• Published 12th Feb 2016
  • 1,018 Views, 80 Comments

Shades Of The Past - Bluecatcinema

Shine goes to a small town to investigate a bandit leader... and learns more than he bargained for.

  • ...

Brand New Day

Darkness. Pain. Shade's mind was fuzzy and muddled, like he could barely think.

"Urrrgh..." He groaned, his body lying underneath a sheet.

Shade's eyes began to open. Everything was a blur at first, but as his vision began to clear, his surroundings became clear just as well. He found himself in an unfamilar room, medical equipment on a table nearby, a bed with white linen around his body. He was still weak and weary from his recent experiences. It felt like his whole body was one big bruise.

"Ow..." He mumbled. "Last time I go one-on-one with a pony-sized bug zapper..."

"That was pretty reckless, wasn't it?" A male voice asked. "Wonder where you get that from?"

"What the- who's there?!" Shade glanced around, wincing from rising up too quickly.

"Easy there." The voice declared. "Don't hurt yourself. And don't worry, I'm not here to do it for you."

"Who are you?" Shade frowned, easing himself into a more comfortable position. "Show yourself."

"You got it." The voice answered.

As soon as the stallion stepped into the light... Shade became dumbfounded. Standing before him was none other than Black Knight himself. However, he wasn't exactly like the picture in Shade's locket. He was no longer wearing an eyepatch, a perfectly eye in its place. He mane was in a different style, close and cropped. And of course, there were more than a few age lines on his face.

"Hello, son." Black Knight gave a small smile.

"D-dad?" Shade gaped, "But you're... which means... ...Am I dead?"

"No, but you gave it your best shot." Black shrugged

"Then, what? Is this a dream?" Shade asked. "None of this is real?"

"I wouldn't worry about that." Black declared. "I'm here, and that's all that matters."

"That you are..." Shade frowned, as he then glared. "Took you long enough. I guess twenty-seven years late is better than never."

"Okay, I deserve that." Black Knight admitted with a cringe. "I know you're less than happy to see me."

"'Less than happy' doesn't even cover it." Shade snarled. "You left mom and me behind! You abandoned a mare who loved you, and your own unborn son, just so you could wage war on the royals!"

Black remained silent, taking each angry word calmly.

"Obviously, your little crusade meant more to you than we did!" Shade continued his rant. "You just ran off to cause more trouble, calling yourself 'Red Eclipse', and never looking back! You broke mom's heart, and left me... left me without a dad..." His anger began to give way to sorrow. "Without a father to raise me, to guide me, to love me..."

"Shade... I really wish there was something that I could say." Black shook his head. "But I don't think word can make things right."

"Do you really want to know the worst of it all?" Shade sniffed. "You died before I could ask you why you did all those things. I have to go through the rest of my life with these questions of what could've been. Both me and mom..."

"...But what if I could tell you why?" Black suddenly asked.

"It wouldn't do any good." Shade scoffed sadly. "You're not even real. You're just something that my probably nearly-toasted brain cooked up. Everything you say would just be what I think you'd say."

"Come on, Shade, at least give me a chance." Black urged. "Anything you want to ask me, I'll try to answer as best I can. Could you give me that, at least?"

Shade glanced at Black, a part of him wanting to say no... but then again, even if it wasn't real, maybe it could offer him solace.

"Okay, I'll bite..." Shade sighed, as he then glanced at him firmly. "My first question is this... why did you leave me and mom all those years ago? Why did you leave us and never came back?"

"I had no choice, kiddo." Black shook his head.

"I've heard that one before." Shade snorted. "Mom's been feeding me that line since I was old enough to ask. And every time I hear it, I believe that line less and less."

"But it's the truth." Black insisted. "Believe me, if I had it my way, I would've never left in the first place. I would have gladly stayed with your mother, made her my wife, and we'd have raised you together."

"Yeah, right. Forgive me if I have trouble believing that." Shade growled. "...Did you even love mom?"

"You're damn right I did." Black declared, a bit peeved by that remark. "I never loved another mare the way I loved your mother. Not before, or since. I know I've done a lot of things that I am not proud of, but leaving her behind was the worst and the hardest thing I had ever done... and I would have given anything to take it back." He then turned away for a moment, as Shade could have sworn he saw a tear from under his face.

"...You really mean that?" Shade asked, shaken by Black's show of emotion.

"Of course I do." Black nodded. "Not a day went by without me thinking about her."

"Oh..." Shade murmured, his anger shaken as he felt a pang of guilt for asking an insensitive question, even to a pony made from his dreams. "You... you really did love her, didn't you?"

"Even now, I think of her every day." Black admitted. "After I left her all those years ago, I kept wanting to come back to Prairieville, if only to see how well off she was since I left."

"Did you really?" Shade frowned. For somepony who was just a figment of his dream, those words seem rather odd.

"Yes..." Black nodded. "But then... one day, I came by Praireville, after being away a couple of years. I saw her walking down the local marketplace. Then I saw a little Pegasus colt keeping close to her. Aside from the wings and the eyes, the little guy looked like a miniature version of me. It was there and then that I realize that I hadn't just left behind the mare I love... but I left behind a son. And it hurt.." He closed his eyes and shuddered softly, the pain of leaving them behind as fresh as ever. "It hurt a lot."

"Dad..." Shade sighed.

"All I could do was watch from afar whenever I could and see you grow up." Black confessed. "While it pained me to not be a part of your life... it did me proud knowing what a strong and kind stallion you had become..."

"Yet you weren't proud enough to come and see me face-to-face." Shade frowned, his resentment returning.

"I couldn't." Black sighed. "If I could have, I would, but I couldn't. I wasn't even supposed to know that you existed, let alone come back to Prairieville. It was a dangerous road I walked. And I had to walk it alone. Even if it meant leaving your mother... and turning my back on my brother... I had to cut myself off from everypony I knew and loved, so that you'd all be safe."

"Safe from who? The Forefathers?" Shade asked.

"...Who told you that name?" Black's eyes widened.

"Solomon." Shade muttered. "It's a long story, but he said that you and him and these 'Forefathers' went back a long way, and that you kept getting in their way. Am I to assume that's what you meant by 'dangerous path'?"

"You're a sharp kid, alright." Black chuckled. "Must have gotten that from your mother..."

"But is it true?" Shade asked. "Are they part of the reason you did all those things?"

"That I cannot truly say." Black frowned. "Let's say just say there were certain circumstances... but regardless, I never lost sight of what truly mattered to me..."

"...Well, I guess that's something." Shade shrugged.

"...I truly am sorry that I had to leave." Black frowned. "If I had known... if only I had stayed a little longer..."

"If it's any consolation, I'm sorry too." Shade admitted. "Maybe if things had been different, I wouldn't have turned out to be a low-life thief. Then again, maybe not..."

"Don't blame others for your choices, Shade." Black declared. "I have full confidence that your mother raised you right. That she raised you to be a good and decent stallion."

"She did." Shade nodded. "She was the kindest, most caring mother I ever could have asked for."

"That's my girl." Shade smiled. "I knew she'd do fine without me..."

"The truth is, I only became a member of the Fifty Thieves so I could pay for her medical bills." Shade admitted. "She was sick, and I had to see to it that she got well..."

"And you did everything you could to help her get well again." Black smiled. "Even if it meant breaking the law..."

"I wonder where I got that from?" Shade joked.

"You're a fine stallion, Shade." Black smiled. "Just as I always hoped you'd be. I'm sorry I never got the chance to tell you before now..."

"Well, you're telling me now." Shade pointed out. "Even if it is in some weird dream..."

"Yeah." Black chuckled... before sighing. "I don't expect you to forgive me, son. I only wanted to let you know the truth. You can judge for yourself whether or not it makes a lick of difference. But I'll always be proud of you, no matter what you think of me..."

"I forgive you, dad." Shade sniffed, his eyes welling up. "And... I love you."

"...I love you too, son." Black smiled warmly, his eyes misty, as he wrapped his hoof around him, bringing him to his chest. "I've always wanted to hold you in my hooves, to make sure you're safe and happy. You may not be a foal any more, but at least I finally got the chance."

"Yeah..." Shade returned the hug. "For years, I dreamed about what this would feel like."

"Is it everything you thought it would be?" Black asked.

"Even better." Shade smiled.

They hold each for a few more moments, before finally separating.

"I've heard about your fighting prowess, Shade." Black announced, ruffling his son's mane. "You're a real scrapper, just like your old pop."

"Well, mom wasn't about to teach me anything like that." Shade shrugged. "I pretty much taught myself. Never knew until now how I could be so good at it."

"Like father, like son." Black smiled. "But I like to think you're putting your skills to better use than I did."

"Not exactly." Shade admitted. "But that might just change..."

"That's my boy." Black chuckled.

The two shared a lingering smile. Then...

"I'm sorry, Shade." Black declared suddenly. "But I have to go now."

"Go?" Shade whimpered. "But... why?"

"It's complicated, son..." Black sighed. "But there's still much for me to do..."

"No, please..." Shade weakly cried, as he felt himself growing drowsy. "I still have so many questions... and I feel like if this dream ends... I'll never see you again..."

"I know..." Black whispered. He kissed Shade on the forehead, and he rose up. "One day... one day we'll see each other again. I promise..." He then rubbed Shade's mane. "Just rest up, okay?"

