• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 2,605 Views, 10 Comments

Crackshipping and You: Ariashy - Fuzzyfurvert

Fluttershy's soft acceptance overcomes Aria's aggressive abrasiveness.

  • ...


Humans, Aria noted -- not for the first time-- were the worst.

Sure, she and her fellow sirens had hypnotized others, made them argue and fight. But it had never been about hurting anyone, unless someone had hurt them first. It was true that they did not care if one of them DID get hurt, but the goal had just been about the feeding.

Unlike the humans in the alleyway before her. The circle of teenagers kicking someone in their midst, the pained cries, the mocking laughs of the attackers.

Disgusting. At least it gave her the opportunity for some quick stress relief.

She shook her arms out, closing in on the pack of bullies. Caught up in their little world of violence, they never saw her coming.

Aria grabbed the first one by the neck with one hand. In his surprise, he did not even react beyond a gasp when the strength of a nearly 24 metre long sea snake bundled up in the body of a young woman casually chucked him against a wall.

“Hey, scum.”

That got the other’s attention. With a yell, the next guy threw a hasty punch in her direction. Aria took his punch on the chest, not even flinching or really feeling it. She watched his eyes widen, grabbed his arm and…

The snapping sound made her grin.

She turned her attention to the last guy.

To his credit, he had judged the situation correctly. Unfortunately, he had grossly underestimated Aria’s reaction speed.

She surged forward, grabbing him by the collar of his hoodie. She dragged him back, swung him around and delivered a kick to his chest that sent him crashing into his friend. Unfortunately, his friend was still holding his badly mangled arm.

“Pathetic creatures.”

She ignored the pained screams and looked around.

The first guy was not moving. From the condition his face was in, he would stay put for a good while. Aria had not really bothered to keep her strength in check. Maybe he would wake up soon. Maybe he wouldn’t.

The second one was busy with his arm.

The third had collapsed, apparently gasping for air. A couple broken ribs, maybe. Oh well.

That left one person. Aria stepped towards the girl the lowlifes had been beating on...

“Oh, fuck.”

She knew that pink hair, that . It was HER.

One of the Rainbooms. One of that thrice-cursed rabble of students who had put an end to the siren’s rather comfortable life in the human world. Who had robbed them of their power and voices.

She lay there, softly whimpering, slender body curled protectively around a small carton. The carton was, as Aria noted with surprise, untouched by the beatings.

The same could not be said about the girl. Her clothes were filthy, as was her hair. Bruises and cuts blemished her fair skin. One of her shoes was missing.

High-pitched meowing was coming from the carton.

It shouldn’t have bothered her.

She wanted to leave. Just turn around and leave the girl alone. Whatever would happen to her, she deserved it, right?

But a tiny voice in her head had another opinion.

And she could always threaten the girl into keeping quiet, right?

She spun around, and waltzed up to the two conscious bullies. She grabbed the still whimpering second, grabbed him by the neck and swiftly patted him down with her free hand.

It didn’t take her long to find his wallet.

She took the items she was looking for, and threw the rest on the ground. Then she pulled the struggling, choking human to eye level.

“Listen up, you worm. This,” she produced his student ID and held it close enough for him to recognize, “tells me exactly who you are. If I ever hear that you hurt anyone, ever again, I will find you, and I will end you. Tell the others. Is that clear?”

The guy tried to wriggle out of her grasp, so Aria merely slapped him.

“Is. That. Clear.”

He made some vaguely fearful and agreeing noises this time- Aria simply dropped him.

As she turned around, the girl had managed to sit up. She was still crying, but was more busy calming - what an absurd thing to do in her situation - the kittens contained in the box she had protected.

“I’m sorry, little babies”, she managed to choke out. “I’m sorry you had to see that. I won’t abandon you.”

Aria could just watch, mesmerized, as the badly beaten girl tried to smile, tried to assure the mewling kittens that everything was alright.

That things would be better from now on. That life wasn’t over.

Aria felt jealous, in that moment.

She shook her head. There was no time for this.

“Let’s get out of here,” she said briskly. It took effort for her to even make eye contact. But she was not scared of this girl.

“Y-you… A-aria Blaze?”

Why did this girl remember her name?

She watched the girl struggle to her feet, tears still falling. She did not take her hands of the box even for a second.

It took her a while to rise, but she managed. When she took her first, uncertain step, she immediately flinched in pain. She stumbled forward, and before Aria knew what was going on, she had caught the girl in her arms.


The girl just had to look up. Surprise and gratitude shining in her eyes that were still moist with tears.

Double Fuck.

“Thank… thank you…”


“My foot… I can’t…”



Aria ended up carrying the girl and the box of kittens. Halfway through the city, to a hospital, and then back to her home. She hated herself for it. She hated how the girl held onto her, the way she had protected the kittens. She hated how she enjoyed the attention, the gratitude.

She watched the girl introduce the kittens to their new home. And she accepted the girl’s, no, Fluttershy’s invitation to stay for dinner.

And when she left, and Fluttershy asked if she would visit again soon…

Damn it.

Comments ( 7 )

Poor Fluttershy! Great story though :twilightsmile:

Good stuff, what about a crack pairing between saffron masala and pinkie pie?

Have you thought about the crackship Adagio x Spitfire??

Honestly no...but now that you mention it...

Those kittens are so lucky

Thumb up for this comment if you think that after this chapter a sequel is a must!

and I think I have clearly expressed what I think of this chapter.:pinkiehappy:

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