• Published 19th Mar 2018
  • 2,903 Views, 16 Comments

Friendship is the Future! - Fear Ripper

The boundaries between the Earth and the worlds parallel will be shaken when the Great Fiend, Yamigedo revives to devour them all. Their only hope is if our heroes and the buddies find the Omni-lords to defeat it. Get Ready for, Buddyfight!

  • ...

Time to Launch! Decker Drum is on the Scene!

The sun had just risen to start the new day. Most of the citizens of Ponyville would still be asleep or just waking up. Although, that isn’t the case for the resident Heartful Fighter.

In his quiet apartment, he was sitting at his desk sorting through his cards while Drum was asleep on the bed behind him. He kept sorting threw his cards until he put together a full deck.

“Hah~! That should do it.” Brave sighed in relief.

“*Yawn!*” A yawn escaped from Drum as he sat up on the bed. “Why so loud in the morning kid?”

“Check it out Drum, I finished the new deck!” Brave showed his buddy excitedly.

Drum rubbed his eyes, “That’s great kid, but it’s been pretty quiet lately. It’ll be awhile before we try it out in an actual fight.”

Brave shrugged, “You never know when they’ll show up. Best to be prepared for whatever kind of tricks they throw at us.” Brave then noticed the time on the wall clock. “It’s almost time for school. Better get ready.”

Deep within the darkness of what looks to be a cave, a young man sat atop of a stone. Overlooking a transparent orb that showed various images.

The young man looked to be about fourteen years old, standing at 5.5 feet tall. He had short black hair with red tips, and his eyes were colored amber. He wore a large red hooded cape over a grey t-shirt with a red collar, maroon jeans, and black steel-toed boots. He continued to watch the images on the orb whilst eating a club of roasted meat.

Suddenly, a portal opened behind and the same navy-haired girl who was spying on Brave and the others. She knelt down and bowed to the boy on the stone.

“Master, you wished to see me?” She asked.

“Nightingale,” The boy started, “You’ve been doing a fine job of gathering negative energy with the Demons.”

“Thank you, Master.”

“But it isn’t enough.” he interrupted. “The amount of negative energy so far isn’t even enough for a snack for Yamigedo!” Sparks of purple lightning flew off his body as he raised his voice.

Nightingale slightly trembled as a bold narrowly missed her. “My apologies Master. What do you suggest I should do?”

Once he stopped generating electricity, he sat silently before he stood up with a card in his hands. He suddenly threw it into the air, and a magic circle appeared around it.

“Power of Darkness! Power of Evil! Power of the Hundred Demons!” The Master chanted as a monster appeared. It was a two-headed hound with black fur, wearing golden armor around his legs, head, and chest. Along with red ribbons attached to the chest plate.

“We are The Twin-Headed Hellhound, Orthrus!” The left head spoke.

“Hey! I was supposed to say it this time!” The right head argued before biting the left's neck.

“Hey, that hurt!” The two heads began to argue with each other.

Nightingale looked at the Demon nervously. “They seem a bit… unstable.”

“It’s because of their unstable relationship that will help you gain more negative energy. The two of them influence aggression to those around them. The best part is you won’t have to possess a human to cause havoc. I want you to take Orthrus and get more negative energy!”

Nightingale bowed, “It will be done, Master.”

It’s been a week since Brave and his friends run in with Home Run. Since then there haven’t been any signs of the Hundred, so the three of them continued their normal school days. Though, not without keeping up with their Buddyfight practice. The trio and their buddies were always practicing after school or when they had spare time.

The school day had just ended, relieving the students from their torment to do whatever.

Brave, Twilight, and Pinkie were still in their classroom, idly chatting away before they decided to head out.

“Hey, why don’t we go by the park later for more practice matches? I got a new deck I wanted to test out.” Brave asked enthusiastically. He expected the same enthusiasm from his comrades, but he was meet with Twilight twirling her hair nervously and Pinkie sighing with her chin propped up with her arms.

“No offense Brave, but haven’t things been feeling kind of stale to you?” Twilight asked.

Brave tilted his head confused. “Hm? What do you mean?”

Pinkie sighed again, “It’s not that we don’t like Buddyfight anymore. It’s just that it’s only been between the three of us over and over. Things are starting to get stale with me and Twilight’s continuing tie, and you always win!” She glared.

The Heartful Fighter closed his eyes and thought, “Hm, yeah you two do have a point. We basically know each other's styles inside and out now. But it’s not like Buddyfight is public yet so no one has cards besides us.”

He continued to think until he overheard a group of female students talking.

“Hey, have you two joined any clubs yet?” The girl with the long, blonde hair asked.

“I haven't decided yet, there’s just so many to choose from.” The girl with the black, princess cut hair replied.

“I joined the Literature Club already. You two should join me! The other members are really cool, and it’ll be more fun with you two!” The redhead replied.

