The mane seven are having a sleepover and Rainbow Dash wakes up to feel some pony in her bed. She is surprised at who it is.
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I feel like the feelings just came and went with this one. I know it might be hard, but if you're set on "moar fellingz" then you might wanna extend the story a bit.
The writing was good, no matter the odd typo. (you might wanna read through the story and spot any errors you can see before submitting it. It's a mistake I'm sure we'll all make)
All in all, good. This was good. Take my thumb.
7555211 Thanks for the advice and the fave!
7556355 Thanks!
I always like it when people enjoy my work. Especially when they're full of fluff.
Palm Tree: I'm having a nice day
Hurricane: Hold on to your nuts, this ain't no ordinary blowjob
Palm Tree: -______________-
7671505 Nice one now stop
Aww!~ I Loved it!
This was a good story I feel it needs at least six sequels to it. Very well done.
7735979 thank you

this was 120% cool

Cringy But Great