• Published 31st Oct 2015
  • 2,841 Views, 21 Comments

Nyx's Nightmare Night Revenge - Yukito

Nyx plots revenge on Diamond Tiara during Nightmare Night

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Nyx's Nightmare Night Revenge

Nightmare Night. The second-most wonderful time of the year to some, next to Hearth's Warming, but for one little filly in Ponyville, this particular season held the coveted golden medal, for it was the one time of the year where she was free to get revenge on her arch-nemesis with no negative repercussions from her mother, so long as she kept it a mere 'harmless prank'.

For Nyx, this particular time of year filled her with glee. Ponies who no longer feared or hated her asked her to be in their plays, strangers gave out free candy, and Nyx could finally give Diamond Tiara her comeuppance for all of the dung she had put her through, without the spoiled little rich filly being able to hide behind their teacher or Mr. Rich.

And what method of revenge did mischievous little Nyx have in store for Diamond Tiara? Only the thing that every foal her age feared and abhorred the most: cooties. Particularly, cooties that come from a kiss on the cheek.

True, it is typically the colts that fear such a dreadful plague, but Nyx was Nightmare Moon, and a dork, so it would have the same effect on Diamond Tiara.

Nyx was skipping through the town in her costume of Queen Chrysalis. Twilight had objected, but it allowed Nyx to walk around with her wings out in the open, without any fear of outsiders noticing them.

Nyx stopped as she had found her prey. Ahead of her was Diamond Tiara, waiting just outside of Sugarcube Corner, wearing a Princess Cadance costume. Her horn and her wings looked good, despite obviously being fake. The best money could buy, for sure. The cutie mark, though, was nothing more than a couple of crude crayon drawings on some torn sheets of paper, sellotaped to Diamond's flanks.

Nyx licked her lips and went in for the kill. "Oh, Diamooooooond!"

Diamond Tiara winced and snapped her head towards Nyx. "Oh no…"

Nyx ran towards Diamond Tiara, who ran away in response. "Diamond, waaaaaaait!"

"Get away from me!" Diamond Tiara shouted as she ran like the wind, knocking over any foals unfortunate enough to cross her path.

"I just wanna give you somethiiiiiiing!"

"I don't want it! And stop talking like that, Freak!"

Nyx giggled. For once, she had the upper hoof on Diamond Tiara, and Diamond could not escape. Not so long as tonight was a prank free-for-all night!

Diamond Tiara ducked into an alley and dived behind some boxes, trying to stifle her breathing. "I-I think I… lost her…"

Diamond Tiara turned her head to the side, finding Nyx standing over and smiling at her. "Nope."

"AHHHHHH!" Diamond Tiara ran out of the alleyway, crossing the street and storming into Bon Bon's store. She glanced outside and found no signs of Nyx. Breathing a sigh of relief, Diamond Tiara approached the pick-and-mix section and looked at the selection when, suddenly, Nyx's head popped out of the unnamed colourful candy shells containing chocolate.


"STOP IT!" Diamond Tiara yelled as she ran out of the store, crossing the street again and approaching Derpy's home. "I need somewhere to lie low!" she told the mailmare.

Derpy, dressed as Santa Claus, simply nodded her head and opened the door. "Happy Hearths Warming, Diamond Tiara!"

"… Wrong season, Derpy."

Derpy looked down at the ground and frowned. "Awww…"

Diamond Tiara ran inside and made for Dinky's bedroom. Diamond's family was so rich that, chances were, she probably owned it, anyway. "… Wow, this is small." Diamond Tiara heard a knock coming from the door behind her, and bolted towards the closet, opening it to hide as she had no means of fighting back.

Inside, Nyx's lips were puckered and her forelegs outstretched. Diamond slammed the door on Nyx's face and jumped out of the window, thankful that the house only had one story and that the window was open.

Diamond Tiara ran through the alleyways between many houses and stopped for a rest at the river that passed through the town. Ripples came from the water that made Diamond Tiara gasped. Slowly, something black began to emerge, followed by purple hair as the water around it turned green. Nyx rose from the water, covered in leaves and dripping from her head. "Ew."

Nyx looked down at the green water and sighed. "I know I should have used magic, instead of actual dye." Nyx heard the sounds of Diamond Tiara running away and looked up, smirking as she climbed out of the water. "The chase is still on, though."

Silver Spoon, dressed as Shining Armor for… reasons, was waiting for Diamond Tiara outside of Sugarcube Corner. Quite impatiently, at that. If she had a watch she would be checking it. She heard screaming and looked down the street, finding Diamond Tiara racing towards her. "Typical. Why do we even bother arranging a time to meet up if you just-"

"INSIDE!" Diamond Tiara yelled as she grabbed her friend and ran into Sugarcube Corner, making her way up the stairs and into Pinkie Pie's room. "BOLT THE DOORS! GRAB A WEAPON! KEEP HER AWAY FROM MEEEEE-"

Silver Spoon shoved a hoof into Diamond's muzzle to stifle her voice. "Calm down!" she said, and waited for Diamond to comply before removing her hoof. "Now, what's going on?"

"Nyx is trying to kiss me!"

"… I feel I need context."

"She tried this last year, too!" Diamond Tiara explained. "Last Nightmare Night, she chased me all around the town trying to kiss me!"

Silver Spoon nodded her head. "So that explains why I couldn't find you last year. But why is she trying to-"

"You've gotta keep her away from me! She's, like, Nightmare Moon! And she's friends with Apple Bloom! That's, like, twice the loser germs!"

Silver Spoon adjusted her glasses. "That answers that question."

Diamond Taira put her hooves on Silver Spoon's shoulders and asked, "What do we do? You're smart, so smart up a solution!"

