• Published 11th Sep 2020
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Hazy Days and Magical Ways - Dogger807

The Crusaders have finished their first semester at Hogwarts with the second about to start. The Weasley twins may be taking bets on how many professors take up heavy drinking by the end of the year.

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Chapter 19: Too Many Blessings

The sky was her domain. There could be no other words for it. No other explanation would she accept. Everypony had told her that it could not be; yet, here was proof to the contrary.

The wind whipped through her mane as she executed yet another death-defying loop around a tiny hoofbridge followed by a barrel roll around a clothesline. Rainbow Dash could not have executed the maneuvers any more smoothly. It was irrefutable proof that she should be the first of her kind to join the Wonderbolts. She may have been born an earth pony, but the skies were in her blood, coursing through her veins.

Grinning widely, she aimed upward at a steep angle and started to reclaim the altitude lost to her last stunt.

“You really need to stop stealing the foals’ brooms,” Cloud Kicker stated, swooping in next to her side, matching her ascent.

“I’m only borrowing one.” Cherry Berry smirked at her friend. “Besides, they have to go to school soon. I’ll make sure it’s back in time for recess.”

“You said the same thing yesterday.” Cloud Kicker snorted. “What time was it when we finally managed to drag you back down to the ground?”

“That was yesterday; this is today,” Cherry Berry argued.

“Which is why I’m shutting you down right now,” Cloud Kicker said. “We need your help preparing the town.”

“My help?” Cherry Berry turned her head to watch her friend flapping at her side. “What exactly do you need my help with?”

Cloud Kicker huffed and crossed her forelegs. “Seriously?” she said, cocking an eyebrow at the mare on the flying stick. “The way you’re acting, you’d think it wasn’t a Tuesday with the Crusaders in town for a week.”


“'Oh' is right.” Cloud Kicker scrunched her muzzle. “The flower trio have already gathered enough sandbags to surround their house, and Bulk Biceps has actually dug a moat around his, which is where the flower fillies got the material for their bags; so, I guess they are technically dirtbags.”

Cherry Berry paused for a second before saying, “I can’t believe I just stopped myself from pulling a Twilight.”

Cloud Kicker snorted. “You’ve been living here too long to even consider uttering words like that.”

Cherry Berry nodded before asking, “So, what are the odds on the new hydra being involved in some way?”

“You’d have to bet seven bits just to win one,” Cloud Kicker replied. “Good luck on finding somepony willing to take that bet.”

“I suppose Vanilla Cream is placing bits on cake being involved in some way,” Cherry Berry said.

“I haven’t confirmed it, but that would be a safe bet.”

“So, where have you placed your bits?” Cherry Berry inquired. “I have mine on the Crusaders being on brooms at the time.”

“You’re going to lose that one,” Cloud Kicker said. “I’ve heard that they’ve left their brooms back at their school.”

Cherry Berry deflated. “Well, the town still has a shed full of brooms for the foals,” she said hopefully.

“A shed which you are intimately familiar with.” Cloud Kicker snorted. “I just went with the basics this time, myself. If the screaming starts between noon and one, I’ll treat you to a hayburger afterwards.”

“Shouldn’t you be saving your bits for your new colt?” Cherry Berry prompted.

“Nah,” Cloud Kicker said. “There are seven of us in the herd; if we all do nothing but treat him, he’ll get spoiled.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that,” Cherry Berry said. “I know it’s new and all, but how is his attitude towards the six to one odds?”

“I’ve yet to see him without a smile plastered on his face,” Cloud Kicker said. “Remind me to thank Discord again. That trip to the human world was the best thing to ever happen to me.”

“I’m still kicking myself for missing out on that,” Cherry Berry grumbled. “Still, are you sure you’re not stressing your new colt too much?”

“Let’s just say that it’s true what they say about pepper-up potions. And, we are being careful to follow the directions on the label.”

“So, no downsides then?” Cherry Berry asked.

“The goblins are upset that their team of cursebreakers has been distracted.” Cloud Kicker shrugged. “Other than that, it’s been a dream come true.”

“It really sucks that I missed it.”

