• Published 17th Dec 2016
  • 291 Views, 5 Comments

When Darkness falls - Skaltrox Defiance Knight

In the future where Equestria is ruled by a king, one unicorn soldier is ordered to locate and bring back a powerful relic to turn the tide of the War that has been raging on for over 200 years

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King's Orders

When Darkness falls

Chapter 1: Kings orders

‘What could the King need of me this time’ Starbreaker thought to himself as he galloped through the corridors of Canterlot towards the throne room. Starbreaker is a well known unicorn soldier through the walls of the great city of Equestria, but yet the civilians beyond barely heard anything about him. Starbreaker didn't mind though, he only desired to protect the ponies of Equestria, not bask in the attention he got from those that did know his military exploits. Speaking of which, Starbreaker became a war hero when he destroyed an enemy’s research/ experimental weapon facility by himself and took out one of their commanders, all in a span of 2 days. But yet he didn't stop there, he also was responsible for the freeing of hundreds of POWs in many prison all across the enemies territory. Yes Starbreaker is a hero to many equestrian soldiers alike and they would gladly aid him in his time of need.

But what could the King want of him now? Was it another rescue mission or something completely new? Starbreaker thought this over in his head as he finally came to a stop at the grand doors that lead into the throne room. Knocking on the door he heard a deep commanding voice ring out from behind.

“Come in” the voice said, Starbreaker did as it commanded and opened the doors trotting in as they opened fully. Starbreaker came to a halt just before the steps up to the great throne and bowed down in respect of his superior.

“My King, you summoned me?” Starbreaker asked the King, in turn the larger pony got up from the throne and spoke once more.

“I did, please rise Starbreaker” the king ordered. King Kaldaris was the ruler of Equestria nowadays, when Celestia still ruled Kaldaris was one of the commanders of the army, but after many amazing feats, he actually ascended to an alicorn Prince, no pony had seen it before but Celestia was very satisfied in turning him into a prince, she allowed him the right to rule Equestria as Prince or King when she and her sister Princess Luna could not any longer by any circumstances, and when that day came King Kaldaris rose to be a stern yet fair King for his subjects. Now here he stood before Starbreaker donned in golden armour over his silver coat, a golden crown upon his head and his slightly reddish mane and tail with golden streaks standing out with his armour giving him the look of a regal yet powerful ruler.

“Yes King Kaldaris” Starbreaker replied getting back on to all four legs. “So what do you need of me my king, is it a new mission? Starbreaker asked Kaldaris eagerly.

“It is Starbreaker, but it’s a little…different than you are used to carrying out.” King Kaldaris replied to Starbreaker question differently to what he expected.

“Oh?” Starbreaker said intrigued

“I need you to find something very powerful and exceptionally important to turning the tides of the war in our favour?” the king explained, Starbreaker hid is slight nervousness behind a stoic expression. Kaldaris continued “It is called the Eye of Sol or EOS; Princess Celestia created it long ago as a secret defence source to repel all beings of pure darkness and their unique abilities. In a much simpler form it’s a force field with a much wider shielding radius and a stronger resistance to darkness than any other forms of field."

“And you wish for me to find it?” Starbreaker paused thinking for a moment before asking two more questions “Where is it and what does it look like my lord?”

The king replied “For the former, I do not know where it is, that is something that my guest will help you with and as for the latter, I remember hearing that it looked like an orb of Imperial Topaz with a glowing spark of light trapped inside, but that is what I have heard” the king responded. Starbreaker thought about the info he received than stopped at one sentence Kaldaris said.

“Wait a guest?” Starbreaker asked. As if on queue another alicorn entered the room.

King Kaldaris addressed the newcomer “Ah Princess Twilight, glad you could help my soldier here.”

Princess Twilight trotted elegantly up to where the other two ponies stood, Starbreaker had heard of the exploits that she had done and could not be any more happy to be standing next to her. They said when she was younger she was just a unicorn protégée to her majesty Princess Celestia, but after doing great things she ascended to what she is now. Most ponies then only would come up to her for help with problems they had, but now they looked up to her as a true ruler and to possibly get into a relationship. Every pony could all agree. She. Was. Gorgeous. She was pretty much the symbol of beauty inside and out, as she appeared before Starbreaker now was nothing less than so, she was taller now with much longer slimmer legs, a crown donned her head, she had a much more lithe barrel, a petite muzzle from which her amazing voice came from, a long mane and tail that had purple star shaped flowers in both, and a simple pinkish dress that still made her a knock out. Starbreaker couldn't help but flush his face red at her sight.