"D-dad..." Shade silently sobbed, as his vision blurred.

"I'll always be with you, son." Black declared, as everything turn to darkness, his last word being...


The darkness faded once again, as the fuzziness returned.

"I think he just moved." Another familiar voice filtered through. "I think he's..."

As Shade's vision cleared, he saw that he was in the same room, but with Shine, Celestia, Miracle, Belle and the royal physician around his bed.

"Shade, you're awake." Shine smiled, relieved.

"Shine?" Shade frowned. "Where's...where...?"

"Where's who?" Shine asked.

"...Never mind." Shade shook his head. Was that conversation he had with his father just a dream? The way he kissed his forehead and rubbed his mane, it felt as if he was right them in the room with him... but that couldn't be, could it? HIs father was dead. It was all just a dream.

"Okay then." Shine nodded. "How are you feeling?"

"Lousy." Shade groaned.

"Well, that will pass." The royal physician smiled. "Miraculously, you only sustained relatively minor injuries. You'll be up and around in no time."

"Oh, Shade..." Belle hugged her son. "You scared me again... Didn't we talk about that?"

"I'm sorry, mom." Shade cringed. "But can you please not squeeze me so hard? I already feel like burnt popcorn."

"Remember that pain." Belle released him. "Maybe it'll help you to not do anything so foolhardy in the future."

"We'll see..." Shade joked... before frowning. "Mom, about what I said the other night..."

"It's okay, darling." Belle declared. "Things did get a little heated back there. But no matter what, you're my son. And I will always love you."

Belle's words reminded Shade of his father's.

"I love you too, mom." Shade beamed. "No matter what."

"Such a good boy..." Belle stroked his mane.

"Mom..." Shade said awkwardly, embarassed by the affectionate display in front of the others.

"Oh, hush." Belle chuckled. "It's nothing anypony here hasn't seen before."

"I sure haven't." Miracle nodded.

"I owe you an apology, Shade." Celestia stepped forward. "The way I acted towards you was reprehensible. I let my own hatred towards your father cloud my judgement... while I still cannot bring myself to forgive him for what he did... I had no right to think that you were like that."

"Well, to be fair, I wasn't really the best guest." Shade admitted, "Besides, I did rob your vault... as well as that treasury wagon. If you want to charge me for robbing you, I won't stop you. It's the least I deserve..."

"Perish the thought." Celestia declared, causing Shade to glance at her in confusion. "I have taken it under consideration, and given that you saved my husband's life, I believe it's only fair that I grant you a royal pardon for all your past crimes."

"Wait, really?" Shade gaped. "I... I don't know what to say... I can only imagine how hard that must had been..."

"Not really. The last ponies I pardoned were the Napoleon Brothers, and no offense..." Celestia chuckled. "But the stuff those crazy mafia ponies got into makes your crimes look like taking candy from a candy store."

"None taken..." Shade smirked. "Thank you very much. I guess I misjudged you as well."

"Let us speak no more of it." Celestia smiled. "We are family, are we not?"

"...Yeah, we are." Shade smiled.

"I'm sorry too, Shade." Shine sighed. "For everything I said to you before. In spite of everything, I still want you in my life. I don't want to lose another family member, not for anything. Will you forgive me?"

"Of course, cuz." Shade smiled warmly, "If anything, I'm the one who should be apologizing to you for everything I did. You did so much for me and..."

"Look, how about we just cut it with the apologies and call it even, deal?" Shine smirked, holding out his hoof.

"...Deal." Shade nodded, grabbing his hoof.

"Now that's what I like to see." Belle beamed. "Family getting along..."

"It is quite a wonderful sight, I'll admit." Celestia nodded. "The most heartwarming sight I've seen in a while, actually..."

Meanwhile, the repairs to Canterlot were proceeding apace. The damage the spider had caused was serious, but thankfully, the overall body count was low, despite their efforts to destroy nobility. Solomon had made it a point to target the most expensive-looking buildings. Fortunately for Blue Blazes, that meant his bar had only a few broken windows and a damaged roof.

"Told you hiding in the cellar was the way to go." Blue told Mist, as he took in the damage.

"Yeah, like a hundred times." Mist rolled her eyes.

"Cellar! Cellar! Cellar!" Tempest chanted his new word for all it was worth.

"But our boy was on the front lines." Spitfire grinned, as she and Soarin' joined them.

"Just like his folks!" Soarin' added.

"Well, I wouldn't go that far." Blue shrugged. "I just threw some bottles. Not like attacking with storm clouds."

"Speaking of bottles..." Vinny walked over, carrying one of the coolers. "Drinks on the house!"

"Is that...?" Soarin' asked.

"Spoils of war." Vinny chuckled. "Spoils of war..."

Meanwhile, the nobles were gazing upon the ruins of their own upper-class district.

"Our poor city..." Golden Gavel sighed. "Look at what those lowlives have done to it."

"I still can't believe they had the audacity to attack their betters like that." Upper Crust spat. "Right, dear?"

Jet Set had recovered somewhat from Solomon's attack, but he had quiet and subdued ever since.

"Hmm?" He asked. "Yes, I suppose so..."

"Don't try and be too enthusiastic." Upper Crust tutted. "They did just demolish our home, after all..."

"Yes." Jet Set muttered. "Yes, they did... because they hated us..."

"Uncouth louts, all of them." Upper Crust sneered, ignorant of the regretful look on her husband's face.

Even some of the other royals had come in to offer their support. Cadance and Shining hadn't been able to help in time due to holding a conference with the yaks, while Twilight had been in talks with a Griffon ambassador.

"A giant mechanical spider..." Twilight frowned. "And I thought an invasion of Changelings was bad."

"I can't help feeling like we should have been here." Cadance declared.

"We could have, if those yaks weren't so stubborn." Shining shrugged.

"All due respect, but I doubt your contribution would have mattered much." Luna declared. "The combined magic of Celestia and myself was useless against that titanic tarantula."

"Ultimately, it was a group effort by our valiant Guards, and even my husband, that stopped that awful machine." Celestia declared.

"Speaking of which, where is Shine?" Flash asked.

"He's still overseeing the cleanup of Solomon's followers, and any remaining parts of the spider." Celestia explained, "While many of them had died from falling from the spider, we were able to capture a few of them alive. Hopefully they can grant us some insight into what happened.."

"Okay, right over here!" Shine entered the castle, flanked by Guards carrying lumps of metal from the spider's body.

"I'm guessing that was from the spider?" Shining asked.

"Yep. Even though Celestia and Luna couldn't do jack-squat to it, that machine took quite a beating." Shine admitted, "We're planning on making the remaining pieces into roofs for the less fortunate citizens."

"A far better use for the metal, I'd say." Cadance declared.

As they moved past, Shining noticed a familiar symbol on one of the pieces of metal; Two 'F's standing in mirrored pose with a eagle in the background.

"Hold it right there." Shining held up a hoof, as the guards set down the piece of metal, "I had seen this before..."

"You have?" Celestia frowned.

"Yes." Shining nodded grimly, as he then pulled out the pendant that he had confisicated from Sterling a while back, "That symbol on the piece of metal is the same as the one on this necklace when we had arrested Sterling."

"By Faust, you're right." Cadance mused, as she glanced at the pendant and the metal, as she then turned to Celestia. "The symbol that belongs to Sterling's mysterious employers..."

"Sterling?" Shine frowned. "...I did hear from Caboose and the others that there was a stallion named Sterling aboard the spider when they were trying to stop the machine."

"They did?" Shining frowned, "So Sterling ended up returning to the 'Forefathers' after all..."

"The what?" Luna asked.

"Echo said that was the name of the organization that Sterling worked for." Shining explained. "I don't know how I am going to break this to them..."

"Forefathers... yes, I remember Solomon saying that name when he was trying to kill us..." Shine murmured. "He also mentioned that Nalik and Black Thorn was a part of the organization as well..."

"Wait, so what happened back in Haygypt..." Twilight murmured.

"And what happened with Nalik..." Blueblood added.

"As well what happened here in Canterlot..." Luna frowned.

"They are all connected somehow?" Celestia suggested.

"It would make sense..." Shine admitted, "They all had this underlying theme of power and obscure magic..."

"So these Forefathers were the ones behind this?" Flash frowned.

"It would seem so..." Twilight frowned, "But I would had never guessed they do something as bold as attacking an entire city."

"I'm sorry, but I still think Nalik's attempted genocide of all 'non-Unicorns' beats out the giant metal spider." Blueblood scoffed.

"That I can agree with." Dusty snorted.

"The big question remains though... just who are these Forefathers?" Luna mused. "And if what Nalik, Black Thorn, and this Solomon pony did is any indication, what will they do next?"

"Nothing we can't stop." Shine said firmly. "Not as long as we stand strong."

"And since we're here now, we'd be happy to lend a hoof." Twilight smiled.

"You know it." Flash nodded.

"Hear, hear." Cadance nodded.

"Just tell us where to go." Shining added.

"Thank you all." Celestia smiled. "Together, the ponies of Equestria can truly withstand anything..."

"And in the meantime, we have a lot to fill you in on..." Shine added.

A couple of days had passed as many worked to undo all the damage done by Solomon's evil plan. Shade was soon released from the infirmary, having been given a clean bill of health, it was highly suggested that he didn't travel so to make sure that getting electrocuted didn't have any serious long-term consequences.

