• Published 13th Oct 2015
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Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Hope for the Harmonic Stewards

"Twilight?" Rainbow spun around. All of her friends were gone, completely replaced by a pristine marble room with flickering torches and breeze-blown curtains. She spat: "Twilight! Pinkie Pie! Flutt—" With gnashing teeth, she spun around. "What did you do with my friends?!"

"Relax, my little pony," the voice echoed, bodiless. "The spirits that accompany you are safe. It's only you who've disappeared, so to speak."

"I don't get it! Where in the hay are we—?!" Just then, a pale figure trotted through, Rainbow Dash in a flicker of lavender light. Rainbow watched as a majestic pale alicorn strolled across the marble balcony, bathed in starlight. "...Whitemane?"

With motherly grace, the mare in question strolled past several marble pillars before coming to a stop before a bed of velvet pillows. She stood in silence, gazing at a petite blue figure, slumbering peacefully.

"Tell me, Austraeoh," Whitemane murmured in a voice long forgotten, a voice sounding like bells and birdsong. "What is it that you see, child?"

Rainbow's lips pursed.

"Ah... I see that Verdestone still stands."

"...?" Rainbow spun about.

The Mountain Matron stood beside her, only—she was no longer an emaciated alicorn. A metallic blue coat shone in the Emeraldine starlight, complemented by a flowing mane of midnight black silk. Strong, healthy wings stretched outward as the alicorn inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"After all these years, she's kept her ambitions in check, protected the mortals of our kingdom. Father would be proud." She swallowed a lump down her throat. "As would her mother, I suppose..."

"You..." Rainbow blinked rapidly. "...you knew Whitemane?"

"All too well. Not a day goes by when I'm not taunted by the faintest aura of her youth... her vigor... her biting optimism. But this? This is the strongest I've felt her presence in centuries." She looked down at Rainbow Dash, violet eyes piercing. "She has blessed you greatly, Austraeoh."

Rainbow gulped. "Whitemane's spell has... g-gotten me and my friends through quite a few scraps. But..." She squinted at the lengths of Verdestone's lofty palace around them. "...every time I think that her magic has completely and utterly faded, stuff like this keeps getting dug up to surprise me."

"An alicorn's magic never fades, my little pony," the Mountain Matron explained. "Even if the original vessel does." She tilted her head back up, horn glowing. "For instance..."

FW-FW-FW-FWOOSH! Rainbow winced as the scene around them dissolved. She and the alicorn were thrown several continents and daybreaks away. At last, upon a dark dimming sphere, they both landed within the crumbling remains of a besieged throne room.

"Luna, I will not fight you!" Princess Celestia's voice boomed. "You must lower the moon! It is your duty!"

Rainbow spun, gasping.

"Luna?!" A dark spectre of a mare stood across from her sister, engulfed in black and wearing polished blue armor. "I am Nightmare Moon! I have but one royal duty now..." Rearing her hooves, she launched a beam of black magic at her sibling. "To destroy you!"

Rainbow Dash winced as the spell shot through her. She turned to see Princess Celestia dodging the blast, then fleeing through a hole in the palace ceiling.

"And where do you think you're going?!" Nightmare Moon soared upwards. Against a starry canvas, she pursued her sister, lighting up the bleak countryside with errant blasts of mana as the two fought a desperate battle above the Everfree canopy.

"Holy c-cow..." Rainbow slurred, squinting at the dramatic clash.

"Her betrayal was catastrophic."

"...?" Rainbow looked over.

The Mountain Matron stood at her side, calmly watching the dueling sisters. "Not since Tchern's treachery had the stewards of this land suffered such a calamitous setback. It was the last straw for the race of alicornia. My father, Onyxxus, would have lived longer—perhaps—if the celestial siblings hadn't poisoned their harmonic duties with their needless squabbling."

"I..." Rainbow grimaced. "I-I don't even know what to say."

"And you needn't try. I knew that there was a change to the sun and moon in the last few years. I felt it in my bones—weak as they may be." She turned to gaze at the pegasus. Their ears twitched to the sound of exploding spells, followed by Celestia's agonized sobs. "But now I know for certain—from the power of your attachment to the Lunar Princess—that Nightmare Moon is indeed no more. The Princess of the Night has returned to her core self. It pleases me greatly to know that the heart of the Light Side is being watched over."

"Yeah, well..." Rainbow Dash gulped. "No thanks to me."

The alicorn raised her eyebrow.

Rainbow hung her head. "If I hadn't screwed things up big time in Equestria... Celestia wouldn't have her hooves full like she does to this day."

"Interesting that you say that." The Mountain Matron waved a hoof.

FW-FW-FW-FWOOSH! The centuries peeled back. Millennia dissolved in a blink. Once the colors stopped spinning, they streaked to a stop, and a tiny alicorn with a rippling pink mane stood upon an enormous terrestrial shelf overlooking a bleak wasteland.