Back to the trio of fighters, Brave suddenly sprang up in excitement. “That’s it! Let’s start a club! The Buddyfight club!”

Twilight and Pinkie looked at him in surprise.

“You want to start a club for Buddyfight?” The Magic World fighter asked.

“Yeah! It’ll be a great way to attract other students to Buddyfight and make new friends. We can teach them how to build decks and play the game. Then we’ll have more friends to battle against and sharpen our skills.”

“That sounds awesome!” Pinkie cheered, but her cheer was replaced with a thoughtful look. “But that won’t be easy. To start a club we have to fill out an application for the student council. And they almost never approve of any clubs besides the normal ones. Like the theater or glee club.”

“I’m sure we can convince them if we talk it out. Let’s go right now!” Brave said running out of the classroom, leaving his comrades behind.

“Does he know where the student council office is?” Twilight asked.

“Probably not!” Pinkie answered in her usual cheerful way. Seconds later, Brave opened the door with a sheepish look on his face.

“Hey, so either of you knows where the Student Council office is?”

The trio was idli walking through the halls of Canterlot High School, making their way to the student council office.

“So Pinkie, the student council President is that Rarity girl right?” Brave asked.

“Right-o! Rarity Belle, President of the student council and the most popular girl in school!” Pinkie said.

Twilight sighed, “Then this will be more difficult than we thought.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s well known that popular girls are selfish and only care about their appearance. Maybe that’s why most club applications are rejected.” Twilight stated.

Although, Brave disagreed and waved it off. “That’s just a stereotype Twilight. I’m sure she’s a good person, and will be a great friend!”

The book worm’s brows furrowed, “Have you even talked to her?”

“I don’t think many people have.” Pinkie interjected. “She’s always with the Board of Students since she’s president, and they don’t let anybody near her. Come to think of it, it’s rare to not see her without them.”

‘Hm, suspicious.’ Brave though.

The trio continued their walk and was about to turn a corner. Then all of a sudden.


(Moment Earlier)

The Student Council President herself, Rarity, was currently standing on a step ladder in front of a bulletin board. She was having a bit of difficulty because the only available spot for the posters she needed to post was at the very top.

‘Why did I agree to do this again?’ she thought. ‘Oh right. It was Rachel’s job today but she asked me cause she had ‘urgent plans’ to tend to. *Sigh* I’m too generous for my own good.’

She had just stuck the last of her posters about to step off of the later. Until she lost her footing and began to fall backward.

“Kyaa!” she shrieked.

She shut her eyes prepared to hit the hard ground, but the pain never came. Instead, she felt herself land into two strong arms. She opened her eyes to see the surprised face of the resident ‘Heartful Fighter’ Brave. The moment the made eye contact her heart started racing, and she could feel her face heat up.

“Uh, hey.” he greeted.

“Hello.” she greeted back.

“Ahem!” a cough broke their thought. Behind Brave stood Pinkie and Twilight. The former giggling at the two and the latter was glaring and pouting at them. Brave immediately let Rarity down, and the Student Council President dusted off her uniform.

Rarity cleared her throat and calmed her blush. “Uh, thank you for catching me…”

“Oh! I’m Brave Heart. These are my friends, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle.” He introduced.



“It’s nice to meet you three. My name is Rarity Belle.”

Brave smiled, “Nice to meet you. Actually, we were on our way to the Student Council Room to talk to you.”

“Hm? What about?” she slightly tilted her head.

“Well, we wanted to-!”

“Stop right there!” Another girls voice called out. Suddenly, a group of generic looking female students with student council armbands surrounded Rarity. Getting in between their President and the trio of heroes. “Who gave you permission to talk to President Rarity?” The lead girl asked.

Twilight raised her brow. “We need permission to talk to one of our fellow students?”

The lead scoffed at her, “Don’t lump her in the same category as you nobodies. She’s our beloved Class President. She’s far too busy to waste time talking to a bookworm, a party girl, and some punk!”

Pinkie pouted, “Hey, that’s mean. We didn’t do anything wrong!”

“Plus, I’m pretty sure Rarity has the right to talk to whoever she wants to talk to.” Brave argued, “We were just gonna ask her about a new club idea we had.”

“Then go the office for a club application form. Once you fill it out bring it to the Student Council Room for use to file under, “Never gonna happen!” With that, the student council girls walked away, also pulling Rarity away with them.

Leaving behind a fuming Twilight, a pouting Pinkie, and an irritated Brave.

Later that day, our trio of heroes were idly sitting on a bench at the park they often hang out in. The sun was setting on the day as the three of them were still miffed about their previous encounter with the student council.

Twilight was reading a book, Pinkie sat upside down beside her friends, and Brave sat with them eating a box of strawberry pokey he just bought.

“Man, we got denied!” Pinkie suddenly spoke.

“It’s just like I told you two,” Twilight says, still reading her book. “Popular girls are selfish. I bet Rarity was laughing at us along with her Council friends.”

