• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen July 19th


I love MLP and TMNT 2012


The turtles went on an adventure in another world to saved it from the evil Kraangs, but for that, they needed to learn more about this new world called Equestria, luckily they meet the Mane 6, now the turtles and the Mane 6 needed to unite and save Equestria from the Kraangs and more enemies that are coming

(The story begins before Karai believes she is really the daughter of Splinter and after Mane 6 meets and defeats Starlight Glimmer)

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 70 )

Awesome work

Comment posted by MlpTmntDisneyKauane deleted Feb 27th, 2020

So far so good. Keep up the good work, my friend.

Comment posted by Smug Anime Girl deleted May 30th, 2020
Comment posted by MlpTmntDisneyKauane deleted May 30th, 2020
Comment posted by Smug Anime Girl deleted Mar 7th, 2020

Good start so far

Comment posted by Roboman3000 deleted Mar 7th, 2020
Comment posted by Roboman3000 deleted Mar 7th, 2020
Comment posted by Roboman3000 deleted Mar 7th, 2020
Comment posted by jisow777 deleted Mar 29th, 2020
Comment posted by MlpTmntDisneyKauane deleted Mar 29th, 2020
Comment posted by jisow777 deleted Mar 29th, 2020
Comment posted by MlpTmntDisneyKauane deleted Mar 10th, 2020
Comment posted by jisow777 deleted Mar 10th, 2020
Comment posted by Starlight Nova deleted Mar 14th, 2020
Comment posted by MlpTmntDisneyKauane deleted Mar 14th, 2020
Comment posted by MlpTmntDisneyKauane deleted Mar 14th, 2020
Comment posted by Alpha wolfram deleted Jun 3rd, 2021

I saw what you did in the end:rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by marcelojj deleted Mar 28th, 2020
Comment posted by Roboman3000 deleted Apr 5th, 2020

Welp. That happened, what happens now?

love this chapter
so excited now :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Roboman3000 deleted Apr 14th, 2020

the arguing was kind of force

Shocking 😱

Comment posted by Nitro Indigo deleted Aug 11th, 2020

I love this story!! You did awesome!! I'm so exited for Raph to meet Rainbow Dash's pet, Tank. :3

*Singing along* Be prepared!!!!

Lol. I couldn't help it. It's a good song!

Oh no!! Bad Shred Head! Bad! I hope Rainbow is okay.

Ohmegosh!! What a twist!! Poor Applejack.

Ahhxosjbskxje!!! They fell into a trap!? Noooo!!

What? Why are you guys fighting!? There's no need to fight! Applejack is right, Twilight! Listen to her for crying out loud! The guys need you and you need them!

Great story!!! I love it so much!! I can't wait to read more!!

Refresh my memory if I already asked this, but do I need to watch one of the TMNT cartoons to understand this story?

Comment posted by Clopian26 deleted May 3rd, 2021
Comment posted by MlpTmntDisneyKauane deleted May 3rd, 2021

MAN, this is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot about Tmnt until i read this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment posted by sonicfan1337 deleted Jun 3rd, 2021

Raph watched Rainbow Dash with her pet turtle, making him remember that same friendship he had with his pet turtle named Spike, he was happy to remember those moments, but then he felt sad.


Comment posted by sonicfan1337 deleted May 3rd, 2021
Comment posted by MlpTmntDisneyKauane deleted May 3rd, 2021

This story is before the Tmnt season 4, it's mean that Raph don't meet Chompy yet

Comment posted by sonicfan1337 deleted May 3rd, 2021
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