It worked out just fine for Shine though, as he had recently sent a letter to Big Red asking him and his family to come over, wanting Shade to meet the rest of his family, especially Big Red. Shade was particularly unnerved, having been told that his father and he were once good friends.

Shade, along with his mother, Shine and Mist (Tempest being with Blue, Spitfire, and Soarin') were walking over to the courtyard to receive Big Red and the others. Shade was a tad nervous, having never expected to encounter family in such large numbers before.

"Do I really have to do this?" He asked aloud. "I mean... what if I mess it up somehow?"

"It's okay, dear." Belle soothed him. "I'm sure they'll love you."

"Look at the big bad Western Shade, all nervous." Mist teased. "Relax. Big Red and Cherry are the sweetest ponies around."

"Are you sure they're going to like me, cuz?" Shade frowned.

"Of course they will." Shine smiled, "Big Red raised both me and Mist when our folks passed away. We were practically family to him, and so was Black. Which means you'll be too."

"I hope so..." Shade sighed.

By the time they reached the courtyard, Celestia and Miracle were already there. Soon after, the cart from Dodge Junction rolled in, carrying Big Red, Cherry, Eclipse, Huckleberry, and Globe.

"Big Red, Cherry, guys! So glad you could all make it." Shine smiled, as his adoptive family disembarked

"We came as soon as we got yer letter." Big Red declared. "We heard about some ruckus over her. Somethin' 'bout a giant bug. And judgin' by the sorry state Canterlot is in, I reckon somethin' huge went down."

"We were absolutely fraught with worry." Cherry admitted.

"Well, it was touch and go for a while, but I think we pulled through just fine." Shine assured them.

"Nonetheless, we're happy to see you all safe." Cherry smiled.

"Thank you, Cherry." Celestia beamed.

"Thanks, grandma!" Miracle smiled.

"Hey, guys." Eclipse grinned.

"Good to be back in the big city." Huckleberry chuckled.

"With big food." Globe added.

"Some things never change..." Miracle chuckled.

"Good to see you again, boys." Celestia smiled.

"As happy as I am to see you all, there's another reason I had called you all here." Shine announced. "There is somepony I would like you to meet."

He then gestured Shade to come forward. As soon as he did, Big Red and Cherry's eyes widened, the resemblance to their old friend not lost on them.

"Shine... who is this stallion?" Big Red asked, "He... he looks jest like..."

"Big Red, Cherry, boys, I would like you all to meet Shade Paladin." Shine declared, "...Black Knight's son..."

"Son?!" Blg Red gasped, "You mean... Black Knight... our Black Knight... had a son?" He turned to Shade, gazing at him intently, "You're Black Knight's boy?"

"Um, yeah..." Shade murmured awkwardly, noting how true Big Red's namesake was, "Shine told me you and my father were friends... nice to meet you, by the way..."

An awkward silence hung in the air, Big Red still gazing at Shade. Then, without warning, Big Red embraced him.

"Well, ain't you jest a chip offa the ol' block?" Big Red chuckled. "Reg'lar Black junior! Glad ta know ya!"

"Thanks..." Shade groaned, a little constricted by the hugs.

"I'll say, look at you." Cherry smiled. "You're just as handsome as your father was."

"Thanks..." Shade blushed.

"So does that make us cousins then?" Eclipse asked.

"Um, yeah, I guess." Shade rubbed the back of his mane. "When Shine told me that he had a griffon, a unicorn, and a Earth Pony all for cousins, I had to admit, I was a bit skeptical."

"You wouldn't be the first." Eclipse shrugged, "I still have trouble believing it."

"Me too." Huckleberry chuckled.

"It's real nice to meet you, Shade." Globe smiled.

"And this is School Belle, Shade's mother." Shine declared.

"Hello." Belle waved.

"So yer the lucky lady Black hooked up with?" Big Red smiled.

"Yes." Belle nodded. "I'm so glad to meet ponies who actually knew him."

"The pleasure is ours." Cherry grinned.

"Black actually told me a little about you two." Belle admitted. "he said you were the best friends he ever had."

"Aw, shucks." Big Red chuckled. "Glad ta hear he still thought of us like that."

"As wonderful this is, how about we continue this conversation over an early lunch?" Celestia offered.

"Sure would." Globe nodded. "I'm starving."

"So what else is new?" Huckleberry joked.

"Not your bad jokes, that's for sure." Eclipse rolled his eyes.

"Lunch sounds delightful." Belle nodded. "It's been quite a while since I ate with anypony but Shade."

"C'mon, y'all." Big Red grinned. "Let's have us a big ol' family meal."

The group started going into the castle. Shine noticed Shade hanging back.

"You coming?" He asked. "It's not really a family meal without the whole family."

"Yeah... family." Shade smiled, suddenly aware of how much his had just expanded. There was a big smile on his face as they went inside...

Meanwhile, Solomon stewed in his cell in the dungeons (ironically, the same one Shade had once occupied), an enchanted ring around his horn nullifying his magic.

"How could this have happened..." He snarled, pacing around the cell. "To me, of all ponies? My plan was perfect. But those meddling fools ruined everything..."

In the midst of his quiet anger, the door opened, as none other than Elite entered.

"...You..." Solomon glared.

"Hello, Mr. Thunder." Elite greeted politely. "I trust that you are enjoying the accomodations?"

"What do you want?" Solomon frowned, "You're here to gloat?"

"Maybe a little." Elite shrugged. "I must say though, I was impressed at your audacity. Attacking the capital of Equestria with a giant metal spider? Nopony can ever say you lack nerve and creativity. But your execution was definitely lacking."

"If it weren't for meddlers like you, Shade, and the Prince, I would have won." Solomon scowled.

"And would that have made you happy?" Elite asked. "Would that have quelled the hate and bitterness in your heart? This so-call thirst for vengeance?"

"I guess we'll never know, now will we?" Solomon scowled.

"I can only assume what your comrades must be thinking right now." Elite noted. "This easily has to be the biggest flop that the Forefathers ever had. Not only have you cost them quite a few of their numbers, but you had shown yourselves to the world... now, everypony will come to know the name Forefathers..."

"Oh, shut up..." Solomon snarled.

"And what would your leader say?" Elite asked, "Surely a stallion such as 'Father' would had never gone for such a destructive show of force. I am sure he won't be pleased at your failure..." He gave a snide grin, "Be grateful that you are in prison, or else, you would have to watch your back..."

"Like you can talk. You think the Forefathers have forgotten about you, Elite?" Solomon sneered. "Far from it. Now that your personal attack dog is good and gone for good this time, we will make sure you pay for your transgressions against us. I will personally make sure of that..."

"Thanks for the warning..." Elite scoffed, "But I think I will be fine. After all, I had been playing this game way before you probably heard the name 'Forefathers'."

"You think you can hold me, you and your pious tyrant masterminds?" Solomon spat. "Just you wait. My comrades will come and break me out. They won't leave one of their most powerful members to rot in this dungeon. Then, once I've formulated a new plan, I will finally bring this den of so-called 'nobility' to its knees!"

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Solomon." Elite sneered. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to."

Elite departed from the dungeon.

"Go ahead, leave." Solomon sneered. "I'll be sure that we see each other again soon enough. And then you'll be sorry..."

A short while later, Elite arrived at his quarters. He sat down at his desk, and filled in some paperwork regarding the attack. Moments into his work, Call entered the room.

"You wanted to see me, Director?" Call asked.

"Ah, yes, please come in." Elite nodded.

Call sat down, and Elite sat across from him.

"So what is this about?" Call asked. "The guy that got me didn't say much. Is everything alright?"

"Oh, yes... I just wanted to talk." Elite declared.

"About what?" Call frowned.

"Nothing much." Elite shrugged. "Just about what went down at the town square during the whole incident with the crazy crossbowpony..."

Call growled.

"Oh, say no more..." He snarled. "It was all that little buck Dull's fault!

"Dull? What did he do?" Elite asked.

"What did he do?!" Call spat. "I had a clear shot at that terrorist, but at the last moment, that puny piece of crap shoved me! Shoved a superior officer! The sheer audacity!"

"Oh, I am aware of what Dull did." Elite nodded. "Normally I would agree with you... but the thing is... " He gave Call a cold glare. "You didn't have a clear shot."

"...Say what?" Call gaped.

"I have already spoken with Dull, and he said some disconcerting things." Elite revealed. "He said that you were about to shoot the terrorist right through his hostage, who I might remind you was Dove, Fletcher's wife. Said that you got the idea from that one Die Herd movie. Is this true?"

"Well, yes..." Call said nervously, causing Elite to frown at him. "But you gotta understand! That lunatic had a whole bunch of ponies at his mercy. If we didn't do anything, more ponies were gonna die. None of us could get a clean shot at him, so I went with shooting the guy through the girl." Elite frowned deeper. "But it wasn't going to kill her! I had it aimed right where it would clip through her and kill or at least severely injure the bucker to save everypony. Worst-case scenario, she would have to wear a sling for a while."

"...Call, were you aware that Dove was pregnant?" Elite asked.

"Huh? What does that have to do with anything?" Call frowned.

"Call, a Royal Guard's duty is to the ponies they serve, first and foremost." Elite reminded him. "Even if the situation was dire, even if ponies' lives were at risk, we cannot simply throw our morals out the window just so peace can be restored."

