• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Dragon Li Quest, Part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

Dragon Li Quest,
Part 3

[Friendship express.]

Fluttershy stared out the window as the train started to pull out of the station. This was the last stop before Fillydelphia. Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Rarity had all gotten off here, she could see the volcanoes that made up Twin Peaks nature reserve in the distance.

She shuddered spotting the dark forms of dragons milling about the cauldrons.

Fluttershy didn't like dragons, she had been terrified by one when she was little as it flew past Cloudsdale before the Guard had driven it off. It was something her little brother teased her about for a long time.

Still she felt a little bad for sending Twilight after Spike. There were surly a few innocent dragons out there, she had met one, maybe two that she was okay with , though Bleu did still scare her. So did Spike when he got big. But neither of them seemed bad.

Two other ponies had taken up the seats Twilight and the others had left. She didn't say anything to them at first, her gaze focused on looking out the window as the train started to move. Most of that was to let Pinkie get the excitement out of her system at seeing the two again.

Fluttershy smiled as Pinkie finally calmed down and she turned to face the other two.

“Your little birdie told us there was a problem.” one stated.

“Yes, some friends of ours were foal napped.” Fluttershy stated.

“PETA again?” the second asked.

“Yes. It seems the first message for them to stay away wasn't enough.” Fluttershy agreed.

“Is Gummy alright?” the first asked.

He's fine, what ever magic they used to pull his teeth for that handbag add means they aren't going to grow back, but he's doing well.” Pinkie Pie sighed. ”But at least we know it isn't him, even he's not dumb enough to ignore a warning from Fluttershy.”

“So what is the plan?”

“Rescue and scorched earth.” Fluttershy said simply.

“So that is why you wanted me.” the first pony nodded. The gray furred and purple maned mare spoke with a dead pan tone that conveyed no emotion.

“They also have Angel and Henrietta.” Fluttershy added. “Rahs too but he's not really an animal and he went willingly so he probably has a plan to cause trouble.”

“Wait, so they have Angel?” the second mare, a lime green earth pony with reddish orange mane and tail both done up in dreads drawled, she seemed a little off when she spoke like she wasn't all there.” I almost feel sorry for them if they grabbed your bunny... again....”

“Don't be Treehugger, they're just getting whats coming to them. Isn't that right Maud?” Pinkie Pie squeed hugging her impassive sister.

“Boulder is ready to rock.” Maud said flatly.


“ So what are we doing with the big one and the bug thing?” a stallion asked.

“We're waiting for the CEO to get back, they're both exotic or cute enough that we might be able to use them in an ad or something.” Another answered. “ If not we'll just take them out to the woods and let them go.”

“But if they've been in captivity so long will they be able to make it?” The first questioned.

“Oh right you haven't been here long. If they don't make it, it's ponies fault for trying to make them pets, if they left them alone they'd be out thriving in the wild, it's only because ponies interfered with the natural order that they might not survive. It's not our fault for setting them free, but the ones who claimed to be their owners that broke them of their proper instincts.” the second replied.

“Oh okay. So another question then, why are we going to bleed them ?”

“Cause we need more blood to spray on the the fur wearing assholes prancing around uptown. The ones we're bleeding dry were too domesticated to make it in the wild , so this way their sacrifice will show others how bad these ponies are for wearing fur. It's a simp.....hurrk.”

The second pony might have continued with his speech, but a little white rabbit had bounced up and punched him straight in the nuts so hard his rear hooves lifted off the floor before he vanished with a pop and the odd ticking of a clock.

The second pony barely had time to yelp before a hard kick across his face imbedded a rabbit paw print into his skull and made him go cross eyed before there was another pop and a ticking sound.

As he landed, Angel Bunny was alone in the locker room.


The screaming was music to Rahs' ears as he scooped another bowl of dry food into a starving cocker spaniels bowl.

He had wandered around a bit and found a few things. One of those things was a large box of nair and other hair removal products in a room where a caged sheep resided , one that looked as if had been the subject of said bottles.

