• Published 11th Sep 2020
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Hazy Days and Magical Ways - Dogger807

The Crusaders have finished their first semester at Hogwarts with the second about to start. The Weasley twins may be taking bets on how many professors take up heavy drinking by the end of the year.

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Chapter 7: That Familiar Dance

Ozone hung heavily in the air in Canterlot Castle. Princess Celestia, Diarch of the Dawn, Alicorn of the Sun, Ruler of the Day was, by default, a morning pony. Some ponies might believe that the fictional Power Ponies had saved an impossible number of lives. Celestia's credits included an entire planet for more than a millennium. After all, without the cycle of day and night, almost everything would die. It was supposed to be her time to shine.

The dark, pre-dawn hour was the time that her day normally started. Despite her reputation for poise and grace, she could be caught off guard, especially before her first cup of coffee. The proof was in the state of her mane. Under ordinary circumstances, it was the stuff of legend -- beautiful, ethereal, and flowing. There were few hair styles that would not enhance her already exceptional grace. Dandelion was one of them. Somehow, her mane now shot out in all directions. All that was needed to complete the illusion was the addition of a red rubber ball on the end of her nose.

“I’m sorry,” said the transparent mare floating in front of her. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“Bwah?” said Princess Celestia. “Wha? Gha? Real? How?”

“I’ve been getting a lot of that lately,” commented the specter.

Princess Celestia shook her head. “And here, I thought Luna was yanking my tail when she woke me last night.”

“I’m sorry. Would you like me to leave?”

“Wha . . . No.” The Princess shook her head again, her mane refusing to take on its proper appearance. “I apologize; you caught me off guard.

I’m sorry,” said the ghost. “I was just wandering, lost in my thoughts. I didn’t mean to float through you like that. This is just so strange, and nopony wants to stay around to talk to me.”

“Ah,” said Princess Celestia. “I’m afraid they are going to take some time to get used to you. Angel Down, was it?”

“Yes, your highness.”

“Well,” said the Princess of the Dawn, “as surprising as your presence is, you are welcome here.”

“Thank you, your highness.”

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I hear a nice warm roaring fire calling my name.”

“I understand.”

The stench of failure perfumed the passenger compartment of the decrepit government sedan. Janice had been down that road before far too many times. Her bad day had gotten worse. She hadn't had a good day since . . . since the accident. If she were an optimist, she would have said that the whole world was against her. She knew better; the whole of miserable reality was conspiring against her. She had no one who was on her side -- no friends, no family, no one. She was alone.

The incident at her previous home hadn't been her fault. To those fostering, that didn't matter; they'd labeled her a troublemaker from the start. That made her a convenient scapegoat. After all, no one would believe her.

No one cared.

She was alone.

The familiar routine of being shuffled around hardly fazed the seven-year-old girl, even though this time, her stay in limbo had been surprisingly short. It hadn’t taken a full day before a new home had been found for her. She would be the first resident of a new facility.

She wondered how long that would last.

No one really cared.

She had long since learned to keep the tears inside.

The drive had transpired in silence. It hadn’t been too long before they had arrived at an ancient building.

It was another orphanage.

“The Love Farm” according to the sign overhanging the entrance gate.

They were going to abandon her there.


The matron actually met the car in the drive as it pulled up. A wide smile of greeting spread across the woman’s face, framed by a wreath of lovely auburn hair. Janice was jealous; her own hair was a stringy black mess.

No one had bothered to teach her how to properly take care of it.

She was alone.

The matron didn’t wait for Janice to open the door herself. With surprising enthusiasm, the woman yanked open the obstacle and reached down to pull Janice into a hug, somehow unlatching the seatbelt in one smooth motion.

Janice merely squeaked as she found her face buried in the envied hair. This was not new. This was a distant memory, almost lost, yet always cherished.

The woman who held her let out a shuddering breath. “I could feel your pain from a mile away. Leave it behind. It will not be needed here.”

Confusion flowed through Janice’s body, even as she sank into the curiously warm embrace. Where was the expected stern taskmistress? Could this one actually care?

