Irony · 3:44pm Dec 5th, 2015
When your neighbor names their dog Cadance, your friend names their dog Luna, and when you laugh, no one has any idea what it is you are laughing about.
“All I need is to know someone who gets a dog and names it Celestia and I’ll have the full set!”
As long as the idea train keeps rolling, I'll keep writing. (It was really hard to get this up to 1000 words in the first place - I certainly wasn't going over. )
Heh, you're definitely at least tied for 'shortest story', and you've got a great start on 'most stories'...
You're just snapping up all those prizes, huh? ^.^
Ermager yus~
Thanks! I've written some more.
It's an interesting read! I'd love to see more!