“Something the Gryffindors got for their greenhouse,” Daphne replied.

“There isn’t any reason to be afraid of plants?” Tracey quoted Pansy’s previous comment. “Are we going to the same school? Have you not been paying attention in Herbology?”

“I told you to keep your trap shut,” Pansy snarled.

“Since you know plants aren’t dangerous, there is a willow tree out front that you should go hug,” Tracey countered

“Will you two stop bickering?” Daphne snapped. “Just shut up and look for a way out of here.”

“Well, we aren’t getting out the way we got in,” Silver Spoon said, eyeing the slide they had just descended. “You have got to wonder about the design choices of the ones who made that.”

“It must have been Gryffindor,” Pansy stated. “Slytherin would have been too dignified to make anything of the like.”

“I don’t care who made it,” Silver Spoon said. “I just hope it exits somewhere near the common room; I’m so going to take a bath when we get out of here.”

“Pity we only have showers,” Pansy complained.

“Diamond and I have bathtubs in our trunks,” Silver replied.

“And you’re not sharing?” asked Pansy. “Something like that sho . . ."

Whatever she was going to say was cut off by a banshee wail that drew everyone's attention to the streak of orange that flashed past the ceiling. A gust of wind drew their attention back toward the slide in time for them to see a streak of blue that passed just over their heads.

"Oof!" exclaimed Pansy when a speeding fluorescent orange bundle caught her in the midriff.

"It's pony bludgers!" Tracey exclaimed as another blue blur pulled up in front of her face, barely missing her head as it flashed by. She turned back to the sound of something unfurling, only to catch a fuchsia blur squarely in the chest. A second later, something red impaled her robes in a place that made her grateful that she was a girl, not a boy.

Circling back, Scootaloo declared, "We found you!" With a hint of disappointment, she continued. "Four girls, zero monsters -- that was too easy."

“Look out!” Neville screamed.

Daphne had already hit the ground; so, she managed to avoid a collision with the two batponies who scissored across overhead.

“Perfect landing!” Lavender declared with a solid thump that could be felt throughout the chamber.

“I landed in a puddle,” Ron complained, shaking himself.

“Eww! Ron, stop that, I’ve got enough grime on me as it is,” Sweetie complained.

“Bad!” Magah added.

“That was fun,” Seamus opined.

“Get off me, you pervert!” Pansy screamed.

“Is everypony okay?” Apple Bloom demanded.

“I was until I got hit by two ponies,” Tracey said.

“Tracey? What are you doing down here?” Abagail asked. “They didn’t say anything about you.”

“Ha!” Pansy said. “Just like I said; she’s nobody. No one even bothers to mention her.”

“Lavender, it’s time ta see if’n we can get out the way we came; throw Pansy up the slide and see how far you can git.”

“What? No! Wait! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

“I don’t think I managed even half way.” Lavender frowned.

Pansy returned a few seconds later, sporting a few new bruises. “I’ll be good,” she quickly said.

“I thought you told her not to throw people,” Daphne grumbled, picking herself off the ground.

“Ah told her not to throw colts,” Apple Bloom corrected. “Pansy ain’t no colt. ‘Sides, this’ll teach her ta mind her manners.”

“There’s something wrong with that mindset,” Tracey noted.

“Guys, keep it down,” Hermione said. “It looks like it would only take a good sneeze or two to bring the ceiling down on our heads.”

“The tunnel looks more stable further down,” Luna offered.

“Y'all heard her,” Apple Bloom said. “Head fer safer ground.”

“Bad!” Magah screamed as she picked up Sweetie Belle and tried to toss the filly up the slide. The effort was a lot less successful than Lavender’s.

“Magah! What the hay!” Sweetie cried out as she reconnected with the ground.

“Bad! Bad! Bad!” said Magah.

“Four legs!” Sweetie snapped.

“Bad!” Magah pointed down the tunnel.

“Four Legs!” Sweetie growled. “NOW!”

Magah complied, standing there shaking with the whites of her eyes clearly visible.