“Let’s not jump to conclusions Twi.” Asmodai’s voice rang out as a speck of light floated next to her. “That Rarity girl sounded like a genuinely nice person. It was those friends of hers that were the problem.”

“Asmodai’s right Twilight,” Brave interjected. “She actually took the time to hear us out, unlike the others. I have a feeling there’s more to this than meets the eye.”

Twilight sighed, “That may be, but we still have to deal with them. If what they said was true then even if we submit our club idea, they won’t even look at it.”

“Well, since Rarity is the President the decision is up to her for club acceptance.” Pinkie added, “If only we had a chance to talk to her without her entourage.” She then looked up to Brave who had half a pokey stick in his mouth. “Can I have some?”

Brave held out the box for her to pick out of, but a mischievous smirk crept on the party girls lips. She quickly leaned up and bit down on the pokey Brave was currently eating, and plucked it right off his lips.

Both her friends looked surprised with blushes on their cheeks.

“Pinkie!?” They both shouted.

“What? He said I could have some.” She joked and munched on the pokey. In the corner of her eyes, she caught the familiar sight of long, lavender hair. “Hey look! It’s Rarity!”

Her friends looked to see she was right. Said Student Council President was walking idly by herself past them.

“What’s she doing out so late? And alone at that.” Brave asked.

“Yeah, isn’t she usually with the Board of Students?” Twilight continued.

They watched as Rarity got further away from them until Pinkie Smirked. “Let’s follow her!”

Her two friends looked at her bewildered.

“Pinkie! We can’t do that, it’s invading her privacy!” Twilight objected.

“Ah c’mon, aren’t you guys even a little bit curious why she’s going? Since her entourage isn’t around now we can use this opportunity to get to know her better.” Pinkie said before she thought, ‘Plus, maybe we can find a weakness so we can get our club.’

Twilight still looked reluctant, but Brave spoke up first. “Hm, I am curious. Alright! Let’s do it!” He cheered.

“Yay!” Pinkie also cheered. She then suddenly wrapped a pink scarf over her nose and mouth and put her hands in a hand sign. “Let’s do this, ninja style!”

“Nin!” Mini-Tsukikage appeared next to her, unrolling a scroll with “ninja style!” written on it.

While her two friends sped off towards Rarity’s direction, Twilight just sighed. “I knew this would happen.”

After a series of comical spying scenes, reluctantly in Twilight’s case, they saw their Student Council President enter a homeless shelter. The trio continued to observe from the perspective of a bush, with Tsukikage returning to card form.

“What’s she doing here? This is a shelter.” Brave asked in a whisper.

“Let’s go in. Maybe she’s volunteering or something.” Pinkie suggested as they started to walk in.

Twilight shrugged, “I highly doubt that. Why would the popular girl “waste her time” and volunteer here?”

As she said that, they opened the door to see Rarity wearing an apron and chopping vegetables in the kitchen.

‘She really is volunteering!?’ Twilight thought.

“Hey, Rarity!” Pinkie waved to her, “Hello!”
The lavender haired girl looked up in surprise. “Brave? Pinkie? Twilight? What are you three doing here?” Her eyes suddenly widened and she smiled. “Oh! I know, you’re here to volunteer, right?”

“What!?” Twilight asked surprised. Before she could protest she felt her two friends clutch her shoulders behind here.

“Yeah! We’re here to help!” Pinkie and Brave said simultaneously.

“Wonderful!” Rarity cheered as she went to fetch aprons for the trio. “Thank you very much! Please put these on and I’ll tell you what to do.” She let the trio prepare themselves while she continued to chop the vegetables.

“Guys, what are you doing?” Twilight whispered sharply.

“Don’t you think helping her here is a better way of understanding her?” Pinkie asked.

Brave agreed, “Yeah, and maybe you can learn that not every popular girl isn’t like you imagine.”

Twilight sighed, “I guess so. Hand me the apron.”

So Brave, Twilight, and Pinkie helped Rarity with her duties in the shelter. They learned that she volunteers every Wednesday to serving the homeless food. They also realized how hard the job was, considering how many people were there.

Night had arrived and the kitchen was now empty. While Rarity was washing dishes with the shelter's director, the trio of heroes was resting in the back.

“*Sigh* Not even in my house have I ever served that many dishes.” Twilight sighed in exhaustion.

“But it was fun, don’t you guys think?” Pinkie asked.

“Hm, I admit it does feel nice.”

Brave nodded, “Helping those less fortunate than us makes us more grateful for what we have. Seeing their smiles was worth all the effort.”

“I would have to agree with you there, darling.” Rarity agreed as she approached the heroes. “I’m glad you three came when you did. We don’t get many volunteers on this day. Most of the time it's usually me and the director.”

“Rarity? Why aren’t your other friends from the Student Council with you?” Pinkie asked.

The Student Council President let out a sigh, “They aren’t my real friends, they are only classmates. In fact, I never actually had real friends.”