“Well, if you didn’t spend all of your spare time stealing foals’ toys, you would have been present.”

“Borrowing. I put it back when I’m done,” Cherry Berry said. “Besides, in a couple more weeks, I’ll have saved up enough bits to get that mid-ranged broom I’m looking at. Bon Bon has already promised I can borrow Hedwig for another trip to the human world.”

“Wait.” Cloud Kicker missed a flap. “You can do that?”

“Sure, why not?”

Cloud Kicker face-hoofed. “I know more than one mare wanting to skip this particular Tuesday in Ponyville.”

In the farmhouse at Sweet Apple Acres, the foals sitting around the breakfast table all stared at the eldest in the room, displaying a range of surprised looks.

“What do ya mean we ain’t going inta Ponyville today?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Ah mean, yer giving that there hydra a break today,” Granny Smith said. “Yer liable ta give everypony a heart attack if’n you go cooking another part of it in the park.”

“Mmmmm . . . twitchy, sticky hydra tail.” Sweetie Belle drooled.

“Now you just empty yer head of any such thoughts,” Granny ordered the small white unicorn. “Yer not ta go within a hundred yards o that beast. If’n y'all had a lick o' common sense, I wouldn’t be needing ta tell ya that.”

“We know,” Ginny answered for her herdmate. “We aren’t going to go looking for the hydra; it is strictly off limits. If we see it, we will run in the opposite direction, like we’ve been told a dozen times.”

“I still can’t believe the guards got us a restraining order for the thing,” Scootaloo griped.

“Ah can’t believe they needed one in tha first place,” Granny said. “What were y'all thinking in tha first place?”

“We kept it off tha farm.” Apple Bloom said defiantly.

“Not all of it, so I hears.” Granny countered. “'Sides that ain’t yer job; it’s fer tha guards ta be doing.”

“Yes, Granny.” Apple Bloom sighed, not wanting to restart the same scolding they had received the night before. “We’ll leave it alone.”

“Good,” Granny said, eyeing her grandfilly. “Now that that is out of the way, Dan Granger has agreed ta take the day off o' his job jus’ so he can watch y'all in the human world fer tha day, keep you out from under hoof as they get tha new hydra adjusted fer living around these parts.

“All right, Granny,” Apple Bloom said, going back to her meal.

“See that y'all mind him properly,” Granny said, turning to walk from the room. “Ah don’t want ta hear of y'all picking fights with werewolves or anything like that.”

After watching her leave, Seamus spoke up. “Maybe we should have told her that we were planning on disassembling the rest of our traps today.”

“Nah,” Lavender said. “We’ll do that tomorrow.”

“What if the hydra wanders by in the meantime?” Hermione inquired.

“Then it gets another lesson,” Dean said. “You know, Harry got lucky going home with his mums last night; he missed most of the nagging.”

“I’m glad I stayed here,” Neville said. “My gran would have been a lot worse.”

“Compared to yesterday, today is going to be so boring.” Ron sighed.

Dylan and his apprentice were preparing for a slow day in the shop when the white owl wearing one of his pouches arrived. “Hello, Hedwig,” he said cheerfully as he walked over to the avian who had just landed on his counter. “Rather early for a visit, isn’t it?”


“Or does someone need me to fix their kitchen again?” Dylan asked brandishing his wand. “Ex dimittere.”

The results of those words gave new meaning to the term "multicolored yawn".

“Good morning,” Dylan said to his shop full of colorful ponies.

“Hello,” replied at least twenty voices, all female and filled with more than a little hope.

“Can I help you?” Dylan prompted.

“We’re just here for a little sightseeing,” Taro Root said, batting her eyelids.

“Are you married?” added Vanilla Cream.

“Twenty years happily,” Dylan replied. “If that’s what you’re after, you should talk to my apprentice over there. Er, well, he was over there just a second ago.”

One of the display trunks rattled as if someone just bumped into it.

“Oh, I see he’s been practicing his disillusion spell,” Dylan commented.

“I don’t see anything,” Banana Fluff said, peering at the trunk.

“That’s kind of the idea,” Dylan informed her.