"...You're kiddin' me, right?" Call sneered. "That S.O.B. was going to kill ponies, and you're mad at me for nearly shooting through a pregnant mare just to stop him?"

"If you had taken that shot, if Dull hadn't stop you, the madpony might had been stopped, yes... but Dove would had been hurt... and surely, the trauma from getting shot could had easily cause her to miscarriage, costing her her foal." Elite declared.

"...So?" Call snorted. "She's married to the Captain, some glorified pretty-boy! It's not like she can't make more!"

"You're missing the point." Elite growled. "The Royal Guard is supposed to be a group that the public can trust. You think they would have taken it well that a Royal Guard was willing to shoot one of them, let alone a pregnant mare, just so they could bring down some madpony? You nearly destroyed the ponies' trust in the Royal Guard with your actions!"

"Oh, for buck's sake, it was only one pony!" Call sneered. "For the lives of many ponies living in this city! Maybe it was wrong, but those buckers can get over it! Their lives would had been saved, thanks to us. What's one pony's life anyway?"

"...More than you know." Elite sighed, turning away.

"Look, it doesn't even matter." Call shrugged. "You and the Captain came in and stopped him anyway. No use crying about it now."

"Really? Then how about you explain how you came to be acquaintances with Solomon Thunder?" Elite asked suddenly.

"...Who?" Call frowned.

"Solomon Thunder." Elite repeated. "You know, that pony who was throwing lightning bolts everywhere. The one who orchestrated this entire mess."

"What makes you think I know him?" Call asked. "Do I look like the guy who works with terrorists?"

"I don't know." Elite shook his head. "It's just that Shade told me that Solomon told a guard 'that was full of himself' that he was the Western Shade..."

Call was about to say something... only to realize that he was the guard Elite was talking about... and everything clicked.

"Uh... I can explain..." He said awkwardly.

"Explain? I think it's pretty clear." Elite said flatly. "You were so desperate to show up the Captain and Lieutenant that you would take tips from a madpony."

"Hey, I had no idea that he was going to destroy Canterlot!" Call protested. "Besides, his tip help me bring in forty one thieves! And honestly, Shade should be rotting with them!"

"Don't even start that up again." Elite frowned. "Let's focus on why you would even consort with him!"

"Why?! WHY?! Because you wouldn't even give me the time of day!" Call roared. "You were obsessed with the Captain and the Lieutenant and I was not getting anywhere in the trials with them. I just wanted to be the ONLY pony you would consider for this job. ME, not some pretty boy from Norhay, or some buckin' dipwad from Bitaly!"

"Dammit, Call..." Elite sighed. "You know, I really tried to like you."

"What?" Call glared.

"I mean you were one of the best guards in the regiment." Elite replied. "Skilled, determined, cunning... but at the same time, I saw that you were arrogant, show disregard for guards you deem unworthy, and just a asshole. However, I would had easily overlook all of that if not for one thing."

"Oh, and what is that?" Call asked.

"...Your utter disregard for pony life." Elite answered. "When I asked you that question about storming that enemy stronghold, you said that you would send a small group to wear them down, sacrificing them so you could finish them off yourself..."

"Seriously? That is a valid strategy!" Call growled.

"No, the valid strategy is to have a small group distract them... not send them to their death!" Elite countered.

"Oh, same difference!" Call snorted.

"Same difference?!" Elite scowled. "Is that what you think? That the lives of ponies are disposable?"

"What, no-" Call started.

"That as long as you reach your goal, the ends justify the means?" Elite cut him off.

"It's not that simple-" Call said, flustered.

"That collateral damage means nothing?" Elite pressed.

"That's not what I-" Call declared, growing indignant.

"That you're pefectly willing to achieve victory at any cost?" Elite glared. "Even if the cost is innocent li-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Call suddenly exploded.

Elite's eyebrows perked, a bit shocked by his outburst. Call let out a pant as he glared hatefully at him.

"Twenty-eight years..." He said quietly.

"Beg pardon?" Elite frowned.

"Twenty-eight years. That is how long I've been a Royal Guard." Call revealed. "That is how long I have suffered, serving this city full of fatuous fat cats! Back when I was a Royal Guard, the job actually meant something, that we were truly heroes... but nowadays, we have spineless rookies, crazy criminals, and ponies that aren't even from this country joining in! And you want to know the worst part? Twenty-eight years on this job, and I am still a lowly Sargeant! And day by day, I keep getting passed over by ponies who hadn't even seen the field of battle! It's so bucked up that a criminal like Caboose could become Lieutenant, and Fletcher, who hadn't been to Equestria before then, got to become Captain! While I, the guy who has done nothing but serve this stupid town and country for so long, got nothing! I deserve that position! I deserve to be above all those others! I've got it coming to me, no matter what soft-hearted fools like you think."

For a moment, Elite was silent with shock. Then he spoke.

"I'm disappointed in you, Call." Elite sighed. "I really thought you were better than this."

"I am better than this!" Call snarled, "Better than the criminals, better than those buckin' excuses for Guards, better than the Captain, and sure as hell better than the Lieutenant! In fact, I am honestly the best Guard you have right here! Yet you won't see that!"

"The point of being a Royal Guard is to serve the pon-"

"Oh, enough with that bullcrap!" Call snarled. "The point of being a Royal Guard is to stand above the rabble, and punish criminal scum! Dull Blade is an utter weakling, an insult to our proud tradition. And Shade is just another criminal scumbag, to be taken in with as much force as possible!"

"And that's the difference between you and them." Elite glared, "They possess more moral fiber within their hooves then you have in your whole body... and it's just sad, that you have such a disregard for the fellow pony."

"Look, the fact remains that I deserve that position." Call growled. "I'm not encumbered by weakness, like Ulysses or Blade, and I'm certainly not a fool like Napoleon."

"By that as it may, I'm afraid I have to deny you that position." Elite retorted.

"What?!" Call spluttered. "But... you can't..."

"I can, and I am." Elite declared, "I need a pony that I can trust not to pull what you almost did that day, and you're not that pony."

"But I deserve it!" Call growled, slamming his hooves into the desk. "You can't do this to me!"

"I think that I can." Elite frowned, "And I would watch my tone. It is one thing to mouth off to a Prince, but it's whole 'nother thing to mouth off to the Director."

"Oh, you think you are so high and mighty, huh?!" Call snarled, as he then gave a snide chuckle, "Well, I believe you might want to reconsider your decision."

"And why would I do that?" Elite asked.

"Because I know 'he' is alive." Call sneered.

"'He'?" Elite frowned, "'He' who?"

"I think you know who." Call growled.

"No, I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about." Elite declared.

"Playing dumb, eh?" Call snorted. "Fine, be that way. But I know your dirty little secret. I have a few friends in the RDL, and you wouldn't believe the things they say when drunk,you imagine my surprise when I heard that you had been hiding a certain somepony from the world. And the rest of the world will hear of it too, if you don't play ball and give me the position."

"Really? This is what it comes to?" Blackmailing?" Elite scowled, "Don't tell me you're that low."

"You left me no choice... sir." Call frowned. "I am sick of being denied what I deserved. And I won't go another day as a lowly Sargeant! Not when there is a position I am far better suited for! And I'll be damned to Tartarus if I let a hypocritical, soft-hearted old fool like you stand in my way."

"Well, I must commend you." Elite admitted, "It seems that I underestimate the security of confidental information within the RDL, for somepony like you to weasel information out of some of our men... heck, I'm surprised you managed to keep your mouth shut about 'him' for so long."

"It was a bit of a last resort." Call huffed, "I didn't think I would have to use it. Maybe if you were a bit more cooperative, maybe I wouldn't had to do this."

"Hmph, not bad." Elite admitted, "But not good enough, I'm afraid. Lest you forget, I am the Royal Defense Legion's director. And you are a Sargeant that isn't really well-liked by a lot of ponies, especially royalty. It's your words against mine, and I will deny this harder than a Cragadile's nards."

"But of your fellow sold-"

"You silly goose..." Elite chuckled. "You think I would just tell ponies about you know who and just expect them to keep it a secret? Oh no. I thought ahead. Every single RDL member I had ever told up to this point were all made to swear to silence should anypony ask them about 'him'. And unlike you, these ponies could be trusted... so yeah..."

"...Clever, old stallion." Call scowled, knowing his trump card had been rendered useless.

"Normally, I would send you on your way, but now, I see how much of an... issue... you could be, in spite of the lack of evidence." Elite frowned, "While I believe you're not fit for the position of the RDL general, I do believe you would fit nicely in the Royal Guard outpost near the border of Yakistan..."

Call Duty grimaced.

"It's not all bad. The pay is slightly better, the mountain air will do wonders for your constitution, and there is a lovely commute... once you get over how cold it gets every night and all the yelling yaks, I think you would be right at home... how does that sound?"

Call's face hardened, but there was defeat in his eyes.

"Not bad, sir. Not bad." He sighed, bowing his head.

"Very good." Elite nodded, as he called forth some Guards. "Guards, please escort Mr. Duty out of here. He needs to prepare to take a trip."

The two Guards, hiding the elation of not having to deal with Call, led the defeated stallion away. Not long after that, Fletcher was brought in. His snout was bandaged from his previous injury.