Brave rose his brow, “Why don’t you consider them real friends?”

“Well, I always help them. But when I asked them for their help in return they always find an excuse not to, like here at the shelter.” Her expression saddened. “I guess I hang out with them just to not feel lonely.”

“Anyways,” Twilight wanted to change the subject. “What are you doing here? This is the last place I thought we’d find you in.”

Rarity smirked, “Oh? And what did you think? I’m a popular girl that only thought of my appearances?”

“Um, well… Uh.” Twilight stuttered.

“Yup! That’s exactly what she thought!” Pinkie answered for her.

“Pinkie!” Twilight whined and Brave chuckled.

“Hahaha.” Rarity giggled. “Well I don’t like admitting it, but I was just like how you would imagine when I was thirteen. I only cared about being the center of attention and my looks. But all that changed when my mother was in a terrible accident a long time ago. She desperately needed a transfusion, but she had a rare blood type that the hospital didn’t have enough of. My father put up adds almost everywhere. Radio, Newspapers, even T.V, but no one came for hours.”

A gentle smile crept onto her lips. “Until late at night, and old, homeless man walked in and volunteered his owned blood that was a match. They quickly made the transfusion, and my mother was saved. His generosity amazed me, especially since no one else offered after all that time. This man had nothing, and yet he gave his blood to help us. I just had to ask why, and what he said next simply amazed me.”


The old man simply smiled and placed his hand on the young Rarity’s shoulder. “Little girl, why shouldn’t have I done it? You mother asked for help and I offered it. I don’t have much, but she needed my blood and I gave it to her. It doesn’t matter who they are or where they came from, not if they are rich or poor, we are all human beings. Always be generous and never deny your help to those in need.”

(Flashback end)

“And I never saw him again.” Rarity continued. “His words awoken something within me, something I’ve never felt before. Because of that, I decided to help those who are in need of it. Not only to thanks that old man, but it felt like it was what I was meant to do. Because of that, I work as a volunteer every Wednesday, handing out food to the homeless. On the weekends I work at a boutique. The money I earn I split between buying food for the shelter and fabric for my own fashion designs. But I know what I’m doing just isn’t enough.”

As she finished her tale, the trio of heroes could only smile at the generous girl's conviction.

“Rarity, I’m sorry for getting the wrong idea about you. Your generosity changes my mind, and taught me not to judge a book by its cover.” Twilight apologized sheepishly.

“I always knew you were a good person,” Brave said with a smirk. “It’s those other Student Council members that are a problem. Maybe if they were a little friendlier than others wouldn’t get the wrong idea. You should say something.”

Rarity sighed again, “You do have a point, but I guess I’m a little afraid to. If I say something they may not want to hang around anymore, and I’ll be all alone again.”

“No, you won’t!” Pinkie suddenly cheered. “Cause you got a few friends right here!”

The lavender haired fashionista’s eyes widened in surprise. “You… want to be friends with me?”

“Of course,” Brave added. “A girl who takes on all this responsibility with a smile on her face, just because of her generous heart? Sounds like someone who would make a great friend. Right girls?”


“Indeed.” Pinkie and Twilight answered.

Rarity could only stare in shock. This group that she just met immediately wanted to be her friends, no strings attached. She smiled endearingly with small tears welling up in her eyes.

“Thank you, all of you. I will gladly be your friend.”

Night fell as our heroes and their new friend hailed a taxi to drive them home. All except Brave who decided to walk home.

Brave was trotting along the night streets of Ponyville, mostly unoccupied due to the late hours. Then suddenly, a light flew out of his backpack and turned into Ice Blade Joker in his mini form.

“Freeze!” Joker announced.

“Joker? What are you doing out of your card?” Brave asked.

“It’s that young lady from earlier,” Joker answered in a surprisingly serious voice.

“You mean Rarity?”

“Yes. Even when people treat her like an ice queen, she still bears a smile warm enough to melt even my cold heart. To be so generous just for the sake of generosity. I think I understand what Asmodai felt when he met Twilight.”

“Are you saying that Rarity could be your buddy?” Brave asked surprised.

“It’s hard to say. I do feel like I have a connection, but then again she could give us the cold shoulder and refuse. All I can say is, there is a definite chill in my spine when I saw here and heard her story.”

Brave thought for a moment. “Alright. I’ll have to talk to the others to decide our next course of action. Now you should probably get back into your card. You never know who could be watching.”

With a nod, Joker flashed back into his card and flew into Brave’s backpack. When Brave continued his walk, he was suddenly bumped into by a hooded person. Their face was covered by a baggie blue hood, so he couldn’t identify if they were male for female. The person fell on the floor while Brave was off balance for a second.

“Oh, sorry. Are you okay?” Brave offered his hand, which they took.

“Yeah, I am. Sorry, it was my fault.” The person said in a feminine sounding voice. “I’ll be going then.”