Nissy paused in buttering her toast when the owl landed on the back of the vacant dining room chair. “Good morning, Owlowiscious,” she said, reaching for her wand. “I see you have a passenger.”


“A passenger?” Bella asked, looking up from her plate of eggs.

“Watch,” Nissy said, placing her wand tip on the pouch the owl wore. “Ex dimittere.”

A few seconds later, Bella and Nissy were looking down at a petite woman wearing a scowl.

“Good morning, Rainbow,” Nissy said pleasantly. “You’re just in time for breakfast. Won’t you please join us?”

Rainbow looked around uncomfortably before saying, “I really can’t. We’ve got so much work to do today for the fair and all. I just need to talk to Andi real quick.”

“Oh? Did Twilight knock herself out with books again?” Nissy asked.

“Nah, it’s . . . well . . . it’s something I’d rather not talk about.”

“Sister dear, you’re being rude,” Bella chimed in.

“Oh, sorry.” A slight blush crept over Nissy’s cheeks. “Bella, this is one of Sirius’s wives, Rainbow Dash-Black. Rainbow, this is my sister whom we have been telling you about, Bellatrix Black, formally of the Lestranges.”

“Nice to meet you,” Rainbow said. “Look, I’m sorry to barge in like this, but I really need to talk to Andi.”

“She and Ted haven’t come down for breakfast yet,” Nissy said. “And you’re not barging in; this is your home as well, is it not?”

“Yeah.” Rainbow laughed weakly. “I guess it is.” She got to her feet. “I guess I’ll go up and wake her then.”

“It’s her day off,” Nissy said, “I think she might want a lie in.”

“I really don’t want to go to the hospital.” Rainbow shuffled. “I figured she could fix me up quick.”

“Hospital?” Nissy asked. “What’s wrong with you?”

“I don’t think . . .” Rainbow started.

“I know the basics of healing.” Nissy stated. “Now spill it.”

“That’s kind of the problem.” Rainbow winced.

“That’s not helpful,” Nissy huffed. “Let’s start with the basics. Are you going to die?”

“I don’t know,” Rainbow admitted. “Maybe.”

“What a peculiar reaction from one about to die,” Bella said playfully.

Rainbow shuffled her feet and looked down. “It’s just . . . It’s just that I’m bleeding.”

“Bleeding?” Nissy asked, alarmed. “Where? Show me!”

“It’s embarrassing,” Rainbow whined.

“Rainbow.” Nissy had steel in her voice. “Tell me where you are bleeding.”

Rainbow Dash told her.

Nissy blinked and brought her hand to cover her mouth in shock.

Bella laughed, “How, do you not know?”

“Know what?” Rainbow demanded, her voice somewhat shaky.

Nissy was also laughing softly by this time. “Rainbow, dear, that’s normal. Humans bleed like that on a regular basis. It’s nothing to overly worry about. You just need to take some precautions.”

“Humans bleed like this normally?” Rainbow’s voice was filled with incredulity. “How? Why? Why am I just now hearing about this? Why haven’t one of the stallions mentioned it. I can’t see them not complaining about it. It’s not like we don’t have seven of them with us. They could have said something.” Her voice was getting a tad shrill near the end.

“Oh, men don’t do that; only women bleed,” Nissy said. “Just ask Alice.”

“Men don’t bleed like this?” Rainbow’s voice was definitely shrill at this point. “How is that even fair?”

“Trust me,” Bella said. “It’s not.”

“This is . . . This is . . .” Rainbow sputtered. “Why didn’t Twilight warn me? She’s been turning human longer than I have. She should have told me!”

“Turning human?” Bella asked.

“I’ll explain later.” Nissy waved her sister off. “After she calms down.”


“Is she a griffin? That would explain Nymphadora’s beau.”

“Not now Bella.”

“And the hair. Is that natural?”


“Why didn’t Twilight warn me?!”

“Maybe she forgot,” Nissy suggested.

“How do you forget something like this?” Rainbow growled. “She nitpicks way too much to not say something about this!”

“You may be overreacting some here,” Nissy replied.

“Maybe it hasn’t happened to her yet,” Bella said. “If you’re just experiencing it for the first time, why wouldn’t she?”