“We are so ecstatic to have you,” the woman continued. “I’m sure you’ll be happy here. The only thing we really want from you is your love.”

Confusion fled, replaced by hope.

Janice had found her Home.

In an unremarkable hallway in Hogwarts, a group of boys stood around and waited as they had been instructed.

“Why are we just standing here?” asked Ralph.

“Because Diamond Tiara told us to,” Spike said matter-of-factly.

“Why are we listening to her?” was Ralph’s next question.

Spike sighed and looked at Draco. “I’m still not helping you with her.”

“Then why are you hanging out with us?” Draco countered.

“Because I’m not suicidal enough to hang out with the Crusaders,” Spike answered.

“So,” Ralph ventured, “is this one of those herds they were talking about?”

“No!” snapped Draco and Spike simultaneously.

“Are you sure?” Ralph asked.

“Just don’t sign anything Diamond Tiara asks you to,” Spike said.

“She’s going to ask?” Ralph raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t sign anything Diamond Tiara tells you to.” Draco corrected as Vincent and Gregory grunted their agreement.

“Words to live by,” Spike commented.

Without warning, a door opened and Diamond Tiara stuck her head out. “Get in here,” she commanded.

“That’s a girl’s loo.” Draco protested.

“Get in here!” Diamond Tiara repeated, disappearing back into the room.

“She really doesn’t know how to ask for anything,” Ralph said as he followed after the rest of the boys.

“Woah!” Draco cried out. “What’s that?”

“It’s a hole,” Diamond Tiara said flatly.

“Um,” said Spike. “Where’s Silver Spoon?”

“In the hole,” Diamond Tiara stated.

“Oh,” Ralph said. “And Daphne?”

“In the hole.” Diamond Tiara stated.

“And Pansy?” Ralph asked.

Diamond Tiara gave him a dirty look.

“Right.” Ralph relented. “In the hole.”

“They fell,” Diamond Tiara said.

“Do we even know what this is?” Spike asked. “It could be an interdimensional wormhole.”

“Or a gateway to Hell,” Ralph added.

“Don’t be daft,” Draco said. “That’s a pipe, by the looks of it, a sewer pipe.”

“I’ll bet the girls are wishing it were a gateway to Hell instead,” Ralph mused.

“I suppose we should go down and see if they’re okay,” Spike said.

“Do we look like Gryffindors?” Draco asked.

“We can’t just leave them down there,” Ralph objected.

“I just saw the Gryffindors were right down the hall,” Gregory offered.

“Well, go get them,” Diamond Tiara said, frowning as the large boy rushed out of the loo.

“Isn’t it stereotyping to expect our classmates to jump in a hole just because they are Gryffindors?” Ralph asked, keeping two steps away from the edge.

“Yes,” said Spike.

“Doesn’t mean we’re wrong though,” Diamond Tiara added. “So,” she said, looking at Draco while nodding her chin at Spike. “Ravenclaw?”

“I was thinking Hufflepuff myself,” Draco said, still peering in the hole.

“He is loyal,” Diamond Tiara agreed.

“I am standing right here, you know.” Spike complained.

“So you are,” Draco said. Spike glared at him for a full minute before the door to the loo reopened.

“What cha want?” Apple Bloom demanded as she stomped in leading her herd.

“Hello,” Diamond Tiara said. “We’ve had a bit of an accident. A hole appeared under the sink, and Silver and the girls fell in. We were wondering . . .”

“Cutie Mark Crusader Rescuers!”

“Scootaloo, wait!” Harry called out.

“Does anyone know the cushioning charm?” asked Hermione. following in unicorn form.

“Let those of us with wings go first!” cried Parvati as she transfigured and went into a power dive.

“Don’t worry, we’ll save them!” Dean declared.

“I’ve been practicing that spell since the whole greenhouse debacle.” Ginny called out as she went, her horn already glowing.

“Bloody hell.” Neville stated as he moved.

“Wheeee!” said Luna.