A few posters scattered about the halls showing the sheep with captions of ' here's the rest of your wool coat' showed what the the point of that was. Rahs had seen Applejack's sheep after a sheering and they just looked like they got a hair cut, nothing like what had been done to this poor sheep.

That didn't include what happened to Dolly, as the poor thing was still green.

Still it had given Rahs an idea and it only took another fire alarm pull to clear everyone out long enough that he could exchange a few bottles of mane and tail shampoo in the buildings shower rooms with the rest of the nair.

A bucket or two manure that had come from the collection of animals over a select number of door frames and as ponies filed back in after another false alarm, there was suddenly a rush to use the showers.

He had started feeding some of the neglected animals around as he listened for the screams.
Once they started he had curled back up in his cage before some pony came to check on him.

Rather go naked than wear fur huh? Then why were they having such issues with it?

[ Twin Peaks Nature Reserve]

Twilight Sparkle frowned looking at the map for the nature trails that were printed on the wall of the ranger station.

The park itself was closed due to the migration. The ranger was currently talking to Dash and Rarity as Twilight studied the map. There wasn't a direct path to the mountains, Romulus and Remus. The further peak, Remus, was smaller and was a dormant volcano, with the nearer, Romulus being more active, but not in any danger of erupting it was simply a bubbling cauldron. A large number of hot springs near the base were a major tourist attraction in the colder months, but were all closed due to the migration.

Most of the Dragons were in Romulus.

Seeing no real path where she wanted to go Twilight simply turned to walk towards Romulus.

A shout from the ranger behind her was ignored, as were the twenty foot tall cast iron decorative gates that had stood before her, and now were thirty feet away imbedded in a large rock.

She heard Rarity apologize on her behalf and follow after her with Rainbow Dash trotting along the ground as well not wanting to be in the air around so many dragons.


“BY THE STARS THEY'RE EVERY WHERE!!??” a pony screamed.

“AHHH, GIT UM OFF ME GIT UM OFF ME!!!” another pony screamed.

Rahs smirked and slipped back into the kennel room he had been put in. Mr. Whipple had been thrilled to be let out of his cage, and even more thrilled when he realized that he had been let out in the building cafeteria's store room.


Angel Bunny looked at the creature in the heavily armored pen though a tiny slit in the door.

The reptilian thing looked back at Angel Bunny.

Angel Bunny grinned,

The reptilian creature grinned back.

Angel Bunny opened the basement vault holding the reptilian creature.

The alarms around vault 682 screamed.

[ Twin Peaks Nature Reserve]

Say what you will about dragons. They are violent, temperamental, powerful, dangerous, and smug in their own superiority.

They are also not stupid.

At least the older ones aren't, you don't live to be a few hundred years old without some survival instinct and some sense of self preservation.

So when the dragons on the western face of Romulus cauldron looked down to the forest far below and saw trees, large predators, and boulders being flung out of a arrow straight path that lead from the ranger station and was aimed for the volcano, many were rather curious and wary.

When one of their own went down to investigate, and was seen less than fifteen minutes later being swung about by his tail like a machete to clear the trees between the ranger station and the volcano, that wariness turned into alarm. And when the trees were cleared, and the dragon machete discarded by being embedded through a tree and the figure that had done so, starting her assent, the ones seeing this decided that they would prefer roosting on Remus today.

So a good score of Dragons promptly hauled their scaled flanks out of the way of the approaching purple unicorn stomping her way up the side of the mountain.

Author's Note:

As a side note everything in here is something that PETA has been accused and known to do. Kidnapping and killin animals to use their blood for protest. Making a bloody model of a shorn sheep for an add, and turning domesticated animals lose in the wild. They have also been videoed by an interen refusing to feed or water animals that they were going to put down a week or more later because ' them starveing to death would save them the chemicals needed to kill them.'

Pony Peta is slightly less repulsive. Slightly.

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