“That’s not possible,” Nissy said. “Twilight has a couple months on Rainbow here. She should have . . .” her voice cut off as a thought struck her.

Bella looked at her sister and raised an eyebrow.

“What?” Rainbow asked, sensing that she was missing something important.

“Andi!” Nissy screamed in the direction of the upstairs bedrooms. “Get down here now!” It was her turn for her voice to sound shrill.

“Hello and welcome. We interrupt your normally scheduled program for a special edition of 0921 SAW PONY.” The anchorman smiled winningly at the camera.

“In breaking news, roughly two dozen individuals are currently wandering around the greater London area,” said his partner, a vivacious blonde. “They were observed leaving the hidden wizard pub, the Leaky Cauldron, less than a half hour ago.”

“To clarify, normal people still cannot see the pub, but the ponies appeared near its known location,” said the anchorman.

“Of course; thank you for that reminder,” replied the blonde, somewhat annoyed. “There has not been a concentration of ponies like this seen before.”

“True.” The anchorman nodded. “The incident with the werewolf had fewer participants.”

“And these ponies appear to be full grown adults.”

“Our correspondent, Heather Roseford is on the scene with a first-hand account of the historic event,” touted the anchorman.

“Can we switch to her?” The blonde looked off to the side, prompting an unseen individual.

Anyone watching the news would have seen a scene change and have been treated to the sight of humans and ponies dancing in the street, completely disrupting traffic.

“. . . to explore and experience,” sang Hallowed Candle.

“Welcome to a whole new world!” chorused the humans cavorting with the ponies.

“This place is just rife to make dear friends for life,” sang Taro Root.

“Welcome to a whole new world!” chorused the humans.

“Hopefully opening the door for something much more,” sang Cherry Berry.

“Welcome to a whole new world!” chorused the humans.

The scene snapped back to the two reporters. “Suddenly,” said the blonde, “the reports of backed up traffic make more sense.”

“I’m sure they could have managed that without the singing,” replied the anchorman.

“Well, the ambassador, Lyra Heartstrings, did warn us about heartsongs,” said the blonde.

“I must admit, I thought she was exaggerating,” the anchorman confessed.

“Looked like fun, though,” the blonde noted.

“I wonder where the music was coming from,” mused the anchorman.

Twilight Sparkle looked at her efforts and smiled.

Remus looked at the large crystal and grimaced. “You failed art class, didn’t you?”

“What!” Twilight sputtered. “No. I . . . I . . .”

“I got to admit, shooting cutting spells from your horn is impressive,” Remus said soothingly.

“It’s a rushed job.” Twilight looked at the rough heart shape.

“I can tell,” said Remus.

“Do you think you can do any better?” Twilight demanded.

In response, Remus wordlessly pointed his wand at the crystal. Its form seemed to melt before reforming into a perfect multifaceted heart shaped crystal.

“Transfiguration is cheating,” Twilight groused.

“Oh?” asked Remus.

“Showoff,” Twilight huffed.

Remus just smiled as he cast a spell causing his work to levitate inches over the pedestal and slowly start spinning. “You want to try improving the pedestal?” he asked.

Twilight concentrated and pointed her horn. This time, the form of the pedestal melted and was replaced by a work of art, complete with crystal roses and hummingbirds.

“Who’s the showoff now?” Remus said, circling Twilight’s latest effort.

“Yes, well.” Twilight smirked.

“Now, you might want to try doing the same to the other side as well. You know, just for symmetry.” Remus said.

Twilight’s smirk fell off her face.

“It’s nice work,” Remus said, rushing to reassure the purple pony. “Just incomplete.”

“What’s incomplete?” Andi asked, leading her sisters and Rainbow into the room.

“Hello, Andi.” Remus nodded. “Ladies. It’s been a long time, Bellatrix.”

“I’m just practicing my transfiguration,” Twilight said, answering Andi’s question.

“Nissy,” Bella interrupted. “I’m only going to ask you once. What did you put in my eggs? I’m this close to convulsing over all these bright colors.”

