• Published 29th Sep 2018
  • 4,561 Views, 10 Comments

A Blissful Morning - TheVClaw

Several months into his secretive relationship, Shining Armor spends a rare morning of contentment alongside his unexpected mate.

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Deeper Than Expected

As the sun began to rise over the snow-capped mountains of the Frozen North, the first blares of the trumpets signaled a new day within the peaceful Crystal Empire. Most of the glimmering streets were still shrouded in the shadows of early morning, but many Crystal Ponies were already trotting around to begin their busy work days. Among those were many of the Crystal Empire’s Guard forces, who were running their daily laps around the premises while shining vibrantly in the fresh sunlight. However, unlike many other mornings in the revived cityscape, the stallion leading the line of armored ponies along the Empire’s borders wasn’t Shining Armor. Instead, it seemed that Flash Sentry had taken the role for the day, and was carrying the same level of firm determination that the Prince Consort gave while rallying the troops.

Meanwhile, Shining himself was still in the Crystal Empire’s castle, and savoring the very rare occasion of having a day off. Princess Cadance had left to make a visit to Ponyville with Flurry Heart, which meant that her husband had the entire castle to himself for the day. Even though the duties of a Prince weren’t something he could ignore, the unicorn knew that he could at least have a simple morning to unwind. And given how much insanity had occurred over the previous year, none of the Prince’s staff seemed to mind when he requested to be left alone until noon.

Because of that Royal entreaty, the outside of Shining and Cadance's bedroom door was firmly locked shut, with two of the Crystal Guards standing outside the doorway stoically. A sound-proofing spell was placed upon the door as well, which enveloped the frame in a faint hue of pulsating pink magic. Nopony was permitted to enter the bedroom unless absolutely necessary, so it was highly doubtful that Shining would be disturbed under any circumstances.

However, if anyone were to break protocol and look inside the lavish bedroom, all they would find was an empty bed.

Across the castle, near the rear wing of the premises where few ponies patrolled, another door was locked shut in the middle of a vacant hallway. Even though most of the rooms in that perimeter were reserved as guest rooms for family or foreign ambassadors, that specific hall was purposely left bare of anything due to its only guest. Behind that door was a small, albeit well-stocked and furnished room that had been converted to an apartment-like living space. It would’ve likely been a perfectly serviceable place for most regular ponies to live (especially given its location); but for the occupant assigned to living in it for his probation, it was a fairly large downgrade from the Royal Suite he used to occupy during his reign.

Regardless of his current living arrangements, the former Tyrant Sombra was able to sigh contently while resting in his King-sized bed. The bed itself took up at least a quarter of his apartment, but it was a noble sacrifice for the comfort he desired since his return and rehabilitation. Even if he sprawled his legs out completely, the charcoal-coated pony would’ve been completely unrestrained as he laid atop his satin sheets. It may have not been his old bed, but it was certainly better than being chained-up in Tartarus for eternity.

For most of the crystal ponies around the Empire, the stallion’s very presence was enough to make their spines shiver in fear, and their minds to contemplate storming the castle with pitchforks. Fortunately, the fact that Sombra’s horn was completely broken off meant that he had no chance of using dark magic to reclaim the Crystal Empire again. Not to mention, Equestria’s recent successes with other former villains meant that ignoring Sombra’s request for reformation would’ve been fairly hypocritical. So for the past several months, the former Tyrant was fortunate enough to live under probation within the Castle grounds, and show some real progress before the Princesses as a changed stallion.

Unfortunately, none of the Princesses seemed to realize Sombra wasn’t the only one who had changed immensely.

Shining Armor, the very stallion who had helped to vanquish the old King Sombra from the Empire years ago, was now resting peacefully within the same bed as him. While Sombra laid on his back with a tired smile, the Prince was holding him tightly from the side with his muzzle resting atop his chest. Despite how tired the white stallion may have looked, his smile showed the purest look of contentment underneath his soft blush. His ears flicked a little as he felt Sombra’s hoof petting the back of his electric blue mane, but the only response he could give was a faint and loving hum.

Sombra wasn’t sure how long he and Shining were together in his bed, since his view of the alarm clock was blocked by the very stallion he was embracing. However, he knew it had to have been a while as he saw the sunlight peering in through an opening of his closed curtains. When Shining Armor first arrived in his apartment to rest with him, Sombra distinctly recalled that the skies were nearly pitch-black outside. But regardless of how long the Prince had been laying by his side, the former King couldn’t imagine it was long enough.