“It is my pleasure to help my King.” She said with a voice that some say resemble Celestial’s but much more…sensual.

“So, Starbreaker I wish for you to question Twilight about the EOS, as she one of the few that know about it. Considering she was there when it was created, her help should suffice to what you need to know.” Kaldaris spoke up bringing Starbreaker out of his daydreaming of Twilight.
“As you wish my lord” he responded, turning to Twilight he beckoned her to lead the way outside. Twilight understood and they began to walk out of the throne room, not before Kaldaris said one more thing.

“Star one more thing, please …you need to be successful, we are starting to lose this war and I don’t want one of our last lines of defence shattered” Starbreaker only nodded at the King’s words as he and Twilight walked out. King Kaldaris then returned to his thoughts, hoping Starbreaker could accomplish this task.

As soon as the Soldier and the Princess exited the throne room, Starbreaker asked Twilight what she knew “So your majesty what do I need to be aware of about the EOS if I'm to find it.

The princess took a deep breath ready to explain EOS “Okay Starbreaker, what you need to know about EOS is that once created it emitted a light so bright that most ponies, even myself, had to turn away in fear of blindness, Celestia noticing this contained the light in an orb of Topaz so anyone but those of darkness could gaze upon its majesty.” Twilight sighed a little remembering the orb before it disappeared.

Starbreaker asked Twilight a question before she could speak again “Where did it go then?”

Twilight regaining her posture she spoke once more “One night, a pony who shall not be named, stole the orb due to his hatred for Celestia and the light and sent it into the mountains over yonder” Twilight gestured to the mountains just outside the nearby window.

“Is that where EOS is now? Starbreaker asked again, Twilight smiled a pleasant smile which warmed Star’s heart down to the very core.

“I am not sure if it is there, but it is your best clue to locating it. Don’t worry Star, I have faith that you will find EOS, but also remember you need to have faith in yourself to.”

Starbreaker’s blush returned but he replied to Twilight with determination “I’ll get my gear, thank you, your highness” he said before galloping off to get ready for his new mission to find the Eye of Sol.

In the distant shadows, a figure stares at Starbreaker as he runs away to get what he needs for the mission. It laughs briefly looking down at a small box in its hoof with what looked like an egg resting in the middle. “Follow him” the figure said to the egg, as the words ended, the egg sprung to life hatching into a black worm like dragon thing that took flight around the corner in pursuit of Star. “I cannot have any meddling soldiers trying to save this pitiful land, when the darkness falls over Canterlot nothing can stop the Drathera” the figure laughed as it dispersed into shadow.

Comments ( 5 )

Wow, i was expecting a little better start than that. Could any of you tell me why the like/dislike bar is like this? Is it something i did that made it not appealing?

7801179 You're still new here, and thus your stories don't get much attention to begin with. They are simply lost in the maelstrom of all the other new uploads, and probably depending on which time you've uploaded your fics. This is a platform on which people from all around the world can find and read the works of numerous aspiring writers, and as such, you do have to deal with these pesky things called time zones. And, of course, luck. Sometimes you have it right from the start, and sometimes you need to work a bit more than you initially thought for things to get going.

Now, you may not have gained much in terms of up/down votes, let alone much comments. But if you continue writing, and most importantly, have fun while doing it, eventually you see people come and see what you've made that means so much to you. Just give it time.

As for the up/down vote bar. A newly uploaded fic always has a grayed out colored bar, and it takes a while for the site to activate it before people can actually up or downvote. This is normal, and you shouldn't think too much about it. After about an hour or so, (I don't really know how long it takes, so I'm just guessing here) the system should work as intended.

As for this:

Is it something i did that made it not appealing?

Again, you're new here, and haven't yet gained much following. Just continue writing the things you enjoy, and people will eventually take notice. I speak from experience.

And with this, I only have one more thing to say: Welcome to Fimfiction. :pinkiehappy:

7805357 Thanks, yes i am aware about the whole time zone thing (I live in Australia), i don't get many notifications during the day but when i go to bed i get either a lot or a few. It just depends, I have read a lot of stories on fimfiction before i joined but i was a little hesitant at first. I did eventually decided to join because i have many ideas for unique stories that don't get touched on very much and I wasn't going to waste the. Such as a short (probably oneshot) story about a new resident arriving in ponyville who eats meat. I may write it soon. When i have an idea for a story i go straight head and write it down.

7805771 Another thing that could work to get more readers, which I forgot to mention. Add your fics to some groups. There are many groups on which you can promote your work, like The Self-Promotion Group, or The Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau.

Just look around for any group that seems like it could be a place to advertise your fic.

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