Nissy sighed, “Bella meet Twilight, she’s Sirius’s first wife.”

“Siri is married to a unicorn?” Bella huffed. “I always knew he was a goodie two shoes but this is beyond ridiculous.”

“Bella,” warned Andi.

“At least she’s not pink, like the one who let us out of the owl’s pouch,” Bella continued.

“Not now, Bella,” Nissy said.

“If not now, when?” Bella snapped. “I’ve just been immersed in a candy-colored fantasy.”

“Just let me do the checkup,” Andi said. “Hold your snarking for a minute or two.”

“Fine.” Bella snorted. “I’ll just collapse right here; don’t mind me.”

“Bella.” Nissy started.

“Don’t 'Bella' me.” Hands splayed out to gesture at Twilight. “She’s a purple unicorn! A purple unicorn! That’s not even taking into account the pink one with wings and a crown we were just talking to! Next thing you’re going to tell me is that multihair over here is a unicorn as well!”

“Actually, I’m a pegasus.”


“Someone needs a calming draft,” said Twilight.

“I’m still sitting in my cell,” Bella muttered. “I’m sitting in my cell and have lost all touch with reality.”

“Actually, you seem saner than I remember you were when you went in,” Remus said.



“Let’s just do what we came for,” Nissy said. “I don’t think Bella can take much more.”

“Right,” Andi agreed. “Twilight could you go human for me? I need to check something.”

“Huh?” Twilight asked.

“I should have checked this the other day, but I didn’t want you to strain yourself, and I must admit, I specialize in humans,” Andi said.

“Okay,” Twilight said and stood up as a human.

“Well, at least she’s got.” Bella made an unmistakable gesture.

“Wait until you meet Pinkie,” Remus said.



“Pinkie?” Bella queried.

“Sirius’s third wife,” Andi informed her.

“She’s pink, isn’t she?” Bella asked. “Of course, she’s pink; who am I kidding.”

“Sirius went for small, medium, and large.” Remus said.

“So, I’ve just met large then?” Bella asked.


“She’s not exactly small.” Bella gestured towards Twilight.

“Wait until you meet Pinkie. It's as easy as A, C, and double D.”

“For goodness’ sake!” With a sigh, Andi muttered some words and started scanning Twilight with her wand. “I can’t believe I missed this,” she said dejectedly. “I specifically checked for it, yet still missed it. Something about your unicorn form blocked my readings.”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight asked, starting to get worried.

“You’re pregnant.” Andi said bluntly.

. . .

. . .

. . .


“I said you’re pregnant,” Andi reiterated. “Congratulations.”


“Do you really want me to go over the mechanics?” Andi asked.

“I think she’s already figured them out on her own,” Bella said.

“N-n-no,” Twilight sputtered. “I mean mating season hasn’t happened yet. How could I be pregnant?”

“You see, when a boy likes a girl.”


“She was asking.” Bella pouted.

“When did you develop a sense of humor?” Remus asked.

“I had to do something with all of my spare time,” Bella said.

“Could we keep some focus?” Twilight demanded. “How could I possibly get pregnant?”

“Well . . .”

“Seriously Bella, let it go.”

“But she keeps asking for it.”

“Twilight,” Andi said. “Humans are fertile year-round. In fact, Rainbow came face to face with a facet of it this morning.”

“I did?”

“The bleeding.” Nissy nodded.


“You’re bleeding?” Twilight said worriedly. “Where?”

Rainbow told her.

“I could have lived without hearing that,” Twilight commented.

“Me too,” agreed Remus.

“Now you’re just being a wimp.” Bella sniggered.

Pinkie was setting up a booth devoted to crystal corn on the cob when the group from the castle sauntered into her view.

“Hi!” Pinkie waved as she bounced over to her friends. “You’re just in time. The first batch of crystal corn is almost done, and I’ve got loads of crystal berry pie. So, are you here for a taste test? I think everything is simply scrumptious. Rainbow should absolutely love the peach and crystal berry pies I made for her. And the chocolate crystal berry pie should be a favorite for Andi. Nissy will just adore the crystal berry and love honey muffins. Hello, you’re new. You must be Bellatrix, nice to meet you. Will you be my friend? Anyway, Rarity is almost done setting up the face painting stall. And Fluttershy is playing with the ewes over that way. I’m not sure what Applejack is doing. Why does Twilight look like she’s shellshocked?”

