• Published 14th Feb 2015
  • 18,595 Views, 35 Comments

Fall of Equestria: Hearts & Hooves - DocMadfox

It's once again Hearts & Hooves Day in post-Fall Equestria. Meaning it's time for the Crystal Empire's annual parade.

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Comments ( 35 )

5625854 Welcome to what happens when you have less than 24 hours to slap together something for a Holiday.


While it's impressive you hammered this out in less than 24 hours, good lord man. This is a job you just shouldn't have taken. Or at the least asked for an extension.

5626495 Volunteered for it, but yeah I'm not entirely happy with it either.

Well thats one way to celebrate a holiday. One thing that suprised me was the inclusion of Rarity. She is the odd one out as in most storys we never really know where she ends up. A low level street use Mare, a piece of property of the Flim Flam Brothers, and now in this bought by Shining for his pets private maid. But why would Shining go looking for her if not for another reason? Where da White Mares at?

5626760 Rarity's tale is seemingly interesting enough to warrant its own entry... Eventually. (pile of anthro lion bones in corner) ...Hang on, gotta fix my TARDIS. XD

If the description is implying the Crystal Cock is powered by, well, something lewd involving Shining and Cadance, and if this commission was animated in Flash (by another artist more than likely) instead of written in a fic... >83

(Though, I'd imagine non_creepy can't afford one of them for one reason or another. :T )

Because when I think of Valumtimes (TINES! TINES! Tiiiiines!) and ponies, the very first thing I imagine is fascism, misogyny, and a world that will eat itself. Plus a creepy overtone of not knowing where the children will go, especially female ones. It's intrinsic.

Good on you for illustrating what all normal, right-thinking human beings with right-thinking minds imagine. We're all normal mare-hating creatures here, right?

5628940 I'd have thought we'd have established I'm not writing a manifesto or my political beliefs by now, just fetishes.

Fall of Equestria (While I enjoy the setting and love that's it's given me the chance to work with some great artists and writers) is about as accurate to my political beliefs as Fifty Shades of Gray is to healthy BDSM relationships.

Elaborating on that, FoE is not a guide to a system of government or an accurate portrait of BDSM relationships, it's specifically fap material. Continuing to push it as our agenda is your pejorative, but it's a flat out lie. Slander if you want, I'm not running for Office, and if I were it wouldn't be on the Caribou platform.

5627087 He might be able to, I'll bring it up to him.

You really did this in 24 hours? Well done.

It reads well and fits perfectly with the setting.

And the story continues ^.^

So you love it but don't. Makes perfect sense. You aren't into it but you fap to it? That's entirely logical and is the most sensible thing in the world.


5631269 It would seem you didn't listen to a word he said. lol :3

Even if Fifty Shades of Grey isn't a good depiction, it still sold millions of copy and SOME of the girls, especially the young one, REALLY got into it, despite everyone telling it's shit.

But at least Fifty shades of grey doesn't constantly tell in its book that all women are shitstain thay should please your cock.

It doesn't matter if you believe in it or not, the problem is what you guys have become. This isn't just fetishist one shots without consequences. You guys have a group, a tag on DB, you have a canon, and you have characters (that ruins any normal picture they could appear by linking it to this.)

Fuck, often it even sounds like you guys are even proud of this fact, instead of "man, we're a bunch of assholes to go this far to get us off"

THAT'S the problem. That you desesperately try to show that you EXIST. And as such, even if YOU don't agree with all in it, the IDEA sure look like something all of you are really invested in, and that shit became for me the worst thing that ever came of this fandom, and that's coming from someone who dislike hardcore sjws.

That is not even remotely what I said, and now you're just harassing me in an attempt to get a fight from me. You're not getting one, I'm done with you.

So I should be angry there's say, a Scootabuse tag on DB and group on this site because I don't like seeing best filly hurt? Obviously them existing means they're being pushed into my face and I should complain about them by your logic, even though if I ignored them they don't affect my life in any way. Hell I'm not even aware of any of us advertising the existence of FoE, unless you're saying artists and writer's posting their work is advertising it's existence. In which case dropping all pretense of propriety, you can eat a dick before you tell me what I can or can not write. The warnings are there. If you don't like it, don't read them.


Have you tried, not looking at it and blocking the tag on Derpibooru?

'cause you seem awfully salty about not wanting to use a function that the techs at Derpibooru have worked so hard creating to stop people like you from being upset about content while still allowing all sorts of content, good and bad.