"While I'm flattered and accept the compliment, there's only one thing you can do."


"Go out there."


"And show her that it doesn't bother you."

"… Silver Spoon, how many times has Applejack told that to Apple Bloom and it never worked?"

"Yes, but Nyx isn't a professional like you and me."

"'You and I'."

"No, mine's right. Anyway, Nyx is only doing this because, for once, she's got the advantage over you. And the more you show that it bothers you, the more it fuels her fire. You can only end this by showing her that it doesn't bother you."

"But it does bother me!"

"I got that." Silver Spoon sighed and shook her head. "Look, it's simple. You go out there, take one kiss, show it doesn't bother you, and then you move on."

Diamond Tiara gagged. "Let her kiss me?"

"It'll only be one time, and then you'll be free forever."

"Uggggghhhhh… Why does your solution suuuuuuck?"

"Medicine never tastes good, but it's got to be done."

"… I suppose you're right. Fiiiiiiiiine." Taking in a deep breath, Diamond Tiara opened the door and left Pinkie Pie's bedroom with Silver Spoon. The two descended down through Sugarcube Corner, passing Pinkie Pie on the way.

"Were you two just in my room?" Pinkie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Sharing is caring," Diamond Tiara reminded her.

"… When you're right, you're right!" Pinkie Pie skipped merrily on her way.

The two fillies left Sugarcube Corner and found Nyx waiting for them outside. "Well well. Looks like I've finally got you cornered."

Diamond Tiara said nothing. She simply stared into Nyx's eyes from afar and gulped. Slowly, she began to step forwards, much to Nyx's confusion. Soon, she was face-to-face with Nyx, and neither one moved for a few seconds.

"Uh…" Diamond Tiara silence Nyx's mouth with a kiss.

Silver Spoon gasped and simply stared in shock. Diamond Tiara ended the kiss and turned around to face her. "Well, let's go. We've got plenty of houses to hit."

"Uh…" Nyx could only stand still as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon passed her by.

"Well, that was… unexpected, "Silver Spoon said. "When I said to accept your kiss, I meant on the cheek or something!"

Diamond Tiara blushed and turned her head to the side. "H-Hey, I have to be sure, you know?! Besides, it worked."

"Still, that was pretty hardcore. You sure it'll be fine to just leave it like that?"

Diamond Tiara scoffed. "Puh-lease. What's the worst that could possibly happen?"

The following morning, the Rich manor received a visitor, asking to speak to Diamond Tiara. As Diamond Tiara descended the stairs, her ears fell as her eyes fell upon the regal figure of Nyx's 'mother', Twilight Sparkle.

"Good morning, Diamond Tiara," Twilight said, her eyes narrowed as she watched the filly walking down the stairway. Nyx was to her side, shuffling about nervously. "Not good enough for her," she whispered under her breath.

"I-I'm sorry?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Oh, nothing!" Twilight said, putting on the best smile that she could muster. "I just wanted to pop because Nyx told me about what happened last night!" Twilight opened her saddlebag and pulled out a huge stack of papers. "I'm happy for the two of you, but before you go on any further, I felt it only right that I go over the principles of practising safe sex!"

And on that day, Diamond Tiara discovered that there were horrors far beyond the dreaded cooties.

Nightmare Night was over for many, but the two little fillies, the screams of terror rang on.

Comments ( 20 )

Derpy, dressed as Santa Claus, simply nodded her head and opened the door. "Happy Hearths Warming, Diamond Tiara!"
"… Wrong season, Derpy."

Considering when the episode aired, perfectly understandable. :D

And that ending, perfect. :D Unexpected, but damned funny.

Silver Spoon, dressed as Shining Armor for… reasons, was waiting for Diamond Tiara outside of Sugarcube Corner.

The reasons being "because she wants the D(T)", I guess :scootangel:


Oh, the 'horrors' of youth...

I can't even because spoilers. But dat was hardcore. Also, awesome costumes. Shame Derpy forgot Hearthwarming was LAST week. :P

Of course... we know Spoiled Rich puts Diamond Tiara through torment as is.

6587973 "Diamond Tiara! You need to be building connections with important ponies, why are you wasting time with common ruffians like that mother-daughter pair of alicorn princesses?"


Is Spoiled Rich THAT INSANE?

To be fair to Twilight, kids nowadays seem to be a bit more... sex crazed than when we were growing up. Good job, Twilight!

One of the funniest thing I read in a while. :rainbowlaugh:

6588600 Spoiled Rich would be delight that her daughter make it into royalty. Now we need a sequel where DT is pressured into marriage by Twilight and her mother. :pinkiehappy:

6588619 She does not seem exactly intelligent. I mean, the CMC are already taking personal lessons from an alicorn princess, and younger siblings with national heroes/local pillars of the community, and she doesn't want her daughter hanging around them because they don't have cutie marks, which sounds to me like the pony equivalent of being afraid of cooties. This isn't a morality question, it's a very basic intelligence test that she fails. So I just figured I'd take it to the logical extreme.

6588971 Or we could go with your approach, which would be even funnier. :twilightangry2:

Uhhhhh.... Okay?

OMG!!! I'm laughing so hard! This was hilarious :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Either Twilight doesn't get it or she gets it all too well and this is her way of punishing Diamond and Nyx for not even trying to get on with each other!

6591758 Well, there's about 3 others if you haven't read those yet: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/209196/folder/47181/1/canon

but Nyx was Nightmare Moon, and a dork


her costume of Queen Chrysalis.

interesting choice of costume.

'reads ending' OH GOD hahahahahaha now that's funny.

Oh celestia,this was so funny xDD


Are you sure in using british variation of spelling?

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