“You took the words right out of my mouth.” Abigail joined her

“And I just lost my soap.” Lavender complained as she jumped.

“Don’t whine so much!” Ron leapt as he transfigured.

“Wait here, Magah.” Sweetie Belle ordered.


“Or don’t,” Seamus followed.

“Don’t ya worry none; we’ll git your friends.” With those words, a red bow followed the yellow filly down the hole.

“Next time, at least let me finish speaking first!” Diamond Tiara called out after them.

“Well, you weren’t wrong,” Ralph admitted.

“We probably should get a teacher,” Spike said.

“You’re right,” Diamond Tiara said with a nod. “Hufflepuff.”

“That was AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash called out as she bounced out of the minecart.

“It wasn’t that bad last time.” Twilight groaned.

“She sits in the back on the way up,” the goblin guide gargled.

“Fine by me,” Rainbow chirped. “Just go faster.”

“One speed only.” The goblin groaned.

Sirius snorted. “I’m positive that took a third of the time the last trip took.”

“That was fun,” Pinkie said, lifting a reflex camera in her hands. “And I got pictures. You have got to love moving pictures.”

“Because everypony wants to see us screaming silently,” Twilight said.

“It wasn’t that bad,” Rainbow retorted. “Why are we here again?”

“I wanted to show you your allowance vaults,” Sirius said, trying to pry himself out of Twilight’s grasp.

“Allowance?” Rainbow asked. “We’re not fillies, you know.”

“True,” Sirius said. “But you are ladies of the House Black. Certain things are expected. Besides, I’m going to need help spending the Black fortune.”

Rainbow stared at Sirius in horror for a few seconds before wailing. “Sweet Celestia! I’m a kept mare!”

Professor McGonagall stormed into the lavatory; a scowl plainly visible on her face. “What are you boys doing in here? This is a girl’s . . . good lord, what’s that?”

“It’s a hole,” Diamond Tiara stated.

Professor McGonagall looked around in horror. “Where’s Miss Spoon?”

“In the hole,” Diamond Tiara said.

“Miss Parkinson?” Professor McGonagall asked.

“In the hole,” Diamond Tiara said.

“Ditto on Daphne and the Gryffindors.” Ralph spoke up, drawing the attention of everyone in the restroom. “What?” he asked. “We’ve already been over this, and I wanted to move things along.”

“Right then,” Professor McGonagall said, stepping over the ledge and disappearing.

“Did she just?” Spike asked in disbelief.

“Well, she is the Head of Gryffindor House.” Draco stated.

Diamond Tiara turned to Vincent and spoke. “Go get Professor Flitwick; he’s a Ravenclaw.”

Princesses Celestia and Luna were walking down the palace hallway in search of their prey. After rounding a corner, they stopped to look at the three pegasi clinging to the ceiling, eyes and wings spread wide open. There was also a small potted tree shaking suspiciously up against a wall, possibly due to the earth pony maid attempting to hide in its branches.

“'Twould appear she hast passed this way,” Princess Luna commented to her sister.

Princess Celestia just sighed. “You get the guard stuck in the vent; I’ll pry the other one out of the waste bin.”

“What’s the emergency?” Professor Flitwick asked as he and Professor Babbling rushed into the girl’s lavatory following Vincent. “Mr. Crabbe was quite insistent that we come with him imme . . . My word, what’s that?”

“It’s a hole!” Ralph blurted. “The girls are in the hole. The Gryffindors are in the hole. Even Professor McGonagall is in the bloody hole!”

“Don’t mind him; he’s impatient,” Draco said.

“I see,” Professor Babbling said. “Mind your language Mr. Godfrey.”

“But . . . but . . .” Ralph sputtered. “Isn’t anyone going to take this gaping hole seriously?”

“There are all sorts of secret passageways in the castle,” Professor Flitwick stated. “This one just appears to be on the filthy side. Professor McGonagall is more than capable of handling anything it might throw her way.”