Before Brave could say anything else, the hooded figure bolted away. After a confused pause, Brave just shrugged off the encounter and continued his trek home.

With the hooded figure, they ducked behind a corner. They removed their hood to reveal Nightingale, who was smirking victoriously. She reached into her pocket to reveal a deck of Buddyfight cards.

“Let’s see how he fairs against Orthrus without his deck.” She smirked sinisterly.

The next morning. It was the start of another school day, Brave, Twilight, and Pinkie were making their way towards school. When suddenly they heard a familiar voice.

“Good Morning~!” Rarity sang as she approached the trio.

“Morning Rarity.” The three said simultaneously.

“Not walking with the Student Council this morning?” Pinkie asked.

“Oh, I texted them that I’ll meet them later. This morning I wanted to walk to school with my new friends!” She said sweetly.

The group of friends trotted along making idly conversation before they found themselves at the front gates of Canterlot High.

“Miss President!?” A shocked voice called out to them. The other members of the Student Council approached the group, with the lead being a generic-looking girl wearing the same uniform as them with brown, bob-cut hair.”What are you doing hanging around this riff-raff?” she pointed accusingly at Brave, Pinkie, and Twilight.

Rarity rose her eyebrow. “What is the problem, Rachel? Is it against the rules to walk to school with friends?”

“Friends!?” Rachel asked shocked. “What do you mean friends? We’re all the friends you’ll ever need. Plus if you hang around with a group like this, your reputation will go down significantly.”

The trio narrowed their eyes at her. Twilight was about to retort but was stopped by Brave to stay quiet for now.

Rarity looked surprised. “Rachel, that is no way to talk to our fellow students. Why shouldn’t I be friends with them? The three of them actually lent me a helping hand, which is more than what any of you had done for me in return. I demand you apologize to them now.”

The Student Council members looked gobsmacked at their President actually demanding something from them. When none of them noticed though is the light fog that started coating the ground beneath them.

Then Rachel’s expression suddenly turned from shocked to enraged. Her eyes suddenly flashed oranged only for a moment, as it went unnoticed by everyone.

“I’ve done nothing for you!? If it wasn’t for me you’d still be just that pretty faced nobody like the day I found you! We made you the most popular girl in school! We made you Student Council President!” Rachel yelled.

The group of friends was taken aback at her outburst. Then beside Brave, a light floated next to him.

“Brave! I smell Demon!” Drum’s voice called out.

“Hey watch it, you moron!” Another students voice rang out.

This caught the group's attention, then they saw two male students get into a fight. Then one by one they see all the students around them get into full-blown fist fights, even the other Student Council Members. All the while the fog coated the school grounds.

“What’s going on? Why is everyone fighting?” Rarity asked shocked.

“This is almost as bad as Pizza Thursdays and there’s only one slice left,” Pinkie added.

Twilight looked towards their Dragon World fighter, “Brave, does this mean what I think it means?”

He nodded, “Yeah, there’s a Hundred Demon close by.”

“How right you are.” A female voice rung through the air. A portal opened a few feet away from them. Nightingale walked through with Orthrus following behind.

Brave, Pinkie, and Twilight took a defensive stance, while Rarity just looked shocked and confused at the new arrivals.

“Who are you?” Brave demanded.

“I am Nightingale, a humble servant to the Crimson Master and Lord Yamigedo.” She bowed.

“Are you the one making everyone fight?” Twilight asked.

Nightingale smirked, “That would be the work of my Buddy, Twin-headed Hellhound Orthrus. He has the ability to increase the aggression of those around him. But it doesn’t seem to work on your lot since you all have your Buddies protection. But…” She then glared at Rarity. “Why is this girl unaffected?”

Rarity just stood, still in shock at all that’s happening. Then her friends stood defensively in front of her.

“We won’t let you hurt our new friend!” Pinkie shouted with her friends nodding in agreement.

“Now, why don’t you stop your control over our fellow students? Or we’ll have to settle this with a Buddyfight.” Brave demanded.

Nightingale laughed smugly, “And how are we supposed to fight without your deck?” She pulled out a familiar deck of Dragon World cards.

The heroes were shocked to see Brave’s cards in her hands. Brave reached into his holster for his Core Gadget, only to see it empty.

“H-how did you-!?”

“I guess you already forgot about me, but I guess it was an abrupt meeting last night.” Nightingale interrupted. His eyes widened as he realized that she was the one who he bumped into the other night.

“Then one of us will fight you instead,” Twilight said as she and Pinkie pulled out their core gadgets.

“No,” Brave spoke in a serious voice. He slowly walked forward, his eyes were shadowed by his hair. He looked up and glared at Nightingale. “For a fighter, their deck is just as important as their life. They pour their soul into building their decks to fight their own original styles. Stealing another fighters deck? You bring dishonor to Buddyfight!”

Nightingale glared back. “Talk all you want. I have your deck, so you can’t even fight to claim it back.”