After taking a deep breath to savor this tremendously rare moment, Sombra finally turned over towards Shining to hold him with both hooves. The white stallion let out a brief groan as he felt those muscular forelegs wrapping around his back, but only tightened his own grip while hugging the older stallion in return. Due to the plush pillows beneath their heads, and the lavish red comforter that covered most of their entwined bodies, there was no doubt that both of them felt entirely restful on that silent morning.

Mmmmmmm…” With the way Shining hummed softly while nuzzling the former Tyrant’s chest, he seemed just as content with Sombra as he did his loving wife. However, when the Prince finally opened his eyes, his smile turned to a cheekier-looking, albeit slightly dazed smirk as he looked up at him. “Man… I’m really glad I got that teleportation spell right.”

Sombra sighed through his nostrils as he kept his eyes closed, and rested his chin on top of Shining’s head to keep him spooned. “Yes, I have to agree,” he muttered tiredly, before smiling a little wider as he nuzzled the unicorn’s mane. “Hhhhmmmmm… It really is nice to have a moment like this again…”

Sombra tightened his grip around Shining for just a moment more, and blushed a little as he felt the stallion hugging him back so lovingly. If somepony were to walk in on them at that time, it would’ve been impossible for them to conceal how they may have appeared. Shining may have been a married Prince and a father, and Sombra may have been the Ex-Dictator who was apprehended by him, but their heartfelt caress with one-another was still as clear as the Crystal Heart outside. In fact, if Princess Cadance were around to witness such a thing, she would’ve likely sensed how strong their feelings were before suffering a heart-attack.

Fortunately for the Prince, he was able to keep most of the thoughts regarding his spouse at bay while holding his secret mate so close. As more of the morning light began to seep into the room to illuminate them, the Prince huffed through his nostrils to brush against Sombra’s chest fluff. While Sombra tried not to chuckle from that slight tickling sensation, his ears flicked as he heard Shining start to speak. “Uggghhhh… I can’t believe how perfectly everything worked out for me to hold you like this~”

Hearing the sincere tone of relief in his mate’s voice, Sombra couldn’t help smiling gaily before looking down at him. “I know, right?” he said with a deep and merry-sounding purr. “Given how busy you and Cadance's schedules are, it’s crazy you were able to get a morning to yourself.”

Upon hearing that Princess’ name, Shining’s smile lessened significantly while clutched against Sombra’s chest. He bit his bottom lip in thought for a moment, his muzzle wrinkled like he was trying to get his mind to focus on anything else. Unfortunately, the reality of his actions were beginning to weigh down on him as he sighed morosely. “Yeah, it… it really is…”

Sombra could catch how differently Shining’s voice sounded with that response, and he glanced down at him with a look of concern on his face. One of his brows raised worriedly, and he looked like he was about to say something to try and comfort the married stallion. However, the former King wasn’t able to open his muzzle before Shining looked up at him. The unicorn’s expression showed a veil of nervousness, but also a glimmer of optimism beneath from the way he tried to smile comfortably. Upon seeing that older stallion’s solicitous and reassuring look, Shining was able to sigh more relaxedly before speaking once more. “Oh, Sombra… I really wish I could hold you like this more often…”

Despite the clear tone of sadness in Shining’s voice, Sombra smiled back at him warmly as he nodded his head. He brought one of his hooves up towards the Prince’s face, and rested against his cheek to savor the warmth of his blush. Shining smiled a little more easily from that welcome touch, and he brought up his own hoof to rest atop Sombra’s. While the two stared at each other with identically sanguine expressions, Sombra breathed out with a look of optimism as he stated, “Believe me, my Prince… I’d want nothing more than to have you like this every morning…”

From the way Shining’s smile widened beneath his deepening blush, no words were needed from the Prince’s lips to express how strongly he felt the same way. Despite how controversial their relationship may have been, even without the added taboo of Shining’s Royal status and Sombra’s past, neither of them tried to let those nagging thoughts creep into their minds as they leaned into each other’s muzzles. As soon as Shining pulled his hoof away from the one holding his face, it went behind Sombra’s black mane while he bent in to kiss him sweetly.