At that point, Dean flew out of the hole, lazily flapping his wings. “Hey, Diamond Tiara, come on down. There’s a big door down here that Hermione thinks you might be able to open since you are the Slytherin Primus and all.”

“I think not.” Diamond Tiara said dryly. “I like my robes clean.”

“Use the laundry,” Dean said, swooping behind her and giving a good shove.

“Eeeeeeeeeeee!” came the cry from the hole.

“Was that necessary?” Professor Flitwick asked, leaning over to get a better look.

“The slide is actually rather fun. Plus, Professor McGonagall has set up a cushioning charm at the bottom,” Dean said, changing back into human form before following Diamond Tiara.

“So . . .” Ralph turned to Spike. “Into the hole?” He jerked his head in the direction of the orifice.

“Into the hole.” Spike nodded, taking a step forward.

The Princesses entered the servants' dormitory and took in all the overturned furniture before focusing on the lone maid standing amidst the disturbance.

“Hello,” Princess Celestia greeted cheerfully, “what happened here?”

“Hello princesses.” The maid curtseyed nervously. “Sorry for the mess, but everypony ran away, and they weren’t looking where they were going.”

“We assume the ghost passed through here.” Princess Luna stated unnecessarily.

“Yes,” the maid replied. “She was certainly a sight to behold.”

Princess Celestia studied the maid. “You’re new,” she commented.

“Yes, your highness.” The maid curtseyed again for good measure.

“Perchance, would the town of Ponyville be thy home of origin?” Princess Luna eyed the maid in turn.

“Why, yes.” The maid blushed. “I’ve always wanted to move to the big city. How did you know?”

“Lucky guess,” Princess Celestia answered for her sister.

“We’ve been thinking.” Princess Luna said. “Maybe we should construct a training hall there to better prepare our troops. We are thinking a mandatory three-month tour for all the house guards.”

“The bellyaching does not suit you sister.” Princess Celestia snorted. “Now, hurry and get that guard out of the fountain, I think he’s forgot he needs to breath.”

“It shall be done.” Princess Luna said. “but, pray tell, why do they think they can fit in the air ducts?”

“Never fear.” Princess Celestia said. “That is why we stopped in the kitchens.” She floated a tub of shortening in her magic as she trotted towards the room’s aforementioned air duct.

Filthy Rich opened the door to his mansion. Randolph, the butler, had informed him that there was a mare waiting and not taking "no" for an answer. To his surprise, he found a familiar, orange, hat-wearing pony on the other side.

“Hello, Applejack,” he said, smiling at the family friend. “What seems to be the problem?”

The mare wasted no time in explaining the issue. “Y'all should have gotten Diamond Tiara a puffskein,” she said.

Filthy Rich sighed deeply before asking, “How bad is it?”

“Yer going ta want ta sit on the lawn for this,” Applejack replied. "It'll be easier to get the stains out."

“Thank you for coming so swiftly, my faithful student.” Princess Celestia said as the travelers picked themselves up off the ground after debarking the owl's pouch.

“We came just as soon as we got your letter,” Twilight declared. “It sounded urgent.”

“We would not call it urgent,” Princess Luna replied. “Tis merely a vexing and unfamiliar situation. Thy council would be greatly appreciated.”

“Of course.” Twilight stood tall and puffed out her chest. “We’re happy to help.”

“There you are.” A new individual entered the conversation, eschewing the door and floating through a conveniently placed wall instead. “I heard you were looking for me.”

“Oh,” Rainbow Dash looked at the newcomer. “You got yourself a ghost. When did you get a ghost?” She said this with the exact same inflection one would expect when hearing the phrase. “You got yourself a chihuahua. When did you get a chihuahua?”

“Hello.” Pinkie waved. “My name is Pinkie Pie. We haven’t met, so I don’t know your name, and friends should know each other’s names, and I want to be your friend. Would you like to be my friend? I’ve never had a pony ghost friend before. Though I’ve met several human ghosts who said they’ll be my friend. I’m sure you’d like them, and you could do all kinds of ghost things with them once you meet them and become friends, which would be good. Don’t you think?”