Brave smirked confidently. “A fighter isn’t limited to only one deck. I have a deck right here!” He reached into his backpack and pulled out another deck, which he then placed into his Core Deck Case. “Now, I challenge you to a Buddyfight!”

“Tsk!” Nightingale clicked her tongue. “Very well. But we’ll do it on my turf!” She pulled out what looks like a black dragon skull small enough to fit in her hands. “Darkness Barrier! Enshroud and confuse!” She threw it up into the air as it exploded and surrounded the area in a dark haze.

When the darkness cleared, Brave and Nightingale were standing on opposite ends of a Buddyfight Arena. Although it was very different from the Proto-Barrier. They were inside a purple stone dome lined with sharp looking bones. In the center of the ceiling and four random parts of the floor was a pattern of three purple demon eyes. The pedestals were in the same position as the Proto-barrier, but at the left and right sides of the arena were two huge dragon skulls. On the lower pedestal was Brave and then the higher one was Nightingale.

“Welcome to the Darkness Barrier,” Nightingale said. “It’s the Crimson Master’s variation of your Proto-Barrier, but better.”

In another room, Twilight, Pinkie, and Rarity were standing atop a stone pillar surrounded by a purple ocean. Above them was a large floating orb that showed Brave and Nightingale in the arena.

“This must be the Buddy-pit for this barrier,” Twilight concluded.

“I like the Proto-Barriers Buddy-pit better. This place is kinda creepy.” Pinkie shivered.

“Um…” Rarity suddenly spoke up. “Can either of you explain what is happening here? One minute we were at school and next we are here in this dreadful place. And what is Buddyfight? And the monsters?”

Twilight sighed, “I’m sorry that you got caught up in all of this Rarity. We’ll explain everything later. Right now, all you need to know is that if we want to get it, then Brave has to win.”

“Now, if you and your friends want to leave, you will have to defeat me!” Nightingale pulled out a navy Core Deck Case. “Ravenous fiends walking a wicked path! Witness their awesome power! Luminize! Hundred Legend Beasts!”

“Then let’s get to it!” Brave placed his new deck in his case. “Protectors of the right! Defenders swore to fight! Luminize! Hearts of Righteous Justice!”

“It’s time to raise the flags!”

“I fight for Legend World!” Nightingale announced with Orthrus howling behind her.

“I fight for Hero World!” Brave announced as the Hero World Flag rose behind him.

“Hero World!?” Twilight and Pinkie shouted in surprise, but Rarity looked confused.

“Hm? What’s the matter darlings?” She asked.

Twilight starts to explain, “In buddyfight, the fighter has to choose which world to fight for to entail what kind of cards they will use.”

“Brave usually fights for Dragon World,” Pinkie added. “We’ve never seen him use a Hero World deck. Plus we don’t know much about Hero World ourselves.”

“Freeeeze!” Suddenly behind them, Ice Blade Joker appeared in his normal size.

“Eeeek!” The girl shrieked.

“Joker!” Twilight shouted. “Don’t just appear out of nowhere! You’ve frightened Rarity.”

Rarity rose her brow, “You know this one, Twilight?”

“Apologies m’lady.” Joker extended his hand/blade to rarity. “Nice to meet you. I am Ice Blade Joker, a resident of Legend World! I know it must be cool to meet such an icy character. But let’s chill for now!”

Pinkie was laughing at his puns while the other two just sweatdropped.

“Why are you here Joker?” Twilight asked.

“Well, considering that you and Pinkie don’t know much about her world I’ve come to act as the commentator of this Buddyfight!”

“Okay then, but could you turn into your mini form? I think Rarity would be more comfortable that way.” Pinkie suggested.

“If I must.” Joker shifted into his miniature form.

“Eeeeh!” A squeeze escaped Rarity as she pulled Joker into a cuddle. “How adorable!”

Joker grunted, struggling in the tight hold. “This is not cool.”

Turn 1: Nightingale
[Nightingale: LP-10 G-2]
[Brave: LP- 9 G-2]

“Ladies first.” Gale started. “Charge and draw! I call King of Forest Zlatorog to the center, and with his ability, I gain two gauges! Now attack the fighter!

The Zlatorog charged towards Brave and caused him two damage.

“I end my turn.”

“End of move!”

“Your move!”

Turn 2: Brave
[Nightingale: LP-10 G-5]
[Brave: LP- 8 G-2]

“It’s my turn now!” Brave announced. “Draw! Charge and draw! Let’s see how you handle this! I pay one gauge, and Transform!” A coat of green energy formed around Brave’s body. When it dispersed, it revealed Brave in a high-tech suit of armor. He wore a black bodysuit with silver gauntlets and boots, and silver wings on his back. What looked like red police lights were placed on his shoulders and knees.

“Explosive Takedown, Rampage Sonic!”

“Whoa! Brave’s a Superhero now!” Pinkie cheered excitedly.

