• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 2,621 Views, 73 Comments

Spirit of Vengeance - MetalJrock

The Ghost Rider continues his mission in Equestria while dealing with the locals to find a way home.

Comments ( 15 )

Actually spirit of vengeance VS spirit of chaos would be interesting, though I think discord would be victorious. Ghost Rider isn't this universes spirit of the vengeance and I think it was made unpure due to the influence of Zarathos and Mephisto so I see discord is having the advantage.

As for Celestia, I can't help but think that the spirit of vengeance would be afraid of her. With all her knowledge and millennia of experience she probably has insight on how to fight creatures like him. I can easily picture her trying to help Robbie came the spirit of vengeance inside of him once and for all. And incidentally I can imagine him asking Celestia why she doesn't want revenge on HIM for all the lives lost and her stating that vengeance must be tempered with Marcy, but with the look in her eyes that would actually cause both Robbie AND the spirit of vengeance to freeze in fear.

On a side note I actually pictured the tree of harmony having power equals that of the infinity gauntlet, heck, discord to make a reference about it being one of the higher great manifestations that govern the universe like, chaos emeralds, speed force, lanterns, infinity stones....... you ever noticed that great universal cosmic powers usually take a form of rainbows? Nevertheless the spirit of vengeance would hate being anywhere near the tree of harmony as it represents far superior ideals and have a great number of them, possibly a almost infinite number.
Robbie: "I remember a article I read once about mother bears..... It should've been about mother horses"

Damn Starlight is truly broken from the Spirit of Vengeance.......

two things

1. Robbie actually got the Spirit of Vengeance from a previous Ghost Rider, most likely Johnny Blaze and not the spirit of his Uncle Eli Morrow like the comics, who is still alive in the show.
I call bullshit not against you against the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. you're telling me they took the most unique ghost rider back story and said "You know what would be awesome if we got rid of the evil spirit that both crippled his brother and turned him into a fire wolf with blades for feet and give him the exact same powers and backstory as the other ghost rider. (mines the stunt drivers)

2. The point was that nightmare moon was still sapient and they probably knew that she spoke on her own, had ambitions, and was intelligent enough to feel pain when the elements hit her so I consider her sapient. I mean the Tantabus showed sapients too it decided to leave luna's mind to gain power and then decided to fuse back into her when she was willing to stop torturing herself those were conces decisions and show that creatures that are made from darkness and were made to cause pain could be turned good.

8221562 I kinda think they involved Johnny in his origin story to ease comic fans and so we know Robbie wasn't the first MCU-wise just in case they want to do something with him. It's still pretty much the same origin otherwise obviously with some changes.

Robbie and Gabe were out for a drive in Eli's car and they were attacked by a gang, with Gabe paralyzed and Robbie left for dead. A voice came to Robbie asking if he wanted revenge and he accepted, then Johnny came and gave him the Spirit of Vengeance, fueled in rage and guilt over his brother getting hurt and swore revenge against the gang that did it and those who deserved it, becoming somewhat of a vigilante and a myth.

In the show, Eli Morrow is still responsible for Robbie becoming Ghost Rider, albeit slightly indirectly. He's just not the spirit.

And I see where you're getting at with your second point.

I hope that those cultists kill one of Mane Six or at least kill someone close to them.

I am so glad this didn't end the way I thought it was gonna end.

I agree, because maybe then they would see the cultists cannot be, to quote RD, 'saved'

And that's the thing, normally I would never wish that upon anyone else but their sanctimony is pissing me off! For once, I would like to see Celestia actually taking someone else's side other than her precious little ponies.

one word...Xenophobia

*Sigh* True, it makes me wonder at times if the Equestrians learned anything at all from their massacre of the Windigos. (And I mean anything but 'we should not fight amongst ourselves but against other races').

they most likely have not...if they had the Zecora incident wouldn't have happend

You’ve got to get the story finished

I like that you made Ghost Rider unstoppable. It is basically his thing in the comics that if you aren't at the level of Michael or Lucifer, you are basically screwed. If you are as powerful as Michael or Lucifer, you're still screwed but will at least be able to hurt him (which almost instantly heals anyway) or kill him (which he swiftly recovers from as well) before he burns you to nothing.

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