• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 4,391 Views, 87 Comments

Simple Things - Arbiter Balemead

Fluttershy makes a simple wish and small confession and they are answered with a minor coincidence.

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"Fluttershy I-I don't know what to say...except that I'm really flattered. I-I mean... you really want it to be me?" I gawked at her. This was sort of random. Well, not really. We'd talked about it last week, although we weren't thinking about it THIS way.

"Yes. Wait... does that mean there is a spell for it?" She asked me hopefully.

"Well, yes." She smiled brightly at me. I tried to not appear doubtful, but something about the way her smile began to fade told me I didn't do a good job at it. "Listen, Fluttershy, I'm not sure we're ready for this. I mean, I know we've been together for years, but this is a big step. Now, I'm all for it if you think we're ready, but are you absolutely sure?"

"Positive." I resisted the urge to say that only fools are positive to my marefriend.

"Okay. One second."

"You want to do it now?" Her smile spread open. I giggled a moment, levitating a book down from the nearby shelf.

"No, no. I'm just going to go over the facts with you."


She opened the book and started scanning through it. She stopped at some parts for a moment, seemingly fascinated by tiny details. I couldn't hold back a giggle at the sight of her getting distracted by reading. Even while reading.

She found the page she was looking for, and showed it to me.

"I did some research on it after that little conversation last week, and I found these little things about it."

I started reading through some of the facts. "Caring for foals can be very hectic, but completely worth it to a loving parent. It will be demanding, seeing as foals have many needs that they cannot tend to by themselves. As they grow and develop into full blown ponies they will go through many equally chaotic stages- Twilight I already know all this. I was a foal once."

"I know, it's just..." She trailed off.

"Twilight, we both live where we work. Staying home with a foal won't be hard." I said warmly.

"Exactly! We don't even live together! If we can't live together, then how can we have a foal together? Obviously we aren't ready for a foal, right?" She sounded a little frantic at this point. Her eyes were wide, pupils shrunk slightly, and her eyebrows were scrunched together and raised the way they would be if she was...


"Twilight. Are you afraid to have foals with me?" I asked, just a little hurt at the idea.

"No! Well... yes, but not the 'with you' part. I'm just a little...what if I'm not a good mom?" She looked at me in a way that reminded me greatly of Angel when he was trying to apologize. Big eyes, worried expression, and a subtly quivering lip.

"Twilight." I scooted closer to her and wrapped her in a hug. "You will be, I promise. Besides, I'll be there the whole time, right beside you. And about us not living together?"


"You could move in with me. I can't really move into town and still take care of the little critters..."

"And I can still work here." She finished for me. "It's not a long walk at all. I really could move in with you, and Spike and me could help out at your house and-"



"Calm down, please." I said, smiling warmly. She gave me a sheepish grin.

"Right, sorry." She smiled sheepishly at me, to which I replied with a kiss.

"So uhm... When will we do the spell thing?"

"We CAN do it now. If you want." She said, getting up. She levitated the book on children up to where it belonged, and pulled another one down from another shelf with her magic. She opened it up and found a bookmarked page. "It's a little complicated, and very intimate."

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"I mean it'll...feel weird for both of us." She replied awkwardly.

"Oh. That doesn't really matter; I still want to do it."

"Okay....It's a simple procedure. As the middle-mare, I take one mare's DNA, or in this case mine, and give it to the other, which is you."


Her horn began to glow as she started working her way through the spell.

Weird wasn't the right word for how it felt...


It'd been more than nine months sense we'd made the decision to have a foal. Now I'm sitting in the waiting room, waiting for Nurse Redheart to get back to me.

Well, not sitting. I'm surprised there isn't a trench in here from all my pacing, really.

"Twilight?" I turned to look at the nurse. She smiled widely at me. "Congratulations. Come with me."

I followed her through a maze of hallways until we arrived at Fluttershy's room. I walked in and found her on the bed cradling a little bundle in her arms. I pecked her on the cheek before peeking at the bundle she was holding.

I found myself looking at an adorable, green coated foal. It opened it's eyes and looked at me for just a moment, and my heart just melted.

"What should we name her?" Fluttershy asked.

I thought about it a moment, then suggested a name. She said she liked it, and handed her to me. As I sat on the chair by the bed, happily cradling my new pegasus daughter I proudly proclaimed,

"Welcome to Equestria, Dew Drop."