"Those flashes of light!" The filly pointed, her jaw agape. "Are those what I think they are, Mother?"

A glowing equine figure trotted to a stop. "Yes, my child." The aura about her dimmed, revealing a gold face of immaculate beauty and wisdom. Above the two, several winged figures sliced the dark sky, spreading warmth and light from horizon to horizon. "Those are the focus points for our spells. The leylines of this plane intersect most elaborately, forming dense webs that are prime for harmonic channeling."

"It's... it's almost like someone put them there, mother."

"That is correct."

"But who?"

The radiant mare shook her head. "We do not know, Celestia. In time, you will have the power to find out for yourself. As for right now, we must oversee the manifestation of this spell. It is the only way to properly bring light and warmth to the forsaken denizens of this realm."

"But... what of the other side, mother?" The filly looked up, muzzle agape. Her pale wingtips fluttered. "Won't they be needing light as well?"

"Even with all the magic at our disposal, we cannot maintain harmony on both sides of the plane. You may be immortal, my little pony, but even you—like the rest of us—have your limits. You must remember this, Celestia, and keep your ambitions in check... or else you and all of the stewards to come will lose governance over these precious creatures."

Celestia gulped. "I will do my best to maintain harmony, mother." She stood tall and proud, wings spread. "You have my word."

"Hmmmm..." The mother leaned down to nuzzle her child. "...all I desire is your love. Share it with your mortal kin, sweet Celestia. Maintain peace through friendship and trust, and this plane shall endure. I promise you that."

Celestia suddenly gasped, gazing upwards at a sudden cascade of light. "Mother! Look! The spell!"

"Ah... indeed. The Harmonic Prism is channeling its energy into this realm's leylines." The alicorn pointed. "Now, watch... as your father and his siblings focus it into a self-contained sphere—"


Darkness fell. Rainbow Dash found herself reeling in a forest of dust and detritus.

"Rainbow?" Rarity cocked her head to the side.

"Rainbow Dash?" Twilight and the others floated in front of their anchor. "Are... are you back?"

"Guhhhh..." Rainbow rubbed her head. She muttered into the air, "How... h-how could I contain that memory?"

"Because the Alicorn of the Sun has blessed you as well," the Mountain Matron said. Rainbow and her friends turned to see the alicorn shuffling to a stop along the edge of the chamber. "The last guardians of harmony have granted you the extent of their power. The celestial siblings have enchanted your armor while Whitemane surveyed your spirit and—no doubt—found you fit for the journey ahead. No doubt she had a hoof in the mechanisms that brought you to me, a personal delivery, so to speak." Her violet eyes dimmed as she hung her haggard head. "I... suppose I should be thankful to her. But that would be awfully short-sighted. After all, this moment... this very conversation upon the brink of everything has been set into motion long before our very forebears stumbled upon this plane."

"Rainbow," Twilight leaned in. "Did she just give you a vision?"

"Yeah... kinda sorta..." Rainbow cleared her throat, murmuring. "I think she's Whitemane's sister..."

"Half-sister," the alicorn said, her voice taking on a briefly abrasive tone. "But I am blessed to be related, nonetheless... and it gives me a spark of joy—however brief—to know that she still draws breath from beyond the Plains of Magical Drought."

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. "What's your name?"

"The Mountain Matron, of course." Violet eyes swam her way. "Patron Matriarch to the Wyvern Brethren, Stalwart Guardian to the Angelic Scripts, Immortal Overseer of the Heraldic Seven..."

"Yeah, I get all of that, but... like..." Rainbow leaned forward, along with her spectral companions. "With all due respect, ma'am, what's your name?"

There was the tiniest of twinkles in the alicorn's eye as she gazed towards the slitted windows of the dusty place. "Hmmmm... a long time ago, I went by the title of Princess Mortuana of Emeraldine, daughter of Queen Mesmer and King Onyxxus. That... was several millennia into the past." A shuddering breath. "I remember everything in shadow: nights when sarosians peacefully shared the skies with pegasi, a kingdom full of enormous effigies built by mortal artisans, a continent to the east ruled by harmonic caribou..." She grimaced. "That was several lifetimes ago. I have seen many... many friends die... and my soul dissolved layer by layer with them. But such was my station... my focus, as it befits the name given me upon foaling. Alas, as fate would have it, that name now has come to define me. You see, Austraeoh, this creature you see before you... this pallid shade of 'Mortuana' is dying."

Rainbow blinked. "Dying?"

"And I haven't much time left... which is why we must make haste to ferry you boldly and courageously past the instrument of my demise..." Mortuana's jaw clenched. "...even now as she threatens to sacrifice this very continent that she's deceived for eons."

Rainbow took a deep breath. "Verlax."

"Your destiny and the Divine's are locked together, Austraeoh," Mortuana said. "The fire of Yaerfaerda cannot be quenched with both of you surviving. It is the necessary task of the Herald to make sure that you survive to rekindle the dying flame of this world. In the end, only one spark can transcend beyond."

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