• Published 25th May 2016
  • 16,051 Views, 29 Comments

Daddy's Dash - Scorpentor

Rainbow Dash's trip to the beach presents two questions: Why is her father making out with her? and why is she enjoying it so much?

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Comments ( 28 )

Cover art by Ambris and used with out their premission or knowledge.

The thing about this is, you should always make the effort to ask an artist their permission to use their art as a cover. It's lazy to not send them at least one message, two if you don't hear back in a week or two. At least then you can say you've made that much of an effort. Even if you don't hear back from them, there's far better ways to say what you've written. I'd go for something like: "Cover belongs to (insert artist's name here). Used without permission but in good faith." What you've put comes across as extremely arrogant.

Now, onto the story.

Sorry it’s been so long” Rainbow Blaze

Missing a comma between 'long' and the closing quotation mark.

“Actually, I have a better idea.” Blaze countered,

Swap the positions of the comma and period around.

(quick for the two speedsters anyway,)

The comma goes on the outside of the brackets.

around much lately,” He apologized.

De-capitalise 'He'.

“Nah, don’t worry” rainbow replied,

Comma between 'worry' and closing quotation mark. Capitalise 'rainbow'.

“Yeah, that certainly didn’t help.” Blaze chuckled,

Swap the positions of the comma and period around.

Blaze sniffed the air twice in quick succession before abruptly asking “Are you in heat right now?”

Well that escalated quickly :rainbowlaugh:

abruptly asking “Are

Use a comma or semi-colon after 'asking'.
Effectively: abruptly asking; “Are
or: abruptly asking, “Are
It doesn't matter which, but you need one or the other. I'm partial to the semi-colon.

I- I- What!?” She stammered

De-capitalise 'she'.

“Dad.” Rainbow warned.

You'd probably be better off using an ellipsis in place of the period.

Blaze persisted unabated

Missing a period at the end of 'unabated'.

Blaze rubbed the back of his neck,

Replace comma with a period.

I’m really seeing you and grownup mare you really are."

Axe the strike-though portion and replace with just 'the'.
Effectively the sentence becomes: This is the first time I’m really seeing the grownup mare you really are.”

her father was suddenly straddling her and pressing his lips against her’s.

OK, that escalated really fucking quickly :rainbowderp:

as blaze soon

Capitalise 'blaze' since it's a name in this case.

Rainbow’s swollen breasts.

Why are they swollen? That seems rather weird to me.

With that out of the way, the story itself is, admittedly, a bit sub-par in comparison to what I normally read. It would be a good idea to get someone who's willing to edit, then you can potentially bump up the quality of the story. Nothing really happens outside of "and then this happens" in terms of development, so you missed out on a lot of potential for that Between daughter and father. You could try reading more clopfics to get a better idea on how to write longer sex scenes, as this one didn't do a good job of getting a rise out of me, heh. Try doing a lot more research before you write another clopfic. This was just way too short to accomplish anything, sorry.

7245295 Thanks for the detailed response. I do have someone who usually edits my stuff, but apparently incest grosses him out, so I was on my own for this one.

Also your right, I should have messaged Ambris, I was just overly eager to get this published

Anyway I'll make the changes you mentioned right away.

Thanks for the criticism.

7245295 do u edit others fics

7245324 She now knows, as I messaged her through tumblr, and she's fine with it so long as you credit her.

7246473 Thanks! though for the record, I sent a her a message on Deviant Art and was waiting for a response.

7245539 Oh sure. I've got a laundry list of stories I've helped with on my profile by their respective authors. Go have a look if you want.

0 to 100 real fuckin' quick.

This fic is confusing to me. Not the fic itself, mind you, but the response it's receiving. How can something so riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, not to mention being just a rather uncomfortable read, be so popular?

Boners are a powerful thing.

Incest is Wincest. Especially when heat and/or impregnation is involved.

7250244 That video is now what i'm sure anyone would use when a sex scene is about to happen in a story that's not a shameless clop fest.

7250998 I certainly hope so. I want to start a new fad here.

7246653 i meant could you help me with mine?

Well, finished reading this clop-fest attempt. Uhm.. was not entirely persuaded by it but... it was a nice attempt. Continue to improve and I hope to read more from you! :twilightblush:

Well...I just read this... :rainbowderp:

Well that was a roller coaster!
(_))===D :rainbowwild:

7250244 well this is single handedly the most amazing thing I've seen all day, and the day just started.

AHAHAH! Pervert of a Blaze....


Welp, guess I'm going to hell. I enjoyed this way too much... :rainbowkiss:

Well this was........ fun?:unsuresweetie:

So many stories of father impregnating daughter. What I really want is one that deals with the aftermath. What happens when the child/sibling/grandchild is born, how do they cope with this child in their life, what about when the child grows up to find out that their mother is also their sister and that their father is also their grand father?

A is for anthro b is for ...I GOT A FUCKING BONER!

“When was the last time you had an orgasm?” Blaze persisted unabated. “We’re (Were) you taking care of yourself or do you have a coltfriend?”

Alucard Voice: And with that reading, I have a boner.

A lot of errors you pointed out. Trying to become an English teacher? (If so, my brother could really use some assistance).

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