You're all welcome to read this before commenting: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/444461/seperation-of-reality-and-fantasy-and-being-an-adult

Because I've been forgetting to say it, thanks. It's always nice to hear people like these things.

Of course I know about the tags, I'm just explaining why you'll still have hate despite the warnings and everything. And comparing this to fifty shades of grey doesn't do it justice, it's more comparable to a Serbian Film.


Then you're explaining things in a very Captain Obvious kinda way.

For one, I'd like to just right now let you know that Fall of Equestria is by far not the worst cancer the fandom has ever produced, there are worse things out there, much much worse.
I am utterly disgusted by things like scat, babycon, sonic OC x pony ships and the like, and find a lot of the Fallout: Equestria spinoff stories and other junk to be despicable (like I've seen some really cringeworthy things come out of the FO:E groups).

While nothing stops me from not liking any of it, it's not in my right to tell people what they can and cannot do, and while I may not like it, there are clearly people who do, which is why the content is produced in the first place.
So instead of going on some holy crusade to go downvote and shitpost on everything I don't like I just block that sort of content and move on with my life without trying to go and guilt trip the people who provide that content with some backwards morality, because its a fight you and I will never win.
No amount of "warnings" is going to stop a dedicated individual or group from producing whatever content it is they deliver, as long as it isn't illegal (which this isn't).

The comparison to Fifty Shades he makes refers more to the FoE groups standpoint in regards to the BSDM culture than the actual portrayal in the series.
Lets be absolutely clear on the fact that FoE is 100% entirely built on rape and lack of consent. This is fact.
They are not defending the actions and events in FoE in a positive manner and as something to be encouraged.
What the series portrays however does not reflect the groups beliefs, and they all agree on that BSDM is all about trust and the consent of all parties involved, and that something like FoE should never be reproduced IRL.

Fifty Shades however goes against the rules of BSDM and misportrays the culture around it immensely, and there are several analyses of the book and movie (which you can find online by google, tumblr or wherever easily) that show just how wrong it actually is (the Gray dude is by definition a stalker and a rapist).
While Fifty Shades also portrays a fantasy, just like FoE, its portrayed differently and in a more familiar and realistic setting, and by being so widespread amongst women of all ages, women who often have no idea what BSDM is about or how it works, ends up giving them the wrong idea of what BSDM is like and the importance of consent and absolute trust in your partner.


In real life rape is terrible. I'm a result of rape and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I hate seeing the stupid ass comments toward female commenters in any thing telling them to 'get raped', threatening them or anything of the like. Because that's reality, that's not fantasy where there are no consequences and you feel ashamed of yourself if you treat real people like this. See, that's a thing you have to learn as an adult, the line where real and fake ends and where you have to begin showing respect to someone for their actions in life, not for what they might do in some fantasy realm they simply enjoy on the side.

Once I saw that bold statement, I immediately facepalmed. Why write something that you resulted from?

>Yikes, not a good formula.

I see what you mean by fantasy and reality but let's put this into perspective. Fantasy in your mind, those sexual pleasures that are this extreme, shouldn't be shared to reality. You're sharing these experiences to the public eye who may have been, like you, possibly affected by rape. That doesn't validate your claim at all. Not to mention that reality and fantasy is sometimes heavily distorted or misinterpreted for some people because they had a disability that morphs these two mediums into one. By reading this story, par example, you're instilling the idea in their mind. The characters don't matter, but the act itself automatically assumes its position (pun).

You ask me if I'm a feminist, I'll let you know I prefer to be egalitarian and let everyone do whatever work they can/want to without me butting into their lives.

That's not what Egalitarianism is about...

Egalitarianism states that you want equality for all, but in order to reach that, you must have a consistent groundwork that helps establish that idea. In this case, you have laws created to help make that construct happen. Some say America is that Egalitarian country, yet it has its own issues...

Lots and lots of issues.

Please, remember we're both adults here at the end of the day that just happen to disagree on the subject of a fictional setting, and if not? Then feel free to fuck off.

Oh, certainly we are adults, but it doesn't matter what stage you're on. You can be in your mind or in reality, but you making the decision to post MLP porn that obviously has no correlation with your own views because it's simply 'fantasy' now makes that 'fantasy' a real creation. You should know that.

>Plus, I only have an on, somewhat off, and preferably on standby. My off switch was stolen by some guy in Egypt. Yikes.


But at least Fifty shades of grey doesn't constantly tell in its book that all women are shitstain thay should please your cock.

You must be here from the SJW brigade.

that's coming from someone who dislike hardcore sjws.

