I'm here for the Ponies...the hot, sexy, delicious Ponies!!! ...And the hot sexy E-Girls too, hehe.
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dammit now I am hungry for pizza
Loved the chapter
Wow that was hot
Oh, Applejack and Spike doing the deed is sexy even if he is a dog right now
Oh, I love Sparity so much
Spike's luck never ceases to run out
excellent job
This was cool
This is still looking great
6046185 Um...if that's got you riled up... you might not wanna read the next pieces of this chapter...
Magnificent job
I dont think hes gonna want to go back i dont think i would but im just slightly heartless like that
Noooo it just cut off dammit i wanna see their reactions
Great chapter
Good job
Unfortunately, this is roundsabout where it cuts off, so, I wanna ask the readers if you want me to just spoil the rest of it for you or if you wanna wait for it to finish, not that I can guarantee that it actually will. I've pretty much run my mojo into the ground at this point, with this fic, heh.
Wait for it to finish. You can spoil if you wish, I don' mind either way.
6073863 Oh. Well, for that, you gotta read the next chapter. As for after that, that's aroundsabout where it breaks.
“…fucked…thoo…deathhhh…and ayeeeliiiikehhhittttthhhhhh…”

6046185 When I saw your avatar, the first thing I thought was: HOLY *
Lol, KO.
I'm sad this ended.... Bt i do still give you 8/10 appuls because you didn't do vinyl. Still really good though.
6058897 I was laughing to hard
Please please please stop making applejack sound like a southern bumpkin, it is painful to read
I know this has being "On Hiatus" for two years, but anyways...
Could you please update the tags? (for example replacing "Princess Luna" for "Vice Principal Luna")
-> I was trying to find again this story using the "proper" tags, of course it filtered it out.