“I’m not liking the sound of that,” Tracey said.

“Well, we can’t go back'” Lavender said. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from whatever it is that is scaring her.”

“Shouldn’t we be worried about anything that scares a unicorn?” Pansy looked nervously down the tunnel.

“Nah,” Scootaloo said. “Most of them won’t even enter the Everfree Forest.”

“We’re wasting time,” Dean said. “Guys up front.”

“Okay,” said Harry as he landed in the position indicated, only to be joined by Neville, Seamus, Ron, and, finally, Dean.

“Y’all got that wrong.” Apple Bloom jumped in front of them. “Me an’ Lavender will go first, followed by Ginny, Sweetie Belle and Hermione. Abigail, Parvati, Scootaloo an’ Luna will protect the sides an’ the Slytherins will be in tha back. You colts git in tha middle.”

“What?” Ron said. “Are you daft? We’re going up front.”

“Ah don’t think so.” Apple Bloom growled. “Y'all be in tha middle where you’re safest.”

“I’ve been waiting for this argument,” Hermione said. “It was inevitable.”

“What do you mean?” Scootaloo asked as Apple Bloom and Ron went muzzle to muzzle to squabble at each other.

“Haven’t you been watching the telly?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Men protect their women the same way we protect our stallions. Hermione’s right; it was only a matter of time before this happened.”

“That’s stupid,” Scootaloo said. “There are more of us than them.”

“Humans have a near fifty-fifty ratio between males and females,” Hermione said. “This leads to a different dynamic than what you’re used to. Where your ancestors went out of their way to safeguard their stallions, ours did stupid things to attract the attention of their women. The resulting attitudes are in direct opposition to each other.”

“This really is stupid,” Parvati said. “I’m no damsel in distress.”

“Which is one reason why Apple Bloom is going to win eventually.” Hermione nodded. “Twilight and I have already had this conversation. Remember, they have a lot more sapient races. Neither interspecies relations nor conflicting gender-based danger protocols are new to them. It’s the main reason why griffins vehemently don’t do herds.”

“How long did you and Twilight go over this?” Luna asked.

“We spent the afternoon on the topic,” Hermione said. “Mrs. Tonks was there too. Twilight has gathered all the pertinent books on the subject and now is waiting on a blowout argument between Rainbow Dash and Sirius.”

“And Pinkie?” Parvati asked.

“Predicting Pinkie is wasted effort,” Scootaloo said.

“I don’t care how this argument pans out,” Seamus said. “I’m not cowering in the middle.”

“Don’t worry,” Dean said. “Ron’ll set her straight.”

“I’d prefer it if you colts were safe,” Sweetie stated with a hint of worry.

“We’ll make ourselves safe right after we’re sure you girls are,” Harry said.

“You really do have this backwards,” Scootaloo said.

“At least Draco knows his place,” Silver Spoon said. “He’s not going to put himself in any unnecessary danger.”

“You’re in for a nasty surprise when he puts himself into harm’s way to protect you,” Tracey said.

“He wouldn’t do that,” Silver Spoon insisted.

“He may be a git at times,” Pansy said. “but he’s not a big enough of one not to see to your safety before his own.”

“He’d better not do that,” Silver Spoon said. “How could you approve of such behavior?”

“I thought you’d appreciate the human female perspective.” Pansy shrugged.

“Should we stop them?” Abigail nodded at the still-squabbling Ron and Apple Bloom.

“Twilight told me to let them blow off steam when this happens,” Hermione said. “She said that Ron is the most volatile of the boys, and I shouldn’t interfere unless either Harry or Neville are the ones with raised hackles. That’s when things would be getting serious.”

“Pony politics are pretty powerfully perturbing,” Tracey said.

“Speaking of,” Daphne said. “Why are you all in pony form?”

“We’re more resistant to damage this way,” Luna said.

“Duh,” added Dean.

“Good point,” Daphne said, shrinking to her own pony form.

Silver Spoon merely looked at her for a second before doing the same.