Yep, it's confirmed. SJW has arrived. :trollestia:

Edit: You know what? Nevermind. That's just going in circles.


Once I saw that bold statement, I immediately facepalmed. Why write something that you resulted from?

Because I have a lack of empathy for most fictional characters. Because my ex was into some really, really kinky shit and as we continue to hang out she continues to have a lasting impression. Because trivializing rape in a fictional setting helps me to not wish I was never born. Take your pick.

Fantasy in your mind, those sexual pleasures that are this extreme, shouldn't be shared to reality. You're sharing these experiences to the public eye who may have been, like you, possibly affected by rape. That doesn't validate your claim at all.

Ex from before would like me to add something to this section. Her user name's edited a bit so you guys don't bother her, though she'd likely tear through you if you did.

[8:57:17 PM] Hoshi: Also include that I'm a victim of rape who actually trivializes rape because the less it means to me, the less power the bastard has over me.

So not only have I had to deal with being born to a rapist, but an ex who I'm still close to was raped after we broke up. She's like a sister to me at this point, so needless to say, I don't like the person who did it. I in fact would like nothing more than to hurt the guy who did it. But, continuing staying on your high horse there.

Adding one more thing here to cut the slut shaming off at the pass, while my ex was the one who got me to try rape role play while we were dating, she did NOT 'enjoy' or 'want' it when it happened to her. In her own words she felt empty inside afterwards. That's the difference, rape fantasy requires trust and knowing your partner will stop when it goes to far, real rape is horrible and unforgivable. I was the one she came to after it happened and consoled her for it, I was there when she was crying her eyes out and needed comforting, and I'd be there for her again if I had to.

So needless to say, I get rather pissed off when I see comments claiming I support rape in real life because I write about it. Calming down now, on that note....

Warning: Rape, Mind Control, Public Sex, Humiliation, Slavery, Machine Sex, and Impreg.

Oh hey, it's almost like if you read past that point when you're only going to get angry over these bits, you're looking for an excuse to get angry instead of moving on.

As for people with disorders that cause reality and fantasy to blur, I feel for them, I really do. But go get psychiatric help. I've been to therapy it's no where as bad as you think. Coddling them because you assume they need to be coddle isn't helping, getting them professional help is helping, and no it won't 'cure' them. They're not sick, their brains work differently. If they are getting help already great, but I'm not censoring myself to make it easier on their condition, as much as it sucks to say if my story, or any story, exacerbates the problem they might want to avoid those in favor of others.

That's not what Egalitarianism is about...

Well, I couldn't think of a word, but given I don't feel it's my place to force my way into people's lives unless someone's getting hurt I couldn't think of a fitting ideology.

You can be in your mind or in reality, but you making the decision to post MLP porn that obviously has no correlation with your own views because it's simply 'fantasy' now makes that 'fantasy' a real creation. You should know that.

Oh I fully expect hate for it, that blog post was more an attempt to make hopefully a few of you understand where I'm coming from on this. That being said I fully expect a majority of people to ignore it and continue bashing me. It's not going to stop me from writing this anymore than IDW's going to stop me from writing my take on a possible back story for certain personality-less cloud of angst whose talent was "destruction" and whose cutie mark was "darkness" by doing their take on it.


Because I have a lack of empathy for most fictional characters. Because my ex was into some really, really kinky shit and as we continue to hang out she continues to have a lasting impression. Because trivializing rape in a fictional setting helps me to not wish I was never born. Take your pick.

This could be summed up in one nice little sentence: it is your way to cope with the fact that it happened.

So needless to say, I get rather pissed off when I see comments claiming I support rape in real life because I write about it.

Gah, I'm not saying you support rape! I'm saying you are unintentionally spurring the action because the writing is allowing it to be so. Yes, I understand it is fictional, and yes I understand the whole idea of fetishes triggers fantasy, but going back to my point: some people can't decipher which is true. That's the whole point. By writing this piece, you're reestablishing it without even knowing it, allowing it to continue to exist unintentionally. Not to mention that this goes to all different extremes, hence the triggers.

Oh hey, it's almost like if you read past that point when you're only going to get angry over these bits, you're looking for an excuse to get angry instead of moving on.

Um... I'm not angry? I'm just confused and wanting to understand your POV. If I was angry, I would be like 5633593 or 5631269. Thankfully, I'm a more understanding human being, so I'm open to looking at how people think. Let's see what else you have to say...

Well, I couldn't think of a word, but given I don't feel it's my place to force my way into people's lives unless someone's getting hurt I couldn't think of a fitting ideology.