“I am so pranking Andi for giving her a pepper-up potion,” Rainbow Dash grumbled.

“That was several days ago,” Twilight said placatingly. “I’m sure it has worn off by now.”

“I am failing to see your point,” Rainbow said.

Princess Luna looked back and forth between the ghost and the quibbling ponies before saying, “Never shall we cease to be amazed at the ability of ponies to become desensitized.”

“Did I come at a bad time?” asked the ghost, eyeing Pinkie suspiciously.

“Not at all,” said Princess Celestia. “In fact, we were about to discuss the resurrection of a ghost earlier this year, an act that my student here had a hoof in. I was hoping that the feat could be repeated.”

That’s a possibility.” Twilight rubbed her chin. “The first thing to consider would be the condition of her body at the time of death.”

“That could pose a problem.” Princess Celestia grimaced.

“How so?” Twilight asked. “Pinkie, quit poking your hoof through . . . I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.”

“It’s tingly and chilly,” Pinkie commented.

“Angel Down,” said the ghost. “My name is Angel Down.”

“Thy mutilation was quite pronounced,” Princess Luna said, turning to address the ghost. “Thy remains were removed not with a stretcher but with a scraper.”

“Luna,” Princess Celestia said with a warning note.

“Several squeegees were employed.”

“That will be enough.” Princess Celestia said.

“As were a number of mops.” Princess Luna finished.

“Now you’re just being morbid,” Princess Celestia scolded.

“The need for it to be said was evident,” Princess Luna stated.

“I think we are getting a little ahead of ourselves here,” Twilight interjected. “Though the sample pool is admittedly small, I expect the resurrection would return her to a body similar to that displayed by her current form. I’d worry more if she appeared as a formless floating mass.”

“Or like a squished bug.”


“What? I couldn’t let Princess Luna have all of the fun.”

“So, I’d come back exactly like I look now?” Angel Down asked, unperturbed by Rainbow Dash.

“That’s most likely correct.” Twilight beamed.

Angel Down looked over her shoulder and examined herself. “As in, missing a wing?”

“Er . . .” Twilight admitted, “most likely.”

“No thanks,” Angel Down said. “I’m good.”

“You’d rather remain dead?” Twilight gasped.

“I can fly like this,” Angel Down said.

“But, you’re dead,” Twilight countered.

“I can fly like this,” Angel Down repeated.

“But . . .” Twilight sounded like she was talking to an idiot. “. . . you are dead.”

“I can fly.” Angel Down returned the tone.

“You are dead . . .” Twilight pressed. “. . . as in no heartbeat.”

“You’re pushing up daises,” Pinkie helpfully added. “Well, you will be in the spring. There aren’t too many daises growing now with all that snow on the ground.”

“I can fly,” Angel Down repeated.

“You’d rather be dead than ground bound?” Twilight asked incredulously.

“Yes,” Angel Down said.

“I’m going to have to agree with her.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight growled. “You’re not helping.”

“I’m helping her,” Rainbow pointed at the ghost. “It's a pegasus thing; you wouldn’t understand.”

“At least not until you get some wings of your own.” Princess Celestia nodded sagely.

“Foreshadowing achieved,” Pinkie jumped up and down excitedly. “Blatant, but achieved.”

“How is my helping Angel Down foreshadowing?” Rainbow Dash asked.


Somepony might have taken note of the mayor’s uncharacteristic use of language if they hadn’t been preoccupied by the fact that the earth pony was currently doing an impression of a pegasus, hanging upside down from a protruding porch awning in the front of a haberdashery, two stories above the street. They would also have to overlook the reason for that position was that her hooves had gone through that protrusion and the splintered wood was painfully preventing both her fall and her easy extraction.

“That there was Ponyville’s newest resident pet,” Applejack said, looking up to address the hanging mare.


“This one belongs to Diamond Tiara.” Applejack shrugged.


“Doesn’t appear to matter.” Applejack said.