The two stallions held each other for almost a minute straight, neither needing to say anything as they kissed with a loving caress nopony would’ve ever predicted. Their lips remained interlocked longer than expected, only pulling away briefly with light smecks as they continued to breathe through their nostrils. About halfway through that enchanted moment, Sombra managed to roll himself back onto his back while Shining was still on top of him. Fortunately, the Prince seemed perfectly content with the changed position by the time they finally stopped, and he was left perched atop the stallion’s burly chest.

Since both of them seemed too awake to settle back to sleep, Shining kept his smile as he asked casually, “So… you have any ideas what we could do for the rest of the morning?~”

The Prince’s brows perked up a couple times, which was almost as implicit as that cheeky grin spread across his muzzle. Even though Sombra knew exactly what was running through his lover’s mind, he could only sigh tiredly and reply while shrugging his shoulders. “Well… honestly, I wouldn’t mind getting some breakfast.”

Despite what he may have been thinking himself, Shining couldn’t deny the former King’s claim as he shrugged briefly as well. “Hmmm… Okay, yeah. I could definitely go for something too.”

“Mmmhmm…” Sombra clenched his eyes tightly shut as he groaned under his breath, and tried to make a full-body stretch to better wake himself up. Meanwhile, Shining Armor just laid on top of the stallion as he watched peacefully. When the older stallion finally breathed out and sank into his plush bedding, he couldn’t help huffing while smirking up at his mate. “I know it’s foolish to even think such a thing, but it’s times like these I really wish I could order room-service like you can.”

Shining chuckled with an understanding shrug of his head. “Yeah, that can be pretty convenient sometimes.” He then waited a second before glancing down at Sombra with a coy smirk of his own. “Although, given your past with most of the castle staff, it’s probably a good thing none of them are handling your food.”

“That is very true,” he replied begrudgingly while both of his brows were raised. While he didn’t want to treat his reputation around the Crystal Empire so lightly, Sombra tried to stifle a small snicker as he added, “I will say though, considering how I used to be while possessed by dark magic, it’s rather shocking there have been only three assassination attempts against me since I returned.”

“Wait, three?” asked Shining with a look of confusion on his face. His head tilted while glancing down at the former Tyrant like a curious kitten. “I could’ve sworn I saved you from at least five.”

“Well, technically speaking,” clarified Sombra while looking up to the ceiling in thought, “I don’t think either of the ponies who tried to throw acid in my face would’ve been able to kill me. I mean, they would’ve disfigured me greatly, but I doubt they would’ve been fatal.”

“Hmmm… okay, that might be true.” Shining’s muzzle skewed uncomfortably as he thought back to how hectic things have been around the castle following Sombra’s return. The Prince certainly couldn’t blame any of the crystal ponies for acting so hostile towards him, especially when he himself was just as cold towards the Ex-King when he first arrived at the castle. But since he was the only pony willing to supervise Sombra during his reformation, it shouldn’t have been too surprising that he was the stallion to not only accept him over time, but to appreciate just how much was beneath his secret mate’s sordid past. While he couldn’t exactly say he knew when his feelings for Sombra first developed during those awkward months, Shining knew how genuine they really were as he smiled playfully at him. “Well, fatal or not, I’m just as grateful as you that neither of them actually got to your handsome face~”

Sombra huffed with a more teasing grin on his muzzle. “Oh, you flatterer, you~”

“What can I say?” replied the Prince as he rolled his eyes innocently. “I don’t really have an Off-Switch when it comes to my flirtations.”

“Well,” Sombra confessed while smirking with a light shrug, “I would’ve guessed that when you got the Princess of Love to be your wife.”

The Ex-Tyrant immediately realized why that quip may have been a poor idea to say out-loud, but it already came out of his muzzle before he could get any second-thoughts to stop it. Because of that, Shining’s smirk quickly dissolved once more to reveal a look of guilt. The Prince pursed his lips a little as he looked away from Sombra, and tried not to make his expression scrunch inward. But alas, it was clear that Shining couldn’t help looking upset when his spouse was brought up by his lover.

“I-I’m sorry, Shining,” Sombra said quickly enough to prove his insistence. He put up his hoof as he added, “I… I didn’t mean to ruin the mood by--”

“I know, I know,” said Shining with a sharp exhale as he interrupted Sombra’s words. His eyes were closed shut while he spoke, keeping Sombra at a distance with his outstretched hoof. “I know you didn’t mean to bring her up. I just… you know…”

Shining put his hoof back down as he looked down at himself, appearing more shameful by the second as he was reminded of her. Sombra may have understood well enough to not judge his mate, he couldn’t help feeling guilty whenever he saw Shining in such an upset state. Part of him wanted to wish their own relationship never sparked the way it did in the beginning, and that they would’ve merely remained good friends at the most. However, the former King knew just as well as the current Prince that the blame wasn’t something they could put off on just one individual. By the time that first kiss was given over a month ago, the stallion who endangered another’s marriage, was on equal ground with the stallion to allowed the endangerment.

