• Published 29th Mar 2015
  • 1,751 Views, 229 Comments

Fuzzy Fluffy Fables - Fuzzyfurvert

A collection of my writings that are too short to post alone or have been posted elsewhere.

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3. "Giggle" Twinkie collab entry

Author's Note:

Written for this collab [which is kinda dead in the water sadly]. Written well over two years ago, but only recently has it seen the light of day.

Oops! My not-so secret love for Twinkie is showing!

Maybe it was something in the air. Maybe is was some sort of psychic connection. Maybe it was the intuition her Granny Pie taught her. Whatever it was that clued her in, Pinkie Pie knew her friend Twilight needed her.

On second thought, it was probably the tears that clued her in.

Of course, Twilight wasn’t crying crying! She only did that when she was super sad. Her eyes looked watery and not in a oh-my-there-sure-is-a-lot-of-pollen-out-today kinda way. Her tail hung lower than usual and her wings slumped a little too. Twilight was upset about something!

Twilight had walked into Sugar Cube Corner a few minutes ago and ordered her favorite combo: a buttery croissant and a chai latte with extra cream. Then she left without even stopping to say hi! Something was really upsetting Twilight!

Pinkie got Mr. Cake to let her off early. He said it was ok, so long as she was back before the dinner rush. She caught up to the purple alicorn about a block away.

“Hey hey Twilight!” Pinkie Pie bounded up next to her friend. “What’s crackalackin’? You look all mopey-wopey.”

Twilight gave her a small forced smile and sighed. “It’s nothing Pinkie, I’m just...not feeling so perky today.”

“If it’s perky you want, I can get you one of Mrs. Cakes’ super coffees.” Pinkie grinned. “That’ll make you PER-key! And keep you awake for like, three days. I had a sip once and I could smell math afterwards!”

“Um...no thanks, Pinkie.” Twilight shook her head. “I don’t need caffeine, I have a latte for that.”

“Well if it’s not caffeine you need, then it looks to me like you could use a friend! I like seeing smiley Twi, not frowny Twi - or crazy Twi, or angry Twi, or mad-with-power Twi, or possessed-with-dark-magic Twi - just regular ol’ smiley Twi.”

Twilight blushed and ducked her head, but not before Pinkie spied a tiny, true smile on her lips. Pinkie leaned in and brushed her shoulder against Twilight’s. “Now there’s a little of the Twilight I like to see!”

Her friend chuckled and looked back up. Her smile was growing already. It wasn’t a big smile, or even a small one really. It was a small smile at best, but it was heartfelt and had plenty of room to grow.

“Hey Pinkie?” Twilight tilted her head slightly. “Would you - if it’s not too much to ask - like to come by the library for a bit? I could use a little company…”

“Would I?” Pinkie giggled and bounced in place. “I’d love to! We can read books together and you can strap me to that machine in the basement and we can eat popcorn and candy and…” Pinkie slowed down and took a deep breath. “Or maybe we can just...you know, hang out and be chill. I can totally be chill!”

Twilight chuckled again in that way that said she was feeling better. “Thanks, Pinkie Pie.” Twilight’s smile grew a teensie bit. “I need that. Maybe we could have a little party later?”

Pinkie nodded. “Yep! It’ll be a totes chill affair with grown-up drinks and those tiny little snacks on a tray. Just what a super smart pony needs at the end of her day to feel relaxed and loved!”

“You’re a good friend, Pinkie.”

The pink pony nodded again and bumped into Twilight’s side as she started walking again. “I am only as good a friend as my friends make me. And you make me be a really good friend, Twilight.”

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