“We have got to get Dinky a puffskein.” Cherry Berry said as she pulled herself out of the snow drift she had flung herself into. “That’s a situational irony waiting to happen that I’d really rather avoid if at all possible. Thank you very much”

“I don’t think she could top THAT!” Taro Root pointed a shaky hoof down the road.

“I swear,” growled Banana Fluff. “If you just pulled a Twilight, you’re going to be the second mare to do a thousand-year stint on the moon.”

“Take a note.” Mayor Mare called down to her assistant. “Immediately procure a puffskein each for Dinky, Rumble, Silver Spoon, Lily Longsocks, Berryshine and Button Mash. Throw in Princess Clouded Hope just to be safe.”

“That’s not going to work,” Applejack said.

“Why not?” Berry Punch demanded.

“They won’t let the foals keep them at the school. Twilight had to go get the ones already there.” Applejack said.

“So, you’re saying that Scootaloo is currently without a pet?” asked Hallowed Candle.


“You know,” said Vanilla Cream, “just because you are Knight Elemental Honesty, instead of, say, Knight Elemental Tact, doesn’t mean you have to keep the two concepts mutually exclusive.”

“Thar ain’t no reason ta beat around the bush,” Applejack said.

“I think you all are overlooking the obvious problem,” Cherry Berry said as she shook herself off.

“How is a giant snake slithering through the town not the obvious problem?” Taro Root snapped.

“You do realize that Fluttershy has unrestricted access to the world the foals are getting their pets from, don’t you?” asked Cherry Berry.

Mayor Mare wet herself at the very concept. That act would not normally have caused any hardship, barring the embarrassment involved; however, she was inverted at the time.

“Bye now!” Fluttershy waved a merry hoof at the retreating ponies she had just helped. “Please remember to take good care of Mrs. Beaver now!”

Alice looked down at her pony companion. “That’s what, your fifteenth adoption of the day?”

“Yes.” Fluttershy nodded happily. “Everypony is opening their hearts and homes to all of my cute critters. It’s wonderful.”

Alice cocked an ear. “Just so you know, I can hear our man laughing for some reason.”

“Let’s go keep him company.” Fluttershy suggested with a sly smile.

“Scootaloo,” Harry called out. “Hedwig is back again.”

“What?” Scootaloo asked. “Again?”

“Are you sure it isn’t your birthday?” Parvati asked.

“I think I’d know it if it were my birthday,” Scootaloo said reaching into Hedwig’s pouch and retrieving a wrapped present, bearing a bow and a tag with her name on it.

“This one has air holes too,” Luna noted.

“Don’t shake this one,” Seamus advised.

“I learned that lesson.” Scootaloo pouted.

“Don’t be like that,” Sweetie Belle scolded. “Hurry up and open it, I want to see what it is.”

“Hold your horses.” Scootaloo smirked.

“Ah wish y'all would stop saying that,” Apple Bloom said. “It don’t sound right at t’all.”

“I can get away with it here,” Scootaloo said, sticking out her tongue.

“Open the box.” Dean commanded. He had a rough-legged hawk perched on his arm and was stroking the bird’s chest feathers.

“Okay, okay,” Scootaloo said, lifting the lid and looking in. “It’s a koala,” she called out to the crowded common room. “Does anyone want a koala.”

“He’s cute,” Angelina said, looking over the smaller girl’s shoulder. “I’ll take him.”

“Be my guest,” Scootaloo said., passing the box over. “I’m still holding out for a vampire bat.”

“Why?” Katie asked. “You’ve got Luna and Abagail”

“Because vampire bats are cool,” Scootaloo answered. “I’m going to get mine a little fez to wear.”

“If you say so,” Terisa said. “Lee! Your beaver is eating the table!”

“Beavers don’t eat wood,” Hermione corrected. “They just gnaw on it.”

“The net result is the same,” Terisa said.

The portal opened, and Fay walked in.

“Why is it starting to look like a zoo in here?”

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that Rich has worked hard on providing some supplemental references. You may want to check out his Blog at https://www.fimfiction.net/user/299633/rich-online.

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