Nevertheless, Sombra still looked shameful as he said, “I really am sorry though. We have this morning to ourselves, and I just… I ended up doing the one thing I knew upsets you.”

“It’s really alright, Sombra. I’m not mad,” assured the Prince as he spoke insistently. Of course, his shoulders still shrugged weakly while saying, “Honestly, I… I should try to face it sooner than later, shouldn’t I?”

“Shining, you don’t have to right now,” said Sombra in assurance, but also with a clear-looking plead in his expression. “Especially not today, of all days. Don’t you want to appreciate this morning we have together?”

“I do,” remarked Shining with another measly shrug. “I really do, but I… I can’t help but think about things I… things that I really don’t want to dwell too deeply on.”

Shining’s muzzle pointed elsewhere after that, and he clenched his muzzle tightly as the gears continued to turn in his head. Sombra wanted to reassure the Prince, but he waited a moment or two so Shining would have the time to calm down. Unfortunately, by the time he finally felt like it was right to speak up, the stallion grew concerned when he saw how low Shining’s ears had dropped down. “Shining, you… you know I’ll understand if you can’t leave her, right? I mean, I don’t want this to end, and I don’t wanna be strung-along as some Prince’s dirty secret, but I… I know she means far more to you than--”

“I think she already knows.”

Sombra’s eyes shot wide-open, and he turned stunned when he saw the honesty in Shining’s expression. But before he could ask how, he was interrupted by the Prince adding, “I mean, I think she knows that I might be seeing someone, that’s all.”

“Oh. Well, ummm… I suppose that isn’t much better than my own worries, but still…” By the time Shining was able to look back at his mate, Sombra took a breath before asking, “How… how do you know she’s thinking that?”

“Because I… I overheard her conversation with Twilight a week ago. She….” Shining’s head hung low in remorse, with his blue mane being just long enough to cover his saddened expression. Sombra was worried what Cadance may have been assuming, but stayed silent while his lover continued hoarsely, “She was telling my sister that she… she wasn’t sensing my love in the same way she used to, and then she,… she said that…”

Shining took a long, strained breath while struggling to finish his words. Despite his circumstances with Sombra, it was obvious how much he loved Cadance as he recalled her words with such pain in his voice. “... she said that Flurry is the biggest reason she stays with me…

Sombra winced hard through gritted teeth, not needing to be a father himself to know that kind of statement would sting like Tartarus. But regardless of his reaction, Sombra still took a breath before saying, “Shining, I… I never meant for things to go this way. Believe me, the last thing I would ever do is endanger things any further than they may have been.”

“It’s not your fault, Sombra,” said Shining in an insistent-sounding, but still weakly projected tone of voice. “I’m… I’m pretty sure things have been depleting for a while before you came along. You didn’t endanger anything, I can swear to that.”

Despite knowing the Prince was sadly correct, Sombra still felt partially to blame after hearing what Cadance said about their relationship. Not to mention, even if Shining was right about his marriage being on the rocks before his arrival, Sombra knew that his presence likely widened the gap between them even more due to the stress of keeping him around. But regardless of what may have been the true reason for the state of things now, the former Tyrant couldn’t deny that it was too late to go back and try to undo any damage that may have been caused from his affair. Even if he was somehow able to do so, Sombra wasn’t so sure if an alternate present without Shining was something he’d particularly prefer.

And judging by the way Shining’s expression grew more morose as he sighed briefly, it seemed that the Prince wouldn’t have wanted to undo their mistakes either. “But still, I… I can’t help but think about what might happen. You know… between Cadance and I…”

Sombra didn’t want his mate to keep dwelling on that subject while they had the whole morning to themselves; however, he also knew that the Prince wasn’t likely to stop thinking about it if he stayed silent on the matter. So instead of trying to delay the inevitable, Sombra decided to just let Shining vent a little bit, and hope they could overcome the issue quickly enough to still have a pleasant morning together. “You know, I… I won’t try to make you do anything you don’t want to do, alright? I know I’ve acted rather crass towards you in the past, but… but the last thing I’d ever want is to see you get hurt.”

