• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen May 30th, 2019



Yeah Discord sends Dashie to mobius hint hint he's not evil just helping Dash find love so lets see what happens in this ported edition of a story from this my wattpad account also includes Amy being a big b***t

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 41 )

:twilightoops: .................... amy has gone dark all of a sudden.

...Where's Hamster when you need him..

idk. I haven't seen him around lately.

Hey everybody how did you like this chapter It was good right Read the original on wattpad if you want to kill yourself

I think you might want to get a grammar checker. Those things are helpful.

Try Grammarly.

just looking at the front, i can see this is going to be a... unique read. i try not to hate on stories as people just point out my own stories, but i do make some suggestions. 1. FIX YOUR SPELLING AND PUNCTUATION. I'm writing this on my xbox, but the punctuation is still better. ill make more suggestions when i actually read the story

2. keep the chapter names short and simple. 3. work on your pacing. Also, some of your depictions of characters are off.

i would suggest reading "WHO AM I?" its another story on fimfiction that i think could give you some great examples

...Sigh. This. This right here. This is why. This is why I write what I write. Everything that I despise. This hemorrhoid on the face of fanfiction and everything like it is what I write in defiance of.

I honestly don't understand why people have to shoot down the dreams of a budding, fledgling Hemingway.

Probably off being a dick to someone else.

Sure, he can be blunt with his comments but sometimes he can be accurate.

if done correctly, it could be great.

dont unleash that asshole on this kid

i really dont care about sonic pairings. but rainbow seems a great match

I know. I'm doing it. But a good 90% of it is like this. Why Sonic crossovers have the reputation they do.

9221376 .... ill concede the point. but constructive criticism is better than hating. your just adding to the bad reputation of them.

Comment posted by DisplacedWriter deleted Oct 10th, 2018

Forced pairings is never good, they would be better as competitive friends than forced lovers.

i agree that forced pairing arent good. and i totally see them as competitors. but under the right circumstances, they could be great.

Not really, there have been a number of girls Sonic could of married, but he prefers running, never to stay in one place, always going wherever his feet takes him, to be free. He wouldn't like marriage as it would force him to stay in one place.

Rainbow Dash P.O.V.

Oh this is gonna be one of THOSE fics...

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” I screamed as I free-fall

Past or present tense. Pick one and stick with it.

from the sky when I prayed to god

How does she know what God is? Also God should be capitalized.

I had my wings which they were there


but my entire body changed too like I had longer/rougher fur, two medium sized orbs on my chest ans a bushy tail with my trade mark rainbow color of course.

This line needs rewritten entirely. You shouldn’t be putting slash marks in a description like that, also this is still the first sentence. You definitely need a period or 3.

Also I had clothes on which thank god I did

First, why is she concerned about clothes at all? She didn’t need them as a pony, and since she has no idea where she is, why does she care? Second, Sally is often nude, so this doesn’t make sense at all. Third, God should be capital.

So after I recouped myself started to flap my wings so I wouldn’t go splat on the ground and then I lost my s*** because I realized that Discord was wreck havoc on Equestria

If you’re going to sensor the word, don’t use it at all. Also, you really should show how she knows that Discord is wreaking havoc.

"Oh sweet Celestia, Discord really going to get it when I get back but how am I it's not like he's going to pop up again and say it was some kind of sick joke" I panicked until I heard an explosion which replaced my panic attack with curiosity so I flew over there to see something amazing I saw two hedgehogs, an echidna, a fox, and a badger fighting a giant army of weird bees and ladybugs and this octopus thing that looked like someone was in it controlling everything. So me being the brave and awesome person I am slammed into the machine piercing through it.

You sure do have a thing for run on sentences. Here I’ll help you with the dialog.
“Oh sweet Celestia! Discord is really going to get it when I get back! Wait, how am I going to get back?! it's not like he's going to pop up out of nowhere and say this was all some sick joke!” Not the best it could be, but it’s certainly a start to help you out.

I couldn’t get any further. You should consider rereading what you wrote to see if the story flows as well when written as it does in your head. I assume it doesn’t, but it’s nothing a bit of rewriting and an editor won’t fix.

...i concede the point. never thought of that.

When it comes to pairing, you have to check both characters, their personality, and their lives. In a AU sort of way, it would work, but that's as far as you would go.

Usually because the story deserves it. The author may not be doing it on purpose. But the story doesn't show it.

Grammer and punctuation are usually the best bets they need to stop, and do their homework again before doing more.

Ah, so you never read the comics?

the sonic comics? i have like 4 of them. ive never read the pony comics

Sonic the hedgehog once upon a time, came in my ass and delivered the goods. There, Rainbow Hedgehog painted my butthole with her essence, because she was delicious semen. Then I became lord farquaad and EEEEEEEEEEEEREEEEEEEEEE

There Pinkie Pie came outside and turnt down for hwat because I was a naughty boy soy.

"You all know that I know that you know that we all know that I know that YOUR A FUCKING WHORE".

Then Rainbow Slut fuked THAT HOE SONIC.

The End

See I did it too, happy now.


I understood that reference. Bravo.

Why are all these shitty sonic crossovers showing up?

Mourning an embarrassing loss to the browns.
>a sonic fan
' Nuff said.
Now the fic here...yikes. But this is the sonic fandom, so everyone here shouldn't be surprised.

Why is there shitty stories?

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