The two remaining human girls shared a look before Tracey said, “How is that fair?”

“We’re now the biggest targets.” Pansy paled.

Harry sighed and shifted to his human form. “Here,” he said, taking off his ring and handing it to Tracey. “I don’t need this to change anymore. You can borrow it.”

“Thank you,” Tracey said, donning the ring before shrinking down into a fluorescent green unicorn filly.

“Looks like we’ve got another glower,” Seamus commented.

“Welcome to the club,” Hermione grumbled.

“I’m sure I don’t like the name ‘glower’,” Tracey said, studying her hoof. “We’ve got to come up with something better.”

“Target?” Seamus suggested.

“I like that one even less,” Hermione answered.

“Merlin,” Parvati said, “you’re worse than Hermione. Looking directly at you will give people migraines.”

“Not to pester or anything,” Pansy said. “but aren’t you forgetting somethiiiiiin . . .” She cut off to duck as Ron passed through the space her head had previously occupied.

“Apple Bloom!” Lavender barked. “No throwing colts!”

“This is important,” Apple Bloom grumbled as she trotted over to the downed colt. “’Sides, Ah only tossed him lightly.”

“And that’s reason number two why she’s going to win this argument,” Hermione noted.

“You need to work on your numbering system,” Silver Spoon drawled. “I’d say that was reason number one.”

“As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted . . .” Pansy stood to her full height again. “I need to be a pony, too,” she demanded.

Neville sighed and turned human. “Here you go,” he said, holding out his own ring.

“Thank you, Longbottom,” Pansy said, putting on the ring. “Earth ponies have the best protections? Right? How do I make sure that’s what I’ll be?”

“You’ll get what you get,” Seamus said.

“Apple Bloom! Get off my tail!”

“You know, I think Ron has been getting the brunt of the whole gender bias thing,” Ginny said. “And I’m not just saying that because I’m his sister.”

“No Ron bashing,” Parvati called out.

“Ah’m trying ta keep him safe, not hurt him,” Apple Bloom said around Ron’s tail.

“Yeah,” Pansy said. “I want earth pony strength.” With those words, she shrank.

“Missed the mark there.” Dean was the first to speak.

“Shut up, pink boy,” Pansy snapped.


“Haven’t you gotten past the denial stage yet?” Seamus asked.

“You’re going to love sleeping on the ceiling.” Luna looked down at Pansy from her spot on the ceiling of the tunnel.

“It is strangely comfortable,” Abagail agreed.

“I don’t have to suck anyone’s blood like this?” Pansy asked, studying her dark purple hoof.

“The only ones in danger from you are innocent mangos,” Hermione said.

“Mmmm, mangos,” said Luna.

“Sweet, juicy mangos.” Abagail nodded, upside down, which really is irrelevant as far as nods are concerned.

‘I’d like to point out that anyone hiding a mango in their bag is also in danger,” Dean commented. “Trust me, firsthand experience.”

“That was cruel.” Luna glowered.

“I was planning on eating it later,” Dean countered.

“Sharing is better.” Abagail shrugged, still upside down.

“Someone’s coming,” Ginny said, pointing her ears at the slide. As one, the rest of the foals did the same.

They watched the woman speed off the slide only to slow down instantaneously, somehow landing on her feet and walking forward steadily while flicking her wand to remove the filth that had collected on her robes.

“How’d she do that?” Silver Spoon asked enviously.

“Miss Bloom, whatever are you doing to Mr. Weasley?” Professor McGonagall demanded.

“Ptuu! Establishing dominance ma’am.”

Professor McGonagall sighed. “That will be enough of that. Now, is everyone present?”

“Yes ma’am.” Chorused the foals while Magah whinnied.

Professor McGonagall focused on the new neon green foal. “Miss Parkinson? I see you have decided to emulate your classmates.”

“I’m Tracey, Professor,” said the luminous filly.

“Totally forgettable, isn’t she.” Pansy said triumphantly.