“Well, I know that,” Shining said with another uncertain sigh, which was then followed by him adding jokingly, “although, I’m probably one of the only ponies who knows you wouldn’t do that anymore.”

“True enough,” replied Sombra with a skewed muzzle, trying not to flatten his expression in response to the Prince’s ill-made statement. Fortunately, he was able to overcome it after a sharp huff. “I just… I don’t know how I’d feel if your marriage actually… you know…”

Shining nodded silently, not able to say anything while his expression grew bleaker by the second. Even if his relationship with Sombra was never discovered, the Prince knew that a divorce from Cadance would be discussed in the tabloids for years. And if his infidelity was known by the masses, he’d likely go down in Equestrian history as a Pariah at best. But even with those painful truths lingering in his head, the unicorn bit his lip before looking back towards the former Tyrant he was foolish enough to fall for.

“Sombra, I…” Shining’s saddened expression may have remained, but his tone of voice tried to project the slightest hint of hope as he asked, “I need to ask you something. If… If things were to end with… with me and Cadance…”

Sombra tried not to show much on his face, but he was certain the tightening of his muzzle gave away the fact that he was looking apprehensive. Nevertheless, Shining took a breath before continuing with his question. “Would… would you still stay with me?”

Despite the clear undertone of worry the Prince had in his tone, Sombra was able to sigh and smile naturally. “Of course I would, Shining,” he replied with a soft and reassuring nod of his head. “I mean, given how you’re one of the only ponies I can truly trust, I’d have to be insane not to stay with you.”

Shining tried to laugh at that answer, but his smile was only accompanied by what sounded like a hiccuped exhale. Regardless, Sombra could tell that his mate was still happy to hear that sort of reply. “I mean, that is true,” confessed Shining with a weak shrug of his shoulders. “But I just mean that… I don’t wanna end up losing everything if things go the way I think they will…”

Sombra’s brows rose upon hearing that last inflected word. While he would’ve guessed himself that things between Shining and Cadance might not be salvaged, he didn’t expect the Prince himself to be feeling that same way. Regardless of what that meant for his own relationship with him, the Ex-Tyrant wasn’t sure how to process such a statement. Meanwhile, Shining’s voice became more hoarse as he breathed out sharply, and stared back at his lover with a look of urgency. “I… I just need to know that no matter what happens with me, that I’ll… I’ll still have you in some way.”

“Oh, Shining…” Sombra leaned up from his position on the bed, and nuzzled the side of the Prince’s neck lovingly. Even though his horn was long-gone, the older stallion tried not to brush the jagged edges of his stump against Shining’s pristine fur. Despite how disheveled me may have felt about his situation, Shining was able to sigh more relaxedly as he closed his eyes and nuzzled him back. “I can’t say I can guarantee we’ll stay together,” Sombra said in a weak and drearily-worded tone, “especially if other ponies knew about us. But if things were to end between you and Cadance, I promise that I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure you won’t be alone.”

Shining smiled as he sighed gratefully through his nostrils, and blushed while nuzzling Sombra’s coarser fur. “Oh, Sombra… why did I have to go and fall in love with you of all ponies?”

“I wish I knew,” replied Sombra while smirking lightly. He then bent in to give a small peck to Shining’s cheek before saying, “but regardless of the reason, I really do want to stay with you, Shining Armor. And not just because of protection either.”

“Well, that’s comforting to know,” replied the Prince with a more content-sounding huff. However, when he finally pulled his muzzle away from Sombra and reopened his eyes, there seemed to be something else laying hard within Shining’s conscious. In the few seconds the unicorn stayed silent, his blush deepened at a rate fast enough for Sombra to notice rather quickly. But before the former King could ask what was wrong, Shining closed his eyes once more to breath in deeply. “Sombra, I… I was wanting to ask you something else…”

Sombra could see from the nervousness in Shining’s voice and expression that something big may have been on his mind. Because of that, he managed to scoot himself back to the head of the bed, and rest his back against the headboard so he could be seated in front of his mate. “Okay, ummm… what is it?”

Shining looked back at him with his lips tightly pursed, like he was trying to diligently think out the words he wanted to say without haphazardly blurting them out first. When he finally let out a long, strained exhale, it was obvious how nervous he felt from the timidness in his voice. “Sombra, I… I know you can’t say for certain that we’ll be alright in the near future. A-And… And I know I can’t guarantee that either. But after everything that’s happened, I… I know there’s something I need to face...”