“Oh my, what dashing armor.” Rarity remarked.

“What kind of ability is that, Joker?” Twilight asked the Legend World Monster.

“Frosty isn’t it!?” Joker cackled. “The Transform ability is unique Hero World monster. It’s an ability that lets the fighter equip a monster card like it’s an item card, so the fighter can join the fray.”

“Nice costume, but it’s not gonna help you beat me,” Nightingale smirked confidently.

Brave pounded his fist together with an equally confident smile. “A hero always needs back up. I call Cyber Police, Assault Leader to the left!”

“Now, making his Hero World debut! I Buddycall to the right, Buddypolice Decker Drum!”

“Time to spring into action!” Drum announced as he appeared in the right position. But his appearance is different from before. “Justice will be served!”

Using his new wings, Brave flew to the center position. “It’s hero time!”

“Drum looks different. Did he get a haircut recently?” Pinkie asked, while Twilight sweatdropped.

“Or maybe because he’s in a new form, plus he’s fighting for another world besides Dragon World. How is that possible?” Twilight asked Joker.

“You see, some monsters from the parallel worlds go to other worlds to train or master their crafts. Which makes them able to fight for the world they trained in. A good example is the Dragowizards, monsters from Dragon World training in the mystic arts of Magic World.” Joker explained.

“I cast! Hyper Energy!” Brave cast a spell, increasing his gauge of 1 to 5. “Now I’ll use Decker Drum’s ability, to destroy the Zlatorog in the center!”

“On it!” Drum agreed as a dark ball of energy started to gather in front of his drill until it turned into a shimmering electric blue. “Whenever Brave pays two gauge, I can destroy one of the opponent's monsters.” The blue sphere launched towards Zlatorog, destroying it and opening the center to attack.

“Assault Leader, attack Nightingale!” The Assault leader rushed towards Nightingale, shooting his assault rifle and reducing her life points to eight. “Your turn Drum!”

“Gladly!” Drum’s drill started to spin rapidly, sending a harsh tornado towards Nightingale. “Cyclone Bunker!” He announced and dropped her life to five.

“And finally, it’s my turn!” Brave flew up with his wings and dove towards Nightingale.

“Not so fast. I cast! Holy Grail!” Nightingale cast, as a golden grail stopped Brave in his tracks.

“Darn!” Brave floated back to his side of the field.

“End of Move!”

“Your Move!”

Turn 3: Nightingale
[Nightingale: LP-5 G-5]
[Brave: LP- 9 G-3]

“You're putting up a good fight, but let me show you what real power is. Draw! Charge and Draw! I call Waweldrache to the left, and Buddycall Twin-headed Hellhound Orthrus to the right!” Waweldrache and Orthurus appeared in their respective positions, as well as Nightingale gaining one life through Buddy gift. “I equip, Famous Sword Hrunting!”

“Finally, I’ll cast, Decree of Dullahan!” She paid three gauge, and her monsters were covered in blazing energy.

“Uh-oh. That’s not good.” Pinkie said.

“What do you mean, Pinkie?” Rarity asked.

Twilight bit on her thumbnail. “That’s a very troubling spell. It gives all of her monsters with the Wydar Sarkal attribute the double attack ability, which means they can all attack once more.”

“Waweldrache, do a link attack with me!” Nightingale and Waweldrache charged towards Brave. With their combined power of 8000, it overpowered Braves 3000 defense and dealt him four damage. Reducing Brave’s life to 5.

“Now Orthrus, attack the fighter!” Nightingale ordered.

Orthrus charged towards Brave, baring his sharp fangs “This old dog does know a few new tricks! / We can destroy a monster or an item when we do damage!”

“I cast! I’ve seen through your moves!” Brave cast a spell and dodging the attack from Orthrus.

“And Brave stops the attack with a well-timed counterspell!” Joker commentated. “That spell nullifies an attack only if it's your opponent's turn, and if your center is empty. But don’t be so glad-sure that this is over folks!”

The girls just looked at him confused. ‘Who is he talking to?’

“Attack again Orthrus!” Nightingale ordered as the demon charged again.

“Then I cast again! I’ve Seen Through Your Moves!” Brave dodged once again.

Nightingale growled irritated. “Fine! Waweldrache, attack the Assault Leader!” She ordered as Waweldrache destroyed said Hero World monster.

“End of Move!”

Turn 4: Brave
[Nightingale: LP-5 G-5]
[Brave: LP- 5 G-3]

“Your Move!”

“Alright,” Brave said seriously as his right, armored fist combust into flames. “My heart is burning bright! DRAW! CHARGE AND DRAW!” He drew his cards with his flaming fist.

“I activate Decker Drum’s ability. Destroy Waweldrache!”

“Locking on!” Drum aimed his drill towards Waweldrache. “Fire!” In an instant, Waweldrache was destroyed by a ball of lighting.

