Rarity and Rainbow Dash, having been a married couple for a few months, decide to go to the orphanage and adopt a foal. Rarity has already signed papers for a certain filly, though. And boy, will it be a pleasant surprise for the foal who's being adopted.
Very cute, nice start.
7671154 Thanks!
I'm glad to see that somebody likes my stories every once n a while. By the way thanks for adding it to your favorites.
7671157 You're welcome, small confession is that I'm more of a fan of FlutterDash, but I'm always up for some Scootadopt cuteness.
There was far too much filler material, and why did Scootaloo just start moaning about not having parents?
7671178 I don't know that's what everyone I know does when someone asks them what's wrong, so I just put that in because of my experiences.
That last sentence got me!
7671460 Hehe yeah
I meant for that last sentence to be funny.
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7671477 well good work.
Change it to "tomorrow."
Yay, its back!
7673337 Yep! I don't have to delete it again because I changed my password!
7673340 Good
I want to see more of this, mostly because I want to see how Sweetie Belle reacts to finding out.
Love this! Can't wait to see more! This has been faved, and tracked. Keep this up!
7673422 Um actually I forgot to mark it as complete, sorry
7673444 We all make mistakes. Still a great one-shot though!
7674908 I'm glad to hear that you like it!
Advice 1.) This is really rushed 2.)
is really out of place 3.) Watch the Lavinder Unicorn Syndrome
This was good but the last half felt. ... really rushed. Also the killing thing was way in left field and made no sense. Otherwise very good story!
7948226 what killing thing?
When I saw the chapter title, I burst out laughing.
That's what I did as well. Nice story. 7/10 good. kinda rushed however.
this was rather adorable, I'll admit