Shining closed his eyes once more to help focus on his breathing, needing a moment to compose himself again. Fortunately, Sombra remained patient as he sat before him on the bed, and waited in silence for his mate’s next words. After that pregnant pause, Shining became more emotional as he reopened his near-tearing eyes. “Af… After hearing what Cadance said, I… I’m pretty sure that things will end someday…”

From the way Shining confessed that saddening remark in such a morose tone, Sombra could tell that the Prince truly didn’t want to admit it out-loud. “Oh, Shining,” he said as he tried to speak up and help. “Shining, I really don’t--”

Please!” Shining clenched his eyes shut as he held out a hoof to silence his lover. And with the way the Prince’s face was tightly scrunched-in, Sombra knew better than to rock the boat more than he already had. While the Ex-Tyrant remained silent, Shining took a breath before saying sternly, “Please, I… I just need to say this, okay?”

As soon as Shining reopened his eyes, Sombra nodded silently to show he understood. By that point, a couple tears were already beginning to stem down the unicorn’s cheeks as he looked away from Sombra. But alas, Shining was still able to speak in a shaky tone while avoiding eye contact. “I don’t… I don’t know if it’ll end next week, or next month, or next year, but I… I know it’ll probably end sooner than later. A-And whi… While I don’t want to think about it, I… I know that I have to make sure I’ll be ready when that happens…”

The Prince paused once more while his lips were pursed tightly shut, which gave Sombra just enough time to tilt his head in slight confusion. “Wh… What do you mean by that?”

“Sombra, I…” After another hoarse breath, Shining turned back towards him as he struggled to maintain a firmer expression. But despite his training in the Royal Guard, Shining’s expression showed cracks of weakness while he spoke. “I… I know we haven’t been together for that long, and I… and I know how poorly things could end for us. But given the situation, I… I’d rather do this now while we’re on borrowed time…”

Sombra’s eyes began to widen, with his confusion slowly turning to a look of concern on his face. “Shining,” he asked with a clearly warning tone, “what are you talking about?”

Shining looked conflicted about what to do next, but his insistence shone through as he clenched his eyes tightly and continued talking. “Sombra, I know for a fact that Cadance and I aren’t going to last for much longer! And even though I hate myself for even thinking that, I… I need to know that I won’t lose you as well.”

“Shining, I don’t want to lose you either!” assured Sombra as he leaned forward and tried to postpone Shining’s ramblings. “But you can’t just end your marriage for me! Especially when you have a daughter--


With that exclaimated interruption, Sombra quickly reeled back to the headboard again. Even though he didn’t want Shining to act this way, the former King knew better than to try bringing up Flurry Heart in a moment like this. Meanwhile, Shining sniffed a couple times before he could try speaking in a more withheld tone of voice. “I… I’m sorry, I just… I’ve thought about this a lot, and I… I don’t want to lose the chance to do this…”

Sombra wasn’t comfortable with what Shining meant by that statement, mostly because he had no idea what the Prince was planning to do. But regardless, the Ex-Tyrant still breathed out slowly before asking, “To… To do what, exactly?”

Shining breathed out in a particularly sharp huff, and looked back at his lover while his eyes were reddened and still tearing. After a couple seconds of contemplation, the Prince breathed in with a look of determination across his blushed face. As he closed his eyes, he tried to speak with more conviction despite his emotional state. “Sombra, I… I know that my time as a Prince Consort isn’t going to last forever. Ev… Eventually she’ll end up leaving me, and… a-and I’ll likely lose everything else regardless of whether or not she finds out about you…

Despite the pain and heartache projected in the Prince’s words, Sombra could tell that Shining truly meant them as things he believed to be true. But unlike before, the former Tyrant didn’t try to speak up to further upset his mate. Instead, he sat with a bit lip as he listened to what Shining was trying his hardest to say.

“I… I may love Cadance with all of my heart. A-And… And I probably always will love her regardless. But… But I know that what she and I had is becoming temporary. And I need to… I need to know for sure that I won’t be completely alone…”

Shining then lit up his horn with that familiar pinkish hue, and he took a deep breath as he reopened his eyes to peer back at his confused mate. “Sombra, I… I can’t even begin to describe how much I care about you. Despite all you may have done, it doesn’t change the fact that I was able to see the kind, passionate stallion you are beneath the surface. You may have made mistakes in your life, but… b-but I’m willing to make some mistakes of my own to make sure I’ll always be by your side…”

As he paused that speech for a moment, Shining crawled himself back so there was some proper distance between him and Sombra on the bed. He then stood up on the mattress with a committed look on his face, and a compassionate smile pointed towards Sombra. By the time the Ex-King was able to ascertain what Shining was going to do, he could only gasp softly while his eyes widened.

