• Member Since 16th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Skaltrox Defiance Knight

"Through darkened skies and malevolent eyes, my journey never dies"-Skaltrox Orthuris: Knight of Defiance


When Princess Celestia and Princess Luna fall at the first major attack from the dark beings known as the Drathera, a new ruler takes their place to continue where they left off from. This new king orders one of his most important soldier's to find an item created by Celestia to repel the dark forces so they can get more time to prepare to fight the Drathera head on and essentially win the war for Equestria.

This is my first Story, Hope you can enjoy it. Chapters will come when i have time to write them.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Wow, i was expecting a little better start than that. Could any of you tell me why the like/dislike bar is like this? Is it something i did that made it not appealing?

7801179 You're still new here, and thus your stories don't get much attention to begin with. They are simply lost in the maelstrom of all the other new uploads, and probably depending on which time you've uploaded your fics. This is a platform on which people from all around the world can find and read the works of numerous aspiring writers, and as such, you do have to deal with these pesky things called time zones. And, of course, luck. Sometimes you have it right from the start, and sometimes you need to work a bit more than you initially thought for things to get going.

Now, you may not have gained much in terms of up/down votes, let alone much comments. But if you continue writing, and most importantly, have fun while doing it, eventually you see people come and see what you've made that means so much to you. Just give it time.

As for the up/down vote bar. A newly uploaded fic always has a grayed out colored bar, and it takes a while for the site to activate it before people can actually up or downvote. This is normal, and you shouldn't think too much about it. After about an hour or so, (I don't really know how long it takes, so I'm just guessing here) the system should work as intended.

As for this:

Is it something i did that made it not appealing?

Again, you're new here, and haven't yet gained much following. Just continue writing the things you enjoy, and people will eventually take notice. I speak from experience.

And with this, I only have one more thing to say: Welcome to Fimfiction. :pinkiehappy:

7805357 Thanks, yes i am aware about the whole time zone thing (I live in Australia), i don't get many notifications during the day but when i go to bed i get either a lot or a few. It just depends, I have read a lot of stories on fimfiction before i joined but i was a little hesitant at first. I did eventually decided to join because i have many ideas for unique stories that don't get touched on very much and I wasn't going to waste the. Such as a short (probably oneshot) story about a new resident arriving in ponyville who eats meat. I may write it soon. When i have an idea for a story i go straight head and write it down.

7805771 Another thing that could work to get more readers, which I forgot to mention. Add your fics to some groups. There are many groups on which you can promote your work, like The Self-Promotion Group, or The Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau.

Just look around for any group that seems like it could be a place to advertise your fic.

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