"You wished to see me, sir?" He asked.

"Yes, my friend." Elite nodded. "I'm happy to announce that you are to be given the position of General."

"Me, sir?" Fletcher gaped. "But I thought-"

"So did I." Elite sighed. "But I misjudged you, letting the incident with Shade color my judgment to the facts. And right now, there is no doubt in my mind that you are the right stallion for the job."

Fletcher smiled for a moment... then his face fell.

"With all due respects sir, I'm going to have to decline." He announced.

"I beg your pardon?" Elite frowned.

"The truth is, I didn't get to where I am in the trials on my own merits." Fletcher noted. "Lieutenant Caboose had been intentionally holding back the whole time, so I wouldn't have any real competition."

"I am already aware of that." Elite nodded. "Caboose told me, and I'm okay with it."

"But I'm not." Fletcher retorted. "After everything that's happened, I've realized that my life is perfect just the way it is. I don't want to change a thing."

"I see." Elite mused. "Thank you for your honesty, Captain."

"I hope you're not too disappointed." Fletcher declared. "I know you still need a new General..."

"Oh, I still have some options." Elite smiled. "Thank you for your time, Captain."

"My pleasure, sir." Fletcher saluted, before leaving.

Once outside, Fletcher headed to the barracks, where Caboose was polishing his armor.

"Hey." Fletcher said quietly.

"Hi." Caboose smiled.

"Look, about what happened before..." Fletcher sighed. "I'm sorry I said those things to you."

"Hey, I'm sorry, too." Caboose shrugged. "I'm the one who put in that position. Y'know, the whole cover-up thing."

"I shouldn't have lost my temper, though." Fletcher declared. "It's just..."

"I know the job was important to you." Caboose declared.

Not as important as our friendship." Fletcher declared. "Though there was a reason I wanted it so badly... you see, Dove and I... are having a foal."

"Yeah, I know." Caboose nodded.

"You do?!" Fletcher gaped. "SInce when?"

"Since Dove told Daring, who told me." Caboose chuckled. "Congrats, bud. You'll be a great dad."

"I hope so." Fletcher smiled. "...Do you suppose I look to you for pointers? You do seem to have the fatherhood thing down pat..."

"Anytime, pal." Caboose tapped him on the shoulder. "Just say the word."

"Thanks, Caboose." Fletcher grinned. "I don't know how I came to deserve a friend like you."

"Don't sell yourself short." Caboose chuckled. "You're a great guy. And I'm proud to be your friend."

"Right back at you." Fletcher beamed. "Now, ready to go on patrol."

"You know it." Caboose nodded.

The two of them left the barracks side-by-side, their friendship fully restored.

Back in the dungeon, Solomon was still stewing, at the same time impatient over a supposed rescue.

"What's taking them so long?" He muttered. "Don't they know who I am?! I'm been leading that organization for how long?!"

Outside, the shadow of a stallion made its way through the halls, its owner somehow managing to evade the notice of the Guards. The stallion's destination was clear, as was his purpose...

Suddenly, Solomon heard the door to his cell open.

"Oh, it's about damn tim-" Solomon growled, as he turned to the door... only to find it still closed. "Huh? What the f-"

"You should watch your language, Solomon..."

Solomon's blood froze. The voice was low and growling, like gravel in a cement mixer, or a particularly gutteral dragon. He'd know that voice anywhere...

It took all his nerves to turn towards the origin of the voice... and indeed, standing in the same pale white cloak that covered his whole body and whose face was shrouded in blackness, was Father, the leader of the Forefathers...

"F-father..." Solomon stammered, as he tried to give a bow. "...M-my apologies. I-I wasn't aware you would be the one to free me..."

"Calm yourself, my son..." Father soothed him, "Fear does not suit you, Solomon."

"I'm sorry." Solomon nodded... before frowning. "But... not that I am grateful, but why are you here? I was expecting one of the agents to come and rescue me from this dump."

"Well, you see, Solomon..." Father gave a small shrug. "I decided to take a lovely stroll around Infinity the other day. In spite of all the snow and blustery winds, I found it to be a lovely day... but imagine my surprise... when I heard many of our agents talking of how Project: Titanfall had begun, and that you and your fellow comrades had taken one of Loveless's inventions and went on to invade Canterlot..."

"Um..." Solomon could sense what was coming next.

"Now, how could that be?" Father falsely pondered. "I had been living for many centuries, so my memories might be a bit hazy... but I do recall explicitly that I forbid any further development of Project: Titanfall. Yet, if the state of which the city of Canterlot is in is any suggestion... the Project has been seeing 'a lot' of development..."

"Well, you see, the thing is..." Solomon started, before being cut off.

"What more... I also heard that you had issuing orders under my name, orders that I have no recollections of ever giving to you to pass out." The Father mused, his voice remaining bereft of any emotion... but for some reason, Solomon could sense he was not happy.

"If you would just give me a moment to explain..." Solomon said nervously.

"Silence." Father cut him off, his voice growing a bit cold, "For months, you have been going behind my back, acting as if you were the leader of this organization, as if you were 'me'... did you honestly believe that I wouldn't had found out? Have you forgotten that my powers had me omniscient? Nothing happens within the organization that I do not now about... yet you had openly defied me by proceeding with Titanfall... and I must say..." He let out a sigh, "I am very disappointed."

"B-but, sir..." Solomon spluttered, "I know I might had taken a few liberties, but it was all for you... I was only trying to make it known your will."

"My will?" Venom was in Father's voice, "My will was to change Equestria, to bring about a new age of peace and prosperity, an age of order, and tolerance, where one pony species is not held above the others, but all stand on equal footing... now tell me, how does spreading mindless destruction and murdering dozens of ponies in any sense 'my will'?"

"Well, it's not quite like that..." Solomon cringed.

"Do not lie to me, boy..." Father growled, "You were not doing this for the sake of our great mission... you were only doing it for yourself. And because of your selfish acts, many innocent ponies are dead, not just them, but some of our own."

"Innocent?!" Solomon snapped. "Hold on a moment! Those fatheaded snobs had it coming. They deserved it! You know what they done to me!"

"That I do..." Father frowned, "But that is why I ordered to cease Project: Titanfall. Because I knew you would stop at nothing to destroy them. I had thought that you would obey my wishes... but it seems I was wrong, and that was my mistake."

"Like hell it is!" Solomon roared, "Your mistake was denying me! When I joined the Forefathers, you promised me 'eternal vengeance'! Yet, fifteen years later, when I had came forward with the plan to destroy the nobles, you just said no!"

"Because your project wasn't going to do a thing to change Equestria." Father declared, "All it was unnecessary bloodshed and wanton destruction. The Forefathers' purpose is to make Equesrtia a better place, not by violence, but through peaceful means."

"There you go again..." Solomon shook his head, "You know, I wouldn't have had to go behind your back if you weren't so soft! You always prattle on about making Equestria a better place, but I actually did something!"

"Oh yes, and by doing so, you had cost an abundant of ponies their lives, wreak havoc in a wondrous city, and exposed the Forefathers' name to all of Equestria." Father countered, "All just to resolve a petty grudge."

"They deserved to burn..." Solomon snarled. "And you know it."

"I do know." Father sighed. "When I found you all those years ago, I had sensed that you wanted revenge, and whom you wanted revenge against. I have not forgotten my promise to you... but it was my intention that you would achieve it when we had succeeded in our great mission, and the world was a better place... but no... because your bloodlust for vengeance, it will become more difficult to carry out our missions with our tainted name... you had made a fool of yourself and of us all."

"You buckin' piece of..." Solomon growled, throwing out all formalities. "I acted because you were doing nothing! While you were hiding in your room, I was actually doing something! I was trying to change Equestria for the better. Not you. Me!"

"Such arrogance..." Father shook his head, "I am so ashamed of you. I expected so much better from you..."

"From me?" Solomon sneered. "I expected better from you. You've been leading this organisation for years, and you're never really accomplished anything. Why is that, I wonder?"

"Perhaps because of reckless operatives like you?" Father glared. "Your actions have cost this organization dearly, and you have the gall to say such things? You're no better than Nalik or Black Thorn..."

"I'm no better?!" Solomon gaped. "You mean to say that I am no better than the pony that was going to sic a Deity on us and the umbrum who was just as full of himself?! Have you forgotten all that I had done for this organization"

"Of course not." Father shook his head, "And that's what hurts the most. That you would do such a thing... even Sterling didn't hurt me as much as you did."

"Don't you dare mention that traitor!" Solomon spat. "I knew letting him back into the fold was a bad idea, but nopony listened to me! And now, he's gone AWOL again! Whose fault is that, my great leader?"

"You forget that it was not by my hooves that Sterling had come back to us." Father declared. "It was because of Scalphunter that Sterling had that mirror, and it was Loveless that had decided to grant him a second chance. I simply obliged my old friend... after all, everypony deserves a second chance..."

"And guess how that turned out, huh?" Solomon sneered.

"I may be your leader, Solomon, but I do not control all your actions." Father sagely remarked, "I allow my followers to make their own decisions, of their own free will. If I hadn't, we probably wouldn't be here right now..."

"Maybe if you had been more willing to use force, we wouldn't be here right now!" Solomon roared. "What is the point of all the power the Forefathers possess if we don't use it to take what we want?"

