• Member Since 6th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen August 20th


Hello! I'm Crystalbreeze. Micro/Macro stories are my thing, I love reading and writing them. Hope you do too :D


Daffy. This is her name. Thanks to the MLP series I drew an OC, who is alive now. She is a giant imaginary pony, who tries to be my friend. And of course I wanna be her friend too, because I created her and gave her personality.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

There's an age requirement for this website.

I know. What's the problem?

Either your eight year self is violating site rules by being here, or another uncomfotable question is brought up in a fic rife with those already.

Okay. So what can I do now?

Tell site moderators you didn't read the Terms of Service?
I don't know.

8481494 hammy

stop being an asshole and let the children have their stories


>not an asshole

Choose one.

Thanks this was a cute story.

Welcome. I love writing cute stories.

Aww this story was adorable:3

Gentle giants are always awesome. Plus i havent seen an imaginary one either, so another point for creativity.

I thought Daffy was male. And a duck.

Comment posted by Crystalbreeze deleted Nov 27th, 2017

This is so sweet!

You're welcome! By the way, even though I really like your stories, I think you might want to hire an editor, since English appears to be a second language for you, and the grammar errors make your stories slightly less enjoyable than the could be. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just suggesting.

No problem. Many people says this to me and yes, I'm not english, so there's some errors in my stories. But perosnaly I don't need and I don't even want an editor. I mean that when I'll be better in english in the future, then I won't make as much errors in the script as I make now. Just for the laugh I say that in our english class I'm the best about speaking, reading, translating and writing in english. Certainly there's no problem with your opinion.

Ok, got it. Do you think you'll go back and edit your older stories once you get better? And what's your native language?

Yes, I think. And my native language is the hungarian. Some people say that it's one of the most difficult languages to learn.

nice story!And I think my language is difficult too.(I am chinese brony)

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