Comments ( 25 )

SO.......MUCH........CUTE! :heart:

if you want, please do sequal with dew drop! this was awsome!

1068817 the moment i came up with her name the idea of doing a sequel came to me, so i think i might
but right now i have two more stories that imma finish first
That'd be New Perspective and Misperceptions

sorry, no rush.
But i cant wait to read it! :twilightsheepish:

1068831 read my other stuff in the meantime

I shall read this first, then vote.

1069268 woah man that vote has long since ended
I should probably remove those comments but i really dont care to
sorry :applejackunsure:

1069546 I meant vote your story up or down. I had no idea you have another vote going on.

1069606oh! that! yeah i had a vote going for what stories to do after this was done, but that was a few weeks ago. dont worry about it

It'd been more than nine months sense we'd made the decision to have a foal. - Mwuahahahaha, I have found an error sir! Since, not sense. :GrammarPony:

1078871 meh... dont grammar me!
oh and take a look at this

In response to this guy's request: 1068817 as well as something I have been planning for several months, I am going to start something that is going to be big deal (If for noone else then just for me.) Here's a little info on it.

This was a good story, I probably would have enjoyed it more but something about first person perspective stories doesn't gel with me. The only real inconsistency I can find is the relationship book Twilight is reading in the flashback and the chapter she was reading in it. At the end of the story she talks about having never read anything about the kind of relationship she feels and if she had read about it, one would think she would be quicker on the uptake. Changing it from a relationship book to a misc romance novel would probably be more consistent with your universe.

1085294 wait.. where did she say shed never read about it? I don't intend to do any editing, but it'd be nice to know what was wrong so I dont make that mistake again
quoting it would be really helpful

1085294 nevermind i found it. Note to self: when you get excited about a part, pay attention to the plot.

Excellent story. I couldn't help but think... Dew Drop...Dazzle???

1113371 what do you mean by 'dazzle'?

1123129 dewdrop dazzle is a twilight recolor.

1123853 I've never heard of this... where did you see this?

1123853 nevermind. googled it. yeah never seen that

I have read this, and I approve. Here, have a thumb.

IT'S TO CUTE!!! EEK!!! I LOVE stories like this. The world needs
more TwiShy.

Damn, reading this I can tell your next story will be awesome, please,


read this whole thing today. TOTALLY adorable.

If it was possible for you to make this story any more addorrible I'm glad you didn't because then I would have died from what is known as a ado or addorribleness overdose :twilightsheepish::raritystarry::twilightsmile:

A nice little thing. Although it's cute, it has some major flaws as well and some things I just consider as 'different opinion, can't really argue about'.
For the latter, first thing that comes to mind is the first-person-perspective. I don't like it. It really, really, really gives me a hard time to consider it equally worth a third-person-perspective-story. But, as I already said: personal opinion, won't argue. Second point would be Pinkie. Somewhere in the middle I got to a point where I thought that you just... really dislike her and that you're trying to express that through how you write her. In your portrayal, she's more stupid and annoying, while I consider her energetic, naive, but actually pretty clever.
As for the flaws themselves: Your characterization of Fluttershy seemed off now and then, mostly because of her choice of words for inner monologue. Twilight is naive, but when she started to realize, everything felt into place a bit to fast. Also, the events towards the ending, especially throughout the epilogue, felt rushed. There were some minor slip-ups in grammar here and there, missing punctuation marks, stuff like that.
The three things that bugged me the most. First, CAPSLOCK. Just... just don't. If something was screamed, and it doesn't matter if dialogue or thoughts, just let them scream it this way, not THAT WAY. (It's just easier for the eyes.) Also, it has become rather usual to use italic for thoughts - it also helps to part thoughts from the rest.
Second thing would be their expressions. *sigh*? I know that this might be a question of personal style, but that just... feels wrong. And hurts my eyes. It forces the impression of a child or teenie writing a chat-message onto me. Please keep in mind that I don't try to offend you, I just want to express how things seemed to take effect on me.
Last thing, Rainbows idea. It was a funny one and unquestionably one that fits her. Because... it was also a stupid one. Rainbow tends to... not think things through. It fits her, because she didn't think this one through ether. Twilight is able to teleport, without reach of sight, from Fluttershys cottage - which is outside of Ponyville near the border towards the Everfree forest - into her library, which is in the middle of town. I really, really doubt that it would be hard for her to teleport right from that cloud straight towards the ground beneath her.

It was still an entertaining story. :pinkiesmile:

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