"Because I don't wish to rule Equestria with an iron hoof." Father shook his head, "I could never expect somepony like you to understand, but power alone is not enough to change Equestria. You only to look at what happened here in Canterlot."

"And you are supposed to be our leader..." Solomon retorted contemptuously. "This is exactly why I felt the need to take over, because I knew you were too weak and soft to do what needs to be done. And to think this entire organization and that old piece of crap Elite fears you... you're nothing but a load of horse-GAK!"

Solomon felt his throat being squeezed, gripping his neck, as Father had raised a hoof, as it began glowing.

"That is quite enough." Father said fiercely. "I apologize if the way I lead this organization is not to your liking, Solomon, but I am 'Father' and I will not tolerate such disrespect."

Father lowered his hoof, as the grip on Solomon's throat released, Solomon taking in mouthful of air.

"I believe that I am done here..." Father nodded, as he made to turn away.

"Wait... what do you mean?" Solomon asked.

"I'm sorry, Solomon... but I did not come here to free you of your prison." Father declared. "You had willingly defied me, been speaking in my name, and had shown me that you are far too dangerous to be outside these four walls, let alone as a part of the Forefathers... which is why I am relieving you of your duties, both as an Ouroboros and a Forefather."

"W-what?" Solomon was dumbfounded. "F-father, you can't be serious... you can't do that..."

"I can and I will." Father declared. "In spite of the questionable characters I had associated with, you are by far one of the most awful ponies I had ever seen... and it hurts that I once called you one of my sons..."

"NO!" Solomon snarled. "You can't do this to me! I am what kept the Forefathers going all these years! I was the brains behind all our major operations, the mastermind of the Ouroboros. Those other fools will be lost without me. The Forefathers need me now more than ever!"

"I think we will do just fine." Father shook his head. "It will be a long road to recovery, but I believe that with time, we will stand stronger than ever... it is a shame that I cannot say the same about you..."

Solomon was about to ask what he meant, when suddenly, he felt his horn sparking, as it was charging up a spell. But due to the magic-canceling ring, there was no outlet for the spell to come out (as it was intended), it only caused his head to ache.

"GAH!" Solomon grasped his head. "What the... I didn't-OH!"

Normally, when prisoner Unicorns tried to cast magic through the rings, it would only result in them getting a headache, and they would know better than to try again... however, Solomon's horn just kept trying to cast a spell, adding more pain...

"What's... going... on..." Solomon groaned, as the sparks from his horn was blinding him and his head hurting severly. "What are ... you doing..."

"I am doing what must be done." Father replied, something glinting from within the hood of his cloak. "Indeed, your powers are far greater than the average Unicorn... but after seeing the display you made in Canterlot, your power to bend the lightning is far too dangerous to be left in the hooves of a stallion like you. I am doing only the responsible thing and putting the end to your threat... once and for all."

"Gahh..." Solomon groaned, the electricity building within his horn, the headache worsening, and his horn began to sizzle.

"You say that I am too soft, that I am weak?" Father asked. "A soft and weak father would allow his disobedient children to speak to him like you did without some form of punishment... and while I do not enjoy it, I will not tolerate your misbehavior. So, I will be taking away the one thing you cherish most..."

"No..." Solomon realized what he meant, as his horn was shaking violently, trying to overpower the ring. "No... please, Father, anything but that..."

"I'm sorry, son, but you brought this on yourself..." Father sighed.

"No... please, I'm sorry..." Solomon pleaded, his eyes close to tearing up, "Don't... please, don't... I'll do anything..."

"I'm afraid it's too late for that." Father sadly remarked. "Far too late..."

"No... GAH!" Solomon clutched his head, as the magic and electricity within Solomon's horn continued to build. His headache was growing so severe that his nose began to bleed, and the horn began pulsing... till in a flash of light...



Just like that, Solomon's horn exploded, his magic-canceling ring flying off. Solomon fell to the floor, his body trembling from the pain he had endured.

Solomon himself was besides himself with shock, unable to move or speak, only making small whimpers.

"I am truly sorry that it had to come to this, Solomon..." Father sighed. "This had hurt me just as much as it has hurt you..."

The now-hornless Unicorn was unable to comprehend what happened. It was common knowledge that when a Unicorn breaks his horn, that while it impaired their magical capabilities, they could grow back with time... however, in cases like Solomon, if they were to lose most of their horns, that was it. They would be destined to spend the rest of their life unable to cast magic.

"Well, the time has come for me to take my leave." Father walked towards the door. "The Forefathers will no longer be in contact with you, and you will no longer be contact with them. Normally, ponies who are expelled from the Forefathers would be killed... but I do believe that there was once a time that we had a wondrous relationship... and that is why you are still alive..."

Solomon's ears perked, as the broken Unicorn glanced up at Father, his face soon contorted in agonized rage.

"FRAAAAA....!!" Solomon screamed unintelligibly.

"Farewell, Solomon..." Father sighed as he then disappeared, right in front of him.

"...AHHHHHH!!" Solomon finished his scream.

The next day, everypony unaware of what transpired in that jail cell, Shade laid down on the grass outside the castle. Big Red and his family had left for Dodge Junction, with them promising to keep in touch with each other.

"Be sure ta drop by fer the boys' adoption day." Big Red smiled.

"i wouldn't miss it." Shade nodded.

"You'd better not." Eclipse joked.

"Trust me, you haven't lived until you've tried Cherry Mareachino pie." Globe grinned.

"Maybe I'll help you hook up with some of the ladies over there." Huckleberry added.

As for his mother, she ended up returning home. Her remaining treatments were becoming more and more effective. In fact, she was almost in the clear. With his cousin and the other royals overlooking the construction of the city, Shade had some time to contemplate by his lonesome.

For the first time in a long time, Shade had no defining goals. With his mother well again and the FIfty Thieves disbanded, he had no idea as to what to do. It was probable that everypony knew that he is... or rather, was the 'Western Shade' and son of Black Knight, making it extremely unlikely that he would find employment anywhere.

Then again, despite how dangerous his life was previously, he wasn't content with going back to a mundane job and living the rest of his life in normalcy. He had loved the thrill and challenge of being a thief. It had given him a grand sense of adventure. But now all that was over. While Shade didn't exactly relish the prospect of becoming a delivery pony again, he still needed to bring in money for him and his mother, regardless of the mudane work he'd have to perform for it.

As Shade mulled over the possibilities, he was joined by an unexpected figure.

"Hello, Shade." Elite smiled.

"Hey." Shade turned. "...Elite, right?"

"Correct." Elite nodded. "It's been quite a few days for you, hasn't it?"

"You can say that again." Shade snorted. "This was the first time I had the chance to relax after everything that went down..." He then gazed at him, "What about you? I figured you would had picked the right guy for the General job you had opened by now."

"I ran into a bit of a roadblock, but I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle." Elite shrugged, "However, you look like you have a lot on your mind... care to talk about it?"

"It's nothing really..." Shade sighed, "It's just... with all of my boys dead or in jail, and mom getting better, I really don't know what to do do now. I doubt there's a place for a washed-out thief and son to the guy that almost took over Equestria."

"Ah, yes." Elite nodded. "Being the son of Black Knight Paladin is quite a family legacy. Then again, I already knew that..."

"Hold on? What is that supposed to mean?" Shade asked.

"Shade..." Elite began. "From the very moment that I first laid eyes on you that day in the barracks... I knew without a doubt that you were Black Knight's son."

"...Wait, seriously?" Shade gaped, "But how?"

"Your father and I went way back, my boy." Elite smiled. "What his brother had in skill, enthuisiasm, and honor, your father made up for in spades with strength, resolve, and this sense of justice about him. No matter what it cost him, he only wanted the best for the country and for the ones he loved... I could see all of that in your eyes, just as I saw them in his..."

"Wow... really?" Shade gave a small smile.

"Well, that and you do take after him in the looks department." Elite chuckled.

"Ah-huh..." Shade frowned, "But wait, if you knew about me the whole time, then why didn't you arrest me then and there?"

"Because I knew, like Prince Shine, that there was more to you than a simple thief." Elite smiled. "That you could be as great as your father once was..."

"My father... the one who razed a village of innocent ponies and Changelings and nearly took over Equestria." Shade deadpanned.

"I said your father was great. Not perfect." Elite shook his head. "In spite of those glaring flaws, Black believed in a greater future for Equestria. But alas, I couldn't simply say anything. After all, you know how the others reacted when they learned that you were Black's son. Even now, Black is sort of a sensitive subject."

"...Well, I guess that makes sense." Shade shrugged. "Did you really hold my father in such high regards... even after all that he has done?"

"...Of course." Elite nodded, "No matter the crimes he had done, it is the story that defines the stallion, not particular moments."

"Yeah... too bad his story ended on a sour note." Shade sighed. "And as for me, my own story is drawing blanks."

"Not necessarily..." Elite mused, "You do recall that offer about joining the Royal Guards, do you?"

"Seriously?" Shade frowned. "I appreciate the sentiment and all, but after the scene I made at the party, I wouldn't be doing you guys any favors..."

"Of that I am aware." Elite nodded, "And you would be correct... because you could be doing us much better. Surely, you might have heard of a certain Director still looking for somepony to fill in the position of Royal Defense Legion General..."

"Hold on..." Shade gaped, "You want... you want me to become General of the RDL? Me? You're kiddin', right?"