“Now Drum, attack the Orthrus!” Brave ordered as Drum charged up his drill, sending a cyclone to destroy Orthrus. “Now it’s my turn!” Brave dove towards Nightingale once again, this time striking her and reducing her five life points to three.

Nightingale smirked. “So much for finishing me on this turn. I’ll show you how to finish a fight on my next turn.”

“My turn isn’t over yet!” Brave announced as he held up his last card.

“Final Phase!”

“Yes! He called it!” Pinkie and Twilight cheered.

Rarity tilted her head, as she looked down at the Legend World monster in her arms. “What does that mean, Joker?”

“When a fighter calls a “Final Phase,” it usually means they are about to land a finishing blow. By the looks of it, Brave had drawn just the card.” Joker explained.

“Impact!” Brave called out as both him and Drum started flying in the air, both being surrounded by red and green energy.

“When two or more of your monsters are destroyed during this turn.” Drum started

“And by paying two gauge, this Impact can be activated to deal three damage.” Brave finished.

Both Braves and Drum's fists were glowing with energy as they reeled their fists back.

“Superior Justice Driver!” Both of them yelled, driving towards Nightingale and delivering the final blow.

A large explosion of energy filled the Darkness Barrier. The Legend World Flag was destroyed

“Game Over. Winner: Brave Heart!”

The Brave and the others were back in the courtyard of Canterlot High. Looking around, it would seem the rage induced students were now either passed out or fatigued and confused.

Across from them, Nightingale was on one knee breathing heavily. From her deck case, Orthrus’s card flew out and landed in Braves hand as the group approached her. She looked up to see a smiling Brave with his hand held out.

“Now that you're not possessed by the demon anymore, we could have a nice conversation now,” he said in a friendly voice.


A sharp ring sent silence through the air. Nightingale had just slapped away Brave’s offering hand. Which shocked not only the Heartful Fighter but his friends as well.

“You’re just as foolish as the Master said,” Nightingale growled as she got to her feet. “The demon was not possessing me, it was given to me. I chose to follow The Crimson Master and Lord Yamigedo!”

This shocked the group of heroes.

“Why would you want to align yourself with a being like Yamigedo!?” Twilight shouted.

Pinkie nodded in agreement. “Yeah! You know what’s one his daily diet? Worlds!”

Nightingale sneered as she opened a portal beneath her. “Lord Yamigedo and The Crimson master will Liberate this disgusting world.” She said as she slowly descended into the portal. She turned her attention to Brave. “The master has a message for you Brave Heart. He said, ‘See you soon.’” Was all she said as she and the portal vanished.

The heroes could only stare at where Nightingale once was in shock. They couldn’t believe that someone could align themselves with a monster such as Yamigedo. The only question they could think of was ‘Are there more?’

But the last statement shook Brave to the core.

‘I guess we’ll be fighting sooner than later. I can only hope I’m ready this time.’ Brave thought to himself.

“Um, excuse my darlings?” The voice of their Student Council President snapped them out of their trance. “I know that it was a quite serious moment there, but can anyone please tell me what just happened? I am quite confused as of now.”

Twilight just sighed exasperatedly. “Here we go again.”

"Welcome to the Buddyfight Corner!” Twilight, Brave, and Pinkie stood in a classroom setting with a monitor behind them.

“Where we’ll be teaching you all about the world of Buddyfight!”

“Yeah, we decided to drop the ‘Brave and Twilight’s’ part since there will probably be more of us here in the future.”

“Now today we’ll be talking about the newest form of my awesome buddy! Buddy Police Decker Drum!

“This is another form of our friend Drum, fighting for Hero World!”

“He’s a size 2 Hero World monster. 5,000 power and defense, and with a critical of 3. A very formidable card.”

“And by paying two of your gauge, he can destroy one of your opponent's monsters!”

“When Decker Drum is on the scene, justice will always prevail!”

Twilight winked at the camera, holding up a booster pack of Buddyfight cards, along with Brave who stood beside her holding his Core Deck Case. Pinkie was standing beside Twilight, holding up another booster pack.

"That's all for now class!"

"Can you open a buddy rare card?"

Comments ( 13 )

I like your story it is cool so far

Hi I really like your story it's awesome and amazing I was wondering when will be the next chapter please answer when you can

Hello I'm Titan Heart and I just want to say I love your stories and wanted to know when you'll update.

Turn 1: Nightingale [Nightingale: LP-10 G-2] [Brave: LP- 9 G-2]

That not fair brave already starts with less lp the her

So how are things going here

real life getting in the way

Hey is everything okay you haven't done a chapter here in a while

Hey there how's the next chapter going

are you okay there?

Pls more chapter :fluttercry:

I hope you do a new chapter soon. This story is awesome!

I'm liking this story so far, hope you do more!


Protectors of the right! Defenders swore to fight!

...Is Brave a Power Rangers fan?

Hey so how's the next chapter going

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