• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 2,678 Views, 73 Comments

The Thirty-Moon Roommate - Lux

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Chapter 18- Epilogue - Welcome Home

Chapter 18 – Epilogue – Welcome Home

You jumped into the portal just a few seconds after Twilight did, finding yourself falling head first through the kaleidoscope of colors that danced around you as you held onto her guiding hand. Occasionally, you would spot flashes of colorful lightning; hoping one of them didn’t strike you. You wondered if anyone really died while jumping between worlds like this, their essence simply being scattered across many worlds and yet not wholly in any of them. Even worse, you would find yourself trapped in this psychedelic world in between worlds, unable to reach Twilight’s land or any place for that matter. After all, it was Twilight who tried visiting another realm only to find herself stuck in yours.

The fall seemed to last an eternity, neither speeding up nor slowing down. You wondered where the end was to this journey, if there would be an end. Suddenly, you felt Twilight’s hand separate from yours as you watched her drift away from you.

“Twilight, hang on. I’m coming!” you managed to utter with surprisingly great difficulty as you tried making your body more aerodynamic to catch up like a superhero flying towards some disaster. Despite your attempts you watched as she floated away from you, not even hearing your words. A fear began to grip your chest at the possibility of losing her in the vastness of space and time. If you lost her when you were so close to being with her in her home it would be the death of you. As you watched her in the distance you noticed her body was being stretched and pulled, becoming nothing more than a blur of colors. Then in a bright flash Twilight was gone.

Before you could think about where she went, you felt your body tingling as if the air around you was electrified. Your skin began to become numb until there was no feeling at all. You happened to catch a glimpse of your hands in front of you as they began to blur and distort just as Twilight did moments before. You knew you were still alive despite what you saw, and thankfully you didn’t feel any pain. There in the distance but growing larger with each passing moment, exactly where she disappeared was a white light in the midst of all the spinning colors. You felt a little relief that wherever Twilight went that was where you would be. The white light then enveloped you in its blinding glow before suddenly everything cut to black.

You felt yourself in the darkness for a long time. Soon your senses began to return, starting with your hearing. While you couldn’t quite make out the details, there were voices, human sounding ones. Each one had its own tone and pitch from one that sounded refined to one that sounded very upbeat. But then you heard Twilight’s voice, that soothing distinct tone that put your mind at ease.

Your sense of feeling came next, like your body once asleep waking up once more. You were no longer floating through the vastness of that in between world but what felt like lying down on something solid and cool. There was something strange about it, like your body wasn’t the same. Your back felt misaligned and out of proportion with your head, and you couldn’t feel your fingers or toes. Was this what Twilight mentioned when she said that she didn’t look like the girl you knew back in your world? You wondered if you changed form just as she did.

Then your sight returned just as quickly as turning on a light switch. Your eyes slowly opened, revealing a very interesting sight. You were in a large room made entirely of crystal. It wasn’t some cave you were in but some building. But this wasn’t the only thing that caught your attention in this room. There, standing before you was six creature that looked like ponies, only way more colorful with large eyes. Some of them had wings which you knew were Pegesai while others had horns which were unicorns. They weren’t looking at you but instead talking to each other.

“Oh I’m so glad that you came back!” the pink pony said to a pony that you couldn’t see in the backgrounds, “I mean, you were only gone for like a day, but still it was a long day!”

“So where did you go?” the rainbow manned pony spoke up as she flew back and forth, “Were you at that other world where you met our other selves?”

“Girls,” a white unicorn said with sophisticated tone, “I’m sure we will get all the details soon, but can we give her some space.”

“Well, what I’d like to know, Twilight, is: who’s that stallion over there?” the orange pony wearing a hat said.

“Uhh…” you groaned while trying to open your mouth and speak, “T…Twilight?”

“Oh my girls,” the yellow Pegasus said in a meek tone although somehow directing the attention to the other ponies, “I think he’s waking up. He looks a little dazed but ok.”

“He’s ok?” a distinct voice could be heard, one that you knew was Twilight, “Let me see him.”

The crowd of ponies parted, revealing a pony neither unicorn but Pegasus but instead having both wings and a horn. It was her purple mane and the look in her eyes that made you certain this was your Twilight you met in your world.

“Are you ok?” Twilight said as her horn flickered and you felt a tingle pass across your body, “Nothing broken or torn.”

“I…I feel fine I guess,” you said, “My head is a little spinning and my body feels weird, but I’m ok. So…you’re some kind of purple horse unicorn thing with wings?”

“Close enough,” she said with a giggle, “I’m a pony, butt more specifically I’m an Alicorn. I guess you didn’t expect me to look like this, huh?”

“Not really,” you said looking over her body.

“I look ok, right?” Twilight said with a look of worry that you crossing over to this worl was all for naught after seeing her for who she truly was.

“You look fine,” you said with a smile before a thought came to mind, “Wait, if you are a pony, then are others ponies too on this world?”

“Mostly,” Twilight said, “There are some griffons and dragons and zebras, but mostly ponies?”

“So… does that mean that I’m a pony?”

“Well… actually… yes,” she replied, “In fact, you’re a unicorn. You know, I kind of imagined you to be. Want to see how you look?”

“Sure,” you said trying to stand like a human would but suddenly losing your balance and falling over, “Guess I need to get used to the whole hooves thing.”

“Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it, and of course I’ll be there to help you. How about I introduce you to my friends first? I’m sure Rarity has a mirror for you to look at. Ok, first get you hooves under you and try to stand.”

You nodded and slowly got to a standing position. It felt like you were more like you were crawling when you were a baby.

“Now slowly walk with me,” Twilight said calmly. You followed her, sticking close by her. Despite that two of you were ponies, you still felt that same magic and love between you. Whatever happened in this new world, you knew the two of you would stand strong together and go on the adventure of life.

The End

Author's Note:

And that's it for the story!

Thank you all for reading, commenting, and liking this and my other stories.
Will there be a sequel? Maybe in the future...

Comments ( 5 )

This is one of the best written romance fics I read in this trope (And finally a story with an end. I always found such fics which were never finished and never updated again after a few chapters at its highest). Your story is seriously under-appreaciated, but I think that has to do with the 2nd person-POV.

Many people don't seem to like this kind of POV. Maybe because it feels in a stronger sense how a self-insert than sometimes the 3rd- or 1st-person Self-insert fics themselves do. But that's just my own theory.

Have my like and fav. :twilightsmile:

And to be honest I have the strong feeling that some dislikes came from people who didn't even read this story or simply don't like it, because they don't like the POV or the trope itself. I really can't find any major flaws or problems in this fic that would justify a dislike.

If I don't like a story, or not anymore in progress, I simply stop reading it. But I would never destribute a dislike just because a story doesn't suits my fancy any longer. The only situations where I really would tend to click the thumps down is when a story is extremely bad written. Not because of the grammar or such things, because English isn't my mothertongue either so I have no ground to complain anyway:twilightblush:, but the content itself.

Like, I don't know, Sweetie Belle wakes up one morning, murders Rarity and blames Scootaloo ~ The End (I know that was a stupid example, but I hope I get my point across).


Yeah, I usually get 5 or so dislikes the second the story's first chapter is released. Maybe it's that's it's a second person POV or that it involves humanoid ponies. All I have to say about dislike votes is "Meh."

I really enjoyed this. Well done. :twilightsmile:

Sad. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Yes a sequel pls just finished

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