"Oh, I am quite serious, my boy." Elite declared, "And what I've seen and heard about you is any indication, there is no doubt in my mind that you possess the strength, honor, and nobility that is asked of for such a position..."

"But I can't be a General..." Shade protested. "I don't know a thing about how an army works!"

"You would be a special case, yes." Elite admitted, "But with your finesse and skills you had gained in your time as a thief would faciliate the learning process quite nicely. After all, you are already a cut above most Royal Guards in term of combat and strategy..."

"But that's just it... I'm a thief." Shade frowned, "A low-down dirty thief from a dirt town in the middle of nowhere. I was never really meant for anything big. Then there's the whole thing I have against nobility. And let's not get into how I let pretty much the entire Royal Guard down. I can't imagine what those guys must think of me..."

"...Who do you think gave me the idea to ask you in the first place?" Elite smiled.

"...Say huh?" Shade asked.

"You see, before I came to you, I had ran the prospect of you becoming the new RDL General by everypony in the Royal Guard, including the Captain and Lieutenant, and everypony was on board the idea." Elite smiled.

"Really?" Shade murmured, touched, "Even after what I did?"

"To be honest, some weren't so keen on the idea at first, but after explaining the deal with your mother, and a brilliant voice of support from newly-made Corporal Dull Blade, they all changed their tune." Elite smirked. "Shade, you are a strong, compassionate and noble stallion. You value life, and stand up for those in need. Those traits make you perfect General material."

"You really think that I could pull it off?" Shade mused.

"But of course. With skills such as yours, you could ensure that tragedies such as the one Solomon tried to incite never comes to pass. It might be difficult at first, but you had managed to take charge and pacify an entire band of bloodthristy thieves, and lead them for fifteen years. A couple armies of Equestria's finest shouldn't be much different..." Elite shrugged.

Shade's ears drooped at the mention of the Thieves.

"You mean the band of bloodthristy thieves that is either in jail or dead because of me..." Shade murmured.

"What happened to the Thieves were not your fault." Elite assured him. "Solomon tricked you all into doing his bidding. There was nothing you could had done..."

"It doesn't change the fact that I watched my seven closest friends die in front of me." Shade sighed. "Daggers, Knots, Girth, Jump, Spin, and Twist, and..." He then gave a pout. "Crap, I never learned the Chineighse stallion's name..." He then went back to a sad frown. "And I'll probably never will...

"I wouldn't be too sure of that." Elite smirked.

"What are you talking about?" Shade glanced at Elite in confusion.

"You see, after what happened with the Forefathers, I had some of my subordinates retrace the steps of the spider's path from Canterlot to the cliffsides not far from it. While we were not able to learn much about the Forefathers, we found something interesting. There was a spot where cannons presumably fired upon, if I am to assume, where your friends were 'killed'..."

"Yeah, and?" Shade nodded.

"Well, we didn't find much of anything. And that was strange. There was no blood or gore splattered around the blast radius... and then they saw that there was a cliff right behind said blast radius... there, we had a hunch." Elite mused. "While it wasn't likely, they was a few cases that ponies survived falling off of that cliffside..."

"Wait... you mean they're...?" Shade asked hopefully.

"Indeed." Elite smiled, "We found seven stallions. They were pretty banged up and needed heavy medical attention, but I believe they will all pull through with time."

"Unbelievable..." Shade was besides himself with joy. "They're okay... It's like a miracle. I'm so glad they're alive... Thinking they were dead because of me was the worst feeling. But now, just knowing they're still around makes me so happy..."

"I am happy that you are happy..." Elite smiled, "Maybe this might be enough to convince you to take on the mantle of General, Shade?"

"Well..." Shade said, still unsure. "Maybe I could... But still, it's a big switch..."

"Think of it as a new beginning." Elite declared, "A chance to start anew. A opportunity to bring glory back to Black's name... what do you say?"

"I think I would really like that." Shade nodded. "But what of my friends? I feel that if I do this, I'd be leaving them behind to deal with the mess of having ever followed me."

"Well, while I cannot do much for the forty one Thieves that Call had brought in, I believe I might be able to pull a few strings for those seven stallions friends of yours. Not only will you begin anew, but so will they, all with clean slates... but we will need to find a place for them to stay."

"Thanks so much." Shade nodded. "Really. And I believe I have an idea about where they can stay..."

"Excellent." Elite smiled. "Then we have a deal."

"We sure do." Shade grinned.

"Then welcome to the RDL... General Paladin." Elite held out his hoof.

"Glad to be a aboard." Shade shook Elite's hoof.

A couple more days later, the wounded Thieves had a new home: School Belle's house. After hearing that her boy would be joining the RDL as General, Belle was surprised, but at the same time incredibly proud. And while she wasn't too thrilled at the prospect of taking in former criminals, she knew how much they meant to him, so she agreed to take them in.

Much to her surprise, the seven Thieves were not as bad as she thought. While they were rather rowdy and a bit vulgar (as expected of bandits), they clearly knew that she was their former leader's mother, and they afforded her both kindness and respect most unusual for thieves.

All in all, the living arrangement was working just fine, and with Shade leaving soon, she wouldn't have to live all by her lonesome.

"Good morning, boys." Belle smiled, as she entered Shade's former bedroom one morning, now populated by the seven Thieves, most of them in sleeping bags, and with various injuries. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, miss Belle." Girth nodded, one of his legs in a sling. "Like a potato."

"Good." Belle nodded. "Now, wash up. Breakfast's in ten minutes."

"Of course." Flying Daggers nodded, a bandage over his left eye. "And thank you for taking us in. We really appreciate it."

"Any friend of my boy is a friend of mine." Belle declared. "Why, you're practically family."

"Thanks." Knot smiled, one hoof in a cast. "Nice to feel welcome for a change..."

"We owe you a debt of honor that can never be repaid." The Chineighse stallion (donning a neck brace) declared.

"Oh, hush." Belle beamed. "Doing the right thing comes naturally. There's no debt here, Jab."

"Wait, that's your name?" Knots frowned. "'Jab'?"

"I coulda sworn it was 'Chop Suey'." Girth shrugged.

"Or 'Hi-ya." Jump (who wore a brace for his jaw) added.

"Or 'Dragon Kick'." Leap (who also wore a bandage over his eye) declared.

"Or 'Mr Miyokie'!" Spin inadvertently yelled, his ears having been injured from the blast.

"Of course you did." Jab pouted. "You never bothered to learn my name."

"Well, you tended to keep to yourself." Knots shrugged. "Never gave us many opportunities to talk between heists..."

"Okay, that's enough." Belle rolled her eyes. "You can talk more about names at breakfast. Now go and wash up."

"Yes, miss Belle." The former Thieves chorused.

"Wonderful." Belle grinned. "First one down gets extra wheatcakes."

"Oh boy!" Girth pushed past his comrades. "Me first!"

"Boys will be boys..." Belle chuckled.

A few days later, after a small celebration was held in Shade's honor, Shade prepared for his departure for an airship port outside Canterlot, where he would take to fly over to Saddle Arabia to begin his training for the RDL. Shine, Belle, and the others gathered to see him off.

"Well, I guess this is it." Shade shrugged. "From one dusty place to another."

"Saddle Arabia isn't so bad once you get used to the sand." Elite smiled, having been there to see him off with the others.

"I know... I just never though that my life would be going in this direction." Shade gave a small smile.

"If it's all the same, I didn't see our meeting back in the desert leading up to this." Shine smiled. "In spite of the lying, the double-crossing, the giant spider, and the stallion that tried to fry you... I'm glad that it did."

"So am I." Shade grinned. "Meeting you changed everything, Shine. All of you. I can't thank you enough."

"You can just be careful out there, Shade." Celestia declared. "I know how hard it can be out there. But as long as you uphold the traditions of your new position, you should be fine."

"Don't you worry, Celestia." Shade smiled, "I won't let you down."

"I know you won't, Shade." Celestia smiled back.

"I always knew you'd leave the nest eventually." Belle sniffed. "But going so far away... don't forget to write your mother, okay?"

"I'll write every day." Shade promised.

"And I'll send plenty of care packages." Belle chuckled. "With your favorite peanut butter sandwiches."

"Thanks, mom." Shade grinned. "I promise I'll make you proud."

"You always did, son." Belle hugged him. "If only your father could have seen this..."

"I'm sure he'd be proud." Shine declared.

"Good luck, Shade." Miracle told him.

"Thanks, squirt." Shade chuckled.

Mist, Blue, and Tempest joined them.

"Good luck out there." Mist declared.

"I'll keep a nice bottle of Tambelon '86 behind the bar if you ever drop by." Blue added.

"Thanks, guys." Shade smiled.

"Shade." Tempest held up a hoof.

"I'll miss you, little guy." Shade grinned, placing his hoof Tempest's.

"Bye..." Tempest hugged his hoof.

"We're family." Mist declared. "We'll always be together, no matter how far we're apart."

"Thanks, Mist." Shade smiled. "Well, I guess I'd better be off."

Shade boarded the carriage that would take him to the airship port.

"Bye, guys." He waved. "See you around."

"Soon, I hope." Miracle waved back.

"You better believe it." Shade chuckled.

The others waved as the carriage carried Shade away.

"There goes a fine future General." Shine smiled.