“Ironically, she’s not going to be able to fade into the background like that,” Silver Spoon said, “unlike you.”

“That will be enough of that as well,” Professor McGonagall said sternly. “Now, I need everyone to stay as still and silent as possible. I don’t like the looks of this passage; so, I will be stabilizing it.”

Despite the cold, two people stood on the road leading to the ancient estate and looked at the sign hanging above the gate.

The large man growled and wordlessly pointed at the object of interest.

“What?” asked the small, brown-haired woman.

The man drew back his hand and sharply slapped the side of the woman's head, knocking her to the ground. “You were supposed to make a sign that had the name of the orphanage on it,” he gruffly criticized.

“I did,” whimpered the woman as she crab-walked away from the larger human “Isn’t that what everyling is calling it?”

The man sighed and placed his face in his huge hand, muttering to himself.

“Well, that answers that.” Silver Spoon looked at the large door. “This is Slytherin’s work; the snake theme pretty much gives it away.”

“It does not respond to any of my spells,” Professor McGonagall stated. “We’re going to have to go back up the slide. I’ll send Professor Flitwick a message to send some brooms down.

“Just a minute, Professor.” Hermione was also studying the door. “I’ll bet Diamond Tiara could open this. In fact, she’s probably the reason the passage opened in the first place. She is the Slytherin Primus, after all.”

“Well thought out Miss Granger. One point to Gryffindor for your astute observation.”

“Dean, you want to go get her?” Hermione asked.

“Sure, on my way.” Dean swooped back the way they had come.

“Y'all should have sent Parvati.” Apple Bloom said disapprovingly.

“I understand why you think that way,” Hermione noted, “which is why I need to play mediator. Besides, he shouldn’t be in any danger.”

“Ah’m going ta have ta teach you a few things,” Apple Bloom replied.

“We both have things to learn,” Hermione said. “And compromises need to be made. I won’t let the boys shelter me at the same time I recognize the folly of sheltering them.”

“It ain’t right.” Apple Bloom scowled.

“Not for ponies it isn’t,” Hermione replied, “but our herd is a mix of human and pony. If we do this right, no one is going to be happy with the compromises. However, everyone will be happier in the end.”

“Stop sounding so reasonable like,” Apple Bloom ordered.

“Sorry, Apple Bloom.” Hermione bit her lower lip. “Even with Twilight telling me what to expect, I am finding this difficult. I can’t imagine how you feel about it, either. I’m terrified of alienating either you or the boys if I do this wrong.”

“We’ll work it out, somehow.” Sweetie broke in. “You need to stop thinking that you have to bear the burden yourself. We are a herd, after all,” she said to Hermione. “I would have thought you learned after getting your cutie mark.” Then, turning to her bow-bearing friend she said, “It’ll be hard, but you are going to have to learn to treat the colts more like fillies.”

“Ah don’t like it.” Apple Bloom huffed.

“I wonder when Professor McGonagall is going to remember we can just call Philomena and flame out of here,” Luna said off-handedly.

“Luna, where did that come from?” Hermione demanded.

“I was just wondering,” stated Luna.

“Couldn’t you see that we were having an important discussion?” Sweetie asked.

“I just thought you’d want to save it until we didn’t have an audience.” Luna pointed a wing at the Slytherins watching them with interest.

‘Ooooh,” said Hermione as Apple Bloom and Sweetie looked at the other fillies with big eyes.

“Don’t mind us,” said Silver Spoon. “We were learning, too. Diamond’s going to want to lay down the law after she hears about this.”

“Wait,” Pansy blurted, “are you saying we didn’t have to trudge down that disgusting tunnel after all? We could have just called your bird?”

“Just out of curiosity,” Tracey added. “Why aren’t you including the boys in this discussion?”

“Don’t look at us,” Seamus said. “My da told me that when girls start arguing with each other, don’t butt in unless nails and teeth start flying.”

“Your dad told you that too?” Dean asked.

“So, did mine,” admitted a sullen Ron.

“I was just following their lead.” Harry shrugged. “I figured we’d lay down the law after we got back to the trunk.”