“Hello Pinkie,” several in the group called out during the first break in words.

“Have you seen Sirius?” Rainbow asked.

“I can see why Sirius would like her,” Bella commented, watching the pronking pink pony.

“Oh, he’s down by the shield, setting up traps,” Pinkie said. “And I really really like Sirius. I’m glad he likes me too.”

“How much sugar have you had?” Bella asked.

“Only about half my daily allowance,” Pinkie admitted.

“Just so you know,” Nissy warned. “If you give her a pepper-up potion, I am going to have to hurt you, sister or not.”

“Pinkie,” Andi said. “I need you to take your human form for a minute.”

“Okie dokie, Loki.”

“Oh my,” said Bella.

“More bounce to the ounce,” added Remus.

“What’s going on?” Rarity asked, trotting up to greet her friends. “Has there been a change of plans?”

“Hello Rarity,” Nissy said. “No, Andi is just doing some diagnostic spells.”

“It’s a good thing I am,” Andi said. “I’ve got another positive here.”

“Positive for what?” Pinkie and Rarity chorused.

“Just a second,” Andi said. “Rarity, go human.”

“You are starting to scare me, darling,” Rarity said, taking human form. “What are you checking for? Is Pinkie sick?”

“Mmmm,” Andi hummed. “You're positive, too.”

Rainbow’s eyes went wide. “I’ve been meaning to ask you how your relationship with Greengrass was going. That would be a stupid question now.”

“What do you mean?” Rarity switched her gaze from Rainbow and looked at Andi. “What does she mean?”

“You’re pregnant,” Andi said bluntly.

. . .

. . .

. . .


After watching the display of drama, Bella asked, “Where did the fainting couch come from? Did she just wandlessly conjure it?”

“Andi,” Remus said. “You need to work on your bedside manner.”

“What’s going on over here?” Applejack asked, hastily trotting up to see why her friends seemed so stressed.

“Good,” Andi said, “You were next on my list to check up on. Turn human.”

“Ah’m not going ta like this, am Ah?” Applejack eyed Rarity’s unconscious form on the couch.

“It may be a shock at first,” Nissy said.

Applejack sighed and shifted forms.

“I’m starting to feel inadequate.” Bella muttered.

Unsurprisingly, the metal roads led to cities and smaller settlements, the perfect places to collect intelligence. He wasn’t stupid, though. He picked one that was at the end of one of the networks, a modest-sized community that was near a large forest. Obviously, it was on the edge of pony-controlled territory. If anything went wrong, he could melt into the woods and reassess his options.

His current form was too conspicuous for wandering around in the daylight. A pony-shaped silhouette was less likely to raise alarm than a figure straight out of a horror story. He would walk out of the woods into the adjacent apple orchard, playing the part of a lost traveler if anypony asked. With any luck, once he made his way into town, he would find a library or a resident scholar with a suitable personal collection.

Setting down on the forest floor, he let his misty form disperse and donned a large, hooded cloak that obscured his feature. It wouldn’t do to alert the fools to his true nature.

Not wishing to wait until nightfall to do his reconnaissance, he made his way toward where he had seen the apple trees. The vine stretched across the trees at head height was hardly a barrier for one of his magical prowess. Distracted by his plans for the future, he reached out with his magic tore the vine away without a second thought.

That had been a mistake. A lifetime of danger prompted him to revert to his spectral form as he was enveloped in a purple cloud of what had to be some sort of poison. Silently, he laughed at the ineffectual attack against him.

That's when the blue gas was released.

The new substance seemed to merge with the purple gas already in the air. It would have been a captivating sight if not for the fact that the new mixture then started binding with his own misty form.

He must have lost consciousness at that point.

The next thing he knew, he was once again solid, lying on the ground, a large blanket draped over him.

No. wait. That was his cloak.

Why was it so big?

What sort of meal would he be for the wolf made of wood that loomed over him?

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