"On that I definitely agree." Celestia beamed. "You were right about him all along."

"But I didn't think I was that right." Shine admitted.

"Don't get too used to it, though." Celestia joked.

"Because more often than not, you're right." Shine nuzzled her.

"I wasn't going to say it." Celestia chuckled. "Now, let's all head inside for lunch... Belle, you're welcome to join us."

"Thank you very much." Belle smiled.

"It's the least we can do, after the fine job you did raising Shade." Shine declared.

"Oh, I just did the groundwork." Belle said humbly. "He did the rest himself..."

"And such excellent work, too..." Celestia added.

Most of the group returned to the insides of the castle. Soon, it was just Elite standing outside, watching where the carriage had left, feeling quite proud of himself.

"Well, old timer." He grinned. "You wanted the best, and you got it. Nopony can ever say you don't have an eye for talent..."

Suddenly, he felt a buzzing in his cloak,as Elite pulled out a small crystal-speared sphere. With a tap, it opened up as he then spoke into it.

"Director Everest here." Elite declared.

"How are things looking over there?" A rough voice asked.

"Well, I just saw off our new RDL General." Elite smiled. "He is on his way to Saddle Arabia as we speak."

"Good to hear and all, but what about our little recruitment program? Have you any luck in finding new blood for our team over there?" The rough voice questioned.

"As it just so happens, Mr. Xaldin, I found not one, but two." Elite smirked. "These two stallions have shown me a lot in these past few days, and I truly believe they will make a great addition."

"I hope so. It will be nice to work with somepony else other than 'him'. Where is he anyways?" 'Mr. Xaldin' asked. "He left as soon as we heard the Forefathers' plan was stopped."

"He had some personal business to attend to here in Canterlot." Elite declared. "In fact, I will be introducing our two new recruits to him."

"Whoa, are you sure that's a good idea?" Mr. Xaldin frowned. "We don't even know if they will go for it, especially if they know who he is."

"It's a chance I'm willing to take." Elite nodded firmly. "But while we're on the subject, there is another possible recruit I would like you to check into..."

Far out into the plains, in the middle of nowhere, Big Red and Cherry Jubilee were both making their way back from a rather big cherry delivery, as ponies pulled their carriage across the dusty landscape.

"My, what a surprising few days it's been." Cherry declared.

"Ain't that the truth, darlin'?" Big Red nodded. "Black had a kid this whole time..."

"Makes me wonder if they are any more surprises he left us..." Cherry mused.

Just then, Big Red noticed a stallion wandering aimlessly. The stallion was wearing a hooded brown raincoat, and from the looks of it, had been walking for some time.

"Hold on, stop the carriage." Big Red ordered.

The carriage did as such, as they stopped right aside the stallion in a hooded raincoat.

"Red, what are you doing?" Cherry asked.

"The charitable thing, a'course." BIg Red shrugged as he poked his head out of the carriage, glancing at the hooded stallion, who wasn't bothering to face them, but stopped as soon as they did.

"Howdy, stranger." Big Red smiled. "Ya look like ya could use a lift."

"I'm good, thanks." The stallion declared.

"Really?" Big Red frowned. "'Cause it looks like yer in the middle of nowhere, an' you ain't sure where ta go."

"Very observant." The stallion nodded. "But I know where to go... as far away as equinely possible."

"Well, Ah don't know how far we can take ya, but does Dodge Junction sound okay?" Big Red asked. "Me and mah wife lived there."

"It's fine." The stallion shook his head. "You don't have to-"

"Like fun ah don't." Big Red interrupted. "The thing is, it's a long walk no matter where ya goin' and ya look like ya've been walkin' fer days. It ain't in mah nature ta leave some poor lost stalliion to wander out in the wilderness. Either ya hop aboard, or Ah'll drag ya in mahself. What's it gonna be, pardner?"

"Well, I guess it couldn't hurt." The stallion shrugged. "My hooves are killing me anyways."

"Red, are you sure we should pick this stallion up?" Cherry frowned. "I have a bad feeling about this..."

"Oh, relax, Cherry. Ah'm sure he's harmless." Big Red smirked, as he then opened the door and let the stallion aboard. "Welcome aboard, pardner."

"I appreciate the offer." The stallion smiled, as he climbed aboard.

"So... ya gotta name, stranger?" Big Red asked.

The stallion lowered his hood, revealing his blonde mane and blue-eyed face to the couple.

"Sterling." He declared.

"Well, pleased ta meet ya, Sterling." Big Red smiled. "Ah'm Big Red. An' this is mah wife, Cherry."

"Charmed, I'm sure." Cherry said flatly.

"Ma'am." Sterling nodded. "Thanks for having me."

"Well, one must strive to do the right thing." Cherry admitted.

"Yeah..." Sterling turned away, looking out into the horizon. "Not always easy, though..."

"Not much of a conversationalist, is he?" Cherry frowned.

"Some ponies are introverted like that." Big Red shrugged. "Now, off ta Dodge Junction!"

'The further from Canterlot, the better...' Sterling thought, as the cart moved onwards.

A couple of days later, Fletcher and Caboose found themselves called in for a meeting with Elite in his quarters, who to their surprise was still in Canterlot.

"Good morning, fellows." Elite smiled. "I trust you're well?"

"Well, I've got this itch on my-" Caboose started.

"We're both fine." Fletcher smiled. "But I have to ask, why are you still here?"

"Yeah, I mean, we don't mind talkin' to you, but you already found the guy for the General job." Caboose frowned.

"Well, I have been doing a lot of thinking lately." Elite revealed. "And after much deliberation, I decided that I might have a couple of positions to offer you."

"Really?" Caboose frowned. "I thought there was only one General position."

"There is." Elite nodded. "This is for something else entirely. Caboose, remember when I ask you about working in the private sector?"

"Um, yeah..." Caboose nodded, "But then we were interrupted, and I was left wondering what a private sector is."

"To put it simply, I have a unique opportunity to offer you." Elite declared, "I was initially going to offer only you the spot, but since Fletcher had kindly declined the General position, I believe there might be room for the two of you."

"Room for what?" Fletcher asked.

"A special task squad that I had been trying to put together for many years. A team comprised of some of the best there is..." Elite revealed.

"...The Avengers?" Caboose asked.

"Nope." Elite declared.

"...The Justice League?" Caboose asked again.

"Not them either." Elite shook his head.

"...Teen Titans, The Minutemen, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, or Legends of Tomorrow? Any of them?" Caboose questioned.

"No, this is a entirely 'original' team." Elite chuckled. "It's still pretty small, but I believe you two would make excellent additions to the team. He turned to Caboose. "Your improvisational skills and devotion to your comrades." He then turned to Fletcher. "Your determination and sense of righteousness. The two of you could bring all that and more to the team. If you're interested, that is."

"I must confess, I'm intrigued." Fletcher nodded.

"Me too." Caboose smiled. "I'm sure it's a well thought-out team, based on way more than twelve percent of a plan. I'd love to see the other eighty-eight percent..."

"I'm glad to hear it." Elite smiled.

"But who else will be on this squad?" Fletcher asked. "You said it was small."

"It is. As of right now, I only have two members in this task force. One of them is a former mercernary that recently taken down a conspiracy concerning Nightcrawlers, and the other... well, he is very important..."

"Very important how?" Caboose asked.

"...You see, gentlestallions." Elite frowned as he glanced away. "A long time ago, I made a few decisions that had ruined many lives... but there is one that just ruined one... there was this stallion I met a long time ago that had the qualifications much like yours... but in seeking his help, I had to have him sacrifice everything he know and loved. His way of life, his reputation, his family, everything..."

"Why would you do that, sir?" Fletcher frowned.

"More importantly, who are you talking about?" Caboose asked.

"You will see soon enough." Elite declared. "Captain, Lieutenant, I would like you to meet an old friend and trusted colleague of mine..." He then turned to a oddly shadowed part of the room. "Come on out..."

Red hooves made their ways out of the shadows, as both Caboose and Fletcher's face went from confusion to complete and utter shock.

Standing before them, not in a dream, nor dead in the ground, was none other than Black Knight Paladin.

"What in Faust's buck?" Caboose gaped.

"This... this can't be..." Fletcher shook his head.

"Hello, Caboose... Fletcher..." Black nodded. "I heard quite a lot about you two." He then smiled. "Looks like us three might be working together. Exciting, isn't it?"

Fletcher and Caboose just stared in shock, trying to voice their reactions...

"Look at them." Elite grinned. "They're so thrilled they can't even speak..."

Caboose and Fletcher slowly turned to Elite, still dumbfounded by what they were seeing.

"I believe some explanation is in order." Elite declared.

The End...?

Comments ( 12 )

I'm so glad that Shade survived. Also, the ending was something I did not expect.

No. Way. :pinkiegasp:

Oh wait, I knew that all along. Oooh, something floaty! La lala lala.:pinkiehappy:

This is getting more intresting by the minute

WHAT!!!!!! My mind is officially blown! Metaphorically speaking.

I knew it that shade will become the general

i doubt that we see the last of Call Duty, he will still cause troubles

well this has been a good story

Nice ending
You got me when caboose said, "advengers"

Guardians of the Galaxy reference.

7342277 but, there's one thing that bothers me though, how the heck did Black come back to life?!

7427202 That secret will be revealed in "The Ghost Of Me."

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