“An’ what law would that be?” Apple Bloom asked dangerously.

“That we won’t be hiding in the middle while you girls put yourselves in danger.” Harry said sharply, “In your own words, ‘That ain’t gonna happen.’”

“Does this count as Harry getting his hackles up?” asked Abagail.

“Not quite,” Parvati said,“but we are headed in that direction if we aren’t careful.”

“Children,” Professor McGonagall said, “now is not the time. This is a conversation you do have to work out for yourselves, but now is most definitely not the time. More importantly, it is my job to see that you do not face any dangers where you might feel that you must sacrifice one of yourselves. You are just children, after all.”

“But they are being unreasonable.” Apple Bloom pouted.

“Miss Bloom, it is policy for professors to stay out of relationship issues. However, I am at liberty to say that compromises, as Miss Granger has mentioned, are nearly always the best choice.” Professor McGonagall sighed. “I’d also like to note that I should not be having a conversation even remotely like this with first-years.”

“But . . .” said Apple Bloom.

Professor McGonagall raised a hand to stop her. “I suggest you wait until you are all sitting and enjoying a nice, calming tea, before continuing this line of discussion.”

“Yes ma’am.” Apple Bloom’s ears drooped.

“I also suggest you have a substantial stock of throw pillows handy as well.” The professor concluded. “You are not getting through that conversation without tempers flaring.”

Peter Pettigrew lay on his back, idly twiddling his thumbs.

How much time had passed?

Was time even passing?

Was this the lamest cut scene ever?

“I’m just saying we should be checking for secret doors as we go.” Ralph’s voice trickled down the passageway to the group waiting before the door.

“We are in a secret passage to begin with,” Draco said. “A secret door would be superfluous.”

“Which is exactly why we should be looking for them,” Spike explained. “We don’t want to miss out on any treasure.”

“We are not on an adventure,” Draco scoffed. “We are just exploring one of the castle’s many less-known passageways.”

Ignoring the conversation of the colts, Diamond Tiara stomped up to Apple Bloom and snapped. “Did you tell him to push me into the hole?”

Apple Bloom blinked at her while Professors Flitwick and Babbling went over to talk to McGonagall. “Nah. He was just supposed ta go get ya.”

“Just so you know then,” Diamond Tiara said. “I owe him one.”

“Keep it within reason.” Apple Bloom sighed.

It was Diamond Tiara’s turn to blink. “I was expecting more push back than that.”

“Hermione's been telling me that we can’t treat our colts tha same way we would back home.” Apple Bloom gritted her teeth. “Call this mah first go at compromise.”

“Hey!” Dean said. “I didn’t do anything bad to you, just gave you a nudge.”

Diamond Tiara looked at Dean then back to Apple Bloom. “I’ll keep it tame.”

“Ah’d appreciate that,” Apple Bloom said.

“I don’t think he was being malicious,” Hermione added.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Diamond Tiara acknowledged, “but he is going to learn not to push fillies down filth-covered pipes.”

“I think you goofed,” Ron told Dean.

“Now would be a good time to remember how to apologize.” Ginny suggested.

“It wasn’t that big a deal,” Dean replied.

“She doesn’t seem to think so,” Abagail said. “You might not have meant anything by it, but trust me; she’s way too prissy not to be upset.”

“What does prissy mean?” Scootaloo asked.

“Fussy about her appearance,” answered Sweetie Belle.

“Something you could learn from,” Silver Spoon told Scootaloo.”

“All right, all right,” Dean caved. “Diamond, I am sorry I got you dirty.”

“He can be taught manners,” Diamond Tiara noted. “Apology accepted.”

Dean let out a sigh of relief.

“Just don’t think that’s going to get you out of your punishment.”

Dean winced.

Ralph started to open his mouth to say something, but Spike elbowed him in the side. “You’re not a member of either herd,” Spike whispered to him. “Don’t get involved.”

“I’m confused.” Parvati said. “Shouldn’t we stand up for Dean more?