Meanwhile, the Prince’s horn projected a bright flash of light to teleport an item he had previously hidden. By the time it finally resurfaced, it came in the form of a small, wooden box that was held firmly in Shining Armor’s hoof.

Sombra was utterly speechless, but his gawked expression didn’t deter his lover enough to keep from speaking from the heart. “Sombra… I don’t know when things will end between me and Princess Cadance. But… But I know that someday that chapter of my life will come to an end. But when that happens, I… I need to know something from you…”

By the time one of Sombra’s hooves came up to cover his mouth, he was beginning to cry a little as well. However, he still looked more well-composed than Shining as he stood with a bit lip and his cheeks matted in tears. Even though he looked perturbed, the Prince’s expression showed a look of tenacity as he stared back at Sombra for that brief moment of time. He then took one last breath to keep himself in control, and lowered the front of his body before the stunned stallion.

Shining waited until he was fully bowed before Sombra before spoke in a shakily composed tone of voice. “I… I know I might still be married, but… but when things between me and Cadance finally end, I need to know…”

While Sombra sat in shocked silence, Shining’s aura of magic levitated that wooden box towards him. When the lid opened up, the inside revealed a shimmering, brilliantly-casted ring of white gold. In the middle of that band was a deeply-red ruby, imbedded within the metal with a flawless shine. Sombra’s eyes widened to the size of frisbees as he stared at such a beautiful piece of jewelery, but he wasn’t too distracted by the sight of it to keep from hearing Shining Armor’s emotional words.

“King Sombra… Will you marry me?”

Sombra breathed out through his nostrils as he struggled to keep from sobbing, but his head still nodded with strong enthusiasm before Shining could get the chance to look up. “Oh… Oh, Shining! I…”

Even though he knew just as well as Shining that this wasn’t the right thing to do, the former Tyrant couldn’t hold back his elation while taking the ring from that box. By the time Shining finally looked up at him through teary eyes, he smiled wide when he saw Sombra placing the ring over what remained of his horn. As soon as it settled around the base of the bone perfectly, Sombra smiled through his teary face and nodded once more. “Of… Of course I’ll marry you, my Prince…”

And with that, the two stallions lunged in as they kissed with a newfound feeling of passion. As their hearts raced with a mixture of relief and adoration for one another, neither the Prince or the former King let their worries for their future come in the way of how content they felt for one another. Tears continued to trail down their faces while their muzzles stayed locked together, but the look of joy on their faces was unparalleled to anything else as they held each other so tightly.

On that fateful morning, no ponies outside that room were aware of what their Prince had done, nor did they have any idea what might come next for the taboo couple. But despite the secrecy and infidelity, the newly engaged stallions couldn’t have felt more at ease as they embraced within their private space. Shining Armor and Sombra may have known that their happiness of their moment wouldn’t last forever, and that things will likely get much worse before they had a chance of getting better. However, on that blissful morning away from prying eyes or judgemental mindsets, the two ponies felt perfectly at peace with one another as they savored the time they had left.

Comments ( 10 )

Please sir, can I have some more?

good sequel I love it although there are some parts where it could go the other way... like a few more lures... Unless your making another sequel??? Are you making another sequel??? other than that my vote is at least 8/10

Honestly this is the best story i have read in a looooong time. Keep going!😊

Even though they’re not supposed to be a couple Shining and Sombra make a good pair :twistnerd:

It's a shame that this got a lot of downvotes so quickly. :C

VClaw's idea of fluff apparently is stabbing his readers in the heart with a cotton candy-scented shiv and then tap dancing on their chests after coating his shoes in vinegar, salt and lemon-coated bobcats. I demand more.

Covet Says
"screw the downvotes! my dad deserves to be happy!"

But yeah, screw those downvotes tho

So much fluff and feels!

Yeeeeeeessss, fluffy stallion snuggles. Just what I needed this morning.

Honestly this was a very cute story between them in my opinion, and of course I love seeing whatever happens with shining and sombra. (Sombring forever)

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