• Member Since 28th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 24th, 2016


But a day shall arise. When the dark Daedra's lies, will be forever silenced. And Fair Equestira will be free of foul evils maw!

Comments ( 114 )

Believe it or not, this ain't the first story I've read partly written in Dovahzul. That would be Dovahkiin, In Do Laas Ahrk Dinok, Kriid Do Keyye Ahrk Jul, Gein Rahgol Kaaz.

I like this story, looking forward to some more!

Comment posted by miraak deleted Jul 22nd, 2015

Thanks to everyone giving me praise and enjoying my story! I will be posting chapters as soon as I can and you can look forward to another chapter tonight!

lotzu'ul hokoron fen grozah wahl osos joriin vorohah, nuz ko daar lein tol los ven nii los.

Y'know, I'm surprised that Fluttershy isn't more scared of Chris, given that he's a dragon's 'child'.

I like this a lot. Keep it up. I know until next chapter, the main six will attack Chris.

Thank you for the great reviews! After all, it is you all who keep me going!

You will find out soon why Fluttershy is not scared of him!

The rest of the main six will meet him, but they will attack him and all hell will break loose.

i feel the need to point out in the description it says

Mortals who God blessed to be his champions against evil.

but there isnt really a god in the elder scrolls universe just daedras and aedras and the one that gives mortals the power of the dragonborn is called akatosh

6202680 To reply to your comment, this Dragonborn is going to differ slightly. Actually if I told you the truth you would not believe me lol.

6202455 No, but follow the pulsations and you will find evil!

6201481 IF you keep reading, I will keep producing. This story is over 105,000 words long so far and is not even close to done so hang tight!

That scene with the T-Rex? Terrible, no... horrific! Don't get me wrong, the story itself is great! It's just... Chris used the bent will shout, so that means that the T-Rex is being mind controlled, it has lost it's free will.

Thanks everypony, I promise it will onlu get better.

6203407 There is a reason for that, read later chapters to find out.

6203816 I'm really excited for the next chapter my friend. Hope you update very soon.:pinkiehappy:

6204363 I will be posting at least two new chapters tonight. Please continue to leave comments on if you like them or not. Thanks for the support!

6204374 no problem I love your story. I know a good story when I see it. :twilightsmile:

6204404 Oh mb I took it down to edit it. Lol sorry!

6205880 Thank you! I will have more chapters posted tonight.

6205917 I have actually prewrote this story. I have worked on it for 6 months and am not anywhere near done. It has over 105,000 words.

Yes it is. I have wrote my ass off.

Next chapter is up! Sorry I did not get a chance to get the other one, I will edit it tonight and post it tomorrow.

The next chapter is available! Please read it and give me feedback. Thank you everypony!

What language is the synopsis in?

woah, that had so many twists to it. Nice job. Update soon my friend. :twilightsmile:

6210179 I hope to get another chapter tomorrow. Not sure though but I will try!

This really good. Keep it up my friend.:twilightsmile:

6213590 Alright. I plan on having the next chapter soon, but since I have used almost all my prewrote chapters it they may be coming out a little slower. But thank you so much for continuing to support my story!

Damn, that was dark, but Trixie got what she deserved. Great job. Keep it up my friend.:twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Drag0nb0rn196 deleted Jul 25th, 2015
Comment posted by Drag0nb0rn196 deleted Jul 25th, 2015
Comment posted by Drag0nb0rn196 deleted Jul 25th, 2015

6242964 Thanks, just hope people don't start disliking it!

6243036 One thing to be wary is what group your story is in.

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