There isn't really an ideology for that belief. If I had to categorize your belief there, it would be under stoicism. You wait until you think it the event would be beneficial and you know you wouldn't die from it, then you go in and help the person or people who are being hurt.

That being said I fully expect a majority of people to ignore it and continue bashing me. It's not going to stop me from writing this anymore than IDW's going to stop me from writing my take on a possible back story for certain personality-less cloud of angst whose talent was "destruction" and whose cutie mark was "darkness" by doing their take on it.

Glad you have your eyes set on a goal. Suggestion, though?

The language in the blog itself isn't necessary. Telling the viewer to 'fuck off' because they don't agree or see your POV doesn't help your situation. It's like telling someone who is trying to understand you that they're stupid, can't comprehend what you're saying, or fail to realize your cause. By swearing, you lower yourself to an even lower standard.

Just a tip. :P

Anywho, I see why you write this now. As long as you continue to keep yourself separated from that fantasy realm in reality, that you realize my point of distinguishability (new word) between these two mediums, and that you keep your eyes set on becoming a better writer, then by all means continue writing what you like. You have the power to write it, but forewarning you on this: people on this site aren't as open to the idea of FoE. Even though the fetishes are there and that its arousing for those who are triggered by them, the cross could be a bit... devastating if they can't discern the realities.

How many masters had Rarity? She gets passed around, sold and re-sold, like a cheap crappy car or something else that is an analogy...

Who owns Lyra?

5660756 Rarity was originally state owned, however she tried to rise too far and made the wrong people angry with her. The result was her being sent to the dump. Flim and Flam found her there, gussied her up, and sold her to Shining Armor eventually. Cadance sees her as a charity case gone too far, but is beholden to Shiny's whims so she has to deal with it. Doesn't mean Love Butt can't get a little catty with the slave bought to be her 'maid'. As for Lyra I'm not really sure, you should post that in the Ask thread, NCN would probably know.

I'm curious. Have you considered writing a non-canon 'Rise of Equestria' side-story? The story is well-written, but it's making my 'This should be fixed' senses itch and I'm curious if we'll ever have a happy ending. Not demanding, per-say, just curious.

5673099 Not really, no. Not that I don't think that it can be done, I just don't have many ideas for it. I'm personally not against people writing their own Rise fics, as long as they request the use of any OCs involved. It's an interesting concept with a lot of potential. The only ones I'm really against are the "X comes to Equestria and beats up the Caribou" stories that toss out crossovers without thinking it through.

Though there's not ending planned per say. There was a debate on if the Caribou would be victorious when Celestia is broken (I'd argue she already is, surrendering to try and change the Caribou from within only to become the mask) or when Luna is broken. In my opinion it's when Discord is dealt with, which I admit is my thought process due to CBT's non-canon pic of that, and Luna has been broken, which I don't see happening for a long while. Whatever NCN has planned for the ending of FoE though, I'm not privy to it as of yet.


Are you familiar with Chris Claremont? He's a comics writer for Marvel comics. Started in the women's lib era of the 70's, did major work in making females characters more than just one per team tokens who were the weakest most passive members. He also spent a shitload of time with them mind controlled, having villains try to enslave them and it was never just resisted and fought off immediately.

Did a little reading of this one.

Hope someone enjoys!

6363567 Was not expecting this when I saw a new comment on this page, thanks a ton. It was a nice surprise, just sorry I couldn't give you a better story to read. Your voice is awesome by the way.

I read far, far, far worse stories on a regular basis, so don't worry about that. I am glad you enjoyed and thanks for letting me know about the voice, it makes me feel special.

I believe that you have done well in this reading, I hope to hear more like this if you choose to do so.

Wait, so your point is (well, was 3 years ago at least) that it's the responsibility of a random dude on the internet to not write rape content in case someone who has a hard time distinguishing fantasy from reality reads it?

That's... not how writing works. It is not the responsibility of a writer to consider how a mentally ill person reading it will be effected- that's an unreasonable requirement. By analogy, we don't try to prevent DC comics from publishing Batman due to the risk of someone reading and trying to become a vigilante- that would be stupid. And Batman is the protagonist; in FoE, the rape isn't even considered 'the thing the good guys do'.

I'm not familiar with the Fall of Equestria canon: That said, this doesn't read like a story at all, it reads like a series of color picture commissions. "This is who is in the scene, this is what they look like, this is what they are wearing, this is what the area looks like, this is their position, this is what they are doing"-repeat about a dozen times, the end.

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