• Member Since 12th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 27th, 2017


For those of you who don't know about me http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-096 There you have it now no personal questions please.


Can you survive a Yandere Relationship? · 6:42pm Jan 30th, 2016


I sure as hell did. I even outsmarted the yandere.

Report SCP-096 · 1,195 views ·
Comments ( 11 )
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2363458 He's trying to get me killed by Friend,but it failed anyways. I like messing with you guys,however. Just simply post fake versions of my own face,and you guys assume I'm coming after you.

TLDR:He gave me something to become occupied with,and it works.

Seriously? Dr. Bright gave another one of you people an internet connection. Gods, it's like he's trying to cause a containment breach. I keep telling them we need to hire that Venkman guy. He sounds really professional. I'm sure containment's never breach around him.

*sees picture of ur face*

2272732 oh god I remember you... I can't believe I forgot the SCP I fear most.

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Can you survive a Yandere Relationship? · 6:42pm Jan 30th, 2016


I sure as hell did. I even outsmarted the yandere.

Report SCP-096 · 1,195 views ·