“We are allied with the Diamond herd,” Sweetie said. “As long as nothing drastic is done, we’re good. Diamond Tiara isn’t going to cross any lines. Notice how she let Apple Bloom know there was a problem first?”

“What’s unusual is her allowing Diamond some deecreetionol pay back.” Scootaloo said. “If Dean were a normal colt, she’d punish him herself.”

“Discretional,” Hermione and Sweetie chorused.

“I repeat,” Tracey said. “Pony politics are pretty powerfully perturbing.”

“You’re proud of that phrase aren’t you.” Pansy sneered.

“Positively.” Tracey smirked.

“Having humans in the mix makes it worse,” Silver Spoon said. “I was sure that Apple Bloom would have acknowledge the debt and taken Diamond’s reprisal herself, shielding her colt. If I hadn’t been here for the earlier conversation, I’d be worried about her right to claim to be alpha mare.”

“You know, we need a crash course in what’s going on here,” Seamus said. “I get that Dean did something he shouldn’t have, but the rest seems too Slytherin for my tastes.”

“It has a lot to do with Diamond being so prissy.” Scootaloo said. “If he had pushed me or Silver, we wouldn’t be talking about it.”

“You were just waiting to use that word, weren’t you?” Ron asked.

“I don’t know.” Said Luna. “I think Silver is more prissy than Diamond.”

“She’s not the alpha mare of her herd,” Sweetie explained. “Diamond’s due certain respect as the head of our allied herd. Likewise, she has certain responsibilities towards the members of our herd. If you have a problem and Apple Bloom isn’t available, she’ll do her best to help.”

“What I’m hearing is that being allied herds is serious business,” Harry said.

“Very,” Apple Bloom said. “An’ Ah’d appreciate it if y'all would think before antagonizing them. Treat 'em like you'd treat each other. Treat Diamond Tiara like y'all would treat me."”

“Sounds like you owe Apple Bloom an apology, too,” Neville told Dean.

Dean didn’t bother to mull over the statement. “Apple Bloom, I didn’t mean to get you in trouble. I’m sorry.”

“Yes, he can definitely be taught.” Diamond Tiara smirked. “I may need to forgo my first thoughts of pay back.”

“Which were?” Pansy asked.

“Making him wear a bikini and parading him through the school,” said Diamond.

Dean looked in shock at Diamond before turning a pleading gaze toward Apple Bloom.

“As amusing as that would have been,” Professor McGonagall said, “we are done examining the door. Miss Tiara, if you would be so kind as to attempt to open it, please?”

“Yes professor.” Diamond stepped up to examine the door, noting all of the snake motifs covering the portal. “What should I do exactly?”

“Let the door know you are the Primus of Slytherin and command it to open,” Professor Babbling instructed. “It has runes to detect the identity of whomever addresses it. If it doesn’t respond to your claim, we will be leaving and making our way back. Professor McGonagall informs us that Miss Belle’s companion could transport us all.”

“Yes ma’am,” Diamond said, focusing on the door. “Ahem! I am Diamond Tiara, Primus of Slytherin, and I demand that you open.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, the stone snakes began slithering across the door and the sounds of a locking mechanism could be heard engaging.

“That worked,” Hermione said. “I hope we just found Salazar Slytherin’s personal study.”

“Anything to get at rare books, huh?” Abagail asked as she watched the door begin to open by splitting down the middle and the two sides swinging inwards.

Diamond snorted, “Remember, whatever we find I get first dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!”

A sharp hiss drowned out the scream. Students and professors alike stared, stunned.

After a moment, Ralph craned his head back to take in the two large yellow eyes glaring back from the darkness. He whispered to Spike, who was standing next to him. “D-d-does this c-c-count as an adventure y-y-yet?”

Author's Note:

Yes, I know I missed the normal Sunday/Monday release window. I have a reason, not an excuse, mind you, but reason none the less. I will explain by giving just four numbers. The first is a two. Then a zero. Followed by a seven and another seven.


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